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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

Page 16

by Janelle Peel

  Jackson nodded toward him as a few gasps and complete silence drew his attention back to the top of the grand staircase.

  Sora and Viv strode side by side from the hall at the top of the stairs, their hands linked.

  He skipped a cursory glance at Viv, but couldn’t move his eyes from his Mate for long. Pure perfection. She inhaled a deep breath on the first step, causing her pert breasts to strain the teal fabric. Her pale blue eyes widened as she took in the crowd of over two hundred, skipping over everyone until she found his gaze. Her smile lit and she exhaled, the v of her forehead softening as she took him in.

  On her second step, her hips swayed with more confidence as his eyes roved her body. The dress fit perfectly, he mused, lifting his lips to mirror hers. He’d had trouble finding a suitable gown at first, until Allie had come in at the right moment and helped him choose from the online site. She was right.

  The boned teal fabric shimmered with tiny crystals, highlighting the silver tint of her hair and accentuating her lithe, hourglass figure. The skirt began just below the flare of her swaying hips; the sheer mesh was layered and covered her long legs, trailing behind her on the steps. Her silver toes sparkled with every step of her bare feet.

  A purr of appreciation began in the back of his throat, darkening her pale blue eyes to the color of sapphires. The bass of his purr deepened as his eyes trailed her bare shoulders and graceful neck, fully displayed by the high twist of her curled hair.

  Unable to contain himself, he met her on the fifth step. He took her small hand in his own as Jackson followed and took Viv’s.

  “Hey,” she whispered.

  His purr cut off and he rumbled, “Hello, Love.”

  Her cheeks pinked endearingly as he turned to the crowd. Lifting her hand up he roared, “My Mate!”

  Cheers joined claps as everyone assembled issued their approval.

  The sudden sound from the previously silent room must have startled Sora. Their joined hands lit with blue flames, flickering in the dim room. A few members stepped forward to assist while some stepped back in fear and a hush settled over the crowd once more.

  Releasing Viv’s hand, she fluttered it nervously to her neck and took a step back, placing her above him on the staircase.

  Blaze shifted their flickering hands higher, proof that she could not harm him. He was her Mate.

  The Clutch roared once again in approval, a few shook their heads at the scare.

  Viv took Sora’s hand again and pulled her back down. “Shhh, it’s fine,” she whispered.

  Blaze raised his other arm for quiet when Sora’s flames had died out. The crowd settled once more and he gestured to Viv.

  Jackson held Viv’s hand up high, “Our newest member,” his voice carried across the room, “Viv!”

  Cheers erupted once more as all four descended the steps and joined the party.

  Blaze tipped his head, “Drinks?”

  “Hell yes,” Viv nodded.


  I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of people I met as we threaded our way to the bar on the back wall.

  Blaze squeezed my hand reassuringly and bent his head to mine. “You’re doing well,” his bass rumbled, trembling the small hairs in my ear as we arrived at the polished oak bar.

  “Whiskey, please,” was my witty response.

  Chuckling at my need for alcohol, Blaze plucked the bottle from behind the bar while the bartender grabbed four rocks glasses.

  Soft classical music slowly filtered to my ears from the corner of the room. Blaze poured and passed the half full glasses to outstretched hands while I tried to calm my racing heart. So many faces, I couldn’t remember a single name.

  The room was massive, roughly the size of two gymnasiums. Black wall to wall carpet butted up against a slate tile dance floor in front of the small gathering of seated musicians. The walls matched the strategically placed marble pillars, white with silver reflective veins running through their tall lengths. A massive crystal and nickel chandelier hung in the center of the room, it’s lights twinkling merrily. Four wide shimmering teal panels hung from its thick chain, connecting to each corner of the room; the panels reflected the glittering light along the ceiling. The effect was stunning.

  “Damn, that’s good, Blaze.” Viv said, smacking her lips.

  I downed mine in one go and nodded for another. The burn helped to settle my nerves. “What’s next?”

