Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book Page 12

by Janelle Peel

He gazed at my hand for a beat, then reached out and clasped the tips of my fingers. “Pleasure to meet you, Mi,” he stuttered and cleared his throat, “Viv.” He released my fingers, seeming baffled by our exchange. Shrugging his shoulders, he inquired, “A drink perhaps, to accompany your food?”

  “Hmm, good question,” I tapped my chin, “A long island iced tea if you don’t mind. It’s been a hell of a night.”

  Bowing again, he murmured, “Straight away,” turned on his heel and strode back down the hall.

  Strange, but I could definitely get used to a butler.

  Closing the door with my foot, I made my way back to Sora’s bag in the bathroom and began pulling out clothes. Crap, she was so tall compared to me. Finally, I located a pair black cotton leggings and grabbed a folded grey tee at random.

  A sharp knock at the door drew my attention.

  “Just a sec!” I hollered, placing the clothes on the vanity.

  “That sure was-” my words cut off as I opened the door.

  Standing in the hall was Jackson, scissors in hand. Why did he look so attractive? I never went for military men, they usually had too much baggage, but I’d be damned if I didn’t give him a second look. He still wore black fatigues and combat boots laced up to his calves. The tee he wore left little to the imagination of his toned and trim figure, cutting a tight v at his hips. The thin black fabric highlighted every strand of thickly corded muscle. Yum.

  He cleared his throat, interrupting my ogling. I could have stared all day.

  “Yes?” I asked, finally meeting his dark eyes almost twelve inches above my own.

  He paused, smirking at my perusal. Manipulating the scissors in one large hand, he made a snipping sound. “Did you still require assistance?”

  I sighed and stepped back, opening the door wider in invitation.

  Padding back to the bathroom mirror, I gestured at the knot behind my neck with one hand and held the lower half closed with the other. “They tried to strangle me at the Hospital with camping supplies. Can you cut the knot?”

  I watched his approach in the reflection of the mirror. His eyes were glued to my neck with such intensity that I shivered. Noticing my discomfort, he shifted his eyes lower to the knot in question.

  I focused on the silver veined marble surrounding the sink as he gently grabbed the gowns’ tie. Shifting his grip, the tips of his fingers touched my neck, eliciting an entirely different kind of shiver.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, pressing the flat of the scissors against my skin.


  “You’re fine, thank you.” I shifted my hand over my heart to keep the material from sliding off down.

  He was quiet. I peeked at him again in the mirror. He was just gazing at my bared upper back and shoulders. Hesitantly, his hand reached out, then retreated.

  I quipped, “Seems like I’m not the only one enjoying the show.”

  Stepping back, his face shuttered and he cleared his throat, “Will that be all?”

  “Yup, I’m good here. Julian said he’d bring me some food.” When he didn’t reply, I rose my voice, “Um, I’d really like to take a shower now. I feel disgusting.”

  His brows furrowed. Was he confused?

  Okaaay, weird Vampire in the bathroom with me. Time to go.

  I jerked my head to the door, “Thanks for your help. You can see yourself out?”

  “Of course.” He replied, straightening his shoulders and walked out.


  Shaking it off, I dropped my tent and hopped into the glorious running water.


  Well, that could have gone better. He couldn’t believe he just stood there like some perv. She was incredibly distracting, though. Those bottle green eyes, dark lashes and short pink hair like a rocked-out pixie. Her lithe frame called to him, something that had never happened before.

  He didn’t know how long he stood outside the bedroom door before hearing Julian’s shoes whispering their approach on the stairs.

  Turning, he addressed the Head of the House, “Hey, Julian.”

  Clearing the final step and shifting a tray full of food and drink, he issued a half bow. “Jackson, do you require assistance?”

  He shook his head, “No, no. I was just helping Viv with her gown.”

  Julian quirked a brow, “Perhaps you would like to deliver her food as well?”

  Jackson paused in thought. He wanted to see her again, but wasn’t sure if she’d be happy with him doing so.

  “No, thank you.” He turned toward the stairs and called back over his shoulder, “Later, Julian.”


