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A Rose for Max

Page 6

by ChaShiree M.

  Walking into the office, imagine my shock and not as much of a surprise, when I see Penny running out of the office. The thing that bothers me is that she is crying when she leaves. Judging by the way Jace hotfoots it out of there after her, her doesn’t like her tears either. I want to go after her myself, but I figure, she has to deal with this one way or another so I will let Jace handle it. But I make a mental note to tell Ava so she can check on her little sister.

  Right, as I am about to walk over to my desk, the bell above the door opens and in walks Elizabeth. Like, I got time for this shit.

  “What the hell do you want?” I of course expect some snarky comment, but to my surprise tears are falling from her eyes as she looks at me. I know she doesn’t deserve it, but my heart starts to feel for her and I want to help her.

  “Qué está mal? What’s wrong?” She hiccups for a while as she is trying to stop the tears. I patiently sit and rub her back trying to help her calm down. While I am no longer seeing red, I take a second to really look at her and I have to admit she is beautiful. She is not your average beach blonde bimbo. Her hair is more of a dirty blonde leading me to believe that it is her natural color. She has the palest blue eyes I have ever seen, almost as if they have light blue diamonds in them. She is built like a model, but a size 10 model. I believe if she smiled more, she would look radiant. I almost feel myself wanting to hug her. This girl could use a hug. Before I can do that though, she takes a deep breath and shocks me again.

  “I wanted to come here and say I’m sorry. I know I said the other day, but that was more so Mr. Bossy Pants would leave me alone. But I am truly, really sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I am not this person, I think, but it is who I have been the last four years.” She sort of dazes off for a second, then she chuckles. Not quite a happy chuckle but more like a sad one. Her next sentence though brings tears to my eyes and makes my next decision easier.

  “I guess that’s what happens when no one loves you, even your own parents. Do you have any idea how it feels to know the only reason you were born was so your dad could have an heir. But then, you are born a girl and deemed useless. I never had hugs, kisses, bedtime stories, or anything. There were birthday parties because they had to keep up appearances, but even that was cold and calculating.”

  “I guess in my own way, I have been searching for love and it has turned me into a not so nice person. For what it’s worth, I am glad Max found happiness. He is a great guy and he deserves it.” Wow. It will take me time to process all the information she just laid on me. The one thing I do know is that she and I have more in common than we knew, and I want to give her a chance.

  “Believe it or not Elizabeth, I know a little something about what you’re feeling. And maybe one day I will tell you all about it. I want you to know I forgive you and if you ever need someone to talk to, please call me. OK?” She nods slowly like she doesn’t believe me. That’s ok because I hardly believe me either. Maybe it’s the hormones or the fact that I am so blissfully happy, but all I know is I want to give her a chance, until she gives me reason not to.

  “Well, thanks for listening and giving me a chance to really apologize. I appreciate it. I have to go home and get all dolled up for my dad’s associate to come to maul over me, so my dad can win this deal. I will see you around.” She says and walks right out the door. My last thought is WTF does this girl have to endure within the walls of her home, and how the hell can I help. Knowing there is nothing I can do, right now, I shelve it for later and remind myself to tell Maxy.

  Speaking of my husband, I think I am going to call him and give him a reason to come home and fuck me to sleep. Like the threat of playing with myself. Yep that will definitely do it. Hahaha… God I love that man.

  The married life has been bliss. I never in a million years thought I could be this happy. I credit my happiness to Max loving me the way he does. Without any hesitation and with all the fierce possessive devotion a woman could ever ask for. But I also credit my happiness, with the new family I have in the Crawford’s and my sister and grandpa.

  Once the wedding and the honeymoon were over, I had more time to sit with Kennedy and discuss everything. She showed me all the pictures she had of our dad and I have to admit that we both look like him. We definitely have his eyes. She explained how she knew he loved her, but she also knew he wasn’t as happy as he could have been. It makes me happy to know that my mom had love once, but it also makes me sad to know that she and my father were denied their chance at a happily ever after.

  Surprisingly enough Jacquie, Kennedy’s mom has been very understanding and welcoming. She says that she can’t hold it against me and what happened between the three of them all those years ago. She said, Miles had helped her learn that she deserves real love and with him she thinks she might have found it.

  The real, unexpected development is that Elizabeth has become quite the friend to me, much to the dismay of Max. He didn’t want me to have anything to do with her and refuses to be in the same room with her if he can help it. I have tried telling him that she is different and he should give her a chance, but he just can’t get past how much damage she did between his brother and himself.

  Oh well. It will take time. She has been confiding in me about her and Chip, and it is definitely interesting to say the least. If I am being honest it is hot as hell, but it is not for everyone. The two of them, have a lot of darkness in them, and I think they are made for each other. She just has to stop running from him, after giving in.

  Right now I am sitting in the hospital, four months pregnant with our own little bundle, waiting for my sister to get through labor. Her water broke about 2 hours ago and we are all on pins and needles. No one but her and Sterling know what they are having and we are all betting on a boy. I mean, who the hell would give Sterling a girl?

