The Glittering World Anthology: Native American Romance Paranormal Fantasy

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The Glittering World Anthology: Native American Romance Paranormal Fantasy Page 4

by Trinity Blacio

  “Are you going to hire him, Mama?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, Dyani. I think he could be trouble for you.” Her mother turned her focus toward the office as the phone began to ring. “That would be your father. I bet he’s racing down the mountain without a seatbelt on,” she muttered, hurrying into the other room.

  Rasmund came back in, his face no longer quite as open and friendly. “He will be trouble.”

  Dyani opened her mouth to deny his accusation, shutting it before the lie could escape. “My father will take care of him.”

  He shook his head. “I will make sure he doesn’t bother you ever again.”

  Chapter Two

  Rasmund barely reined in his wolf from killing Mick. He wanted to rip the fucker’s heart out and feed it to him before he died, letting all who came across his carcass know exactly who Dyani belonged to. His wolf howled inside his mind in agreement. Shit, he didn’t know how it happened, but as soon as they’d driven into the little town with the windows down, he’d been on edge. When he caught the sweet scent of pine and strawberries, his wolf had him pulling over until it was either that or shifting while driving. He was pretty sure he would’ve wrecked if his wolf would’ve been behind the wheel.

  “What do you mean?” Dyani asked.

  Her fear hit him like a punch in the nuts, making his wolf want to reach out and pull her to them. “I don’t want to scare you, tik-égh. If there’s one person on this Earth who is safe from me, it’s you.”

  She sucked her breath in, making her chest rise and fall with the action. Rasmund was far from perfect. Goddess knows he was no virgin, but she was too much temptation for him to deny. Her smooth skin beckoned his touch, and his wolf was demanding he take what was theirs. Without moving too fast, he reached over the small space and tucked the little bit of hair that had escaped her braid. Silky hair sifted through his fingers before he placed it neatly behind her small ear. The little jewels in her piercings sparkled as he did so.

  “You don’t scare me,”—she sucked in a breath, smiling up at him—“alright, you do a little but not scare me in the same way as Mick.”

  “That’s good to hear. Although, I don’t want you scared of me at all.” He stopped speaking when he heard a vehicle pulling in around the back. From the way the engine was roaring as it executed the turn, Rasmund had no doubt Dyani’s father had arrived.

  A door banged and then he heard footfalls coming toward them. Mahalu hurried out of the office, the phone still in her hand. “Jolon’, what were you thinking?”

  The tall dark-haired man pulled his wife into his arms, their words easily overheard by him. Unabashedly, he listened as they spoke, each of them murmuring too low for Dyani to hear.

  “Who is the boy with our baby girl?” he asked, stroking his hand down her head.

  Mahalu snorted. “That boy is here for a job and showed Mick the door when he came in acting like a di-aub.”

  Hearing her refer to the other man as the devil did make him raise his brows, but again he kept silent.

  “Well, let’s go meet him, shall we?”

  Although he already knew they were coming, Rasmund let a little surprise show on his face as both of Dyani’s parents appeared around the corner. He stood straighter, showing respect to the two elders.

  “I hear we owe you a debt of gratitude?” Jolon’ said, walking up to Rasmund without an ounce of fear on his features.

  He’d been expecting a show of aggression from the male, so was a little taken aback at his easy acceptance. “No thanks needed, Ty-ee’. He was clearly bothering your ma...wife and daughter. I did what any good male would do.”

  Rasmund realized he’d almost said mate instead of wife, which might have raised some eyebrows, possibly questions. He’d have to be careful of his words until after he claimed Dyani as his own. Calling the older man Chief was a show of respect, plus, if he didn’t miss his mark, Jolon’ was the head of not just his family, but the local tribe. Why the hell Mick thought it had been smart to come in and mistreat the wife and daughter was a mystery. The male had raised his wolf’s hackles as if he had been a shifter of some kind but Rasmund couldn’t get a bead on his scent.

