Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book Page 10

by Janelle Peel

  Around 4 in the morning we decided to call it quits.

  Padding back to my room, I texted Blaze.

  ‘Hey ;)’

  He replied almost instantly, ‘Hey. Have fun?’

  ‘It was pretty awesome.’ I hesitated after I hit send and quickly keyed in another text, ‘Want to come over?’

  ‘Sure,’ he responded.

  As I climbed the last couple stairs, there he was, waiting at my door. He looked even better to my buzzed mind, if that was even possible. His bare feet peeked out from grey pajama bottoms and a black skintight tee.

  Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Drunk texting is dangerous, I thought, and giggled out loud. Dangerous.

  He raised an eyebrow at my giggle, “Something funny, Sora?”

  I hiccuped and giggled again. “No, just happy,” I replied, beaming a huge smile at him as I opened the door and held it for him.

  He smirked, lifting an arm to hold the door, “After you.”

  Chuckling, I preceded him. “So chivalrous.”

  Chapter 6


  He followed the swing of her hips inside the room and closed the door with his heel.

  Raising his brows in question, he asked, “It went well I take it?”

  She swayed at the foot of the bed, reaching out a hand to steady herself on the back of the chair. “Yup,” she hiccuped and twirled around in a circle before falling onto the bed; collapsing in a fit of laughter. “It was so fun.”

  He chuckled at her inebriated state, “Just how much did you drink?”

  Ignoring his question, she patted the bed, “Come sit with me.”

  He paced over, his toes sank into the carpet as he sat. Evidently that wasn’t what she meant. She reached up and tugged on his shoulder, pulling him down to lay back with her, side by side.

  Turning his head toward her, he asked, “Is that vodka on your breath?”

  Smiling at the ceiling she drew out, “Maaaaybe.”

  That explains the inebriation, he thought. Mixing liquor was never a good thing. Hopefully she wouldn’t have a hangover tomorrow.

  Rolling to her side, she faced him; her half-lidded eyes were pale blue, sparkling with inner flecks of light. Her silver, unbound hair fanned out on the bed with the tips tickling his face. Lifting a hand, she traced the stubble on his jaw with her fingers and caused his breath to catch.

  With a quirk of her lips, she pinched his cheek, “Hi, handsome.”

  “Hi back,” he rumbled.

  Playing with the short ends of his hair, her face scrunched up in thought. “Blaze,” she whispered.

  Reaching over, he smoothed the v of her brow with his thumb, “Yes, Love?”

  Her brows dipped again as she stared at him. No, through him. Like she could see into the depths of his mind and pluck the answers she sought.

  Her hand stilled, “Are you… my Mate?”

  The vulnerable tone of her quiet words sent an ache through his chest. He could only hope his answer wouldn’t frighten her. Placing his hand on hers in his hair, he whispered back, “Yes.”

  Her eyes widened at his omission.

  “It doesn’t change anything,” he rushed, “unless you want it to.”

  She rolled onto her back, her hand trailing across his chest with the movement. Staring at the ceiling once more, she addressed him in a soft voice, “Will you stay with me, to sleep I mean?”

  He lifted a hand and tipped her chin toward him. Gazing into her eyes like a man lost at sea, he whispered, “I would do anything for you.”

  Her lips curled in a satisfied smile. Lifting her hips, she rolled down her black cotton leggings. Sitting up, she slowly pulled her shirt over her head. Nodding toward the light, she crawled to the head of the bed, flashing her perfect heart shaped rear outlined in a black lace thong.

  He sat stunned, watching the rise and fall of her pert breasts the matching bra did little to cover as she leaned forward and pulled the blanket up to her waist. A deep purr of appreciation started in the back of his throat.

  Sitting up, he peeled his tee over his head, watching her reaction as his muscles moved.

  With a satisfied smirk, he flashed over and cut the lights before she could see the evidence of his arousal.

  Making his way back to the bed at a human pace, he internally debated, above or below the covers? Deciding to leave the choice to her, he lifted a knee up and climbed onto the king size bed, laying back against the soft pillows.

