The Glittering World Anthology: Native American Romance Paranormal Fantasy

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The Glittering World Anthology: Native American Romance Paranormal Fantasy Page 5

by Trinity Blacio

  “Um, well, you know my name and age. I graduated high school recently. Gah, that sounds juvenile, right?” She peered over at him.

  He wanted to pull her over onto his lap and show her how unchildish he thought she was. “Not at all. Go on, tell me more,” he coaxed.

  “I was accepted to California State University. My best friend made me apply but...I’m not going.” She bit her lip, looking over at Rasmund then at the road. “My parents thought I should go away to school so I could see what was out there other than what was here,”—she took a deep breath before continuing—“I don’t need or want to go anywhere else. McKinley Landing is home, it’s where I want to stay.”

  Her words were said with such conviction he didn’t need his wolf to tell him there was no lie or deceit in them. Hell, even if he’d been human, he’d have known she spoke the truth. His pack would never welcome her as one of them since she wasn’t a shifter, especially as a human wasn’t guaranteed to have shifter babies. His only option was to stay with her, live his life among her people. His wolf snarled. A pack was essential to all wolves, but an alpha like him needed one even more. Looking over at Dyani, he and his wolf came to an understanding. Their mate came before pack. Whatever children they were blessed with, shifter or not, came before pack.

  “Are you alright?” Dyani’s hand settled over his arm, settling his wolf.

  “I will be.”

  Lights lit up the porch as her parents pulled into the circular drive for a moment before they continued around to the side. He heard the garage door lifting up as it was engaged, could hear their quiet conversation as Jolon’ remarked on Rasmund’s presence at their home.

  How he’d fit into human society full-time was something he’d have to get used to. He’d adapt. For Dyani, he’d do anything.

  The door creaked open. Both Hakun elders walked out, one after the other.

  “Well, I must say, I didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow morning, Rasmund.” Jolon’ moved to stand in front of them, his back to the yard.

  “Papa, I asked Rasmund for a ride home. I don’t know why, but I felt as though someone was following me through the woods,” Dyani said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  Rasmund sat up straighter, his eyes going past Jolon’. “You didn’t tell me that.” He didn’t mean to make his words sound like an accusation, dammit.

  Jolon’ raised his hand. “What do you mean, someone was following you? Did you see anyone, or was it a feeling?”

  Dyani lifted one shoulder, looking over at Rasmund. “More a feeling.”

  “Do you walk home at night alone often?” He’d make for damn sure she didn’t after tonight.

  “It was my fault. I sent her home,” Mahalu admitted.

  Dyani’s father exhaled. “We don’t live in a huge town, but we do have our fair share of travelers passing through. I’d feel better if you didn’t walk home at night.”

  He wouldn’t take issue with the words the older man used. Yes, he could be described as a traveler passing through. However, that had been before he’d met Dyani. The Goddess works in mysterious ways, and one never questions her. Rasmund knew she had brought him to this small village in the Cascades because this was where his mate was. He had to trust in her to lead him in all things as he’d always done.

  Dyani listened to her father and Rasmund talk. She could see they were both very much alike. Strong, caring, and very dominant men who took charge of everything and everyone around them. Her mother had told her the first time she’d laid eyes on her father she’d known he was the man she’d marry. Looking at Rasmund, Dyani wanted to shout to the rooftops she’d found the same thing.

  “I’d best be going.” Rasmund stood up, looking down as Dyani.

  “Have you a place to stay?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “I saw a hotel back in town.”

  Dyani looked to her father, then her mother, pleading with them to know what she was asking without her speaking.

  Jolon’ sighed. “We have a small apartment above the barn out back. I’ll warn you; I won’t have any funny business with my daughter going on.”

  Rasmund placed his fist over his heart. “On my honor, I’d never do anything disrespectful to you or her, Mr. Hakun.”

