Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book Page 11

by Janelle Peel

  Releasing the battered armrests, she wiped her hands on her thighs and answered in a reedy voice, “Her name is Viv, she’s about 5-foot-tall with green eyes and a spiked pink pixie haircut. She’s tiny, maybe 110 lbs.”

  Everyone nodded.

  “We’re at the drop, rendezvous back here in 15 minutes, clear?” Jackson barked.

  Ten voices answered, “Affirmative.”

  “Jake, Von, guard the van,” Jackson said. “We don’t want to have to run all the way back with an injured person.”

  “Got it Boss,” they replied in unison.



  At the word from Blaze, we all scrambled out of the van.

  Jackson jerked his head to the tall building a street over from ours.

  Blaze nodded and we followed him at Vampire speed to the hotels’ back door. Using magic, he manipulated the lock and opened it with soft click. After we were through, he quietly closed it and relocked the handle.

  I stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

  Blaze grabbed my hand and pulled me to the stairwell. Jackson led as we zipped up the 6 flights to the roof. I marveled at the speed, I was barely winded.

  Looking to Blaze, he counted down from 3 on his fingers, then eased the door open soundlessly. It appeared empty as we crept to the edge of the flat roof. Jackson and Blaze kept taking small breaths through their noses, scenting the air.

  I didn’t smell anything other than ozone from the running HVAC unit.

  Blaze leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Jackson and I will go first, we’ll clear the roof, then signal for you to follow. Watch what I do for the jump.” He squeezed my shoulder, “I know you can do this.”

  His confidence in my ability reassured me. I nodded, “Got it, easy peasy.”

  “That’s my girl.” He said, placing a kiss on my cheek.

  Jackson jumped from the edge, sailing over the sidewalk and landed without a sound 2 stories below. Blaze stepped to the ledge and glanced back at me. At my nod, he jumped.

  They landed so quietly, I thought, watching with fascination as they zipped around the width of the Hospital’s roof.

  A scape behind me drew my attention. I looked around, then sniffed. The musky smell of an animal filtered through my nose. Goddess, I wasn’t alone. In full on panic mode, my thoughts bounced, jump or fight?

  Something slammed into me from behind, knocking me to the roughly tarred roof. I rolled with the motion, pieces of gravel sticking to my bare hands. I came to a stop and looked up, catching a glimpse of a man before his clothes shredded and a large brown Wolf stood in his place. He must have scaled the wall in human form. Mel, I recognized the small bald spot. It seemed his fur was finally growing back.

  Following my gaze to his leg, his hackles rose and he growled.

  I got to my feet with my hands raised, “It was an accident, I swear!”

  The growling increased, unimpressed with my reply. His back legs bunched, readying to pounce.

  Screw that! I turned to run, but wasn’t fast enough. His large teeth latched onto my shoulder, lightly piercing my skin through the leather as he tossed me back to the ground with a shake of his massive head.

  Goddess, his teeth were huge. He growled over me, then shifted his hold to the collar of my jacket and began dragging me toward the stairs. Hell no. My hands lit. I slapped blindly behind me and connected with his nose with a smacking sound. With a rumbled snarl, he released me and backed away.

  Mel flattened his ears and let out a quick yip; another echoed a reply from the stairwell.

  Shit, there was at least one more headed my way.

  I eyed the distance to the edge of the roof. He stepped forward and growled; raising every hair on my body. I put my hand out in front of me, trying to remember the fire I had called before. Envisioning it, I drew a line of dire-fire between us into the tarred roof. Black smoke thickened the air as I slowly walked backwards. Just as I reached the ledge, two more Wolves joined Mel by the stairwell.

  I turned and jumped, the freefall making my stomach drop as I fell like a flaming comet and hit the roof of the Hospitalin an ungainly heap. My ankle throbbed as I staggered to my feet and looked up. The Wolves paced the opposite roof, seeming unsure if they should follow.

  Blaze was suddenly at my side. Growling, he bit out, “What happened?”

  “Later. We have to get Viv.” I gripped his arm and stumbled, trying to walk to the stairwell.

