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The Glittering World Anthology: Native American Romance Paranormal Fantasy

Page 11

by Trinity Blacio

  “So you and your magic dick are going to fix all of my problems?”

  “Only you can deal with your problems, Ahiga. I just want you to know that you are not alone… that those of legend, the protector of Din’e see and we admire you.


  “I saw what you did when you felt so hopeless that you took a blade to your own skin. And I also saw what you didn’t do. You didn’t blame others, you didn’t let your fear and anger infect you in a way that you infected others with resentment and hatred. You listed to the words of those more wise than yourself and heeded their council. You decided not to so this again, “ Monster Slayer reached out and ran a finger over the raised scars on Ahiga’s wrist and Ahiga shuddered as the arousal he filed doubled and his cock grew to full hardness in his pants. “You decided that no matter how hard life gets, you are not giving up.”

  “It is hard,” Ahiga squirmed a little then could feel himself flush red as Monster Slayer’s eyes softened as he ran his fingers over the scare once more.

  “I know.”

  “I think our people have lost the way.”

  “Do you?”

  “I know it, Monster Slayer. I know that a lot of our people have been assimilated into Western Culture and their religions that forbid my very existence.” Ahiga inhaled sharply before his gaze ran over the beings and, still on his arm, before he lifted his own eyes to Monster Slayer’s. “Where were my parents? Where were those who were supposed to love me the most? Many of the Din’e have lost their way.”

  “The People have been infected with western thinking but you need to consider this? Who was there for you?”

  “Grandmother and before he passed on to the Forth World, grandfather.”


  “But my parents—”

  “They need to be reminded of who you are.”

  “Berdache,” Ahiga spat. “That is what they called me.”

  “No” Monster Slayer shook his head. “You and those who exist as Two Spirits are not that name hung on you by French and Spanish trappers who decided to force their influence upon The People. It is a word use for judgement and condemned those they saw living their lives as befit their water as deviant. Ahiga, you are … you are blessed. It is not many who can shoulder the burden of having two spirits inhabiting the same body. Don’t you understand fully who you are?

  “I am…”

  Nadleehi Are the mediators, the ones who could see both sides of an issue and help come up with solutions to ease tension and ease conflicts. You were once prized, blessed because you could choose your own path with the knowledge and wisdom of the gods.”

  This Ahiga understood what he was but having someone, celestial being, justify his continued struggles… that was a heady mind blowing experience.

  “Look being you…” Monster Slayer pointed and Ahiga shifted his position to easily cast his gaze over his shoulder and he almost passed out from what he saw.

  There were shadowy figures staring back at him, multitudes in traditional regalia, standing regal and perfect, their gossamer forms barely visible in the rising light of the moon. And before them stood the tall proud figure of his grandmother.

  Michelle Naki’s form was easily recognizable to Ahiga because she looked exactly like the photographs of her in her younger days. Wearing a Blanket Dress that he knew she weaved, she stood before the great number of his ancestors, a smile on her face as she beamed at him.

  He felt awe fill his being and her love that had never wavered, not for one moment, fill his soul with joy and happiness, and yes, confidence.

  “The ancestors watch and they approve.” Monster Slayer spoke softly in his ear and instead of jumping away in shock, Ahiga leaned back into the man, noting that he didn’t even feel him shift to sit behind him.

  “But I tried to throw away my life…” Ahiga stammered, looking beyond his grandmother and yet, still only seeing smiling faces.

  “In the end you chose to fight.”


  “You were once praised, you who holds the power and understanding of both genders… You are blessed.”

  Ahiga felt his heart pound in his chest as tears welled up in his eyes once more.

  “And it has brought me pain,” he managed to say despite being choked up.

  “And you keep fighting.”

  “It has brought me suffering”

  “And you keep fighting.”

  “It has taken my parents away—”

  “And you had your grandparents support.”

  “I—” finally Ahiga muttered. “I am weak.”