  Jolon’ tilted his head to the side, brown eyes narrowing on him. “You have quite a way with words. Come into my office so we can talk about you working for me.”

  Dyani put her hand on his chest. “Don’t let him scare you away. He can be a little intimidating to most, but he’s really a nice boss.”

  Unable to stop himself, Rasmund lifted her chin with one finger. “Tik-égh, you are far too good for me.” He swept his thumb over her trembling lower lip before he could stop himself, needing to wipe the moisture created from her constant biting away. With her eyes on his, he lifted his thumb to his mouth, tasting her. Shit, his dick jerked. If he didn’t get his unruly body under control, he’d be walking in to face his future father-in-law with a massive hard-on.

  “Why did you do that?” she whispered.

  “Because I had to.” It was nothing but the truth. The woman was going to be the death of him.

  Rasmund shrugged his flannel shirt on before he moved around her. He quickly buttoned it, keeping it untucked so it would hide his erection as he made his way into the office. Dyani’s mother patted his arm as he passed. “Thank you again, but remember to mind your manners with my girl, or I won’t be pleased.”

  He gave a nod, continuing on his way. He would mind his manners. A male only claimed his mate once.

  “Have a seat. Don’t need you towering over me.” Jolon’ pointed at the seat across from him.

  He immediately liked and respected the man, taking the chair and waiting, knowing the interview was going to be about more than the job.

  “You traveling through our little town, or you got a destination in mind?”

  “Didn’t have any real place set. I let instinct carry me. When I saw the sign in the window it felt like this was as good as any place to spend my summer. Besides, my senses tell me you need a little help up on your landing site.”

  He’d overheard the couple talking about disturbances that had taken one of his workers out that morning. Rasmund would ensure nothing took him out. His wolf and he could sense trouble a mile away.

  “You ever work for a logging company before?” Jolon’ asked, his posture tensing as he waited for an answer.

  “I have. My family and I own a large portion of land where we do a multitude of things, some of which includes clearing the forest of trees that have fallen. However, I’ve not logged in the sense of what you do here.”

  Jolon’ leaned forward, folding his hands on his desk. “I see. You’re not a dumb boy who happened by, saw my gorgeous daughter and decided to hit on her, are you?”

  Rasmund smiled, letting Jolon’ see his human teeth. “Ah, your daughter is very pretty, that’s for sure,” he agreed.

  “I see you didn’t agree or disagree. You’re smart and clever, Rasmund. I like that about you. Don’t let my liking and hiring you fool you into thinking I won’t bring the wrath of all down on you if you hurt my ten’-as.” His dark eyes warned Rasmund more than his words.

  Rasmund nodded then filled out the paperwork of a new hire. He wasn’t truly focusing on the words but on how he’d break it to his father. A shiver went down his spine, but he shoved it aside. He had three months before he’d have to face the alpha.

  Dyani took a deep breath, nerves doing somersaults in her stomach as she waited for her father and Rasmund to finish talking.

  “Why don’t you go on home. I think it would be best if you weren’t here pacing when our new employee comes out. Imagine if your father saw you like this. He’d be apt to fire him on the spot.”

  She wanted to tell her mama no, but she was the wisest woman she knew. Exhaling a huge puff of air, she nodded. “Can you tell him...I don’t know, something?”

  “Yes, I’ll tell him...something. Now, go.” Her mother made a li
ttle shooing motion.

  With a last futile attempt to see through the closed door, she headed outside. The sun was setting, making chill bumps pop over her arms. “Dang it, I should’ve grabbed a jacket this morning,” she muttered, walking down the sidewalk.

  Waving at a few people she passed, she felt the hair on the back of her neck rise. Their home was at the end of the road, on a dead end. Which didn’t usually make her nervous to walk home alone, even when it was getting dark. Their small town wasn’t known to have any crime, not when everyone knew everyone. She looked behind her but didn’t see anyone following her. “You’re being silly.” Talking to herself made her feel better.

