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DIESEL (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 13)

Page 79

by Samantha Leal

  “So how did you pay them back for helping? Did they ask something of you? It seems like everyone needs something these days.”

  “They did ask something, but I had to decline. It wouldn’t have been right.”

  That seemed to get his attention. Jessa wasn’t really the type to turn down someone in need, and it made him very curious to find out why she would have refused them. She didn’t say anything more than that though, so he ventured a small push.

  “So you’re not going to tell me what the request was?”

  Jessa sighed. She knew she was going to have to fess up about it eventually. She had never been one for secrets and she didn’t want to keep it from him. But she didn’t necessarily want to tell him either.

  “I was asked to mate with one of their men,” she finally said with a heavy sigh.

  He was sitting up fully now. “Wait? What?”

  “Don’t get mad. I think they’ve spent too much time in the hot zone. It’s made them kind of weird. Anyway, it was awkward but they were okay with my decision either way. And I refused, of course.”

  “Is that why you were so turned on when you came in?”

  She could feel the hot burn of her cheeks growing deep red and she turned away. It was hard to say that it didn’t have something to do with it. She didn’t lie.

  “A little. You should have seen the look in their eyes. Like they were starving for it. So yeah…it got me a little hot and bothered.”

  He pulled her to him and kissed her. “I don’t like the idea of you and someone else. I am glad you said no, because it would kill me to think of you with anyone besides me.”

  Jessa kissed him to silence his words. “Stop thinking about it then. I said no and came back to you. That is what was always going to happen, but I can’t say that it didn’t turn me on a little bit. It’s hot to think about it. I bet that if a tribe of Amazons were to beg you for your seed, you would have to think about it.”

  The grin that spread over his face was all of the answer she needed.


  “Well you had to say ‘Amazons.’ You know how I love me a nice, tall, badass chick.” His punctuated his words with kisses that were heading to her neck, and Jessa shivered. He didn’t seem to know how good it felt and she was again convinced that she needed more. She was soon reminded that it had been more than enough, but Michael was addictive.


  The next morning, the group got up and everyone settled into their routine as they had before. Jessa was eager to get out of the city. She couldn’t get the night before out of her mind, disturbed by the way their minds had been a little bit sketchy. There was something off about them, and she knew from experience that the same was true of many of the people in the city. Jessa was sure that it had something to do with the lasting radiation. She could feel it in the air, and something told her that it was time to move on. She had been far too lucky as of late and Jessa was superstitious. Good luck brought company, and she didn’t want to push it.

  “Why don’t we leave today, Michael? I know that there isn’t anything to eat close to here. It’s pointless to stay. I have a little that we can take with us, so I think we should move on before something else happens here. This spot has been terrible luck.”

  “We can do that Jessa, but you don’t have to worry about Billy anymore.”

  Michael hadn’t told her about the beasts that had cornered them in the night, or the hunters that had come to kill the beasts, dragging them home for a feast. He also didn’t mention how Billy had actually died, or the men who had turned him into lunch. When he thought more about it, Michael was sure that they should leave as well. It was the best thing they could do, considering what had been going on lately. They had never planned to stay anyways. It had just become something of a home base after the attack that had injured Shane’s head. They had only taken the route through the city because they had no other choice. At least they had found Milo.

  They packed up what little supplies they had and headed east. It took a while of traveling before Jessa finally started to feel a little better about being where they were. The city was becoming further and further away, and that was completely okay with her. It was like every other place she had left. It would be good for a few moments before going to hell.

  Shane was unusually quiet and Jessa furrowed her eyebrows in worry. She hoped that his silence was due to his body using excess energy so he could try to get over the head injury. He was moving a little slower and Jessa made sure to slow down with him so that he didn’t feel like he was holding them up. Michael and Milo took the cue and they ambled across the over-grown roads at a slower pace.

  Milo had been missing Shane while they had been separated, and took the opportunity to catch up with him. He initiated conversation and the boys played games of I-spy. It was good to hear her son having such a good time. Without the mention of the few crazy, bad moments, everything had been looking up since they had left the small community behind, where they had met Michael and Chase had met his doom. Jessa had worried how things would work out, but it came down to the fact that there was a new community building as they moved towards the hopes of a better future. But in every community, there were rules to follow, and killing founding members was looked down upon.

  It was Milo, the newest recruit, who found them shelter for the night. They had just left a small town and were passing by a farmhouse, complete with a worn, red barn, that looked promising. They hadn’t passed anyone the whole day, which was usually a good sign. It was preferable to avoid others; since the nuclear apocalypse, people were less friendly more unlikely to stop and say hello. Although everyone was weary, Jessa was hoping to see someone else who might have been more knowledgeable about the area to get information from. As much as she liked the idea of life being better on the coast, she couldn’t be sure since she had never been there. She was anxious for any information she could get. But with no one to ask, Jessa still had no clue what lay ahead of them.


  “What do you think they are here for?”