  A rough tug answered the question for him when she attempted to pull the blanket out from beneath him. Tucking his legs, he lifted the duvet and settled back once more.

  The sound of fabric rustled as she moved closer, grabbing his hand and pulling him to his side, shifting her body into the shelter of his own. Reaching back, she wrangled her hair and twisted it into a loose knot above her head, baring her neck and shoulder. She placed her hand on his and tucked his arm under her breasts, pressing her back against his naked chest.

  He could hear her heart pound for a few moments at their closeness, but as he was still it slowed; her breaths even once more.

  Snuggling closer, he tried to keep his rigid member from pressing against her skin.

  With a soft sigh, she shifted her hips back against him; eliminating his worry.

  He went still, the only separation between their skin was his grey sweats.

  She chuckled softly, “It’s fine, Blaze. Rest with me.”

  Figuring she knew best, he acquiesced and tucked her smaller form closer to his.



  I woke to a deep purring sound in my right ear. Somehow, I had ended up sprawled on Blaze’s chest; our legs intertwined beneath the covers. Gently, I untucked my leg from his and shifted my hips to get up. Immediately, his grip tightened around my shoulders and the purring stopped.

  “Hey, um, I have to pee,” I whispered.

  A rumble of laughter met my ears and he released me.

  Thank Goddess! My bladder ached. I popped up; rushed to the bathroom and closed the door.

  Finishing up my business, I decided to brush the stank of stale alcohol from my breath.

  Padding back into the room, I went to the nightstand for my phone, only it wasn’t there. Instead, my fingers closed around a lightweight box. Feeling my way around for the unlock button, it suddenly flared to life in the darkened room, making my eyes to squint. Cool, I thought, a Galaxy S8. The time read 4PM.

  “Do you like it?” Blaze asked, sitting up in the massive bed.

  “It’s awesome,” I smiled, setting it face down on the table before I crawled back into the bed.

  Burrowing into the duvet, I pushed him back against the pillows. Laying my head on his chest, I wrapped a leg around his firm thigh and tucked my cold toes under his calf. “Hi,” I whispered with my minty breath.

  “Hey,” his deep baritone sounded against my ear.

  The playfulness drained from my voice, “What did Jackson want yesterday?”

  “He was updating me on security.” Sighing, he added, “It seems the Shifter Pack isn’t willing to let you go. They know you’re here and have been sniffing around the perimeter, testing our ward. Mel has been spotted 3 times, along with a Bear and Dingo.”

  In a small voice, I asked, “What do you think they want with me?”

  He tightened his arms around me and answered in a hard tone that brooked no argument, “It doesn’t matter, they can’t have you.”

  I patted his chest with my palm soothingly, “I don’t want to be a burden.”

  He tensed, “Never.”

  I sighed, “I suppose we should get up and practice magic then?”

  “We should, yes, but I am finding it extremely difficult to get out of this bed.”

  I wanted to see his face. Touching my hand to my chest where the well of power resided in my center, I envisioned a ball of light. Lifting my left hand, I pushed my will and lit the tips of my fingers. Slowly an orb grew, flickering in my upturne
d palm. When it was the size of a softball, I willed it to hover near the ceiling while holding tightly to the tether. The sphere slowly rose and hovered 7 feet above us like a mini sun. The center glowed a brilliant white as blue flames danced across its surface. Letting out the breath I was holding, I looked up at him.

  His face was one of awe; while tinted blue like a smurf. I giggled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  I snickered, “You look like a smurf.”

  He shifted onto an elbow and inspected my face with a lifted brow, “As do you.” He tipped his head back to the ceiling, “I wonder, can you make it change colors?”

  Focusing my will once more, the ball slowly turned white, then orange and red. I added the blue back to the edges.

  “It looks like a campfire. So beautiful,” he said. Only he wasn’t looking at the ball.

  Blushing, I laid my head back and watched the flames dance. I willed it to spin, bounce and flatten. Feeling confident that I could forge any shape, I turned it into the bud of a rose. Imagining the perfect red of a bloom as it slowly opened, each petal glowed with flame. The effect was gorgeous. I added a yellow, pink, and white to my magical bouquet.