  Jackson answered, “The Menagerie is amongst the guests. Any who wear a red cord around their bicep is available for feeding.” My face screwed up and he smirked before continuing in a patronizing tone, “Now Sora, I know this is new for you, but it is our way of life. Try to accept that.”

  I shook my head, then shrugged my shoulders. “Whatever.”

  Blaze gave his brother a dirty look. “This night is for celebration. It will take some getting used to, I know.” Hooking my waist with his free arm, he tipped his head to the corner opposite the band. “We also have hors d'oeuvres, if you want anything. An hour from now, Viv will swear fealty to me and join our Clutch.”

  “Why doesn’t Sora have to swear, too?” Viv inquired curiously.

  Blaze’s brows formed a v, “She’s my Mate.”

  I cocked a brow and tilted my head, “So, I get special treatment then?”

  He smirked with sexual innuendo, “Always.”

  I shook my head as my cheeks reddened, “If everyone else has done it, then I will too. We’re all in this together.”

  Blaze took a deep breath, “Spoken like a true leader.” He slapped his hand on the bar, “It will be done.”

  Viv playfully punched him in the shoulder, “Good man. Now keep pouring and let’s dance!"

  An hour later, I fidgeted by Viv on the third step of the grand staircase facing the room.

  Blaze stood before us on the main level facing the crowd. He lifted one heavily muscled arm into the air and the room slowly quieted. His voice boomed to the crowd, “We are here to celebrate the addition of our newest members, Sora and Viv. Tonight, they swear fealty to our Clutch, to become one with our family.”

  As his words echoed throughout the room, every single person took a knee and bent their heads in one massive wave.

  A sniffle beside me caught my attention and I turned my head. Viv had tears pooling in her blue eyes. I reached out and took her hand in mine, squeezing once in silent question.

  She whispered, “I’m okay, I just haven’t had a family in so long.”

  My beautiful strong-willed friend, I loved her more in that moment than ever before. I tipped my head to hers and placed a soft kiss on her brow. She squeezed my hand back in appreciation.

  Blaze turned to us, a happy smile on his face as he bowed. We answered his movement with a curtsy of our own. He stood tall once more and motioned us toward him. Our bare feet made no sound as we descended the steps one last time.

  Jackson came forward with a small, aged gold chalice, and placed it into his brother’s open hand before stepping back.

  With a snick of his fangs, Blaze pierced the flesh of his own palm. The scent of his blood caused my stomach to rumble. He tried to suppress a grin at my reaction as he dribbled a few drops of blood into the chalice. Sealing the punctures of his palm, he held the cup out to me.

  I released Viv’s hand and took the chalice. Piercing my own palm, I dripped blood into the cup, sealed the punctures, and passed it to Viv.

  She blinked hard, trying to clear her eyes as she too, pierced her palm and held her closed fist over the chalice. Once she had closed the wound, she passed the cup back to Blaze.

  Blaze swirled the cup and turned back to the congregated crowd. He boomed, “Now we join. One family!”

  His shouted words were repeated in whispers around the room.

  “One Clutch!”

  The words echoed with more volume as everyone rose and looked to him.

  “May the next part of your journey be more fruitful than the first,” Blaze raised the cup t
o his lips and took a small sip. Turning, he gestured to the crowd, “As they have joined with me, now shall you.” He placed the cup in Viv’s open hand. She sipped and passed it to me.

  “Ours,” I growled vehemently, and took my own sip. Blaze nodded his approval at my rumbled outburst while the last drops trickled down my throat.

  Mine… a voice whispered.


  Sora’s growled word echoed throughout the room and an intense feeling of pride overcame him. Yes, she was a worthy Mate indeed. Strong, fierce… His.

  Applause broke out from the crowd when she lifted the chalice from her lips and passed it back to Jackson’s waiting hands.

  “My family!” She shouted to everyone in attendance. “Mine,” her exposed fangs glistened in the twinkling light. She raised a hand and lit her blue flames. Throwing out her arm up toward the chandelier, he turned to watch her magic race from her outstretched fingers in an arcing light.


