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The Glittering World Anthology: Native American Romance Paranormal Fantasy

Page 16

by Trinity Blacio

  “No,” he said simply, pushing a stray hair behind her ear. “While I’m gone, you can play house with your mate. When I’m back, you stay with me.”

  “What about Sike?”

  Tulley shrugged and got up. Pulling her to her feet, he said, “I don’t care. He can come stay with us too. As long as he realizes that you belong to me.”

  “That doesn’t seem fair to him.”

  “You can ask him, but he’s beta. He knows how these things work.”

  “What if he leaves me?” Nizhoni whispered. Part of her thought she might even deserve it. She had been unfaithful to him hours after their mating.

  “He can’t.” Tulley snorted. “You’re mated.”

  “I trapped him?” she said, horrified. That was the last thing she ever wanted to do.

  Rolling his eyes, he shoved her into the shower and followed. Turning on the water, he soaped them both up. Her entire body shook with need and the bastard chuckled. “Does he feel trapped?”

  Tentatively, she reached out through the mating bond. While it was still new and Tulley’s presence overpowered it, she could sense Sike. He was working with his patients. He was annoyed at Tulley, and worried about the skinwalkers, but she felt only love and acceptance toward her.

  He is your Alpha mate. I am your beta mate, Sike said with good-natured resignation.

  She choked. “This isn’t how I imagined my life going. What about our children?”

  “What about them? Your children are my children,” Tulley grunted, washing them both thoroughly.

  Nizhoni felt a similar feeling from Sike through their mating bond. And then he gently retreated from her mind to go back to work.

  “He really doesn’t mind that I’m naked in the shower with you,” she marveled.

  “He minds, but there’s nothing he can do about it,” Tulley said, and then sucked the water off her neck while she went up on her toes to give him better access. “And he blames me, not you.”

  “That doesn’t seem fair,” she said. “I’m a willing participant.”

  “You’re an Alpha female, claimed by an Alpha male. That’s how it works.”

  Nizhoni thought that was chauvinistic and told him so, but Tulley merely shrugged. “I don’t make the rules. I just follow them.” He shut off the shower and toweled them both off.

  “When it suits you,” she muttered.

  He smacked her on the ass. “We have a skinwalker problem to solve, otherwise I’d spend the rest of the day showing you how much I’ve wanted you all these years. But I meant it when I said he will watch us fuck and he will serve you afterward.”

  Feeling the mating heat simmer up again, Nizhoni hurried to her closet to put on fresh clothes. If she thought about that now, she’d be lost in a haze of erotic fantasies. Part of her wondered if she ever woke up from the attack. She’d be convinced that this was all a fever dream, except for the delicious soreness between her legs.

  In addition, she felt stronger, wiser, and more badass than she ever had before. Nizhoni didn’t want to waste a moment of her newfound power. She didn’t want to give the skinwalkers any more time to regroup. Her two mates’ life energies flowed through her and all her senses ignited.


  Sike’s alarmed cry shook the remaining lethargy out of her and she shifted into her wolf form. The skinwalkers were in the community center. They were trying to kidnap him.

  Was she larger? Faster? It seemed that way as she leapt out of the window, crashing through broken glass to get to her mate. She was aware that Tulley was following in human form.

  Tank! Jumper! Get back here! She called out to them, but they had been kited far away. They were on their way back, but it would be too late. The battle would be over.

  “They’re hitting the medicine building,” Tulley shouted, shifting to wolf once he was clear of the door.

  If the skinwalkers breached the building where the healers were chanting over the sand paintings that were being sanctified for the COVID-19 patients, it would be devastating to the humans’ recovery. But if the bastards escaped with Sike, the town would be down a doctor and she would no longer have a mate.

  Go to him, Tulley ordered.

  I’m sorry, she said. I love him too.

  “I know that, you idiot. You wouldn’t have mated him if you didn’t.”