  Ava and Hamm have their hands full with their two little babies, but she has never looked happier. As usual Hamm is hovering over her in the corner and I keep thinking, the possessiveness in the Crawford brothers has to have come from somewhere. From all appearances, it doesn’t look like it comes from their dad. Hmmmm that will be something I will look into later.

  “Hey baby.” Max says as he wraps his arms around me. “Are you feeling ok? Do you need some water or anything? How’s my baby? Is he doing alright today?”

  I can’t help but smile. This is his routine. He asks about both of us 10-15 times a day. He calls it a boy, but he really doesn’t know. I do. But I am not telling him. I have to surprise him somehow. Just as I am about to kiss him and tell him to stop fretting so much, Sterling comes into the lobby.

  “Its a girl. Isabella Rose Crawford. 5lbs 10oz. It’s another girl. Regan Nicole Crawford. 4lbs 5oz.”

  Jace as usual says what everyone’s thinking. “Shit. Another set of twins. What the fuck!?!”

  That is unusual considering Ava and Hamm also had twins. That is when my gpa says, “Twins run in my family. My father was a twin and so was my mother.”

  “My grandfather and my uncle were twins as well.” Says, Max’s mom. Well that would certainly explain a lot. A lot more surprises to come. Little do they know?

  I thank God for my whole family every day. But most of all, I thank him for bringing me to Moosehead and to a new beginning.

  Want to now what’s next in the Moosehead Minnesota Series? Hahaha….So do we.

  Jace and Penny are currently separated by school and responsibility. But as soon as summer starts, their story will resume. We promise.

  In the meantime we have a few surprises in store for you in lieu of an excerpt from Penny and Jace.

  Turn the page for the first three chapters of The Life She Left Behind: A Birds of Paradise Novella. As well as the first three chapters of book 2 set to be released Mar 23rd: The Life She Wished For.

  Immediately followed by the first three chapters of Brother-in-law to love by MK Moore and One chapter of Book 2 in the To Love Series: Heel to Love releasing March 13th

nbsp; Turn the page for a peek at

  The Life She Left Behind: A Birds of Paradise Novella


  Shit! They’re going to kill me. My sisters are some of the most punctual ladies you will ever meet. Me, I’m always late. To tell the truth, I don’t even want to go out tonight. I have absolutely zero interest in bars, guys, music or “anything” really.

  All of my siblings keep saying that I should get out and live a little. Not let the fear of my father run my life. If only they knew how incredibly too late it is for that. My lack of interest in all things life related, other than what is necessary, has nothing whatsoever to do with my father. My disinterest in living is because I feel I don’t deserve happiness.

  I mean, sure I always have this feeling like I’m being watched. I’m sure we all do? But in my world it seems to be a twenty-four/seven feeling that never goes away. Unfortunately, that is not my biggest problem.

  You see I once had a life.

  I was only sixteen at the time, but I did live outside the walls my dad had built around our home, known as ‘The Compound’. For a whole year I thought I had found everything I would ever want, but I should have known better. I made a mistake believing in a ‘happily ever after’. A few weeks from the day that was turning into the most beautiful day of my life, a terrifying thought occurred to me, I knew to protect my most precious gifts I would have to leave. On that day I made a vow to exist only and nothing more.

  Shaking off my thoughts as my phone rings, I know it will be my little sister, the baby of the family.

  “Hello. Fae, where are you?”

  “I’m on my way baby girl. Are you ok?”

  “No one is answering their phones. Maybe its dad. Maybe he found us….”

  “Phe, calm down. I’m sure they are fine and just got caught up primping and are on their way. You know how those two are. They are probably playing the music way to loud in the car and can’t hear their phones. I will be there in five minutes. Can you hang for a sec?”

  Waiting as I hear her take a deep breath she says, “Ok Fae.”

  “That a girl. Just order a virgin drink and calm down. I love you and will see you soon.”

  “Ok. I love you too. Hurry ok?”

  Phoenix is the baby out of the eight siblings. She is also incredibly shy, fragile and sweet, but she is also the one that worries the most about our dad and what he will do. Although, I suspect tshe is stronger than she knows. As true as that may be, I don’t ever want her to figure out her strength because that would mean she has had an encounter that will undoubtedly change her for the rest of her life. That is definitely something I do not want for her. I have lived it, am still living it, and it is not anything I would want her to endure.

  See the one thing you must know about my father is that he is one of the most handsome, intelligent and charming men on the outside you will ever meet. The perfect father that everyone would want for their own. But what no one ever suspects is that he is a diabolical and controlling leader of a very dangerous, sexist cult.

  My siblings and I did manage to escape him and his compound before he could do unspeakable damage to us, I hope. Unfortunately I suspect he has found us and is simply waiting for the right time to take my sisters and me back. If that happens I am not entirely sure we will survive. We have disobeyed and betrayed him. For him there is no repenting or forgiveness. However, he is not here now and I want Phe to live a little before all hell breaks loose.

  There are times that I think I should take my own advice and lead by example. As the oldest sister, I should show them how to loosen up and enjoy life a little, even though it has been nine years since I was with anyone.

