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The Glittering World Anthology: Native American Romance Paranormal Fantasy

Page 3

by Trinity Blacio

  “What? You, the almighty, going to send me off. Well guess what, I’m out of here, and Coyote, watch your back,” his brother threatened right before he disappeared.

  “I am sorry, my son, daughter. I do not understand what is wrong with Nester,” Coyote’s father said before following Nestor, disappearing.

  “Well, at least you, too, have problems in your family.” She smiled and looked up at Coyote. “You should hear my brothers get into it.”

  “I am sorry you had to see that. Come,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her through what appeared to be a line of different plants, but when Dibe looked up, she was stunned.

  They were at the entrance of some cave-like structure. “Is this the way into your home?” she asked.

  “Our home and yes. There are caves like this all over this world. Many of us have made use of them as our home, while others build their dwellings in the trees.” He scooped her up into his arms and walked into the cave.

  Going deep into the ground, Dibe was shocked to see the main floor of their home. Wooden table and chairs that looked like they belonged in a showcase, the caverns were so intensely beautiful. On a massive shelf behind the table there were what appeared to be candles of all kinds and colors, and off to the left a small waterfall with steam coming from it.

  “This is amazing. Did you make all the furniture and such?” she asked as he lowered her to the ground.

  “Yes, I’ve had plenty of time while I waited for you. There are three sleeping rooms down that hall,” he said as candles came to life around them. “As you can see, we have natural hot springs that run throughout our home. We will come here when we need a break from the outside world, bring our children here to run free.”

  She smiled as he followed her over to the waterfall. He reached up, pulling the pins out of her hair. “Your hair is beautiful, and I love it when it is down.” He turned her around, facing him.

  “On the final day, when the moon is full, our bond will be complete. I would have my father join us in our ceremony under the moon.” He held out his hand, opening it. “Would you wear my gift?” he asked.

  His gift was a choker of tiny precious stones that had been polished and shaped. In the center, a wooden man and woman embraced, their bodies twined together. You would think with the stones and the wood it would be bulky and big, but it was nothing like that. It was a piece of artwork.

  “I would be honored to wear it. Coyote, I have to ask. How long will we live? Will I watch my family die?” she asked, a little scared.

  He took the choker he made for her and stepped behind her. “Lift your hair, little lamb,” he asked.

  She lifted her hair as he placed the choker on her and fastened it. “How old do you think your parents are, little lamb?” he asked, and Dibe frowned, glancing over her shoulder at him.

  “My father is fifty-nine, and my mother is fifty-five,” she said as he shook his head, turning her around.

  “It looks as if I have a few things to explain, even though your parents should have explained this to you before now, but we have plenty of time. Come, let’s go watch the sunset here. I can explain a few things.” He led her down another hall, but this one seemed to go up. When he reached around her, opening a door, she was totally stunned at the beauty as she stepped out onto a cliff-like balcony.

  She could see for miles, the jungle all around them, and if she wasn’t mistaken, there was a large area of water off to the left. “Is it a lake or an ocean?”

  “More like a lake, but the animals in it could be in an ocean, also. Come, sit,” he said, pulling her down onto his lap as he rested against the stone. “I love to hold you. Now, why don’t you tell me what kind of ceremony you would like?”

  Dibe laughed. “Don’t you think you should ask first?” she said, even knowing it was a done deal.

  “Nope, you are mine, my little lamb, from now on, where you go, I go. We have much to talk about, but not to worry, by the time the full moon comes, I can assure you our bond will be ten times as strong as it is now.”

  She sighed and laid back against him, looking out at the setting sun. “This place is magical, just like you are. I always used to tell my little brother to believe in dreams that they could come true, and here I am living my dreams,” she said as Coyote hugged her and placed a kiss on her neck.

