Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book Page 13

by Janelle Peel

  “Hey, shhhh. It’s okay,” he cooed.

  She lifted her head from the sink, her dark eyes shimmered with tears. “S-something’s w-wrong with m-me,” she stammered.

  He turned her toward his chest and held her to him, noting that she’d grown in height. Whispering in a soothing voice, he said, “You’re alright. Everything is as it should be.”

  She growled at him, unappreciative of his soothing tone. “No, I ache.” Her voice turned hoarse, “I feel like I’m dying.”

  Holding her at arm’s length, he stared into her dark eyes. “No,” he said firmly. “It’s just the transition, you’ll be fine.”

  Her teeth snicked down at his tone. With a smirk, she pushed him against the tiled wall. Standing on her tiptoes, she pressed his head to the side and sunk her fangs into his neck.

  He was so stunned by her sudden movement that he didn’t react at first. Her smaller frame felt so good against his. Then she suckled at his vein and he groaned. Grabbing her hips, he pushed her back to the vanity. She growled at the abrupt movement, but promptly turned it into a moan when he lifted her to the countertop and pressed against her. Gods, she felt amazing, he thought, as she locked her legs behind him.


  The press of a hard body against my throbbing core brought me back to myself. Jackson? Swallowing whatever deliciousness was in my mouth, I leaned back. My mouth made a wet slurping sound with the movement.

  With a question in my eyes, I met Jackson’s gaze.

  Slapping a hand to his neck, he roughly whispered, “Hey.”

  Confused, I looked around the room. A bathroom to be exact. Repeating silver lined wallpaper met a grey flecked white travertine floor. The glass enclosed shower stood off to the side. I was on a marble vanity, the spout from the sink pressing against my lower back.

  “Jackson?” I queried, wondering what the hell was going on.

  “Shh,” he soothed, rubbing my shoulder with his other hand. “How much do you remember?”

  I snarked, “Evidently not enough. Why the fuck is your dick pressed against my thigh?”

  He quickly took a step back and averted his eyes. Looking at the door he replied in a monotone, “I woke to your coughing in the bathroom. When I came in, you seemed to be choking. I tried to console you. I assume your bloodlust kicked in and you latched onto my neck.” He sucked in a large breath. “I apologize, I could scent your need and I just,” he paused and whispered, “responded.”

  Jackson looked down at the floor, an expression of shame on his face.

  I hopped off the counter just as a quick series of knocks sounded at the bedroom door.


  When I knocked for the second time, I became worried. I hadn’t seen her since the early hours of the day. What changes would she have gone through, I wondered?

  Blaze was a stoic mass at my back, waiting for the door to open.

  Finally! I thought, hearing movement through the thick mahogany door. With a click, it opened, revealing a taller version of my pink haired friend. Not meeting my eyes, she stepped back and gestured for us to enter. I went to the leather wingback while Blaze closed the door.

  “Hey, Viv,” my voice wobbled.

  Padding over to the other side of the room, she stated in a bland voice, “Hey.”

  I babbled at the awkwardness, “What’s wrong, are you are okay?”

  Taking a deep breath, the air slowly released from her clenched teeth as she replied sarcastically, “Oh, it’s just fine. Right, Jackson?”

  As Viv said his name, he padded into the room, “Yes. Everything seems to be alright.” He held his hand to his neck. A smudge of blood lingered on his collarbone.

  My cheeks reddened and I stammered, “Did uh, did we interrupt something?”

  They replied at the same time.



  Viv’s teeth ground together audibly in the silence. “No,” she bit out.

  I looked to Blaze who was gazing at Jackson with a raised brow. Suddenly, everything blurred. One second Viv was on the other side of the room, the next Blaze had her restrained against his tall frame in front me. Jackson was crouched on the bed. Hissing and baring his fangs, his wiry body radiated menace as he prepared to leap at Blaze.

  “Stop!” I cried, scrambling to my feet and lighting the room in my azure flames. Jackson froze mid hiss, one drop of venom poised on the tip of his elongated canines. Blood dribbled down his neck, seeping in the fabric of his black shirt.