  The next day she woke, excited to see Rasmund. After her father had agreed to let Rasmund stay in the apartment above the barn, the two men had gone out there while she and her mother had stayed back. She’d expected to see him at dinner, but he hadn’t shown up. Now, she prayed he would show up for breakfast. Her mother had said he was invited, and he’d said he would. God, what if he changed his mind?

  Taking one last look in the mirror before leaving her bedroom, Dyani stuck her tongue out at the image staring back at her. She didn’t take any more time doing herself up in case her parents thought she was trying to entice the man they’d let move in. When in reality, she wanted to do more than entice him. For the first time in her life, she wanted to do all the things most of her friends had already done, and that really scared her.

  “Good morning, ten’-as. How did you sleep?” Her mother kissed her forehead when she entered the kitchen. The heavenly scent of bacon hit her, making her stomach growl.

  “Good, Mama. Can I help you with anything?” She went straight toward the coffee bar her parents had installed.

  “Yes, you can see if our guest would like something to drink.”

  Her mother’s words had her pausing with one hand on the coffee pot. “Oh, where is he?” she asked with her back to the room, hoping her voice didn’t give her anticipation away.

  “In the dining room with your papa.” Mahalu’s teasing would’ve embarrassed Dyani any other time, except she was too keyed up.

  Grabbing the full carafe and three mugs, she walked with what she hoped was calmness into the large dining room. She should’ve realized something was different the moment she’d entered the kitchen and her father hadn’t been at his customary spot at the counter. “Good morning, Papa, Rasmund. Would you like some?” she asked with forced calmness, pointing toward the counter.

  Her father’s dark eyes shown with glee. “Ah, there’s my sweet angel. That would be wonderful. Rasmund, how do you like yours?”

  “Black please. Can I help you?” He pushed back, getting to his feet.

  Dyani sat a cup in front of her father, surprised when Rasmund took the pot from her. “What’re you doing?”

  “I’ll pour our coffee. Do you need help carrying anything else?”

  Her father took a sip of his drink, but not before she spied his smile. Silly man was enjoying himself.

  “No thank you. Have a seat, Rasmund. You’re our guest here.”

  The next half hour was spent eating and watching Rasmund and her father get along like they’d known each other for years instead of a matter of hours. Heck, watching them she would’ve sworn they were peers instead of Rasmund being so much younger than her father.

  “Alright, time to head out. You two don’t get into any trouble and wait for us before leaving the office. Rasmund, do you want to ride with me, or drive up by yourself? You can follow me if you’d like.”

  She saw real respect on both men’s faces. Once they left, she and her mother cleaned up the kitchen, which was normal. Her mother’s stare could be felt even though she wasn’t looking at her.

  “What’s wrong, Mama?”

  “Sit down, ten’-as. I want to speak with you for a minute.” Her mother patted the seat next to her.

  Butterflies took up residence in her stomach. “What’s the matter?”

  “You like that young man, don’t you?”

  She saw no reason to deny the obvious especially as her mama would know if she lied. She nodded.

  “Baby, he is unlike any man you’ve met before. Guard your heart unless you know he feels the same. Promise me.” Her mother put her hand over Dyani’s, pressing firmly.

  How could she tell her mother her h
eart had already been given to a man she didn’t even know? “Mama, what one fears, one destroys. Isn’t that what you’ve told me?”

  “Yes, but sometimes a little fear is good. Come on, let’s get going. We’ll talk more later.”

  She spent the day working; the time went by in a blur. Right before closing, her mother got a call from the landing that one of the crew members had been injured. They had over half a dozen new guys, but Dyani still wanted to make sure it wasn’t...she couldn’t let her mind even say his name.

  “Don’t worry. The foreman said the young man is on his way to the hospital and would be fine.”

  “Did he say who it was?” She bit her lip to keep it from trembling.

  “He didn’t have time, honey. Why don’t you go next door and get us an ice cream cone? I could sure use a sweet snack right about now.” Mahalu handed her a twenty-dollar bill.