  “I will always be your dream, my little lamb, as you are mine,” he whispered as in the distance, the wolves started to sing, almost serenading them, welcoming her to their world. So many questions, but right then and there, they both listened to the music watching the sun set, a peace seeming to settle over her and the land below. Even the problems of her people were put on hold for this special moment, as she reached up, touching the choker he had given her.

  Dreams and fantasies do come true if you believe and work hard enough.

  Buffalo Stew with Fry Bread Crust

  Contributor: John Koda Miller

  1 lb. of buffalo stew meat

  1 teaspoon of baking powder

  4 potatoes

  1/2 teaspoon of salt

  1 medium onion

  2 tablespoons of oil

  seasoning salt

  tomato sauce or jar of spaghetti sauce

  fry bread dough

  Heat the oil in a stew pot, chop the onions add to heated oil. Cook for a couple of minutes. Rinse your stew meat add to the onions add the seasoning salt to taste and add tomato sauce or spaghetti sauce stir well covering all the meat add 1/2 cup of water get it boiling let cook for about 30 minutes add the potatoes, cover and let cook through.

  A pinch of sugar gives the bread a yummy taste and makes it softer. Mix all the dry ingredients together then add your liquids make a soft dough roll out on a floured surface when 30 minutes has past take stew off the stove let it cool and let the dough rest for about 10 minutes then put your stew in a deep pie dish or casserole and top with the rolled out dough. Bake for about 20-30 minutes.

  About the Author

  Trinity Blacio has been writing for the past ten years. She is widowed and has two children, living in Elyria, Ohio. Her favorite things to write and read are paranormal, ménage, science fiction, erotica, and fantasy.

  Places to find me.





  Choosing His Mate


  Elle Boon

  Chapter One

  Rasmund looked at his father, alpha of the River Wolves. He was over a hundred in human years, but still young amongst their kind. “Thank you for this time, Alpha,” he said with a forced calm he didn’t truly feel.

  Most in his position would be excited, possibly proud. To an extent he felt those things, having been chosen to not only take over as alpha of his pack, but a rival one as well. The only thing he had to do was mate with the daughter of the alpha of the Klamath Pack. Although the other pack was big, the River Wolves were much larger. They also had the advantage of more land that wasn’t as inhabited by humans, which gave them an upper hand as well.

  “Three months, Rasmund, that’s what you have to sow your wild oats. After that, you come back and do your duty,” Boyd Masters growled.

  “I understand, Alpha.” Rasmund looked at the males standing behind his father, their faces showing nothing but respect. However, he could see in their narrowed eyes, they didn’t agree with their alpha’s decision. Rasmund wasn’t sure if it was him being allowed to leave without an escort of at least two other males, or him being named alpha after his father. He was twenty-two while Boyd was a little over a hundred-years-old, still none of them thought the alpha needed to step down. Although he’d already proven he could hold the title, having defeated the second and third, both men who stood with the scars Rasmund had given them only days ago.
The wounds healing, however, they would forever have the reminders of their defeat for all to see on their bodies. Although shifters heal remarkably, the damage he’d done to them would not.

  “See that you do, and don’t make me regret letting you go, Rasmund. You won’t like the consequences.”

  His father turned his back, walking away with his lackies trailing after him. Rasmund was left alone in the great hall. Anticipation filling him with a sense of freedom. He rubbed his hands together; a smile lifted the corners of his lips.

  “You look like the cat that stole the cream, boy.”

  He’d known the old woman was near, although her scent had been almost imperceptible. “If a cat was here, I’d have swatted it out already. Don’t much care for cream either. Is there something I can do for you, Lillian?”

  Respect for elders kept him from growling too much. It also kept him from telling her to mind her business. Of course, Lillian was a seer and more than likely had seen something, which was probably why she was there.

  “You always were a smart one. I fear your path is going to be filled with heartache, my child. I wish I could offer you some wisdom or another way, but that is not for me to do. What I can do is tell you to trust in the Goddess and know she has a greater plan.”