  He scooped me up, flashed us inside and closed the steel door. Setting me down gently on the landing, he cocked his head and listened. “Jackson has her. They’re coming up. We need to find another way out.”

  Jackson rounded the corner below us, a tiny pink tuft of hair stuck out from the crook of his left arm. A huge hospital gown covered half of his chest and hot pink chucks dangled from his other arm.

  “We need a new exit,” Blaze barked. “The Wolves attacked Sora on the roof.”

  Jackson’s eyes widened, “Were you bitten?”

  A loud rumble started again. “Were you?” Blaze ground out.

  “It’s just a scratch. My jacket got the worst of it.” My eyes bounced back and forth between them both, “What?”

  Neither responded. They just stared at each other with a knowing look.

  Jackson turned, “Let’s go. There’s a skywalk on this floor that leads to the other wing across the street.

  Blaze scooped me up again and the halls blurred with the motion. I didn’t feel so good. Clinging to his jacket with sweaty hands, I closed my eyes.

  The next thing I knew, we were in the van. Everyone was quiet. I tried to swallow. Goddess, my throat was so dry. “We did good?” I asked the front of Blaze’s shirt.

  “Yes,” he whispered worriedly. “We’re almost home.”

  “Did she try her magic?” Jackson's voice.

  I struggled against the tide, trying to pry open my eyes. Ugh, my body ached. My lids fluttered, almost there.

  Finally, after a few more attempts they opened. I was still tucked into the crook of Blaze’s arms. I looked around the room; my, no his, maybe our room now.

  “Not yet,” Blaze grouched.

  “Hey,” I said softly, my voice cracking. “Thirsty.”

  Jackson stated the obvious, “She needs to feed.”

  Blaze glared daggers at his brother.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll be outside if you need me.” He said, closing the door.

  Blaze shifted me to one side and pulled back the sleeve of his leather jacket. “Feed Love.”

  His worried tone frightened me, what was wrong? My brows lowered silent in question.

  Heaving a sigh at my stubbornness, he answered my unspoken question, “Wolves have venom, too. That’s how they can turn others. I don’t know how it will affect you since you are still half human. You need to feed and use your magic.” His voice turned pleading, “Please, Love?”

  My heart hurt at his tone. Obediently, I opened my mouth and snicked down my fangs. I was too weak to lift my head, so he brought his wrist to my mouth and pressed against my canines. My fangs retracted and I drank; deeply. All Mother, he tasted so good, salty and sweet at the same time.

  He relaxed back, satisfied that I was doing as he asked. I closed my eyes and continued to drink.

  A tap on my nose made me open them again. Blaze loomed above me with a question on his face. I broke the suction of my lips and licked the punctures.

  “Better?” He questioned.

  “A little,” I replied. “Help me sit up?”

  He resituated me on his lap, supporting my upper body with his thick arm roped behind my back. “I need to take off your jacket and open your shirt. It might sting.”

  At my nod, he pulled one sleeve off. I gritted my teeth as the other side unpeeled from my injured shoulder. A small whimper escaped when he ripped open the collar of my shirt.

  Inspecting the damage, he growled. “Just barely. The venom is setting, though. Can you call your flame

  I reached for my center, noticing that it seemed dimmer than before. Sweat broke out on my brow as I tried to corral it. The seconds it took seemed to drag on like hours. Finally, I tugged it free and looked at my hand. It glowed with greenish flame, not my normal blue. “What. The. Fuck?” I screeched, shaking my hand.

  Blaze grabbed my flailing arm and snapped, “Sora!” Then more lightly, “Focus.”

  I put my hand on the wound. Clenching my eyes closed with the pain, I reached for my well. It flickered in and out, slippery in my grasp. Throwing a tether, I linked it to my wound and bent it to my will. White light glowed against my closed lids as my magic took over, instinctively knowing what to do. My center flickered faster, the flames turning blue once again. Thank Goddess! When I no longer felt any pain, I opened my eyes. My hair was floating in a halo around my head. The silver strands danced of their own accord. I looked at Blaze, his soft smile of relief buoyed my own. Lifting my hand, I peeked underneath my palm. Perfectly smooth, creamy skin greeted me.

  Blaze cleared his throat, “How do you feel?”