  I ping ponged my eyes, trying to figure out what had happened as Viv stood still as a statue in Blaze’s arms. Turning his head toward me, he rumbled, “It’s the bloodlust. She can scent you.”

  I gasped. Goddess, my friend had tried to attack me. “What do we do?”

  Blaze sighed and released my friend. “She needs to feed, I’m guessing she attacked Jackson. Order her to seal the wound.”

  I stammered, “Vi-Viv, lick Jackson’s punctures.”

  With robotic movements, she paced over to his crouched form, and licked him from his collar to his ear. She straightened, awaiting further instructions as the small wounds closed.

  I padded around her still form and faced her. Tipping my head, I whispered into her ear, “You will no longer crave my blood. You will only feed with permission from whoever’s vein you’re taking. Understood?”

  In a bland monotone she replied, “Yes.”

  Blaze touched my shoulder, “Ask her to go back to where she was. Tell her to forget the last few minutes, I don’t think she would want to remember this.”

  I nodded. I didn’t want to remember my best friend trying to attack me either. Sighing, I did as he asked and released the compulsion and my flames.

  Jackson’s hiss restarted and cut off abruptly as he noticed Viv on the other side of the room with a curious look on her face. Retracting his fangs, he threw me a glare and rumbled disapprovingly, “Viv, could you stay in the room for a moment? I need to have a word with my brother and Sora outside.”

  “Uh, sure.” She nodded. “Could you get me a drink? I’m so thirsty.”

  Jackson’s face softened as he leapt from the bed and replied, “Of course.”

  Once we were in the hall, Jackson lit into me. “How could you do that?” He stepped toward me, “No more!” Another step, “Never again, am I clear?!” He shouted in my face.

  Blaze growled behind him, “Careful brother, Sora was just defending herself. You should have been better prepared for her bloodlust in the first place.”

  Jackson’s shoulders slumped, turning he paced the width of the hall. “I know, I’m sorry.” Rubbing his face, he continued, “I just didn’t expect it so soon.”

  I patted his shoulder, “It’s okay, she won’t feed again from anyone without permission. I don’t know how long that will last though, so you need to stay by her side.”

  “Will she remember?” He asked in a lost voice.

  I shook my head, then shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t know how long that would last either. “Regardless, go get her a,” I paused and cleared my throat, “a blood bag. We’ll stay here with her until you return.”

  He nodded and flashed down the hall.

  Looking to Blaze, I tilted my head toward the door.

  It felt a little like Deja vu, entering the room again with Viv coming out of the bathroom.

  “Hey, are you feeling okay?” I asked, trying to make light of the entire situation.

  She rolled her shoulders, “Yeah, just thirsty.”

  “Have you noticed your height?” I queried.

  She looked down at her leggings, noticing their shortened length. “Whoa,” she said, lifting her hands and inspecting them.

  I grinned, “Let’s go look in the mirror.”

  In the bathroom, Viv stared at her face for a good five minutes. “What happened to my eyes?”

  “All Vampires have eyes the color of the ocean,” I said. “They change with their moods. Yours are different, though. Gorg
eous, I love the green flecks.”

  Her cheeks heated as she leaned closer to the mirror to check out her complexion.

  “I’m sure Jackson’s back now if-” I started, but she had already blurred to the other room.

  I followed her, chuckling to myself at her enthusiasm.

  Her fangs had already punctured the bag in Jackson’s outstretched fingers. His face looked down at her adoringly while she slurped.

  “Alright, just find me later,” I nodded to Jackson to make sure he’d relay the message.

  Grabbing Blaze’s hand, we left them to it.

  Chapter 8


  As he walked with Sora to the courtyard, he texted his lead Protector.


  Mason’s reply came quickly, ‘There’s some issues with the ward, Sir. Can you send Jackson? I am having trouble contacting him.’

  Issues? He already had enough issues. With a sigh, he typed, ‘Negative, on my way.’

  “Sora, I need to make a side trip to the barracks. Would you like the come?”

  “Is everything alright?” She asked.

  He replied in a frustrated tone, “No, there is an issue with the ward.”

  She nodded and wiggled her fingers, “Sure. Maybe I can help.”


  As our feet tapped a rhythmic tone on the rough concrete, I marveled at the construction of the tube. An underground tunnel, just like the movies.