  It astounded her that Tulley had known what she herself had only realized. She couldn’t lose Sike now. Not before he knew he wasn’t second best. He was beta. But that didn’t mean she loved him any less than she did Tulley. Tulley had been with Nizhoni for her entire life. Sike had won her love in a few months of dating.

  I’m here, she said to Sike and burst through the community center’s wrecked door. She rushed to where two skinwalkers were circling her mate. One skinwalker was down and unmoving. A flash of pride in her mate hit her. He was a healer, not a fighter. But he had protected his den. A part of her took in that the healthier human patients had armed themselves with scalpels and were protecting their brethren who were on ventilators or flat on their stomachs trying to breathe.

  Rage pounded through her. She would make the skinwalkers pay for this. No one terrorized her town. One of the skinwalkers turned too late to confront her and she landed on top of it, breaking its back. Tearing its throat out, she spat out the flesh. The other turned to run. She hamstringed it and disemboweled the wretched beast.

  Are you all right, Sike?

  I am now, Sike replied.

  Scenting the air, she pinpointed that the other skinwalkers were fighting Tulley.

  I have to go, she said.

  Help the Alpha, Sike said, nuzzling her briefly.

  Are we good? Desperation flooded her at the thought he might want a mate he didn’t have to share.

  I love you, he said.

  Relief shook her legs. I love you too.

  I know.

  Apparently, everyone but her had known. Shaking her head, she ran past the humans and went to give Tulley her support. She needn’t have bothered. It had been five on one, yet Tulley had utterly ripped them to shreds.

  Is it over? she asked.

  Tulley shifted back into human, his clothes shifting with him.

  She followed, stretching.

  “No,” he growled. “There’s still one more.”

  Scenting the air, alarm hit her as she followed Tulley. There was a faint aura of sickness and evil, but it was back at the community center. “I killed them. I know I did.”

  “You didn’t kill this one.”

  When they walked into the community center, it looked like a war zone. Yaz and the rest of the town were trying to get everything back in order. Sike, however, had a new patient.

  “No,” she said to Tulley, tugging him back from the cot where the skinwalker she had thought Sike killed lay.

  It seemed he had only knocked him out.

  “He’s sick,” Sike said simply. “Keep your distance from him. I’m going to isolate him until I find out if this is the same strain of the virus or a new one. One that can infect shape-shifters.”

  Nizhoni dragged Tulley back another foot.

  “He’s an evil bastard and he deserves to die.”

  Without the rancid pelt, though, he looked like a regular human infected with COVID-19.

  “Can you save him?” she asked.

  Tulley glared at her. “Save him just so I can kill him?”

  “Save him so we can learn how to help others,” she said.

  “He attacked us,” Tulley growled.

  “I don’t know if I can save him,” Sike said, honestly. “I have to try. This is an opportunity to find out more about our enemy.”

  That, Tulley could get behind. “Get him better so he can talk to us about their numbers.”

  “That might take a while.”

  “You have until I get back with my truck,” Tulley turned and stormed out of the community center.

“I’ll talk to him,” Nizhoni said.

  “You’re the only one who can,” Sike said ruefully.

  “Don’t put yourself at risk,” she said, wondering if Tulley was right and if she should just end the skinwalker’s life right now.

  “He’s sedated. And the blood tests I’m running could give me a vaccine or at least progress the search for one.”

  Nizhoni nodded. “I believe in you. I will keep you safe while you do that.” She looked around the community center, at her pack and her human friends and their families. “I will keep all of you safe.”

  It was going to take some compromise and some getting used to, but Nizhoni finally felt like she was the Alpha that Serenity needed. And if it took two handsome men to keep her at her best, she was up to the challenge.

  If you’d like to keep up to date on any new stories with Nizhoni, Sike, and Tulley, please join my VIP readers list. You get first look at free books and upcoming releases. Go here to sign up and get a free contemporary romance that’s just as steamy as this one:



  Wendi Zwaduk

  There’s nothing sexier than a man with power.