  The chandelier shattered into tiny glowing specks, causing everyone to hit the floor but him.

  Where the chandelier had once been, a brilliant orb began to take shape. It slowly rotated as Sora pushed magic into it, pulsing with more power than he had ever seen before.

  “Mine,” her whisper carried throughout the silent room on a powerful breeze.

  The sphere glowed orange as it rotated faster, growing to the size of a small car. Faster it spun, round and round. Finally, it settled and a perfect sphere lit the darkened room. Smaller red flares of flame licked its surface. It was as bright as the sun, he marveled, feeling the heat as the flames coiled around it.

  She screamed as the gathered crowd stood, “I walk in daylight! Tonight, you will too.”

  Everyone raised their faces and basked in the warm glow, slowly turning toward him as she tucked herself against his side. “Ours,” she rumbled in a purr. Her sapphire eyes shone with small stars as she gazed up at him.

  “Ours,” he whispered back in agreement.

  He bent and swept her off her feet, cradling her close in the crook of his arms.

  Awed whispers sounded throughout the room.





  Applause broke out as carried her up the stairs and back to their room.

  Chapter 11


  Well that was interesting.

  I gazed at the sphere as it continued to pulse and flare after my friend’s abrupt outburst and subsequent absence. The soft notes of a violin slowly filled the air and the murmurs of voices continued once more.

  I panned the room, searching for Jackson. He owed me a dance. After my third scan, I spotted him, threading his way back toward the bar.

  I nodded politely to the whispers of congratulations ringing in my ears, stalking my prey.

  At my arrival, he slid two half glasses of whiskey forward, passing one to my open hand.

  “So…” I drew out.

  He took a sip and lifted a brow, “So?”

  I waved a hand at the ceiling, “This kind of thing happen often?”

  He chuckled, “No. We have a Mage, but never has she recreated the sun. Her talents lie more in healing and warding.”

  “Ah, I see. Where is she anyway?”

  Sighing, his shoulders rounded. “On sabbatical,” he waved his hand vaguely. “Every so often she leaves us to regroup and improve on her magic, etcetera.”

  Taking in his posture, I quipped, “What, she your girlfriend or something?”

  “No,” he bit out, then sighed. “Things would just be easier if she were here.”

  I sipped my whiskey while I pondered his reaction. Weird moody Vampire, he could keep his secrets.

  Bored with the topic, I placed my hand on his forearm. “Would you like to dance?”

  He eyed me down the line of his nose, “I don’t dance.”

  “Everyone dances,” I cajoled. “It’s just a matter of how well they dance.”

  Allie stepped up beside me, “He really doesn’t. I’ve been here for quite a while and I’ve never seen him bust a move.” She rocked her hips in a side to side motion and threw her arms up. Her large breasts the jiggled precariously with the movement.

  I grinned and tipped my head to her chest, “Careful there, you might lose one of the girls.”

  She laughed and hooked a slender arm around my shoulders, “I’ll dance with you.” Her eyes scrunched, “but not to this. Sasha and I were heading to the rec room. There’s a sound system there, full bar, pool, anything you could want.” Her brows lifted hopefully, “Want to come?”

  That was the best idea I’d heard all night. “Sounds good, I can play a mean game of 9 ball, or anything with balls.” I grinned at my pun, thinking of my bar hopping days.

  Allie giggled.

  I glanced at Jackson, his face an emotionless mask while he continued to sip his drink. I shrugged my shoulders, “Let’s go.”

  We found Sasha kissing Jake goodbye near the stairs.

  Allie hooked her arm through Sasha’s while we watched Jake’s figure retreat through the side door. “Duty calls?”

  Sasha sighed, “Yeah, some more of the Pack has been sighted sniffing around the perimeter.”

  “I know, they called Von in just after we got here. Stupid Pack. I can’t wait until all of this is over and things go back to normal.”

  “What’s normal?” I waved my hand in front of their faces. “New girl, fill me in.”

  “Drinks,” they replied in unison.

  Sasha smirked and looped my arm with her free one. “Let’s go.”