  I took inventory, “My ankle still hurts and I’m a little tired, but I’m fine.”

  “Good. Your ankle should heal on its own.” He paused, “You need to see Viv.”

  My thoughts raced. What a crappy friend I was! Releasing my magic, I wiggled off Blaze’s lap and braced my arm on the nightstand to keep the weight off my ankle. “Where is she?” I asked frantically.

  “I had her placed next door, I knew you’d want her close.” He stood, scooped me back up and carried me out of the room.

  Jackson was pacing the hall. Seeing us, he stopped, “It worked?”

  We both nodded.

  “Hurry up then!” he shouted. “She doesn’t have a lot of time.”

  Blaze and I exchanged baffled looks and entered Viv’s room.

  The huge bed all but swallowed her tiny form. Only her head peeked out, propped against the pillows. Every breath was labored, like she couldn’t get enough air.

  Blaze set me down and stepped back.

  I bumped my knees against the bed for a closer look. She was incredibly ill. Her complexion, normally tanned by the sun, was tinted a sickly green. The skin of her lips was cracked and peeled; her pink spikes were matted to her forehead with sweat.

  “Oh Viv, I’m so sorry,” I cried, my heart breaking.

  “She’s not gone, Sora.” Blaze said softly, placing a hand on my shoulder, “Heal her.”

  I took a steadying breath, I could do this.

  Jackson padded around the other side of the bed and pulled out her swollen arm. Six punctures lined the top of her hand with green pus oozing from each hole. He turned her hand over, showing me four more identical marks before gently setting her hand down and stepping back.

  I sat to get closer, taking her injured hand in mine. She didn’t respond.

  Closing my eyes, I focused again. My magic glowed a healthy blue. I envisioned a rope of light unwinding from my well, looping around our joined hands. Pressing my will, my hand warmed. White light shone against my closed lids as I prayed to the All Mother to help me save my friend.

  Jackson sucked in a breath behind me.

  Slowly, I opened my eyes. Crystal clear green eyes met mine shining with tears. A small smile lit her face as she looked at the glow of our entwined hands. “It’s beautiful,” she said with a clear, bell like voice.

  “Thank you,” I beamed.

  She released my hand as the light faded and wiggled her fingers. The punctures were gone.

  I looked to Blaze curiously, “Is that enough?”

  “To offer her a choice, yes,” he frowned in thought. “The full Moon is tomorrow. She will have to decide before it rises.”

  I turned back to Viv, who now wore a confused expression on her face. “I will explain, it’ll be okay,” I nodded reassuringly.

  Jackson cleared his throat, “No, I can do it.”

  Viv looked to me, Blaze, and finally Jackson. She took in his wiry form and smirked, “You carried me, right?”

  He bowed his head, “It was my honor.”

  She snarked, “And just who the hell are you?”

  I giggled. My friend was back.

  “J-Jackson,” he stammered, thrown by her frankness.

  I interrupted, “Viv, this is Blaze and his brother Jackson. Think of it kind of like an episode of Supernatural. You were bitten by a Wolf Shifter, unfortunately. These two are Vampires.” Her eyes rounded as I hooked a thumb at myself, “And I’m some weird Magical Vampire Hybrid.”

  Viv’s mouth opened and closed for a minute. Finally, she nodded to herself and asked, “Decide what?”

  I bit my lip. “Well, you’ve been bitten, so you’re going to turn into a Wolf Shifter. Unless you want to be a Vampire, then we can try to do that. You have until tomorrow before the Moon rises to decide.”

  Blaze rumbled in disapproval, “If you stay a Wolf Shifter, the Alpha that bit you can claim you as Pack. You would be his.”

  Her brows rose, without missing a beat she queried, “Can I go back to my life with either option?”

  I looked at her sadly and shook my head. “You couldn’t be with Jason either.”

  Jackson let out a growl. I snapped my eyes to his and commanded, “Stop.”

  Blaze sighed as he took in his brother’s frozen form. “Sora, Love, you can’t do that. I don’t want anyone knowing about this particular talent of yours, yet. Please?”

  “You’re right, sorry.” I bit my lip, chagrined, “I just didn’t want him to scare her.”