  As I spun on my barstool in the rec room, I wondered at Jackson’s reaction to Viv.

  “Another drink?” Blaze questioned.


  “There’s something you should know, it really doesn’t change anything, and I don’t want to alarm you,” he sipped his drink before continuing, “The dire-fire you used on the roof burned the hotel to the ground.” At my horrified look, he rushed, “Everyone got out. No one was injured. I’ve already made arrangements to help anyone in need and I have a broker trying to purchase the land for the original price that was listed. Luck would have it that the owners were trying to sell, and it was mostly vacant.”

  I sucked in a breath, how could I have been so reckless? I knew that dire-fire burned everything to the ground. I let my fear override my reasoning, ruining countless lives. All Mother, I prayed, please forgive me.

  He noted my self-pity and laid a reassuring hand upon mine. “I’ve taken care of everything, I promise. There is something else, however.”

  My brows scrunched, what could be worse than destroying someone else’s livelihood, even if by accident?

  With a serious face, Blaze answered my unspoken thought, “This won’t have gone unnoticed by the Council. They will be looking for a Coven powerful enough to have caused the damage.”

  Gravity hit and I face planted the bar, my ignorance coming full bore.

  He changed the subject, “So, Jackson and Viv?”

  Happy for the reprieve, I sighed and shoved all thoughts of the Council to the back burner where they belonged. “His reaction was a little odd, right? I mean growling and pacing outside her room. It was a little strange.”

  Blaze poured me another shot as I sat up. Setting the bottle down, he braced his hands on the bar before he replied, “It’s hard to say. He could have been reacting to the stress of the situation.” He rubbed his chin, “He isn’t usually so emotional, though.”

  “Do you think she’ll choose to be turned?” I asked in a hopeful tone, “I don’t want to lose my friend.”

  With a deep breath of his own, he came around the bar and sat next to me. “I don’t want you to get your hopes up, but who would want to go live with the very people that wrecked her life?”

  I smirked at his answer, “Me.” I pointed to myself with my thumb. “Although, I had previous knowledge of what goes bump in the night. She only has TV shows.”

  “True, although she seems to be adjusting very quickly.” He sipped his whiskey.

  I rambled, “She always rolls with the punches. She can stay though, right? If she changes? What is the process for that, anyway?”

  Adopting his teacher tone, “Yes, she can stay. She would have to be bitten and nearly drained of blood. Then she would have to feed from a Vampire. I must warn you though, it is a difficult process, even with the assistance of a Mage. As I said before, we have very few females.”

  I slapped my hands over my face. We were quite possibly offering her death or the chance to live with the jerks that ruined her life. “What does a Mage do during the process?”

  “He or she balances the magic of the Vampire and keeps the blood circulating as the Fledgling is near death. It’s like healing, which is why I think you can do it.”

  I finished my drink and stood. “I’m going to go talk to her, she should be finished by now.”

  Blaze stood, �
��Do you want me to go with you?”

  “No, I got it.” I pecked his cheek and went to tell my friend all the details.


  Yum, I thought, popping the last cold cut into my mouth. Julian had arranged for a platter of meats with a perfect long island iced tea. I was stuffed.

  As I got up and wondered where to put my empty platter, the door opened. My heart rate increased for a moment before Sora stepped into the room.

  “Hey,” she said, “feeling better?”

  “Tons,” I patted my belly for emphasis. “Where do I put the tray?”

  She took it from my arms and placed it out in the hall on the floor. After the door had closed, she paused. “We have a few things we need to talk about.”

  I patted the bed beside me and quipped, “Tell me about it.” I wagged my brows, “But tell me about Blaze, first.”

  She seemed to gather her thoughts as she sat beside me. After a moment, she whispered, “It’s complicated.”

  “Really,” I snickered. “Super handsome Vampire meets gorgeous chick…” I shrugged, “There’s a punchline in there somewhere.”

  She laid back and nodded, “Yeah there is. Blaze is… well he’s my Mate.”

  I made a pfft noise at her, “Mate, like you guys go all doggy style or what?”