  “You are the strongest person that I have observed. And that is why I am here with my magic dick.” Monster Slayers laughter pulled Ahiga out of the dark pit he was beginning to spiral down and brought a watery chuckle from his throat, to have his words thrown back at him.

  “It still won’t fix my problems,” he managed after the laughter died away.

  “You are going to do that with the help of those who believe in you.”


  “You will continue as you have been, fighting for yourself and for others like you. You will show them how whatever paltry rules that were forced upon you and your society don’t really apply. You will make them see your greatness for what it is and you will serve as an example for those who come after you.”

  “It is a heavy burden.”

  “But is it a burden that you are strong enough to bear.” Monster slayer spoke with such confidence that Ahiga felt his self-confidence, that had been admittedly shaken with the passing his grandmother, begin to shore itself up again. An otherworldly being believed in him.

  “How do you know?”

  Monster slayer wrapped his arms around Ahiga, pulling him back into his solid warm chest, then he gently gripped Ahiga’s scared wrist, running fingers over the marks that pain and fear had left embedded on his skin..

  “Because you are still here.”

  It was at that point that Ahiga lost it. Tears welled up in eyes and spilled over as his body shuddered in Monster Slayer’s arms.

  He had held back his tears for far too long. People kept telling him to be strong, to keep fighting, to not let his emotions show and for far too long he believed it. He was living in a world where showing too much emotion would have him labeled as a typical queer, a melodramatic over reacting drama queen who always had to have the spot light on him.

  So he shut down, he pulled it all in, held it deep within him and it grew like a huge ball of ugly that settled in his chest and made it difficult to breathe. Each shouted comment, each nasty word whispered under their breath at him, each micro-aggression went right into that ball of negativity, strengthening its hold on him until he didn’t know what to do. It was the main reason he was out after curfew risking his life and limb in a pandemic to sit on a blanket and contemplate the stars. He had never felt so lost and alone, not even when his parents rejected him and he felt the only way out was to take his own life.

  Now here was someone who understood, a higher being who knew all and seen all and was telling him that it was okay to cry, to scream, to let out all that emotion that he kept bundled up into that tight little ball… that it was okay to live.

  “Fuck,” he gasped as his body shook with the force of his crying. His eyes burned, his lungs ached, it was hard to breathe and the tears kept coming.

  He didn’t know how long he cried but when the maelstrom eased he found himself still cradled in the arms of an otherworldly being who was gently rocking him from side to side, pressing kisses against his face and telling him how strong he truly was.

  It was a heady feeling, this feeling of being worthy…

  Damn it, he was worthy. Others in his situation were worthy. He would continue to do whatever he could to show others that were in his position that they were worthy of loving, of being themselves, of life because he was Nadleehi and that is why he was put on this path. />
  He lifted his still tearing eyes up to Monster Slayer but now the anger and pain and frustration were pushed back. Ahiga knew that they would return, they always did, but now he knew that he had the means and the strength to fight back his own monsters. He would fight them again and again in this twisted never-ending battle and he would show others the way.

  He looked up at the being who helped him confirm what he already knew and a newer heat began to fill his body and a seductive gleam had entered Monster Slayer’s eyes.

  “You know where this is heading?” Monster Slayer asked as Ahiga felt the changes in his own body that signified his rapidly growing arousal.

  “Your magical dick?” Ahiga snorted as the last of his tears tried up.

  “Only if you want to. This is by no means why I decided to pay you a visit, Ahiga. This is my reaction to your strength and power, and yes, your beauty. What do you want to do? Would you like to share your body with me?”

  “Do I look stupid?” Ahiga asked quite seriously. “I am consenting to everything that is about to happen because have you taken a good look at you? Not your physical beauty because that is very much apparent. I am talking about your heart, your soul, your intelligence…” He trailed off as he felt his face heat in embarrassment.

  “I find you delightful too,” Monster Slayer ran his thumbs over Ahiga’s cheeks as he gently cradled his head, brushing away the last of the tears. “So we are doing this?”

  “We are so doing this—”

  Ahiga’s words stoppered as Monster Slayer’s mouth slammed down on his.

