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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

Page 14

by Janelle Peel

  His voice trailed off and the words rang in my ears. Heat rushed to my face as I flashed back to the barracks. I pushed myself faster through the tunnel and into the house, not stopping until I’d finally reached our room and slammed the door.

  I threw myself on the bed. How could I have been so blind? Blaze rescued me, showed me my magic and gave me the truth of who and what I was; all the while letting me lead at my own pace.

  A light tap sounded on the door before it opened and closed.

  “I need a minute!” I screamed into the pillow.

  The bed dipped, and then Blaze was there, pulling me into his arms.

  “Shh, it’s alright.” He held me as my tears leaked into his grey cotton shirt.

  When my pity party stopped, I whispered, “I’m so sick of crying and being afraid.”

  Blaze rubbed circles in the small of my back and said quietly, “I’m sorry. I could have handled that better. I know you’re overwhelmed.”

  Sucking in a breath, I held it for a moment before I released it slowly and answered, “No. You have nothing to be sorry for. You tried to tell me and I just didn’t understand.”

  He stilled.

  Decided, in a small confident voice, I continued, “I’m ready. I accept you as my Mate.”

  His hands clenched me to him, “Are you sure?”

  I didn’t answer him. Instead I straddled his hips and braced my arms against his firm chest. Leaning down slowly, I kissed him. As my tongue begged entrance to his mouth, he moved his hands to my loose silver locks. Running his fingertips against my scalp, I shivered.

  In a movement too quick to follow, he flipped us. Tracing my cheek, his gaze met mine and he brushed his lips against my own. I opened to him, dancing with his tongue as his stubble scraped against my upper lip. Goddess, I had been kissed before, but nothing like this. My core ached with need as my hands roamed his back, pressing him against my budded breasts. I tugged on his shirt, needing to feel his skin against mine. He chuckled at my impatience and shifted to his knees. Peeling off his shirt, he tossed it to the floor. I greedily drank in the sight of his perfectly sculpted chest. He looked like a Greek God carved from marble. Bending toward me, he leaned down and kissed my neck.

  Nope, I thought, and pushed him back up. Pulling my own shirt over my head, I bared my pink demi bra.

  His eyes roved every inch of me, memorizing every curve. “Perfection,” he whispered, trailing his hand between my breasts and down my flat stomach.

  “Move,” I commanded, waving a hand for him to stand as I followed suit. I wanted no barriers between us. Flipping open the snaps of my jeans, I slowly slid them down my hips, kicking my shoes off with the motion. He watched in silence, seemingly stunned. I had gone commando today. Grinning, I reached over and unhooked the button of his dark jeans and slowly slid the zipper down. Hmm, he was commando too.

  He caught my hand and stopped me from stripping him. At my confused look, he nodded toward the bed. I crawled back to my original position, swaying my hips enticingly, and settled back against the pillows.

  Blaze sat and unlaced his boots, dropping them to the floor with audible thumps. Standing again, he pushed the dark fabric down his muscular thighs, springing his member free. I gasped at his girth. Goddess, would he fit?

  Smirking at my response, he prowled onto the bed. Placing one large hand on my knee, he checked my gaze. Seeing my need reflected in his own, I slowly I opened to him, baring my sex. His hands caressed my inner thighs as he settled himself between my legs on his knees. Blaze worshipped my body, kissing a trail from the inside of my hip to my mound. Heat pooled low in my belly as he inhaled, taking in my scent. His tongue flicked out and feathered against my slick channel. I moaned at the invasion in delight, savoring every stroke of his ministrations. He inserted a single finger and began purring, the vibration so intense my core spasmed around him.

  I rocked my hips, panting as he thrust in and out of me, driving me toward the abyss. He nicked my swollen nub with one fang and I came apart screaming his name.

  Slowly, I came back to myself, my body shuddering with the aftershocks of my release. Blaze worked his way up my body. His deft fingers flipped the clasp of my bra between my breasts, springing them free. Tenderly, he worked each one into a hardened peak with his mouth and slid the pink straps down my shoulders. Reaching his destination, he kissed me. I could taste the saltiness of my arousal on his tongue. He paused against my entrance, causing me to whimper as his hardened member slid over my swollen nub repeatedly, working my body back into a frenzy of need.