  She had another fifty yards or so to go, half a football field, nothing major, before she’d hit the road to their house. Once she was on the last stretch home, she knew she’d be safe. Her Papa kept saying he’d have streetlights put up along this part of the road since it got really dark when the sun went down, but they never got around to it. Her mother and she had told him it would be silly, but now she wished he’d done it as the shadows seemed to stretch out like ghostly creatures.

  The sound of a vehicle coming from behind had her looking over her shoulder. She didn’t recognize the truck as a local. Her legs froze as if in quicksand; her mind began playing all kinds of scenarios. The types of things that happened to lone women on deserted roads made her take a step toward the woods where moments before she was sure creatures lurked, ready to strike. Oh lord. She was going to be a cliché in a horror movie. A virgin? Check. All alone? Check. Wearing inappropriate footwear for running? She looked down at her cute sandals and nodded. “Check and double check,” she mumbled, feeling her heart beat erratically against her chest as the truck pulled up beside her.

  “Hey,” Rasmund rumbled.

  Her throat was dry as dust, making it difficult to respond. She swallowed once then again before she could get enough moisture to speak. “Hey,” she repeated.

  “What’re you doing out here all alone?” His looked past her toward the tree line.

  She saw his jaw work like he was angry. Dyani thought she heard a rumble from somewhere behind him.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Do you want a ride?” he asked.

  Dyani licked her lips, thinking of all the reasons why she should say no but found herself nodding. “I don’t live far.”

  Rasmund reached across the seat, opening the door. “You could live in the next state, Dyani, and it wouldn’t matter to me.”

  She climbed into the huge truck, his scent filling her senses. Immediately she pulled the seatbelt around her, feeling his eyes on her every move. “What?” she asked, turning to see him sitting there with a smile that was both devastating and charming.

  “You’re so unexpected but more than I ever thought...never mind. I don’t want to freak you out. You said you don’t live far?” He put the truck in gear but didn’t let off the brake.

  Dyani nodded, pointing forward. She explained where her house was, watching his forearm as he shifted, the muscles bunching with each move. In no time, he pulled up in front of their house.

  “Wow, this is amazing.” Rasmund sat with one arm draped over the steering wheel, the other resting on the gear shift.

  “Thank you. My father helped design and build it.”

  He shifted in the seat, facing her. “How old are you?”

  She unbuckled so she could move freely, wanting to face him as well. “I turned eighteen a couple months back. How old are you?”

  Rasmund ducked his head, one arm rested on the back of the bench seat, the other on his leg. “I’m twenty-two. Is that too old for you?”

  His question made her laugh. “Why do I think it wouldn’t matter if I thought it was or not?”

  His head came up, that grin she found charming on his face again. “Because I would do whatever I had to in order to change your mind. Now, your turn to answer my question, Tik-égh.”

  Hearing him call her love did crazy stupid things to her insides, made her want to do even crazier things, like lean across the short distance and see if his lips were as soft as they looked.

  “I’m waiting, Dyani,” he growled.

  “No, no you’re not too old for me, Rasmund,” she whispered.

  “What if I wanted to kiss you?” The hand on the back of the seat moved, stroking along her shoulder softly.

  “I’d like that very much.”

  He groaned. “You’re too damn sweet, Dyani. How many men have you let kiss you?”

  His words were like a slap in the face, making her realize she was acting like a me-sáh-chie woman. Which she knew he had a right to think she was wicked, with the way she got in his truck and told him he could kiss her. She fumbled for the door handle, nearly falling as she got out before she could make a fool of herself anymore.

  “Dyani, stop.”

  She didn’t want to see him look at her as if he thought she was some kind of whore who let anyone, and everyone do what they wanted. Heck, he probably believed she let Mick have...”Oh no,” she wailed. He might even assume the other man was an ex or something.

