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Seducing the Badman (Russian Bratva #2)

Page 22

by Hayley Faiman

  “I begged Radimir for us to find houses next to each other. He hasn’t outright said no,” I smile, remembering the conversation from this morning.

  “Maybe across the street,” Haleigh says, chewing on her bottom lip. I turn to her with confusion.

  “You two are loud,” she mumbles. My face turns bright red.

  “Oh, shit. I knew people would hear,” I say covering my face with my hands. Haleigh wraps her hand around my wrist and pulls it down.

  “We are loud, too. We just had a full apartment last night, and the kids had to sleep with us. Maxim was terribly pissed off that he couldn’t make me scream, too,” she giggles. I throw my head back in laughter.

  “On that, I am going to dip my toes in the water,” I hum.

  I walk over to the water and stand in the wet sand. It feels like clay beneath my feet, and I shiver when the ice cold water runs over my toes. It is so beautiful, watching the surf, listening to the waves crashing against the shore. I don’t realize another person has joined me until he speaks.

  “Fancy seeing you here again,” he murmurs from a few feet away.

  I don’t need to look at him to know that it is the blond All-American FBI officer from a few weeks ago.

  “What is your name?” I ask out of curiosity.

  “Ryan Green,” he says.

  “How may I help you?” I ask, getting straight to the point. I have no doubt that Anton will be at my side in a matter of minutes.

  “They are planning something. Tell me what it is and I can help you,” he murmurs. I want to laugh, but instead I just cock my eyebrow up in question as I turn to him.

  “What makes you think I need help?” I ask bitchily.

  “I can see your injuries. I can tell you are hurting by the way you are walking. Just because you are married does not give him the right to abuse you. This is America, and you are free here,” he informs me.

  I stare at him in surprise. Radimir has warned me away from him, and I think this is a way to try and get into my head. But this Ryan Green is mistaken if he thinks that I am some helpless abused woman.

  “He does not abuse me, and I am as free as I wish to be already,” I explain, choosing my words carefully.

  “If you can help me, then I can help you,” he offers.

  It takes everything inside of me not to laugh in his face. This man could not protect me. Not that I need it; but if I did, he could not protect me from the powerful grasp of the Bratva.

  “I do not know what I could possibly help you with, Mr. Green. I can, however, inform you that my husband has never abused me. He is very loving toward me. These bruises and my stiff body are from a night of passion. We are just that, passionate, and we are deeply in love with each other. You need not try to talk to me again. I have nothing of importance to tell you. I know nothing,” I explain. He nods once before his eyes widen. It is then that I know Anton is beside me.

  “Agent Green,” he rumbles. It makes me wonder how on earth he knows the man’s name.

  “So you are her guard dog?” he sneers. Anton just smirks.

  “Oh, Anton?” I ask, interrupting him.

  I am sure it pisses Anton off. If he is anything like Radimir, then me mentioning him so flippantly to this man will irritate him. Besides, I’m not supposed to be talking to Agent Green at all.

  “Anton is a dear friend of mine. He is spending his day hanging out with my friend and me. Nothing more to it than that,” I say, turning to leave the agent, as Anton called him. But then I stop and turn to face him. “Agent Green, please do not approach me again, especially with the types of accusations you did so with today. Thank you.”

  I hook my arm in with Anton’s and together we walk back to our blanket filled with Haleigh, babies, and Semion, who is glowering at me.

  I toss him an easy smile as Anton walks over to him, and they begin to murmur—about Agent Green, I am sure. I know that it will probably be only minutes until Radimir will come barreling toward me in heated anger. They will surely call him at any moment, if they have not already.

  I am staring down a Cartel fuck, who is tied to a chair in one of the warehouses, when my phone rings. I usually would not answer it during a moment like this, but it is Anton’s ringtone, which means something could be wrong with Emiliya.

  I narrow my eyes on the fucker tied up and turn my back on him, knowing that he’s not going anywhere. Even if something insane happened and he got out of his bound state, Maxim is watching him for me.

  “Zalesky,” I bark harshly into the phone.