  He nodded, anger simmering low in his stomach.

  “I see your fear,” she said.

  “It’s not fear you see, old woman,” he snarled, biting back what else he wanted to say as he remembered who he was talking to. Fuck, he didn’t need this shit, and he didn’t need to take it out on Lillian either. “I apologize, Lillian.”

  She waved her hand, dismissing his words. “You’re forgiven. I’ll see you in a few months. We’ll speak then. Remember, things always get dark before the sun rises again.”

  His gut clenched at her words. Never in all his years had she ever spoken to him about the future, not like she was now. Sure, she had always been pleasant, always there with a smile and her amazing homecooked meals when he’d been injured in a fight. Not that it happened often, but when it had, she was the one who offered comfort. Rasmund eliminated the space between them, wrapping his arms around the frail old female. “You’re too good to me, Lillian. If I were a few years older I’d take you for my mate.” He kissed her head.

  Lillian scoffed. “You’d have to be a lot more than a few, child. Now, go before I change my mind and ground you.”

  He gave her one last hug before exiting the hall heading toward his cabin. When he returned, his world would be changed. No longer would he be living in the small place he’d built with his own hands. Instead, he’d take over the large home of the alpha, where he’d have little to no privacy. That would be the smallest change, the other more marked change would be his mating to Sage, the daughter of Lyntoc Barr. The old alpha had lost his mate and never took another. Their numbers had dwindled as the humans moved in closer to their lands, killing them in their animal forms. Rasmund and his pack would make changes that would ensure those atrocities ended.

  Grabbing his bag, he tossed it over his shoulder, locking the door behind him before climbing into his pickup. The old Ford fired up on the first try. He didn’t look around as he drove away knowing he’d be returning in three short months. Until the end of his time away, he was going to enjoy the freedom.

  Dyani looked out the window of the logging office. She was so excited now that school was finished, her diploma officially in hand, her parents had no reason to keep her from helping out more. “I know you think I should go off to college, but I don’t want to. This is where I want to be,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest in a pose that her mother said was her father’s stubborn stance.

  “Ten’-as, how do you know what you want to do when you’ve never left here?” her mother asked.

  “I don’t need to leave to know, Mama,” Dyani reassured her. It didn’t matter how old she was, her mother called her child. Many would’ve hated to the term but not her.

  The bell over the door jingled, interrupting them. Dyani felt her heart stop and start as the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen walked through the door. He had to be over six-and-a-half feet tall with dark red hair. She’d never seen anyone with hair that color, who still had the most gorgeous tan skin like him. It made her want to go up and touch him. Her hands actually itched.

  “Can I help you, young man?”

  Dyani was saved from making a total fool of herself by her mother’s question.

  “I saw the sign in the window. Are you still needing help?”

  The stranger’s voice was deep, so incredibly deep Dyani felt the vibration through the wood on the counter where her hand was pressed as he spoke. Goodness, she was being fanciful. Maybe she should go away to school like her mother suggested.

  “Yes, we are. It’s a summer position, unless of course you’re good and a position opens up.”

  “I’m only here for three months. My name is Rasmund.” He looked at Dyani as he spoke.

  “My name is Mahalu. Let me call my husband Jolon’ and have him come down to meet you. This is a very hard job, Rasmund,” her mother warned.


  Dyani licked her lips, her mind spinning all kinds of scenarios that were anything but good. She needed to make sure she didn’t let her mama see, otherwise she would make sure her papa didn’t hire the man.

  When her mother left her and Rasmund alone to go back into the office, Dyani wasn’t sure what to say or do. In all honesty she didn’t know if she could even form a coherent sentence or not. He was so far out of her league in every sense. Tall, commanding, and gorgeous. Just looking at him had her wanting to leap over the counter and beg him to...well, that was where her crazy thoughts scattered. She read all kinds of racy books, but reading and doing, were two totally different things. For one, she wasn’t the type to do things like other girls her age were doing. Not that she thought badly of them, because she wasn’t a prude. She’d decided long ago when she gave herself to a man it would mean more than giving it up for the sake of doing it. For two, most of the guys her age didn’t appeal to her. For that matter, most of the guys in McKinley Landing did nothing for her, until now.