  We both roared with laughter. Tears streamed down my cheeks when she replied, “No Babe, like soulmates. Female Vampires are really rare. I’m a Dhampir, a living Vampire with all their strengths and none of their weaknesses. I don’t have their aversion to the sun and I don’t get weak during the day like they do.”

  I snarked, “They go all KFC in the sun or what?”

  Trying to suppress her giggles, she snorted, “N-no. I don’t know. I’m pretty new to this too. I do have magic though; my parents are some of the most powerful Mages in the world.” She waved her hand at my curious look. “Another time. I have magic now, I didn’t before last week. Plus, the Dhampir thing.” Sighing, she added, “I’m a freakin’ magical unicorn over here.”

  We chatted for nearly an hour when she finally fell silent. “What do you think?” she asked nervously, fidgeting with the grey duvet.

  “It’s a lot to take in,” I sighed. God, I was tired.

  Laying back onto the fluffy pillows, I debated my options. Possibly die trying to become a Vampire, or go back to some psycho Shifters. Decisions, decisions.

  I shrugged, “Vampire.”

  Sora cracked a hesitant smile, “Are you sure?”

  “Yup,” I held out an open palm, “I have nothing left to go back to. I have you, and I trust you. I could live here in a mansion with a butler.” I looked at her with a meaningful expression, “A butler, Sora.” I flipped open my other hand, “Or I could die, be raped and taken advantage of or worse by a bunch of douches.”

  Sora launched herself at me, squishing me into a bone crushing hug.

  “Ease up,” I patted her shoulder, “I can’t breathe!”

  She let go and laughed. “Sorry, I’m still getting used to my own strength.”

  “Ok, well don’t kill me before I possibly die,” I quipped.

  Her face sobered, “I will NOT let that happen.”

  I frowned, “I know, I know. I just hide behind sarcasm sometimes, sorry.”

  She took my hand and smiled reassuringly, “I know.”

  “Don’t get all mushy on me,” I said. “Go find tall, dark, and dreamy, I want to get this done.”

  Nodding, she left.

  Well, if I was going to possibly die I wanted to look my best. I skipped to the bathroom to ransack Sora’s makeup stash.


  I found Blaze on the stool where I’d left him, with the addition of Jackson behind the bar.

  “Hey, Jackson,” I said, tipping my head as I settled in beside Blaze.

  His fingers tightened on the glass he was holding. Anxiety colored his voice as he replied, “Has she decided?”

  “Yes, she wants to try. I told her all the risks, but she still wants to do it.” I shook my head, “I love her to pieces, I just don’t want her to die.”

  Blaze wrapped his arm around me sympathetically, “We will do everything we can.”

  I dropped my face to the cool oak of the glossy bar. “Who does it?”

  Squeezing my shoulders, Blaze answered, “Me.”

  Hot jealousy lit my blood. “No,” I growled.

  Leaning into my ear, he whispered, “It takes a lot of power, Love. The greater a Vampire’s power, the better the rate of success. The odds are already stacked against us with her sex.”

  I heaved a sigh. Rationally, I knew he was making sense, but the thought of him drinking another woman’s blood, even if she was my best friend, incensed me. The sound of a glass hitting the bar made me lift my head.

  In a stony voice, Jackson rumbled, “I’ll do it.”

  I looked to Blaze, curious if this was a viable solution.

  He rubbed his chin in thought. After a moment, he said, “It could definitely work. Your power is the closest to my own.” Looking at me he continued, “What do you think? It’s your friend’s life.”

  I tipped my head onto his shoulder, “I think we let her decide.”


  As Blaze and Sora went to get Viv, he prepared himself in the room next door. Breathing deeply, he remade the bed with fresh sheets and tried to calm himself.

  Just the thought of his brother’s fangs in Viv’s neck enraged him. He would do this, if she’d let him.

  He smelled her before she opened the door. Like sun ripened cherries fresh from the orchard, with hints of lavender soap from her shower in Sora’s room. Decadent.

  Her short frame strolled into the room. Cocking a hip, she quirked a brow and addressed him, “Think you can handle this?”