  “We have a problem, boss,” Anton murmurs. I know he is trying to keep this call a secret from Em.

  “What kind of problem?” I ask. I hear Maxim growl behind me. I think the man may actually be more controlling of his woman that I am.

  “Good news, I know that FBI fuck’s name now. Agent Ryan Green. Bad news, he is still following Emiliya. Semion and I took the girls and babies to the beach to relax and he confronted her. Thinks you’re beating her, holding her hostage and scared. Offered to help her, you know, since America is a free country,” he chuckles. I see nothing but red.

  “Emiliya talked to him?”

  “Yes, she denied abuse, but the man could see on her skin the remnants of your evening. He did not buy it. She, however, requested he leave her alone,” Anton murmurs.

  The last part is lost to me. She talked to him again, after I gave her clear instructions not to. She’s defied me and I won’t stand for it.

  I give explicit instructions that Emiliya is not allowed out of the apartment for the rest of the day. I warn Anton that I will be there shortly before I hang up, taking my handgun out of my shoulder holster. I turn to the Cartel fuck tied up. I look him right in the eyes and pull the trigger. A small dot appears on his forehead before his body goes limp. I needed to torture him for information, but Emiliya and Agent Green have pissed me off too much.

  “Radimir,” Ziven calls out. I ignore him.

  “Well, we’ll never find out anything now,” Maxim drawls. I turn to him before motioning for the men to come over to me.

  “Ziven I want that fat-man here tomorrow. I want my money,” I instruct, turning to the men standing around me.

  “Clean up,” I bark before I jerk my head to Maxim.

  “That FBI fuck that came up to Emiliya a few weeks ago? He found her again on the beach today,” Maxim’s body stiffens at my words. “He now has reason to think she’s being abused by me and is trying to save her. I forbade her to talk to him, and yet, she had a full conversation with him,” I grind out as I quickly walk to the car.

  “Haleigh?” he asks after I start the engine and we are on the road.

  “Fine. He is, for whatever reason, solely focused on Emiliya,” I growl. Maxim sighs in relief.

  Maxim has also had his Haleigh taken from him when they were newly married. No man can mask the worry and hurt when the person they are supposed to protect is ripped away from them. No man can deny the complete devastation of being helpless.

  We are strong men.

  We are powerful men.

  We are Bratva.

  We should be feared and we should never, ever feel helpless.

  The FBI are a problem. Now, they are trying to get our women to rat us out? Our women are, for the most part, kept in the dark; but if for some reason they succeeded in getting one to give them information, our comings and goings, our alliances, then that could mean the fall of something bigger. The fall of the Bratva, at least here in America. The financial effects would be devastating to our organization.

  Their close eye on us is beyond concerning. Adding in the new techniques to go after our women, it could be catastrophic. We’ve suffered enough blows this past year. Staying on the down low, not communicating with our brothers in other countries is going to be tough enough—and limiting the push of product during this time will be a big enough hit to the bank accounts as it is. The last thing we need are these bastards trying to get inside of our women’s hea

  This must end now.

  I pick up the phone and send out an alert to all of the burner phones. A message to inform them, in code, that the FBI have moved into trying to coerce our women. They will have to keep them close, keep their eyes vigilant on them, make sure that none of them are swayed.

  I sigh. This was one reason why, in the old days, Bratva were not allowed to marry. Fucking women are our weakness.

  I am relaxing in Maxim and Haleigh’s apartment while the babies nap, enjoying a refreshing lemonade for the first time. It is tart and yet it is sweet. I love it for this warm summer day.

  Haleigh and I are talking and watching complete garbage on television while Semion and Anton pace.

  They are still all ramped up from the FBI agent’s visit. I am not upset by it, but I am concerned about how telling Radimir will go. I won’t hide it from him, but he was very clear when he said I should never talk to him again.

  The door flies open. Both Anton and Semion scream at us to get down as they draw their guns, then rapid fire Russian ensues. I understand everything that is being said. Fear pricks my spine. It is Radimir, and he is ordering them to drop their guns.