  Fuck, this was the best kiss he had ever experienced. Monster Slayer was dominant in his approach, his large calloused hands cupping his face gently was his tongue slammed into his mouth, demanding to be let inside was Ahiga moaned his pleasure.

  The taste of this man, this higher being… it was indescribable. He tasted of sweet corn and of the sky at night if you could condense what he had seen into a flavor. And his scent… Monster Slayer smelled of petrichor and musk and Ahiga eagerly drew his scent in as he found himself groping at the god’s back.

  “So perfect,” Monster Slayer pulled back to whisper against his damp lips, a low chuckle shifting that massive chest as Ahiga pulled back and lapped at his lips, drawing in the full flavor of this being.

  “Nowhere near,” Ahiga answered, his fingers going to Monster Slayer’s tsiiyee, his hair bun, and pulled the ties free. Long inky-black hair cascaded down, outing his body perfectly. The long silky strands outlined his chest, drawing attention to his small round copper toned nipples, the full muscular of his chest, his square jaw line and as Ahiga’s eyes traveled upwards, those bottomless dark eyes that glistened with an inner glow.

  “But the perfect Ahiga,” Monster slayer intoned, his graceful fingers carefully undoing the loose braids that Ahiga wore in his own hair. “You are strong and brave, your inner fire makes your spirit glow. You are worthy, Ahiga, and for this night, you are mine.”

  Ahiga’s lips were again taken in a powerful kiss before Monster Slayer pulled his shirt over his head and eased him to lay back on his grandmother’s blanket. The warriors fingers spread his hair out around his prone from before his fingers began to run down over Ahiga’s chest.

  Ahiga shivered at the caresses, closing his eyes to relish the feel of those otherworldly fingers sliding over his sensitive skin. He hissed as Monster Slayer’s fingers pinned one of his nipples, his back arching at the slight pleasure pain and the sensations that swapped him.

  “Yes,” Ahiga groaned, feeling his cock harden so fast that he was stunned he didn’t pass out from it. Precum leaked from the swollen head, dampening the front of his sweatpants as reached up to touch the being that was now hovering over him. “That feels so good.”

  “It is my intention to make you feel so much pleasure that you won’t be able to remember your own name.”

  That sounded damn fine to Ahiga, who closed his eyes in order to really feel everything his being was doing to him.

  Monster Slayer did not disappoint, kissing down Ahiga’s body , licking and nipping at his skin as Ahiga spread his legs wide, making space for his god between this thighs.

  Ahiga grunted, thrusting upwards as he felt Monster Slayer’s hard cock pressed against his own. Damn, he was built on the large side. He wiggled his hips for side to side, just to get a feel for thing when Monster Slayer chucked at his actions.

  “Greedy,” he teased and Ahiga nodded his head in eager agreement.

  “It’s been a long time,” Ahiga explained, “since I’ve had anything but my right hand.”

  “Then it’s time to change that.”

  There was a flash of light and then Monster Slayer was naked, all his clothing vanished as if they never existed and Ahiga found himself moaning as the hard raw thickness of his cock pressed against his own.

  “God, yes,” Ahiga breathed as Monster Slayer began to slowly rock his hips from side to side, grinding his cock into Ahiga’s as they rested on his stomach. Ahiga reached down and whimpered as he gripped their cocks together, shuddering at the feel of them being pressed together.

  “You have good hands,” Monster Slayer completed them as Ahiga struggled to get his hands around both of them, so think was Monster Slayer’s cock. Ahiga knew that he wanted this being to fuck him in the worst way and didn’t care that he was going to be feeling this for some time to come.

  Ahiga arched his back as Monster Slayer dipped low and began to lick at his chest, his tongue circling one nipple before it was nipped hard before that small sting was licked away.

  Ahiga forced his eyes open to look down at the long fall of cool hair that was covering him as Monster played one nipple and then the other, leaving fire in his wake and stealing Ahiga’s breath.