  While Allie fiddled with the massive sound system, I racked the pool balls for a game of cutthroat.

  “What’s your poison, Viv?” Sasha asked from behind the bar.

  “I was drinking whiskey,” I replied, walking over to join her.

  Her nose wrinkled in disgust, “That’s nasty. Vodka it is.”

  I chuckled, “I’ll drink whatever you’re pouring.” My face turned serious, “So, what’s happening with the perimeter?”

  Sasha flared her nostrils in revulsion and started pouring shots. “Well, we used to be able to go out at night and do as we please. Now though, we’re on lockdown. We have to stay inside the ward. The Pack is trying to provoke a war over Sora.” She lifted her hands, “Don’t get me wrong, Sora is awesome. We love having her here, we love that Blaze has found his Mate. But we’ve been cooped up here, and our Mates are patrolling so much that we hardly see them. I don’t know what they want from Sora,” she shook her head, “but she could be a dangerous weapon if they ever got their hands on her.”

  I nodded, I could see that. She was incredibly powerful. Her magic was extraordinary, I had a feeling she was just barely touching the surface of that power.

  ACDC’s “Back in Black” came on over the speakers as Allie joined us at the bar. “Sasha’s right. The whole situation sucks ass. I just wish the Pack would go away.”

  My thoughts turned back to my first encounter with the Pack and I shivered.

  Allie intuited my discomfort and placed a calming hand on my cheek, “Sorry to bring up bad memories, Babe.”

  I shook off the negative emotions and downed my vodka. The burn was a bit harsher than the aged whiskey, but it still tasted dammed good. “Another, Sasha,” I tipped my empty glass. “I’m going to kick your asses at a game of cutthroat.” A mischievous smile lit my face, “Who’s breaking?”

  After the 8th game of me kicking their butts, we decided to call it quits.

  “Where the hell did you learn to play like that?” Sasha shook her head as she put away her cue.

  I shrugged and adopted a bland voice. “I lost my parents when I was 7 in a car accident. From there, I bounced around group homes. There was always a pool table, we’d gamble amongst each other for extra food.”

  Both Allie and Sasha flashed toward me, crushing me between them in a Viv sandwich.

�We’re your family now,” Allie whispered in my ear while Sasha rubbed my shoulder in small circles.

  My eyes teared up for the second time that night. I took a deep breath and replied in a reedy voice, “I know. That Wolf attack was terrifying, but it’s a small price to pay; to be here.” I sniffled and mustered a smile as they stepped back to examine me.

  A knock sounded in the hall preceding Jackson before he stepped into the room. “Am I interrupting?”

  Getting control of myself, I turned to face him. “No, we’re just reminiscing. What’s up?”

  His face softened in concern for a moment before his mask slid back into place. He rumbled, “Well, if you’re finished here for the evening, I have something I’d like to show you.”

  I looked to Allie and Sasha and lifted a brow.

  They bobbed their heads together in reply.

  “Okay. I’ll see you girls later?”

  “Sure, we’re here every night. Come find us and we’ll try 9 ball.” Allie answered.

  “Hopefully, I can beat you at that,” Sasha added with a smile.

  Turning to follow Jackson, I snarked over my shoulder, “Don’t count on it!”

  Their giggles followed me out of the room.

  I caught up with Jackson after we’d entered the second kitchen. “Where are we going?”

  He was silent as he opened a large steel door with a metal bar leaning against its frame.

  “The training grounds,”he replied. At my quizzical look, he gestured his hand in a hurry up motion.

  Sighing at his ever-changing moods, I preceded him through the door. Rough concrete met my bare feet as I looked down a flight of stairs. The walls were made of reinforced steel, like some creepy horror movie.

  Jackson secured the door with a deep thud and brushed passed me as he descended the steps with practiced ease.

  In for in a penny, in for a pound I guess. Lifting the skirt of my dress, I followed him down.

  The stairs ended at the beginning of a long tunnel, made with more steel and concrete. Yup, I mused. Definitely a creepy horror movie.


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