  Although eating was the last thing she wanted to do, she moved as if on automaton. Next to them on the right was a bank, to the left was an old-fashioned ice cream parlor. Going in, she ordered her mother’s and hers favorite treats, waiting patiently for the young girl to hand her their cones.

  By the time she stepped back out to the sidewalk, Dyani was sure Rasmund was fine. “He has to be,” she whispered.

  “Who has to be what?”

  The familiar, deep voice had her closing her eyes in relief. “Rasmund,” she breathed.

  “What’s wrong, Tik-égh?”

  She hadn’t seen him when she’d gone inside and wondered how he’d known where she was. “How’d you know where to find me?” Her hands shook, making ice cream drip down one wrist from her cone.

  “Mmm, your mother told me. You like rocky road?” he asked her.

  She paused with her tongue out, getting ready to lick the bit of chocolate off her hand. “It’s my favorite.”

  He moved closer, blocking them from anyone’s view as he bent, licking her hand. “Mine too,” he rasped.

  “Who was hurt today?” Her words were a mere whisper while her body had to be a boneless mass. Good lord. His tongue was rough but not in a bad way. She wondered what it would feel like to have him licking her in other places. The thought made her knees weak.

  “Whatever you’re thinking is gonna get us in trouble, Tik-égh,” he growled, kissing the side of her lips before moving back a step.

  She licked the ice cream, needing something to do other than toss the darn things to the ground and demand he do what she’d fantasized about.

  “Come on, let’s take your mom her treat and see if I can escort you home.”

  It was such an old-world thing to say yet so Rasmund. Gah, she had it bad for this bad boy. However, he was so far from a boy it was ridiculous to even use that term.

  The bell jangled as they entered. She looked around for her mother, but she didn’t immediately see her. “Mama, I have your ice cream. Strawberry, double scoop,” she called.

  Her mother poked her head out of the back office, a phone to her head. “Thank you, ten’-as. Bring it on in.”

  She left Rasmund in the outer room while she went back. Her mother took the cone, mouthing for her to go on and leave behind Rasmund’s back. She knew her father would be returning within a half hour, giving her a chance to spend a little time with Rasmund. Her heart sped up at the thought. She kissed her mother’s cheek, grabbed her bag, then hurried out.

  “Want to escort me home again, kind sir?” she asked, smiling up at him.

  “Hmm, you gonna share your ice cream with me?” he asked, holding the door open.

  Dyani laughed. “Absolutely not,” she joked.

  She wasn’t surprised to see his truck parked across the street, but he did stun her when he opened the door before lifting her into the seat as if she weighed nothing.

  He smiled down at her, his handsome face tan, yet he looked young and happy. “You sure about that?” he asked.

  She couldn’t remember what they were talking about until he took a mouthful of her ice cream, laughter in his dark eyes.

  “Hey,” she growled.

  He swallowed, licked his lips, and grinned. “That sure is yummy, but you know what would taste even better?”

  She shook her head. “What?”

  Rasmund brought her hand holding the cone to her lips, painted them with the cold ice cream, and then covered her mouth with his. She was glad he’d already put her inside the truck, or she’d surely have melted into a puddle of goo. Holy buckets, the man was hands down the best kisser. Not that she had any experience other than him. The thought shocked her into pulling back. “Am I doing it right?” she asked.

  He blinked a couple of times. “Doing what right?”

  “Kissing and all this. I don’t want to disappoint you,” she admitted.

  Chapter Four

  Dyani wanted to bury her face in the sand and call back the words as soon as she’d said them. Good lord she was a total moron. “Don’t answer that. In fact, pretend I didn’t say a word.”

  “Oh no, there are no take-backs, baby. First, yes, you are doing it right. So damn right you about made my head explode. Second, you could never disappoint me. Shit, we need to get out of here before I do something that will get me arrested.” He kissed her fast and hard, stepped back, and closed the door.

  She watched him round the hood of his truck, her lips tingling from their kisses. She licked the ice cream, but her appetite for it was gone.