  Noya’s determined to win Hawenneyu’s heart. The problem? She’s the daughter of Kaakwha, the old man of the sky and the one who answers to Hawenneyu. Will Hawenneyu, the Great Ruler, take the sweet girl as his partner and lover, or banish her to the Earth?

  Chapter One

  There’s nothing sexier than a man with power. Noya stood behind the tree and willed her heartrate to slow back to normal. If her father found out she’d come to the sacred stream to watch Hawenneyu, he’d be livid. Her father, Kaakwha, was a direct subordinate to the creator god and didn’t want his daughter to distract Hawenneyu from his work. Hawenneyu, the Great Ruler. The Creator. The one who governed over all.

  She didn’t want to distract him, but rather she wanted to work with him. Every time she gazed upon his strong body, her heart fluttered. She longed to run her fingers over the planes of his chest, to caress his hair and explore every inch of him. His dark eyes sparkled when he created life. She’d memorized the details of him.

  He never saw her, though. She was the daughter of Kaakwha, the old man of the sky who gave forth light, and she was off-limits. Her crush meant nothing to Hawenneyu.

  Tonight, she’d give him a reason to notice her.

  She stayed behind the tree and listened for Hawenneyu. He tended to spend his early evenings creating flora around the sacred stream. When he wasn’t creating flora and fauna, he rendered judgments.

  His voice filtered to her first. “My children have requested rain for their crops. They’ve given offerings to beg for my favor.”

  She inched around the massive oak to watch him. A gasp lodged in her throat. Each time he moved, he did with grace. The Creator carried himself like a true king. He amazed and delighted her—not that her opinion mattered much. He was the Creator. He could remove her from his presence if he so desired.

  She hoped not.

  Hawenneyu ran his fingers over the wilting flowers, creating new blossoms and restoring color to the grass. The water sparkled deeper and sounded sweeter in his presence.

  She marveled at him. Hawenneyu seemed so sad and lonely, despite being powerful and beautiful. He could banish a being to the underworld for any infraction if he so desired. But he seemed forlorn. Did he want a partner? Maybe he enjoyed being alone. She’d never asked him.

  Hawenneyu spoke to her from time to time and seemed to enjoy her companionship. Once her father had found out she’d conversed with the Creator, he forbade her from coming to Hawenneyu. Did the Creator see her as anything besides the daughter of his subordinate? Could he?

  She wasn’t sure, but she’d plead her case. She smoothed her dress into place and adjusted the flower in her hair. Her courage wavered, but she tamped down her fear. She’d never get anything she wanted if she stood back in the shadows. Something stirred in her belly. Power? Determination? A bit of both. She embraced the mystical power within her and focused on Hawenneyu.

  According to her father, he had to give up something to please Hawenneyu. The Creator had given Kaakwha a child and in return, requested a payment. Her father called her his dearest treasure. He loved her above all else—except her mother.

  If becoming Hawenneyu’s lover meant the Creator would be easier on her father, then she’d willingly hand herself over. She wanted her father to be happy, but also to know he’d paid his debts. Besides, she’d fallen in lust with Hawenneyu.

  The Creator called to her soul.

  Hawenneyu stretched. Bone-deep weariness washed over him. He needed a break and some relaxation. Kaakwha would say he needed a distraction. He considered Kaakwha a friend, despite him serving him as well, and he respected Kaakwha’s opinion. Being the Creator was wonderful, but could get so lonely. No one wanted to be with him. His followers were afraid of him. Yes, he had the power to pass judgment, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be on his own.

  He stared up at the moonlight. The beauty of the white light caressing the vast expanse of his land always amazed him.

  The sound of splashing caught his attention. He tipped his head. This wasn’t the same rhythmic noise coming from the running water.

  “Hello?” No one tended to venture up to the sacred stream—not without his knowledge. “Identify yourself.”

  A woman stepped through the fog and out of the water. Her dress clung to her body, outlining her breasts and showcasing her hips. Moonlight glinted off her curves.