  I groaned as he pushed into me and bit his shoulder as I slowly stretched to accommodate him. His blood hit my tongue as he impaled me to the hilt. I moaned in delight, Goddess, he felt so good.


  As he felt her relax, he slowly drew back, marveling at the tightness of her channel. Entering her fully again, she moaned into his ear. Christ, he didn’t know if he would last.

  He repeated the slow motion as she tightened around him, causing him to groan aloud. Her breasts hardened beneath him, their perfect buds caressing his chest.

  Her hands explored the flexing muscles of his back before settling on the globes of his rear and urging him into a faster pace. She rocked her hips, meeting him for each thrust. Just when he thought she was ready, he bit into the vein at her neck; she bit his in return as they both achieved their release. Her blood and his mingled, marking one another with their scents at a cellular level, causing another orgasm as she milked him.

  Pure bliss and a peace he’d never known before took over his mind as he closed the punctures.

  When she did the same, he rolled her atop him and collapsed, spent from the exertion.

  Mine… a quiet voice swore in his mind.

  After their bodies had cooled, he decided a bath was in order. He gathered her in his arms and padded to the bathroom. Setting her on the vanity, she shivered as her bare cheeks met the cold marble.

  With a smirk, he turned and fiddled with the knobs on the faucet. Dipping a finger beneath the running water, he tested the temperature as the bath began to fill. Satisfied, he lifted her once more and gently placed her in the tub.

  “What do we do now?” She mused aloud after he had joined her.

  He pulled her back to lean against his chest, “Now we relax. Later I will introduce you to our Clutch, there will be a ball to honor our union.” He paused, sinking them deeper into the warm water, “Then we prepare.”

  “Ball? Prepare?” Her anxious response left a sour tang in the back of his throat.

  Chuckling, he answered her first question. “We do love our parties, and this is a momentous occasion.” In a somber voice, he answered her second question, “Yes, Love, we prepare for war.”


  After Blaze left to make the necessary arrangements for my introduction to our Clutch, I nervously pawed through my meager belongings, trying to think of anything other than the pending war.

  A ball, he’d said. Who threw balls anymore, anyway? I didn’t even own a cocktail dress, let alone a ballgown.

  Sighing, I dressed in the only clean outfit I had left. Dark denim cutoffs with a plain cream tee. Plating my silver locks into a tight French braid down my back, I decided I needed to go shopping.

  Grabbing my smartphone off the nightstand, I texted Blaze,

  ‘Hey, I need to go shopping.’

  His reply was prompt, ‘No, it’s too dangerous to leave the Mansion.’

  Rolling my eyes, I typed back. ‘I don’t have any clothes, for the ball or in general. I need to go.’

  Just then a quick series of knocks sounded on the door. Tossing my phone on the bed, I heaved a frustrated sigh and stalked to the door. Tugging it open, I barked, “What?”

  Julian’s eyes widened at my abrupt welcome. Bowing quickly, he got right to business. “Master Blaze has requested that I take the liberty to order your clothes in preparation for this occasion.”

  My face screwed up, “He wh

  Motioning with his hand, Allie stepped into view holding various cardboard boxes.

  At my dumbfounded expression, she smiled, revealing her perfect white teeth. “Hey Sora, where should I put these?”

  My mouth snapped closed with an audible click. I stepped back, lifted my arm and motioned toward the bed.

  Padding into the room with her bare feet, she smirked at the rumpled duvet. She inhaled deeply and lifted a brow.

  My cheeks pinked. Oh Goddess, could she smell what had happened just hours ago?

  Julian cleared his throat, drawing my attention back to him. “If anything is not to your satisfaction, or you simply don’t want it, please leave it in the hall. I will take care of it.”

  At my questioning look, he clarified, “The clothes are all in your size.” He gestured a hand down the hallway where at least 20 more boxes were stacked.

  “How did you know my size?” I queried, raising a brow. Images of Julian stalking me with a tape measure flashed through my mind.