  At 25 years old my world has consisted of my brothers and sisters, work, and home. Maybe it’s time to try to move on, at least for one night, so maybe I can try to forget. But thinking about letting someone else touch me, or experiencing any pleasure at all, makes we want to vomit. The image of myself laughing or smiling at something, even remotely in a genuine way, makes me want to draw the shades and sleep until I forget or die. To forget is not that appealing either because I would forget the perfection I once knew and I wouldn’t want to forget, not even to save myself the pain.

  Have you ever done something you knew was for the best but you still feel guilty as hell? When I say, guilty, I don’t mean like you told a little white lie. But one where you committed a murder in self-defense, because it was either you or them? You however, are against taking a life and are left with a sick feeling in your stomach that never seems to leave.

  Yah, that kind of guilt.

  Just to clarify, No, I didn’t commit a murder but feel as if I had. The decisions I had to make to protect others seems to have killed me on the inside in the process. Now I live my life feeling as if I don’t deserve to breathe the same air as anyone even half way decent.

  As I pull up to the club, I vow rather half-heartedly that for even just this one night, I will let loose and enjoy myself. Who knows I might even get brave enough to get myself laid. I may be dead…figuratively speaking of course, but unfortunately I still have needs and desires. And damn it maybe I am tired of denying them. Though sex might happen if I manage to let myself go, it won’t be half as satisfying as I wish it could be and not just because of my loudest pain, but also because of the other need I keep buried inside myself so deep you would need a whole crew of people with a excavator to uncover what is buried. I had to hide it all away the day I left my life so that my father wouldn’t see and use it as a bargaining tool for what he wants.

  There is only one other person who knows both my secrets and that is the way it must be for the rest of my life. So you see, even if I found a way to move on with a different life, it would still only be half a life because my whole heart and soul was taken a long time ago.


  Lucca, they still have eyes on her?”

  “Yea boss. She just pulled in to ‘The Hole’.

  “Are you fucking serious! What the hell is she doing in a place like that? That’s a goddamn shit joint. All types of drug deals and back alley shit go on there. What the ever-loving fuck. Make sure Raffa doesn’t move until I get there. If anyone lays one finger on her, I’ll kill every fucker in there. Got it!”

  “Gotcha Ren. Don’t worry. We are not going to lose her after looking for her for so long. Just get here.”

  My blood is boiling right now. My woman doesn’t go into places like that. What the fuck is she doing? My woman. God it feels good to say that again. No one but Lucca knows the toll it took on me the day she disappeared.

  At first, I thought an enemy looking for leverage to use against me had kidnapped her. I am not delusional enough to think being the second in command of the Italian Mafia doesn’t make my family a target. But I took every precaution to ensure their safety, so I was stumped as to how they got to her. After a few less than savory interrogations of several different factions, we ruled out a kidnapping. This left only one option. There was no sign of a struggle, no demand for a ransom and no special deliveries made. ‘She left on her own.’ That revelation brought me to my knees. I could not believe she could walk away from our life together, everything we hold precious, without looking back….I just didn’t understand.

  Luckily I had something or I should say someone to keep me going. I couldn’t allow myself or the legacy my family built to fall apart. There were others who depended on me now and I had to be at my best because I am all they have. So I played the part during the day, keeping my responsibilities in the forefront of my mind. But at night I was a wreck. I would drink myself into a stupor. As my personal bodyguard, Lucca was the only one who saw me at this low point. I didn’t worry about him trying to take advantage of my inebriated state; he was my most trusted guard and friend.

  When the cloud of despair and betrayal dissipated, I came to the realization that she ran out of fear. That is the only thing that makes sense. My Fae would never leave me without a reason, unless she felt like she
had no other choice. I don’t know what she was afraid of, but you can bet your fucking life I was going to find out. First, I had to find her. Sounds easy right. What with the age of technology it should be simple, but bullshit, she disappeared without a trace. It was like she was never here. No trail or movement on her social security number. As a matter of fact, it didn’t appear she even had a social security number. It took me eight and a half years to find her ass. Now that I have, all I can think about is getting her home where she belongs. We had started building a life…Life…just that word makes my hackles rise.

  What the fuck has she been doing with her life since she left? This is the first time I ever let myself consider she might have someone. My heart constricts at the thought that she would let someone else touch her. No one touches my woman. She belongs to me. Fuck that shit. I will spank her little ass if she let someone else near my fucking pussy. This makes it all the more imperative I get to her now. I know my Fae, and in knowing how she thinks, once I get my hands on her, I will have about 24hrs to remind her…. to remind her who she is and where she belongs.


  Shaking it off I giggle to myself as I think about how long it’s been.

  Shit…my vajayjay probably has cobwebs by now with little coochie bunnies roaming around trying to find a way out.

  Walking in, the music feels good and seeps through my veins, as the latest Beyoncé song is playing. I feel myself start to sway as I let the music flow around me. I scan the room, taking stock of all the exits and everyone I see. My brothers have drilled into our heads that we always need to be aware of our surroundings at all times and prepared to get away from any situation.


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