  I glanced at Viv while she stared at Jackson’s still form.

  Shrugging her shoulders, she said, “We broke up, he was a douche anyway.”

  I gave her a sympathetic look. Turning, I made eye contact with Jackson again, “Forget the last 2 minutes. As you were.”

  Jackson unfroze and panned the room with a confused expression his face.

  “Anyway,” I continued, trying to stay on topic. “You will have to cut all your human ties.”

  Her brows dipped in question, “My shop?”

  Jackson replied in a business-like tone, “You’d need to sell it. We would help with whatever you need.”

  “Okay,” she nodded, “I know what I want.”

  I held up a hand, “No, please. This is a lot to digest, take a couple hours at least. This is a big decision, take a shower, I have some clothes you can borrow. Okay?”

  She nodded as I got up. “Alright boys. Off with you. Blaze, I’m taking her to our room.” I slapped a hand over my mouth. I’d said our room.

  With a smirk, Blaze moved to the door, “Sounds good.” Turning the handle, he called over his shoulder, “Let’s get a drink, Jackson.”

  Jackson looked from Blaze to Viv, shook his head, and followed his brother through the door.

  With a sigh, I helped Viv out of the giant bed.

  “Our room, huh?” She wagged her brows at my blush, “Do they all look so perfect?”

  “Yup.” Changing the subject, I sang, “You’re going to die when you see the shower!”

  She giggled.

  Chapter 7


  As Sora pulled me to her room next door, I wasn’t sure what to think. I mean I’d seen the shows, read the books, but where did make believe end and reality begin?

  Leading me to her bathroom, she flourished with a bow, “My humble accommodations await.”

  Giggling at her glib, my pink chucks slapped against the travertine floor. Jesus, the jacuzzi was almost double my height and half my width. I marveled at every jet. Shit, this was amazing. I eagerly began toeing off my shoes in preparation for the best bath of my life.

  “Nope. That’s not for you. Try this,” she said, flipping a switch.

  I flicked my gaze to her, then the tumbling waterfall behind the glass, and back to her again. Incredulous, I asked, “Are you serious?”

  She smirked, “Yup. My clothes are in my bag here by the door when yo
u’re finished. I should have some cropped leggings that’ll fit you like pants and my tee’s will be tunics on you.” She tapped her chin and grabbed a grey fluffy towel. “You’ll have to go commando, though.” Smirking, she tossed me the towel, “I’m sure no one will mind.”

  Blushing as she closed the door, I shouted after her, “You ass!”

  Every guy I’d seen had looked perfect, but I had bigger things to worry about.

  Turning my back to the vanity, I tried to locate the tie of the hospital gown that was practically strangling me. Jesus, you’d think they could have given me a kids gown or something. Finding the string, I gave it a quick jerk. Shit, now it was all knotted. Genius Viv, really. I faced the mirror and stared at my reflection. I looked like ran over dog shit. Ugh.

  Flipping open the various drawers and cupboards looking for scissors, my search yielded no results. Not even nail clippers. Damn.

  I padded back out to the room, but Sora was already gone. I really didn't want to go wandering around with my ass flapping in the breeze. Peeking my head out into the hallway, I saw an older man in a white pressed polo and shiny shoes.

  “Excuse me?” I called.

  Turning with a half bow he answered, “Yes, Miss Viv?”

  At my stupefied expression, he strolled closer. Issuing another half bow, “Forgive me, I am Julian. Head of the Household for Master Blaze. I was previously made aware of your arrival. How may I assist you?”

  I squinted my eyes at his brown ones, “What, like a butler?”

  Julian cracked a smile of his own, “Something like that.”

  “Okaaaay,” I drew out sarcastically. “I need something to cut this hideous tent off. The tie is stuck.” I gestured, waving a hand behind my head at the strings.

  “Right away Miss Viv, I shall return shortly. Is there anything else you require?” his brows rose questioningly.

  I replied in a hopeful voice, “Got any snacks?”

  “Yes,” he nodded. “We have a fully stocked kitchen. Did you have anything in mind?”

  I thought for a moment, “Any kind of meat, please. And call me Viv.” I held out my hand.


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