  I stand and urge Haleigh to stand with me. She does, and I notice her eyes go wide when she sees the concern laced with anger on Maxim’s face.

  “Golubushka, go into the bedroom with the babies,” he orders gently.

  I watch as she nods once and then scurries off with her hair streaking like sunshine behind her.

  “You talked to that prick in public after I forbade you? You defied me? I am your fucking husband,” Radimir roars, his face twisted in fury.

  “I -” I begin, but he holds his hand up.

  “Get into our apartment, now.” His words are barely above a whisper, but I don’t mistake that for him being calm, rational, or not angry.

  He is livid.

  I hurry past the men trying not to limp. I am in pain, but I am more concerned with Radimir’s extreme anger than myself. Once I am inside of our apartment I let my tears of panic fall. I’m not crying because I am still hurting. No, I’m crying because I have angered my husband so deeply, and I am embarrassed. I am Mrs. Zaleskya. I am the former Miss. Chekova. I do not cry in public.

  Once I am safely inside of my apartment, I sit on the couch and wait for Radimir to join me. I changed into leggings and a comfortable oversized shirt after our beach trip, and I am glad for the comforting feeling of the fabrics surrounding me. I know that soon, Radimir will be here and I will feel bare.

  “Tell me,” Radimir says as the door opens and he gently closes and locks it behind him. I don’t answer him, knowing that there is more to what he is about to say.

  “Please, tell me, Emiliya, what your father would do if he warned you to stay away from someone, yet you conversed with them anyway?” he asks, leaning against the closed door.

  Radimir appears to be aloof in stature, loose and calm, but I know that he is anything but. I gulp before I open my mouth to speak.

  “He would beat me. He would lock me away for months until I learned my lesson; and he would keep a guard on me twenty-four seven, listening to my phone calls, and monitoring anything I did on the computer,” I admit freely. Radimir nods once before cupping his chin.

  “So, wife, what is it do you think that I should do?” he asks as his eyes narrow on mine.

  “I do not know,” I mutter, looking down at my hands which are twisting in my lap.

  “I could tell you what I want to do,” he offers. I only shrug as my response.

  “Inside, I am raging. I want to release that anger. If you were one of my men, I would torture and kill you for your defiance,” he says.

  My eyes snap to his in shock. I have known Radimir is not a law abiding citizen, but he has never been so frank with me before.

  “I told him to leave me alone,” I confess. But it as if he doesn’t hear me.

  Radimir storms up to me and drops to his knees, his hand going around my throat. I widen my eyes in shock, but I don’t feel him tighten his grip. He just holds my neck while his eyes search mine and his breathing becomes ragged.

  “I am on my knees for you, Emiliya. You know what that means; you understand the significance of it. What you don’t understand is what it felt like to hear that—that motherfucker was talking to you. I don’t give a flying fuck if you told him to go away or not. You opened your mouth and he heard your voice. That is more than he deserves.

  “You are not to talk to FBI, Emiliya, you are not to talk to him—especially not to him. I saw the way he looked at you; and today, the things he said confirmed that he would love nothing more than to take you away from me and have you to himself. To have you help him bring me down.

  “I will not allow that shit to happen. You are my weakness, Em. I love you so much that if you were taken from me again, I would not fucking survive. Do you realize I have never had a weakness before you came into my life? Klavdia was not a true weakness. She tried to play me, I allowed it, I indulged it, but I got rid of her and I have not thought about her, missed her, or craved her since. You, Emiliya—I would die without you.”

  I cannot keep the tears at bay. His words, though I have heard some of them before, are my undoing. I sink to my knees and wrap my arms around his neck. I love him. I love him and I hurt him. I never want to hurt him, ever. I sob into his neck as he clutches my loose fitting shirt at my back.

  “I am sorry, Radimir. I didn’t know it would hurt you so much,” I hiccup into his neck.

  “Losing you, even the threat of losing you, hurts so fucking bad, Emiliya,” he murmurs.