  With a cracking yawn, I released the tether and the flowers snapped into white sparkling dust, falling toward us like small stars.

  “Are you okay?” he asked in a worried tone.

  “Fine, just a little tired,” I replied around another yawn.

  He chided, “Well you didn’t eat yesterday…”

  Ugh, really? I snarked back, “Well, neither did you.”

  He chuckled, “Touché. I haven’t been able to feed since taking your blood. Even the thought is revolting.”

  The wheels in my head began turning. I was incredibly thirsty, and his blood was delicious. “Are you hungry then? Just how often do you have to feed?”

  With a sigh, he said, “Every 3 or 4 days, usually.”

  I pressed, “So you haven’t eaten since last week, after the bar?” Mentally I tacked on ‘when you attacked me’.

  “Other than yesterday in the courtyard, no.”

  Moving my hand slowly, I placed it on his toned pec. “Um, do you need to feed?” I asked in an unsure voice.

  His voice dropped an octave, “Are you offering?”

  I debated. Could I do this? It seemed so surreal. On one hand, I wanted him to, and on the other I really wanted to taste him again. The thought still kind of grossed me out, though.

  After a moment, I asked, “How exactly does it work? I mean, will what happened yesterday, happen?” Heat pooled low in my belly at the thought.

  Lifting a hand, he palmed my cheek and tilted my face up toward his.

  “We can do anything you want. I won’t ask you for more than you are willing to give.”

  Curious, I asked, “Can you see me?”

  “Yes, we have exceptional night vision. I expect you to as well, eventually.”

  I was pretty sure he meant with more feedings. “Where do you normally feed from?”

  With no emotion in his voice, he stated, “The wrist or neck,” he paused before adding, “the inner thigh is also used.”

  Goddess, the thought of Blaze between my thighs lit my blood on fire. Mine...

  Trying to corral my wayward thoughts, I lifted my hand and offered my wrist.


  As she tilted her wrist toward his face, he couldn’t quite believe what she was doing. This had to be incredibly difficult for her, but he would not refuse her. He hoped he could get her to feed, too.

  Gently, he curled his fingers around the back of her small hand and placed his thumb inside her palm. He let her guide her wrist to his mouth. Dipping his head, he inhaled the heady aroma of her skin. She shivered in response and his teeth dropped down with a snick.

  She froze. In a small voice, she asked, “Will it hurt?”

  “No Love, just a pinch, I promise.” He pressed a kiss to her wrist and waited.

  With a sigh, she nodded.

  Needing no further encouragement, he sank his canines into her supple skin. He paused at her quick intake of breath. After a moment, he retracted his teeth, simultaneously suctioning his lips over the wound. Then he pulled and a tiny moan escaped her.

  Still holding her wrist, he moved them both to sitting, facing one another. He lifted his arm and offered his own wrist to her mouth, watching as she licked her lips. Using her other hand, she gripped his forearm and pressed her nose to his skin and inhaled in short bursts. With a click, her fangs dropped. He pulled again and she sank her fangs into him. She sighed in contentment and withdrew her fangs before fusing her lips to his skin.

  He groaned and his member throbbed at the sight. Her first pull nearly made him come. Just watching her drink from him, making her tiny moans, was incredibly sexy. He took a few more slow sips, waiting until she’d had her fill before he sealed the punctures with his tongue. She tasted like the nectar of the Gods.

  Releasing her wrist, he leaned forward and stroked her cheek with his thumb, “Enough Love.” She tightened her grip in response. Her eyes opened, swirling with starlight. He watched, mesmerized by their beauty.

  Taking her hand, he placed it over his heart and began to purr. Slowly, she lifted her mouth and lathered the wound. Crawling on top of him, she bent her legs to straddle his hips and pressed her warm juncture against him. He groaned audibly as he struggled to control himself.

  She whispered, “Was that okay?”

  “Yes, it seems you’ve already mastered the bloodlust. Remarkable,” he purred.

  “You taste so good.”