  The old freckled-faced woman shrugged and watched the group of people as they walked slowly into their home. Her grandson was standing beside her and he was as much at a loss of words as she was.

  “Maybe they don’t know that anyone lives here. They look nice. I think we should just tell them who’s house it is and then invite them to stay for the night. I haven’t had someone else to talk to in a long time.”

  Carin was torn between safety and her own need to talk to someone else. They had plenty of everything and had more than enough to share. It was what used to be done. But things were different now. Now they lived in a time when everyone wanted every last drop, afraid that it would soon all run out and they would be without. Carin didn’t feel that way though. She wanted to share and be friendly. However, there had been other groups that she had been so very wrong about.

  “I don’t think we should go there Jason. Let them have the house for the night. Hopefully they are just passing through and will be leaving in the morning. There are some things that are just not worth the risk and this is one of them. We don’t know anything about them and there is no way to know what will happen if we confront them.”

  Jason wanted to find out more about the new comers. It had been a long time since they had seen anybody who seemed approachable come by. To see them there, right in their house, made him feel like it was a sign. Maybe they were supposed to meet them. It was better to think of it that way than to consider having to stay outside for a night with his elderly grandmother, waiting to see if the small group of people moved on.

  “How would they not know that someone lives there? All of our stuff is in there. I said we go in and tell them to leave. I don’t want to stay out. It looks like it is going to rain.”

  She tried to assuage his anger, but knew it was futile. Her grandson had always been a bit of a hothead. It was part of the reason they had chosen to live in a house so far away from everyth
ing. Jason didn’t know when to shut up, and in this new version of the world, that was a bad trait to have. He was young, not quite an adult, and she hoped for his own sake that he cooled it down eventually. But Carin also knew that the trait came from her son, another prime example of a man who didn’t know when to shut up. In fact, it had cost him his life. Not only that, but his family had also been killed. Jason, through sheer chance, had been the only one who made it out alive. When she had found him, he had been hiding for days and didn’t believe that it was her at first.

  Carin tried to remember it all so that she could somehow teach him not to follow in the same path. There was no room for that kind of attitude in life anymore. Even before the world ended, there was no space for that kind of outlook.

  “You know that they could be dangerous,” she said. “Do you really want to take on three adults? You need to think more Jason, instead of just going at it with your eyes closed.”

  He nodded, knowing that she was right. But as he looked at the sky above them, the darkness and the sound of thunder in the distance didn’t make it sound like such a bad idea. At least if he was going to be headstrong, he might as well get out of the rain for the night. The group didn’t look dangerous to him. They looked like regular people like him and his grandmother. Although the weather factored into his decision somewhat, he really wanted to talk to some new people. There was much he didn’t know and it was always the best part of his week when he got to talk to someone who had seen things and places that he had never been able to see. Carin was content to stay around locally, where she knew where things grew and resources were natural. Jason was ready for travel and an adventure.

  It had to be better than where they were.


  Carin finally won and they settled into a bed of leaves and sticks. They had built it to pull them off of the cold ground so that it wouldn’t suck all of the heat from their bodies. It hadn’t been the first time that the duo had slept on the ground. Fortunately, they were somehow spared the worst of the storm as it rolled in from the east. Carin took it as a sign, but Jason just saw it as a close call. They were going to have to do something in the morning if the group wasn’t planning to leave.

  It wasn’t long after sun up that Jason was up. As he watched his grandmother sleep, he started to get a little antsy. He wanted to see what was going on in his house. He imagined that they would take everything they had worked so hard for. He and his grandmother would have to forage for another month to get their stock back up. It was all because they had left for a couple of hours to go fishing. The fish in question had gone bad because they were too close to the unknown group to feel comfortable cooking. It would be pointless to draw in unwanted attention.

  He kept eying the house, waiting for a sign of movement. He finally moved towards the house to get a better look. Jason stopped when he heard a voice behind him. He hadn’t heard a sound, so he was surprised to find that there was something pointing into his back. He was so shocked that it was hard to understand what was wanted of him.

  “I said turn around real slow and I won’t have to hurt you. What are you doing outside of this house?”

  The young redheaded boy couldn’t hide his anger and he spat out his answer. “This is my house. I wanted to know if you guys were leaving, so I came to see if you were packing up or not.”

  Michael moved the knife away from the boy and told him to turn around. Jason didn’t move as quickly as he could have. He was still convinced that he was about to get stabbed in the back. He suddenly wished that he had listened to his grandmother. If he would have, he wouldn’t be in the position that he was in right then. What if they weren’t friendly?

  “We are just travelling through. We didn’t know if anyone lived here, but we didn’t touch any of your provisions. I didn’t want to have someone come back and have to start all over again.”

  Jason was surprised at the man’s thoughtfulness, but he was still holding up his guard. He wouldn’t let them know that Carin was just a few yards away in the bushes. If something was going to happen because of his mistake, Jason wanted to make sure that he was the one that paid for it. He knew that he had popped off from the mouth too many times in the past. So not only was he having to watch the man, he had to watch his own words.