  “What’s your name?” he asked, moving closer to the counter.

  His presence and closeness should’ve scared her because he was so big. Dyani felt anything but scared. No, what she was experiencing was lust for the first time at eighteen years old. She licked her lips again; thinking she’d heard a growl coming from the big man not two feet from her. “Um, I’m Dyani, but my friends call me Dy.”

  “Dyani,” he repeated. “That’s a beautiful name. Nobody should ever shorten it.”

  She laughed at his comment. “Rasmund, does everyone call you by your full name?”

  He was standing so close now she could actually smell his clean scent, could feel his warm breath as he exhaled. Moments stretched as he stared down at her before finally, he blinked, his head jerked up and down. The bell above the door jangled, breaking the intimate moment she hoped wasn’t one-sided.

  “Yo, Dy, is your dad in?”

  Dyani closed her eyes, gritting her teeth against the retort she wanted to say. “Mick, you know he’s up at the landing this time of day. What can we do for you?” She tried to be as professional as possible.

  “I like the sound of that rolling off your tongue, little girl,” Mick said, satisfaction making his words a threat.

  Before Dyani could correct the jerk, Rasmund turned, putting himself between Mick and her. “What did you say?” he asked in a deep, angry tone.

  “Excuse me?” Mick stepped closer.

  Dyani saw Rasmund’s shoulders stiffen, but he was a good three or four inches taller than Mick. However, Mick was a mean man. He had been a logger for years and didn’t mind getting his hands dirty even when it came to a fight.

  “It’s alright, Rasmund. Mick, do you need to speak with my father? If so, I can have Mama call him or you can leave
a message and when he comes down, he’ll give you a call.” She tried to move so she could see around Rasmund, but he seemed to shift with her, keeping himself between her and Mick.

  “Dyani, is everything okay out here?” her mother asked.

  “Oh, Mama, yes. Mick was looking for Papa.” She moved closer to her mother. The air seemed to be thick with danger.

  “Mick, you know Jolon’ isn’t in the office this time of day. What’s the meaning of your visit?” Her mother moved around the counter to stand next to Rasmund, uncaring of the danger Mick could pose to a woman.

  “How am I to know when the old man is or isn’t in?” Mick argued.

  Rasmund reached out, gripping Mick’s shirt in his fist, and pulling him off his feet. “You do not speak to a female like that. Now apologize or I will toss your worthless hide out that door and teach you how to show respect.”

  She wasn’t sure who was more surprised, herself or Mick. Yes, Rasmund was larger than the other man, but Mick wasn’t a small man. However, he was lifted off his feet as if he weighed nothing, and then to make matters worse, Mick tried to punch and kick Rasmund.

  “That is enough, Mick. Please take him outside, Rasmund.” Mahalu didn’t raise her voice as she spoke, but she did have her arms out to the side as if she feared Dyani was going to make a move toward them.

  “No problem, Mrs. Hakun. Be right back.”

  Dyani tried to keep her sigh inside but watching Rasmund’s muscular back flex beneath his tight T-shirt as he forced Mick out the door was too much. “Mama, should we call Papa down?”

  “I already did, ten’-as,” her mother whispered.

  Hearing her mother’s voice shake showed how much she was worried. “Is he coming down?”

  Mahalu patted her shoulder, watching through the window as Rasmund faced off against Mick. The other man held his hands up in surrender to whatever the big man said. Dyani shivered as he looked through the big window toward her and her mother, although she knew he couldn’t see them properly, she still felt the heat of his anger. Rasmund shifted his body, placing himself between them like he felt the need to protect even though the thought was absurd.


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