  “I never imagined this would happen…” Ahiga trailed off with a sharp cry as Monster Slayer dipped down and buried his face in the neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair above the base of his cock.

  “You are too coherent,” Monster Slayer mused before he slid down, his cock sliding from Ahiga’s grasp as he nuzzled the base of Ahiga’s cock. “We must do something about that.”

  Before Ahiga could think of anything to say, he was calling out into the night as Monster Slayer fisted the base of his cock while his tongue danced over the swollen head, lapping up precum that flowed freely from his slit.


  “My— my mother… Fuck,” Ahiga panted, his head rolling back and forth on his blanket as he tried to speak. “She insisted…”

  “This will be fun,” Monster slayer chuckled again.

  “It doesn’t— fuck,” Ahiga shouted out as Monster Slayer began to lick in earnest at the head of his cock. Ahiga even whimpered as Monster Slayer pointed his tongue and teased at the rim of his slit. Ahiga had never tried sounding, but the tease of penetration there was beginning to make him curious enough to try it. But not now… now his balls were tingling, his cock was so hard it was almost painful, and he really wanted to get fucked in the worst kind of way.

  “Better,” Monster Slayer purred, “not so many words now,” before he sucked the heart shaped head into his mouth, sucking him in deep and swallowing around his hard length in one go.

  Ahiga’s most dropped open on a silent scream as it felt like Monster Slayer was trying to suck his soul out through his dick. His toes curled and sweat began to pour off of his body. His hands went to Monster Slayer’s hair, fisting it as he tried to thrust up deeper into the wet heat of his mouth, but Monster Slayer was crafty. The otherworldly being was carefully holding his hips pressed against the blanket as be began to blow him.

  Ahiga writhed as best as he could, the sensations filling him nearly driving him to madness. Monster Slayer clearly knew what he was doing as the heat and suction were perfect. His tongue danged along the thick vein at the back of his cock as he pulled off, his teeth gently scraping at the delicate skin as he slid down.

  Faster an
d faster he moved until Ahiga found himself reciting the meanings of the colors of the rainbow flat to prevent him from spilling into his being’s hot mouth.

  Ahiga didn’t know how long his personal god tormented him but he knew that he was loving every moment of it. He even called out in denial as Monster Slayer let go of him with a loud pop before grinning down at him with swollen lips and glittering eyes.

  Ahiga’s body pulsed with need as he struggled to find something to say, anything, but he was lost. His needs and wants were taking over and he found himself feeling quite mute, only communicating his desire by arching his hips into the rapidly cooling night air and whining as he reached down to grip his suddenly bereft cock.

  “You do that,” Monster Slayer urged, his eyes traveling from Ahiga’s blissed out face to the fist that was slowly pumping his cock while Ahiga did his best not to spill. “You keep touching yourself while I get you ready.”

  Ahiga nodded as he began to fuck his fist, pressing his heels into his blanket at he pushed his hips upwards, putting on a show for his god.

  Monster Slayer looked so beautiful, so perfect hovering above him that Ahiga had to close his eyes lest he go off like a rocket and he didn’t want to climax until his god was deep inside of him.

  “Slowly,” Monster Slayer urged him on. “Just like that, Ahiga. Slowly while I do this.”

  Ahiga’s eyes snapped open as he felt a wave of heat and electric energy wash over him. Monster Slayer snapped his fingers, producing a jar of sweet smelling oil that he sank two fingers into slowly. Ahiga whimpered seeing this, knowing where those fingers were going next, he had to stop pumping and grip the base of hi cock to stave off his the orgasm that was rapidly approaching.

  “You know what’s coming, correct?” Monster Slayer asked and Ahiga nodded. “Now is the time to say so if you don’t want this.”

  Ahiga considered that for a moment. Did he really want to be fucked into oblivion by a suddenly appearing god who was beautiful as fuck and really wanted him?

  “Hell yeah, I want this,” Ahiga forced out, his chest rapidly rising and falling as the feeling of being overwhelmed began to fill him, but in a good way. “I want this, Monster Slayer. I need this.”


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