  Grinning, I peered at Blaze, “Just how rich are you to have underground tunnels? They must have cost a fortune and taken forever with all the steel reinforcements.” I waved my hand to the walls.

  Lifting the corner of his lip, he replied, “You’d be surprised, actually. It was a group effort. Vampires are incredibly strong, and with the help of the Shifters and Protectors, what would have taken months, only took a week. The longest part was waiting for the concrete to cure. As to the Clutch’s finances, we have done very well on many of our investments over the years.”

  “I suppose that makes sense, being crazy old like you are.” I winked at him, taking the sting out of my words.

  He looked down at me with a devilish twinkle in his eye, “Old huh? Race you.”

  Before I could blink, he was gone, flashing down the tunnel.

  “Cheater!” I yelled after him and picked up my pace.

  Blaze was waiting for me at a solid steel door. I tried to shove him, but it was like moving a mountain. “Jerk,” I joked.

  Chuckling at my expense, he turned the handle and opened the heavy door with ease; revealing a small chamber with a lone black bench off to the side. The walls were made of the same reinforced steel as the tunnel, with rivets the size of quarters joining the welded pieces.

  Closing the door behind us with a thunk, Blaze shouted in a deep baritone, “Mason!”

  Seconds later the heavy clank of boots met my ears from a metal tube leading down from the ceiling. A large wiry man in fatigues dropped down the last few rungs of a rebar ladder built into the wall. Striking blue eyes met mine over a narrow nose and square jaw. His black hair was styled in a no-nonsense military cut.

  I lifted my hand, “Hi.”

  Blaze rumbled, “Mason, this is my Mate, Sora.”

  Mason smiled and tipped his head, “An honor to meet you, Sora. I was with the group that helped rescue your friend.”

  My cheeks blushed as Blaze growled a warning. Mason snapped to attention in response and barked a quick, “Yes, Sir!”

  “Report,” he growled through his clenched teeth.

  “Sir, this afternoon the ward was weakened. It is still holding, but the Pack has been relentlessly testing it. I fear we don’t have long before it breaks.”

  I pondered the situation for a moment and looked up to Blaze’s face. His granite like expression screamed how disturbed he was by Mason’s report. Touching his hand to calm him, I turned to Mason. “Can I see the ward?”

  Mason’s eyes widened as he continued his thousand-yard stare.

  Blaze gripped my hand tightly, “Yes. Mason, contact Missy, Von, and Jake. We will go to the perimeter shortly.”

  “Sir!” Mason snapped his heels and flashed back up the steel tube.

  “Who’s Missy?” I questioned.

  “Our Tiger Shifter, she’s fast and resourceful. I don’t want to be caught unawares if the ward breaks before we can repair it.” He ran a meaty hand through his blonde hair and continued, “Gods, I wish our Mage was here.”

  Rubbing circles in his palm, I quipped, “Well, I’m here. We’ll make it work.”

  “I know, we will try. The perimeter is large,” he cautioned. “I don’t want you overtaxing yourself. You must promise me you will be careful. If you feel faint, you will need to feed in front of everyone.”

  My eyes widened and I squeaked, “In front of everyone?”

  “Yes,” he leaned down and kissed my cheek.

  I could do this, I would. This was my home and I would protect it. “I can do it,” I said in a determined voice, squaring my shoulders.

  “That’s my girl,” he squeezed my hand.

  After we zipped up the tube, the room opened to the living quarters of the Protectors and Shifters. Bunks lined the steel walls with a small kitchenette tucked away in the corner. Von and Jake were just as I recalled. Missy though, was lovely.

  Slightly shorter than my 5’9’’ height, her lithe frame spoke of grace and stealth. Her hair was chin length, multifaceted with platinum blonde and caramel highlights. Amber eyes assessed me from a sun kissed face. Her black tank outlined her small breasts and was tucked into her grey camouflaged fatigues.

  She snapped to attention as Blaze loomed behind my back, “Sir.”

  “Missy, this is Sora, my Mate.” He rumbled.

  “Hello, Missy.” She was kind of intimidating.

  Her nostrils flared as she tipped her head in acknowledgment.