  By the time she made it up the steps she was sure he’d turn around and leave, but when she felt hard arms wrap around her, fright made her kick out, her sandaled feet hitting his shins as her elbows went back, aiming for whatever body part she could reach.

  “Stop that, you little wildcat,” he grunted.

  Dyani was sure he was laughing, which made her fight harder as tears fell. “Put me down, asshole,” she sobbed.

  His warm breath wafted across her neck. “I’m sorry I upset you. I don’t know what I said or did, but I’m sorry.”

  His words were said with such conviction. “You made it sound like you thought I was a...a whore.” She sniffed, fighting to keep from crying.

  “Oh, Goddess, no. That thought never crossed my mind. Fuck. I meant...Shit, that was a stupid thing to say, asking you how many men you’d kissed.” He kissed her neck. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  She shivered again. His touch and words were making her experience things she wasn’t sure how to respond to. For one, she had never been kissed by a man, ever. For two, he was only here for the summer. For three, he was a virtual stranger. If she allowed anything to happen, she truly would be considered a whore. However, he was the first man she’d ever felt desire for. Would it be wrong to explore with him?

  “I’ve never kissed a man,” she whispered, keeping her eyes closed tightly even though he couldn’t see her face with her back pressed to his front.

  A deep rumble was his answer. It should’ve frightened her, hearing such an animalistic sound from him, but it didn’t.

  “I should get back in my truck and leave.”

  “Are you going to?” she asked, opening her eyes, looking at their reflection, or rather what she could see of them through the screen door in front of her. He was so much larger than her smaller body, yet he appeared to be sheltering her.

  “No, never,” he swore.

  She exhaled, falling in love with the mysterious man named Rasmund right then and there. Some may say eighteen is too young to say she was in love, but Dyani knew in that moment she would love no other man, ever. “Will you be the first to kiss me then?”

  Although she wanted to say so much more, she was prevented as he spun her around, pressing her back against the glass, his body warm and hard, such a contrast to her own. “I will be your first and last, Dyani.”

  As if he knew she was scared, he bent slowly, wrapped one arm around her lower back, gripping the back of her head with the other. Their eyes locked on one another, and then she lifted onto her toes, meeting his lips with hers. At that first touch, she got lost in the moment, sighing low into his mouth.

  Chapter Three

  Rasmund had to remind himself to go slow. Kissing Dyani was better than fucking any other female. His wolf wanted to howl in agreement. Of course, his wolf also wanted to claim he
r. Instead, he licked across her lips, taking advantage when she gasped, sweeping inside, nearly losing his shit at the first taste of her. Son-of-a-bitch, she was sweeter than the finest wine, more intoxicating than the strongest moonshine. And he’d had some truly strong stuff made by some of the craziest backwoods bastards there ever did live. However, after one taste of Dyani he could see himself losing every sense he’d ever had. It was then he pulled back, memorizing her honey and cinnamon flavor.

  “Damn, you go straight to my head.” He closed his eyes, breathing deeply like a man who’d run a marathon instead of a shifter who had done nothing more than kiss his mate for the first time.

  “Is that...that a good thing?” Her fingers twisted in his shirt.

  If he were less of a gentleman, he’d pull her body flush with his and show her how good it was, in glaring detail. His dick was so damn hard he could feel every beat of his heart pulsing through it. Yeah, good was way too tame a word for how it had been. “Tik-égh, it was better than good.”

  He heard the sound of an approaching vehicle and knew it had to be her parents. Taking a step away so they wouldn’t be in a compromising position, he then walked them to the chairs he’d spotted earlier. Jolon’ wasn’t a stupid man, Rasmund could’ve hurried her inside out of their eyesight, but then it would’ve appeared as if they were hiding. Since he planned to stick around for a long time, he figured it best to start off on the right foot. Of course, how was he going to explain being down the dead-end road without sounding like a stalker?

  “Let’s sit down, and you tell me about yourself.” He waited until she took a seat before he sat next to her. From the sound of the engine they had another minute or so left to be alone.


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