  I now completely understand him. I would be lost without him, as well. Lost without his body next to mine in bed, without his smirks and his grins. What would I do without his warm embrace? I would die a slow, agonizing death.

  “Never again, Emiliya. Never defy me on something of this importance again,” he warns. I nod.

  Radimir lifts my body and carries me to the bedroom. He gently lies me down on the bed before he strips his body of his clothes and slides next to me between the sheets. I stiffen at the thought of him being inside of my sore body. I want him, but I do not think my body can handle another round with this badman.

  “Shh, kotik. We sleep only. I have had a shit day; I just need to hold you.”

  IT IS FINALLY THE weekend, and we are to go house hunting all day with Haleigh and Maxim. I haven’t been outside of the apartment since the run in with Agent Green, and I am a bit nervous as I dress in a pair of short teal shorts and a white tank top. I slide bangles on my wrists and step into a pair of tan platform sandals.

  “Kotik, we leave now,” Radimir calls out from the living room, where I know he and Anton are busy on their phones and computers.

  They have been working all morning long, and I wonder what it is they are doing exactly. I know well enough not to even attempt to ask.

  “Is the realtor we are to see one of your co-workers?” I ask as I step into the living area. Radimir looks up and smiles at me.

  Since our last breakdown together, Radimir has been softer toward me. We haven’t made love yet, though, and it is starting to concern me. I asked him last night and he silenced my concerns by telling me that he was giving my body time to heal. He admitted he was rougher than he intended and wanted to make sure I was feeling all right before he came after me again.

  Tonight, he will take me. I will demand it of him. I miss his heavy body wrapping around mine while his thick cock surges inside of me. I miss the way he manipulates me to his will. I miss the way he owns me.

  “Yes, I know of her. Though, I deal mostly in commercial real estate, Em. She is not a co-worker, but a colleague of sorts,” he says as he stands.

  I watch as he fills his pockets with essentials—his phone and his keys—before he slides his guns into each of his shoulder holsters. I watch as Anton does much of the same.

  “Are we going to be looking at homes on the same street as Maxim and Haleigh?�
�� I ask as we walk toward our black SUV.

  “Would that make moy chernovolosyy koroleva happy?” he asks, tugging on a strand of my hair as I slide into the backseat of the car.

  “Yes, moy korol, it would make your queen very happy, indeed,” I confess.

  “I think maybe I’ll have, moy korol, marked on my body somewhere,” he mutters, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we take off onto the freeway. He surprises me with his words.

  “Really?” I ask, lifting my brows.

  “Yeah. And you have chernovolosyy koroleva on yours, somewhere. We do this together,” he grins, making me shake my head.

  “I don’t think so, Rad,” I mutter, looking out the window. I am surprised when Radimir’s other hand wraps around my thigh and squeezes. I turn around to face him in confusion.

  “What is wrong, Emiliya? Why would this be unacceptable for you?”

  I look into his confused features and I see hurt etched in his eyes. He was serious. He truly does want me to have chernovolosyy koroleva permanently etched on my body. Raven Haired Queen.

  “I didn’t know you were serious, Rad. I – I have never had a tattoo. Where would I put it?” He grins before his arm around my shoulders slides down to wrap around my waist. Then I feel his finger placing pressure on my side, where my ribs are.

  “Would be gorgeous written right here,” he murmurs as his lips graze my neck.

  “Radimir,” I hiss. My body is already so needy, and his advances are doing nothing to help me.

  “I want this, Emiliya. I want to run my tongue over these words permanently marked on your skin. My ring on your finger for the world to see, and my chernovolosyy koroleva inked on your skin for only my eyes to see,” he breathes against my neck. I find that I cannot deny him. I nod once as I let out a ragged breath, simultaneously pinching my eyes and legs closed.

  “Yes, okay, Radimir,” I whisper. He chuckles, his hot breath washing over my skin.

  “I will take care of you tonight. You have been such a good kotik while your body has been healing. You deserve a reward for your behavior,” he groans as his fingers tighten on my thigh and my side. The few days of no sex are bothering him as well. Good to know.


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