  Mason interrupted us and addressed the group, “There has been less activity near the eastern fence line, I suggest we start there.”

  Blaze looked at everyone assembled. “Sora is our main priority. She is the only one that can possibly repair the ward, understood?”

  Four voices answered in unison, “Yes, Sir!”

  Mason led us out of the barracks, followed by Blaze and myself. Von, Jake, and Missy fanned out behind us. Our footsteps were silent as we flashed over wet grass the size of a football field. Just before the ten-foot-tall black chain link fence topped with razor wire, we stopped.

  I turned around, looking back at the dark shape of the barracks. The Moon was full and would reach its zenith soon. It was so quiet, no owls hooted or coyotes howled in the distance. Creepy, I thought, and shivered.

  Blaze touched my shoulder, turning me to face him. “Can you feel it?” He questioned with his breath caressing my face.

  I focused on my center. I could feel it. The weak hum of magic vibrated at a different frequency than my own. “Yes,” I whispered back, “It’s very weak.” Bending my knees, I dropped to a crouch and placed my hand into the wet soil; feeling for the line of the ward. It shimmered in my mind's eye, a silver strand stretched tightly like a rubber band about to snap. I funneled my magic through the tips of my fingers, trying to keep my flames contained inside my skin. My hand slightly glowed as I closed my eyes and followed the strand. It stretched for miles in one large square surrounding the property. I sensed Blaze take a knee behind me, ready to help if I needed him too. Calling to my well, I pushed my will into my magic, shaping it to do as I bade. Once I had it tethered to the strand, the blue shot around the silver for over a mile before it began to sputter.

  “Blaze, now.” I said urgently.

  He placed his wrist before my mouth. My teeth snapped down and I pierced his flesh. Retracting them quickly, I pulled. At the first swallow, my magic roared back to life, racing along the previously laid strand. Red intertwined with my blue, circling the property completely. I opened my eyes as the grass lit with a brilliant white
line, pulsing once as my will was done. Our Clutch was safe.

  Ours… mine…

  Heady from the rush of magic and Blaze’s blood, I slowly lathered the punctures. With a groan, Blaze pulled me to standing, encircling me in his strong arms. Leaning into him, I looked around at the faces surrounding us. Mason, Von, and Jake all wore equal expressions of shock. Missy however, wore no expression at all, just a slight tightening at the corners of her amber eyes.

  “What?” I questioned, curious as to the look on her face.

  “Forgive me,” she said boldly, shaking her head. “I’m confused. What are you exactly; and if you’re his Mate why can’t I scent his mark on you?”

  Blaze growled at her challenging tone, “She is my Mate, and that’s all you need to know. You’re dismissed.”

  Missy bared her teeth in frustration, shook her head again and stalked off.

  Mason came out his shock first, “That was incredible!” Visibly excited, he threw his arms wide, “I’ve never seen such magic! No rituals, spells, nothing.” He bowed deeply, “We are truly blessed, to have such a member in our Clutch.”

  Von and Jake also bowed.

  “Truly a wonder,” Von said, straightening and keeping his eyes to the ground.

  “Remarkable,” Jake cooed with a smile, eyes also averted.

  I blushed at the praise. Looking to Blaze, I whispered, “What is wrong with Missy and why aren't they looking at me?”

  While he took a moment to compose his words, I reflected on all my encounters so far with Vampires of the opposite sex. I noted the only person that had looked directly at me was Jackson, and Blaze had lost his shit as a result. It would challenge his authority.

  I glared at Blaze hotly, “I am not your territory.”

  Blaze cocked a brow at my tone, “Shifters are very susceptible to scent, and she’s right. My mark is not on you, so she is confused by my calling you Mate. The others,” he nodded to Von and Jake, “are being submissive. Looking at you directly is a challenge not only on my territory, but my status as Master, and my claim to you.” He paused, clearly frustrated, “I told you that you are affecting my ability to control myself. I don’t want to rush you, I haven’t pushed the issue.” He rubbed a hand over his face, “Things have changed now, though. Jackson was my lieutenant, and with him taking care of Viv, this will just happen more often. The Pack is becoming more insistent in their pursuit of you. Until your decision is made, I can’t rule my Clutch properly…”


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