  With a slightly patronizing smile, he answered, “I laundered your clothes. Did you not see them in the wardrobe off the bathroom?”

  Wardrobe? I walked into the bathroom, flabbergasted. What wardrobe?

  Julian’s shoes clicked smartly on the travertine as he followed. Bypassing me, he stepped to the other side of the shower and pressed on a panel that slid back into the wall.

  As the lights flickered to life, I was completely baffled. An entire walk-in closet existed, and I had no clue whatsoever. What the hell?

  Julian waved his hand to the left, “This side belongs to you. The other, as I’m sure you can see, belongs to Master Blaze.”

  I nodded as he left with a bow and a tap of his shoes.

  Allie joined me in the closet. “So… I see you’re bonded now.” She smirked, shoulder bumping me when I blushed again. “Come on, let’s go see your new stuff.”

  Two hours later, I was exhausted and my room was trashed with discarded boxes. Allie’s appetite for fashion was insatiable.

  “Okay, mercy!” I cried, throwing myself onto the bed. “No more! I must have tried on like 50 different outfits.”

  She giggled from her perch on the wingback, “Yeah, but they all looked amazing. Admit it, you enjoyed yourself.”

  “It was awful,” I whined, throwing a hand up and fanning myself dramatically.

  She tutted as she stood and began stacking the torn boxes in the hall. Turning, she lifted a brow and gave me an expectant look.

  “Fine,” I grumped and joined her.

  Grabbing the last box, she said, “I think you should wear that teal number tonight, the one that’s backless with the silver highlights?”

  I nodded, remembering the gorgeous dress. “Which shoes do you think?”

  Allie’s phone chimed as we stepped into the hall, surveying the mess we’d made.

  “It’s Von. I have to go.” She tipped her head in question, “Do you need anything else?”

  “No,” I smiled, “Thanks for everything, it was a lot of fun,”

  She returned my smile with a mischievous one of her own. “I’ll be back with Sasha around 6, we’ll figure out shoes then, after we do your hair and makeup.” She flashed down the stairs before I could reply.

  I chuckled and shook my head at her quick retreat. Seems I was getting a makeover whether I wanted one or not.

  My stomach rumbled. Goddess, I was starving after that little runway adventure. Closing the door, I zipped down the hall toward the kitchen.

  Chapter 9


  After checking in with Jackson for a status on Viv, he found Sora in the kitchen eagerly stuffing fried chicken into her mouth. Smirking, he snatched a paper towel from the counter and handed it to her.

  She smiled her thanks and wiped the grease from her mouth and fingers.

  “It seems your appetite has returned.” He grinned, pushing aside her empty plate.

  “You have no idea. It’s so good to taste food again. Allie is a slave driver. I think I tried on everything Julian delivered.” Her brows lifted and she tipped her head to the side.

  Intuiting her question, he responded, “I had Julian order some things online.” He smiled cockily, “I knew you’d stay.”

  Sora punched him playfully in the shoulder. “Right, since you know everything now, how’s Viv?”

  “I just checked in with Jackson, she’s adjusting well so far.” He leaned on the bar and lowered his voice to a whisper, “Your compulsion seems to be working.”

  Her face turned thoughtful, “Do you think she’ll be okay if she comes tonight?”

  He nodded, “Yes, she must swear fealty to join our Clutch. That will also happen this evening.”

  The head cook came by with her wide hips and a smile on her face. “Off with both of you. I have a million things to do in preparation. I need my kitchen back,” she said, patting her brown bun.

  Blaze chuckled and threw his hands up in surrender, “Alright, Julie.”

  Julie beamed and we left through the swinging door.


  Snacking on a blood bag, I opened the door to see Sora hesitantly standing in the hallway, hand poised to knock again.

  Slipping my fangs from the delicious bag of O neg, my eyes widened in surprise. “Hey!”

  “Hey,” she smiled. “Can I come in?”

  I waved my other arm for her to come in and closed the door with my heel. “What brings you by, Babe?”

  She wrung her hands nervously, “I was just checking to see how you’re doing.”