  “As do you, Love.”

  The tone of her phone startled them both. Lifting herself, she braced a hand on his chest and rocked her hips against him. With a moaned sigh, she got up.

  He felt bereft for a moment. He wanted her. Mine…

  With a shake of his head, he tried to clear his thoughts. This had to be on her terms. Only when she was ready would he make her his.

  She grabbed her new phone and chuckled, “When did you have time to do all this? My contacts are already in here.”

  He smiled at her pleased tone, “My Menagerie is rather adept with electronics. They just needed your phone number.” He stood and turned away, tucking his engorged member beneath his waistband.

  Sora inhaled sharply, “Blaze!”

  He was at her side before she finished her shout. “What is it?” he rumbled, listening for the source of her distress.

  “My friend Vi-Viv texted me,” she stammered, “She owns a frozen treats shop by the beach. Someone broke in and trashed her shop and home.” She dropped her voice, “She was bitten by a Wolf…”

  “Is she okay?” he worried, knowing werewolf bites spread lycanthropy.

  “She’s at the hospital. Oh Goddess, this is my fault. We have to go, now. Can we go?” The pleading in her voice made his chest ache.

  “Of course, it’s probably a trap, though. I need to check in with Jackson. Get ready, quickly. We won’t have much time.” He grabbed his shirt from the floor.

  “Time?” she questioned.

  “If the bite goes untreated, she could turn.”

  One moment she was on the bed, the next she was in front of him, grabbing his face in a vice like grip. Her breath caressed his face as she whispered worriedly, “What do we do?”

  The fear in her voice made all his protective instincts scream. “We get her and offer her a choice.” He growled, “If we’re quick enough, we may be able to turn her into a Vampire. Our Mage isn’t here, but we can still try.”

  She gulped a few breaths, “Okay, okay. I’ll tell her we’re coming.” Releasing him, she ran to the bathroom.

  “I’ll be next door. Come when you’re finished.”

  He flashed to his room and quickly dressed in black leather pants, shitkickers and a clean black tee. Grabbing his leather jacket off the back of the chair, he called Jackson.

  The call had barely connected when he roared, “My room, NOW!

  Four seconds later, Jackson entered. His eyes panned the room for any threats. Finding none, he addressed Blaze, “What’s happened?”

  Blaze bit out, “Sora’s friend has been attacked, Wolf bite, hospital. Now.”

  “How big of a team do you want?”

  “A mix of ten. MOVE!” He roared, fangs dropping in response to his rage.

  “Five minutes,” Jackson said, before zipping out of the room and slamming the door.

  A tapping brought him back to himself.

  “Blaze,” Sora whispered from the other side of the door.

  He took a calming breath before answering, “Come.”

  She opened the door and stood just inside. Her silver locks were braided tightly down her back. The cropped black leather jacket matched his own. Dark denim hugged her hips and knee-high boots adorned her feet. Tears slowly tracked down her face.

  He rushed toward her and pulled her into his embrace. “Shh, it’ll be fine. We will get her back, I promise. We have to go now, though.” He knew he couldn’t get her to stay, so he didn’t bother wasting the words.

  Ten minutes later they were speeding through PB in a blacked-out van. The tension was palpable.

  He barked to Jackson, “ETA?”

  “Three minutes, but I suggest we approach on foot. Surely this is a trap and I want our teams spread out.”

  Blaze bit out, “Affirmative. Everyone pair up. Sora, Jackson, you’re with me. I want teams no less than a block apart surrounding the Hospital.” His tone softened, “Sora, what floor?”

  “Third, room 302,” she replied with her hands gripping the leather armrests, ripping them both at the seams. She was getting much stronger, he thought.

  Jackson began issuing orders, “The best point of entry is the roof. It’s only four stories and the building beside it is a six-story hotel.” He tilted the iPad pro for everyone to see. Using touch gestures, he flipped the image to an aerial view and tapped the screen with his index finger, “Mason, I want your pairs scattered throughout these points.” He tipped his head to Sora without meeting her eyes and used a lighter tone, “Sora, could you please describe your friend?”


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