  Blood rushed to his cock. Few individuals knew about the sacred stream, let alone how to reach it. This woman had found him. His mouth watered as she approached in silence.

  She didn’t have to say a word for him to know her identity. The moment he looked into her eyes, he knew. The red leather cord in her hair was the final giveaway. Noya, daughter of Kaakwha, his attendant, had come to him.

  She brushed the water off her face and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

  Crafty, but dangerous girl. She played with fire just by being in his presence. He longed to run his fingers through her hair, to taste her in every intimate way and bask in the music of her moans as they made love.

  She was supposed to stay away from him. His love life wasn’t exactly stellar ever since his wife left him. She’d claimed he only cared about his duties and not her. To a degree, she was right. He’d spent so much time in his role, but he was the Creator. He had no choice. She wanted a man to give in to her every desire. He would’ve loved to indulge her all the time, but it wasn’t possible.

  Would Noya demand the same things of him? What would Kaakwha say when he found out Noya had come to the sacred stream?

  She splashed in the water, sending droplets through the air. Toying with him? He folded his arms and stood at his full height. She wasn’t afraid of him. Every other being feared him—even Kaakwha. He tipped his head and continued to watch her play in the water. She intrigued him. When they talked, he preferred her company to that of everyone else. Her smile warmed him to his core and the sound of her laughter pleased him.

  Now she stood before him, glistening and ethereal in the moonlight—like a goddess.

  His goddess.

  Chapter Two

  Noya smiled to herself. She’d grabbed his attention. No, she held it tight and refused to let go. She met his gaze and debated whether she should be looking into his eyes. He was the Creator. She’d talked to him so many times, but this was different. Tonight, she wanted to entice him. The Creator was an elder with the body of a much younger man. He embodied what a warrior should look like.

  “Hawenneyu.” She bowed her head, but didn’t cover her body. The water suctioned her dress to her body, giving him a show. Her nipples beaded and she pressed her thighs together to stave off some of the need. Instead of hiding from him, she spotted a rock along the banks and sat on the hard, flat surface. H
er heart pounded.

  “So beautiful.” He dropped to one knee before her and grasped her hand. “You’re teasing me.”

  She kept her gaze averted and her skin heated. The tips of her ears burned. The men in her tribe didn’t notice her. Hawenneyu had. “Thank you,” she murmured. “May I be in your presence?”

  “Of course.” He tipped her gaze, forcing her to look into his eyes. “Why wouldn’t you be permitted here?”

  “You know the rules.” She breathed him in, loving the earthy scent of him and the way his cheeks shimmered in the moonlight. When he parted his lips, she longed to kiss him.

  “No one makes the rules, but me.” His voice came out in a rumble. “Are you trying to toy with me? You knew what you were doing when you stood in the stream. You were in the sacred waters.” He brushed his fingers across her jaw, then down her throat. “Tell me.”

  She couldn’t lie to him. He’d see right through her fabrications and might remove her from his presence. “I wanted you to see me.” She arched her back, offering her breasts to him. “I wanted you to know how I feel.”

  “I see you.”

  The husky tone of his voice sent shivers down her spine. She’d started to admit her truths. Now it was time to tell the rest. “You seem lonely.”

  “I am.” He stood, then helped her to her feet. “Come with me.”

  “Yes, Creator.” She walked with him to the soft grass along the banks. When he reclined, she followed suit. Words filled her mind and she fought to keep herself in check. “I enjoy our conversations and wanted to continue them. I’m not supposed to be here because you’re the Creator. I want to be worthy of you.” She believed she was, but he had to give her permission.

  “You are worthy.” He sat up and crossed his legs. “Is that what brought you here? My loneliness?”

  “Yes,” she confessed. “I want to make you happy. To make you less forlorn.” She crawled over to him and settled beside his legs. She’d never been this close to him before the encounter at the sacred stream. Up close, she noticed the flecks of amber in his dark eyes, the thickness of his lashes and fullness of his mouth. A slight dusting of hairs grew on his cheeks and chin.


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