  I grinned and took a quick inventory of how I felt. “Good, actually. Jackson says I am doing really well for a Fledgling.” A dreamy look stole over my face at the thought of Jackson.

  “Ah, I see.” Her sapphire eyes twinkled, “I just bet he is.”

  My cheeks pinked, “Mmm hmm. Speaking of Fang Boys, you smell like Blaze.”

  She let out a guffaw, “Fang Boys?”

  Chuckling at my pun, I replied, “Yup, just keeping it real.” I tipped my head and wagged my brows, “So, Blaze?”

  Sora blushed, “Yes, we Mated.”

  A pang of jealousy went through my chest. Mated? What the hell?

  Reading my stillness, she continued, “It’s like a little voice inside me screaming ‘Mine’ whenever I’m around him.” She sighed, “I know I haven’t really known him for long, but I just know.”

  I stopped listening when she said mine. Jackson had elicited that same thought in me. I wanted him. Did he feel the same? Was it because he made me what I am? Rescued me from the hospital? Maybe it was just Stockholm's Syndrome or something.

  A quick shove pulled me back to the moment.

  “Hey, where’d you go?” A concerned look blossomed on her face.

  “I’m here, just trying to make sense of this,” I waved my hand back and forth helplessly. Turning, I tossed the bag into the trash and flopped onto my back on the bed.

  Sora padded over, entering my view of the ceiling. “You know, I’m almost positive you have one, too.” She smirked, “And I know who it is.”

  Deciding to play along, I steepled my fingers over my chest and lifted a brow. “Oh really?”

  She lifted a shoulder, “Maybe.”

  I kicked her playfully in the thigh. She hopped onto the bed in retaliation and straddled me, tickling my ribs.

  Laughing, I cried, “Cheater, no fair!”

  She stopped, a knowing look on her face. Damnit, she wanted me to say it. Covering my face with my hands, I peeked through my fingers and whispered, “Jackson.”

  “Yup.” She flipped off me onto her back and stared at the ceiling. “I knew as soon as we got you home. All his growling.”

  I raised myself up onto an elbow to see her face, “Growling?”

  “Yeah, the thought of Blaze changing you instead of him made him lose his shit,” she laughed. Sitting up she continued, “Blaze issued orders that all the ‘Fang Boys’,” she air quoted “stay in the wes
t wing before we’d Mated. He almost tore into Jackson when he startled me and I squeaked in surprise.”

  My chest rumbled at her words.

  “Just like that,” she hooked a thumb at me.

  Cutting off the sound, I tried to stuff away my protective instincts for a Vampire I barely knew and changed the subject. “What happens tonight?”

  With a long sigh, she answered, “Well, it’s a ball. I don’t really know, though. Like a Mating party and you swearing fealty to the Clutch all in one.”

  “A ball,” I asked incredulously, “like fancy dresses and shit?”

  She giggled, “Yeah.”

  In a frustrated tone, I bit out, “I don’t have any clothes, Sora. All my crap was destroyed.”

  She patted my shoulder, “Hush. I’m sure Jackson will handle it. Blaze ordered a bunch of crap for me, so I have extras if you need them. You’re taller now, so you should be just fine. I had a mini fashion show with one of the ‘Fang Girls’,” she air quoted again, “a little bit ago.”

  “Fang Girls? Yeah no, that includes us now.” Curious, I asked, “How many are there?”

  Sora held up two fingers before somberly adding, “It’s really difficult to make females. Blaze thinks the main reason we succeeded with you is because of my magic.” Opening her fingers, she lit her hand in a brilliant cobalt flame; the tips flickered playfully.

  Awed by the display, I whispered, “It’s really beautiful.”

  She smiled fondly, “Lay back and watch.”

  Once I’d settled myself back against the pillows, Sora raised her hand toward the ceiling. An incredible silver light blossomed and slowly morphed into shapes, like a movie on a screen. A stairwell appeared and Jackson came into view, cradling me to his chest at the hospital; next came Sora, healing me from her perspective. I let out a gasp as I watched the wound on my hand close. She replayed my turning next, including a bit I hadn’t remembered.


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