  Christ, she looked good enough to eat. Green eyes regarded him from a pert nose over bow shaped lips. The black leggings and oversized grey tunic tee did little to hide the curves of her small frame. Her battered pink chucks matched the chaotic disarray of her pink hair.

  As his pause lasted a beat too long, she placed her hands on her hips. Spunky little thing, he thought with a grin, and gestured to the freshly made bed, “Good to go. Settle in.”

  While she toed off her shoes, Blaze and Sora entered. Viv sat and patted the bed for Sora to come over. Once she had settled, they linked hands.

  Jackson looked to Blaze looming by the door, a question on his face. Blaze jerked a short nod, he could do this.

  He crawled onto the bed, opposite of Sora, with Viv in the middle. Looking into her emerald eyes, he asked, “Are you ready?”

  She frowned and turned her face to Sora. “Will it hurt?”

  Sora raised her thumb and forefinger, “Just a little pinch. You’ll become sleepy with the blood loss. Just try to stay conscious, okay?”

  Viv nodded and closed her eyes, “Ready,”

  Jackson tapped her nose, “Look at me,” he said.

  She opened her eyes; a glazed look overtook her green orbs and a half smile lit her face.

  “Thrall?” Sora questioned.

  “It’ll make it easier on her,” Blaze replied from his sentry at the door.

  Nodding, Sora squeezed Viv’s fingers.

  Jackson shifted closer to her neck, inhaling her delicate scent. His fangs dropped and he pierced her creamy skin. Retracting them, he closed his eyes and began to draw her blood. A soft moan escaped her, vibrating his lips. She tasted sweet, like the finest wines from Italy. So lost was he, as the decadent flavors washed down his throat, that he growled when someone tapped his shoulder.

  “Jackson,” Blaze commanded. “Enough. Start the exchange.”

  Coming back to himself, he sealed the punctures with his tongue. Lifting himself on his elbow, he snicked his fangs once more and pierced his own vein at his wrist. When the blood began to flow, he placed it over Viv’s mouth and said, “Drink.”

  At first, she did nothing. Then slowly, she opened her mouth and la
tched on.

  A white light lit Sora’s hand as Viv swallowed her first mouthful. The light made visible glowing lines beneath her skin, tracing her veins as they raced toward her heart.

  Jackson tried to ignore the sight of her swallowing his blood.

  Mine… a voice whispered.


  As their blood began to mingle, a shudder overtook Viv. She grabbed his arm, holding his wrist to her mouth more firmly. Her green eyes sparkled with starlight, then they slowly changed to the oceanic color of his own. She shuddered again, her tiny frame glowing as Sora’s magic pushed his blood through her circulatory system.

  “Enough,” Blaze said.

  Jackson tried to extract his wrist, but she growled at him and clenched her grip tighter. He tried to pry open her fingers, but it just caused her to thrash her legs.

  Sora took a deep breath and gazed into Viv’s eyes. “Stop,” she said. “Release him.”

  Viv instantly stilled and let go.

  Jackson looked at Sora, then Blaze, and back again. He sealed his own punctures, then shouted, “What the hell was that?”

  Blaze just shook his head.

  Sora calmly answered, “I can control our kind.”

  Throwing a glare at Blaze, he bit out, “We will discuss this later.” Turning back to Viv’s frozen form, he softened his tone in concern, “Is she okay?”

  “I don’t know,” Sora whispered. She cut off her magic and moved her hand to Viv’s forehead. Looking deeply into her eyes she said, “Sleep until the sun goes down.”

  Viv obediently closed her eyes.

  Blaze rumbled from beside him, “Let’s get some rest. We can discuss all of this tonight.” He placed his hand on Jackson’s shoulder, “You’ll need to rest here with her. Just in case she wakes.”

  Jackson nodded.

  After they left, he laid back next to Viv and held her tiny hand in his much larger one.

  Jackson woke to the sound of a choking cough. Viv!

  He reached out, seeking her beside him, only she wasn’t there.

  In a panic, he flashed to the bathroom. She was leaning over the sink, coughing up her last human meal. He rushed to her side and placed his hand on the small of her back.


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