  For the next two weeks, they met up for breakfast at her parents’ home, then he would pick her up at night where they talked, kissed, and touched a little. She wasn’t sure what he was waiting on to do more, but her body wanted more. God, did she want more. It was Friday night, the last day of his work, week but he hadn’t asked her out on a date. Come to think of it, they hadn’t been on a formal outing. Did that mean he didn’t consider her to be a girlfriend? Was he seeing someone back in his hometown? Doubts assailed her with thoughts of who, what, and where, all culminating in her not being good enough.

  “Ugh, what if I’m a distraction?” she muttered as she bent down behind the counter in the office. Both her parents had already left for the night assuming Rasmund would be picking her up, yet he hadn’t appeared. It was almost closing time, and she’d already cleaned the back office and the front space.

  “As far as distractions go, you’re the biggest,” a deep voice growled.

  She fell onto her ass, stifling a scream. “How’d you get in here without the bell?”

  Rasmund came around the counter and helped her up. “Are you okay?”

  She swatted at his hand, embarrassed to be caught talking to herself and falling ungracefully. She looked down to see what he was staring at, even more embarrassed to see her skirt had risen, giving him a clear view of her panty covered lady bits. “Stop staring,” she muttered, shoving at the hem of her dress.

  He put his hand over hers, stopping her. “Goddess. You’re too damn perfect. Too everything for me. I’m sorry I was late. I was at the bank and then had to run an errand. I didn’t realize it would take so long. Damn, look at you.”

  She knew she had to be blushing, but seeing the appreciation on his face, made her want to lay there and let him look his fill. “What errand?”

  He licked his lips, his eyes slowly raising to meet hers. “It’s a surprise. You—fuck—you take my breath away.”

  “You have such a way with words, Rasmund.” She brushed his hair off his forehead. Although he had red hair, she could see the Native American in him. She was Chinook, with both her parents being Chinook as well, they were very strict. She wondered where he was from, but he always shut down when she asked.

  “Come on, Tik-égh, we better get out of here. I think your parents would have a fit if I did what I want right now.” His hand smoothed up her thigh, inching closer to her panties.

  “Wha...what’s that?” Oh god. Was that her husky voice?

  He chuckled. “Trust me, even y
ou don’t want to know.”

  She nearly squealed as his fingers brushed the seam, teasing her before he stood straight then helped her up.

  “You, sir, are a tease.” She gasped as he lifted her onto the counter. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m showing you I’m no tease.” He stepped between her legs, silencing her with a kiss.

  If she’d thought to protest, her words were swallowed up by him. Of course, protesting was the last thing she wanted to do once he was within touching distance of her.

  He led, she followed. Goodness, she would go wherever he led.

  “You make me lose every bit of control I possess.” He nipped her lower lip, soothing the small wound with gentle licks.

  “Good. I’d hate it if I was the only one to be so out of control. I want you, Rasmund,” she admitted.

  If they hadn’t been so close, she was sure she’d have missed his low growl-like-groan of the words fuck me, but she heard, and she loved it. Loved him.

  “I want you too. So badly I ache for you morning, noon, and night. I had a surprise for you. I was going to ask you out on our first date. I thought I’d pick you up and take you out like a good man. I wasn’t sure how your parents would react to us actually going out. I’m screwing this up, and here you are, the sexiest, sweetest, too-good-for-me female on Earth, offering me everything I’ve ever wanted. You should be telling me to fuck right off.” He lifted her chin with one finger, covering her lips with his one more time.

  Dyani could’ve told him there was no chance on Earth she’d deny him anything, least of all her body, but then he was moving away from her, settling her on her feet, putting himself between the door and her.

  “Someone is coming,” he growled.

  “It’s probably someone looking for my parents.” They had a very lucrative business, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for customers to stop by after-hours if they had questions.

  Rasmund shook his head. “Go into the back office, Dyani, please.”

  His body had gone taut. She didn’t want to fight with him, so she did as he’d asked, leaving him alone even when she didn’t know why. Her hand went to the phone, hovering over it.


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