  “Well thank you. We appreciate you leaving.”

  Michael chuckled and didn’t say much else. “We will be out of your way in a little while. Would you like some coffee?”

  Jason shook his head. He had never had coffee, but he had heard about it from his grandmother. Jason knew that she would love some, but he still wasn’t sure what kind of people they were. The stocky man seemed nice enough, but Jason didn’t trust anyone, not after what had happened in the past.

  “No thank you. I will just wait out here.”

  Michael didn’t want to take no for an answer. “Come on. Is it just you out here?”

  Jason refrained from looking behind him. “Yeah, it’s just me.”

  “Then why don’t you come in for something to eat? It’s the least I can do after taking your house for the night.”

  The young man was about to refuse for a third time when he heard his name being called from behind him.

  “Is your name Jason?”

  Jason nodded and sighed to himself. His name just got louder and he finally hollered back. ‘I’m fine Gran, be right back.”


  Jason nodded.

  “She isn’t too good in the heart, so if you come to her with those knives drawn, I am afraid she is going to have a heart attack.”

  Michael didn’t want an old woman’s death on his conscious and he did what the young man asked of him. “Well go get her. I bet she is nervous with you gone. You shouldn’t leave anyone behind in this world, kid.”

  Jason didn’t like to be admonished by a stranger and he bristled at Michael’s tone. He was just about to say something else when Carin’s voice came to him. “Jason what are you doing?”

  He could tell that she was worried about him and he turned to her. “Gran, I told you I would be there in a few minutes.”

  She looked at him as if he had lost his mind. He was certainly not man enough to tell her anything and he immediately felt heat break out over his face. Thankfully she didn’t say anything to him then. Jason would have been embarrassed in front of Michael.

  Michael moved forward and extended his hand in greeting. “Nice to meet you Ma’am. My name is Michael and we are sorry to have taken your shelter for the night. I was just telling your grandson that we left everything as is. I am sure Jessa will leave something extra for letting us use it.”

  Jason was about to say something about them not letting them do anything, but a sharp look from Carin made the words die in his throat. “It’s no problem, really. We saw you coming in last night and a person never knows who they are coming in contact with.”

  Michael nodded, his mind going to Billy and what had happened to him when he had run into the wrong group. He looked from the older woman to the young man and he could tell that the road had been hard on the two. The little place was out of the way and he wondered how they had made it that long with just the two of them. It occurred to him then that there could have been more in the group to begin with when they first started out. They might be the only people who were left.

  “I was just offering some coffee. Jason said he didn’t want any, but I will extend the same offer to you. It’s been almost a year since I have had any, so it has been a treat for me.”

  Carin’s eyes lit up and she was already walking towards the house before she verbalized her answer. It had been longer than a year for her. Carin had a good feeling about them the night before, but it was one of those moments that she had been torn by what may happen or would possibly happen. Keeping herself and Jason safe was all that mattered anymore. But if there was coffee, she was willing to make an exception.

  “I will take that as a yes. Let me just go first to make sure that nobo
dy gets the wrong idea.” Michael was thinking of Jessa and the lethal speed with which she made life or death decisions. He wasn’t going to admit to himself that he was scared of her, but she was scary at times. He knew that if she suddenly saw two people in the house and they were anywhere near her son, there was a good chance they would get hurt before anything was explained.

  He of course didn’t say any of that to Carin, but he walked a little faster to get ahead of her. Carin didn’t argue, content to wait it out if the end game was coffee. She was many years of the earth and had learned to rely on her intuition, which was currently telling her that hanging back a minute wasn’t a bad idea. A fleeting worry that it was a trap brought a worried wrinkle to her forehead; the bands of men now roaming the earth were not far off from savages.

  “Of course. We will wait here.”

  Again Jason was going to say something, but he was stopped by a look and a touch on his arm. “Not now Jason.”

  He nodded that he wouldn’t say a word. It was preposterous to him to have to wait outside his own home for some squatters to prepare themselves. He wasn’t like his Gran, thinking about it being a trap. Jason couldn’t see past the indignity of it all.

  When Michael popped his head back out and invited them in, again Jason had to watch his mouth. The older man really had some nerve, but he was quite large and had a look in his eyes that Jason had seen before. He was a man that would do what was necessary to keep his family and friends safe. Jason wondered if he had the same look, but he had a feeling that he had a long way to go.


  “You don’t know how good this is.”

  Jessa smiled back at the older woman. She had white, red-tinged hair and reminded her of her own grandmother. Jessa hadn’t seen her in years. It was nice to see another woman, particularly one who wasn’t trying to give her away as a mating prize. Jessa didn’t realize how much she had missed female companionship until Michael told her that they were there. There was the instant worry she’d had initially, about whether or not she would have to protect herself and her son, but then the next immediate thought was that she would finally have someone to talk to.


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