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GOD OF WINE (The Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. Book 3)

Page 20

by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  “I’ll take that,” said Acan from behind her.

  She turned and looked up at him. “You were listening?”

  “I may be a deity, but I’m still a man. We don’t like being held in suspense for very long. Especially after one has prepared the legendary Randy Unicorn flagship drink and has proposed.”

  “You proposed?” Margarita asked.

  “Yes. Right now,” he said.

  “When?” she asked.

  “Now. I’m doing it now.” He looked at Jessica. “As long as your daughter will accept me.”

  Jessica kind of nodded, but appeared to be too awestruck to speak.

  Acan grinned at Jessica. “Good. Because in that case, you’re grounded, young lady. You should never sneak into bars and you should always tell your mother where you’re going. This city is not safe for children to be running around at night.”

  Jessica’s jaw dropped. “I think I just changed my mind.”

  “And I think I just made up mine. Yes!” Margarita popped up on her tiptoes, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him on the lips.

  Acan beamed. “I’m going to assign a few of our security guards to her,” he whispered. “She’s a sneaky one. I can see it in her eyes.”

  “And I can see we are going to be very happy together,” said Margarita, instantly feeling her heart blossom with a profound sense of joy. Okay, and a lot of passion. She seriously ached for him right now.

  “I am already happy, which is why you must go,” he said.

  She gave him a quizzical look.

  “It’s not appropriate for your child to see so much joy.” He winked and glanced down toward his pants.

  “Oh. That kind of happy.” She looked into his hypnotic turquoise eyes. She’d never done something as crazy as this, agreeing to be with a man—god—she hardly knew, but her faith had always carried her through. “I really want you right now.”

  “Yep.” He pulled her arms off his neck and twirled her around. “Time for you to go.” He gave her a little smack on the ass. “I’ll see you tomorrow so we can discuss the terms of our living arrangement and the sharing of powers.”

  “Sharing of powers?”

  “I will explain tomorrow.” Wincing, he waved her off, angling the front of his body away from Jessica. His “joy” had to be uncomfortable and she wanted nothing more than to help him with it; however, now was not the time.

  Her body shaking with hormones and adrenaline, but in a good way, Margarita took one final look at her beautiful man and left the club.

  “Mom? Are you really going to let that man ground me?” Jessica asked as they slid into the car.

  “Nope. I’m going to ground you.” She looked at her daughter. “And I love you, Jessica. More than anything and that will never change.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Margarita started the car, eager to get Ophelia and themselves home. “Man, I so need a glass of wine.” Her eyes went wide. Oh no. She totally had the urge to party. “This is going to be interesting.”


  After a restless night of very erotic dreams about Acan, Margarita was woken by the doorbell at five a.m. Ugh. Monday. And I’m already late for work.

  She opened the door to find a dozen red roses in a glass vase. Wow. She picked them up and inhaled deeply. She couldn’t remember the last time someone gave her flowers. They put an instant smile on her face.

  She took them inside, placed them on the kitchen counter, and read the card:

  Good morning, my sexy Margarita. I will be running a few minutes late this morning, but Brutus will be there shortly to take your daughter to school and will accompany her home.

  Many Sweet Nothings,


  Margarita reread the note. She didn’t remember having a date with Acan this morning. There was another knock at the door. Hopeful it might be Acan, she opened it and looked up, up, up at a huge man with elephant-sized biceps, a crew cut, and fierce turquoise eyes. He wore black cargo pants and a black T-shirt that emphasized a powerful chest.

  “I am Brutus, ma’am. Here to escort your daughter until I decide who to assign to her permanently.”

  Margarita rubbed her face. “Can you hold on a second?” She closed the door and went for her cell to call Acan, who answered immediately.

  “Hello, my delicious lime- and tequila-flavored beverage. Did you sleep well? Because I’ve been hard as a rock, thinking about—”

  “Yes, yes. I’m completely horny for you, but there’s a man at my door.”

  “Yes. That is Brutus. He is one of our toughest immortal soldiers. He kills things—little things, big things, evil things. He is extremely dangerous.”

  What the hell? “Ummm…and you want him to take Jessica to school why?”

  “Margarita, I cannot send a complete wimp to watch over your most prized possession. What sort of mate would I be?”

  “She’s a person, not a possession. And she’s only going to school, so I really don’t understand what’s going—”

  “Are you aware that roughly one hundred and fifty thousand humans perish each and every day? And that there is currently a plague of evil turning those who’ve been charged to protect humans, including our army of good vampires, into bloodthirsty monsters, and we expect that number to triple before this epidemic has run its course?”

  Holy shit. “I’m sorry, did you say vampires?”


  “Okay. Brutus sounds awesome. Acan, when can we see each other?” Not only did she have a million nervous questions, but she felt incredibly anxious to see him. It was as if her body was going through Acan withdrawals and her woman parts would not stand down. “Acan, I have some serious,” she lowered her voice so Jessica wouldn’t accidentally overhear, though Jessica remained in bed, “I have serious needs. I think I might actually be combusting.” Was this normal when one decided to “mate” with a god?

  “I like the sound of that,” he said. “And you can see me very soon.”

  Her doorbell rang. It was probably that Brutus guy. “Hold on,” she said and went to answer the door. “Sorry, please come in…” Acan stood there wearing a very nice suit, light blue dress shirt and black tie. His hair was brushed to a silky shine that made her want to run her fingers through it. His short beard had been trimmed down to a neat stubble.

  “You’re here,” she said, thoroughly surprised.

  “Yes. Did you get the flowers?”

  “I did, thank you. But…wow. You look…” She gulped. “Hot.”

  He grinned. “Yes, well. Today is the start of a new chapter in my life, and I thought I might try dressing like a grown-up. By the way, Brutus is down in his car—a black SUV—ready to go when your daughter is.”

  Margarita stood there, completely speechless. All she wanted was to climb the big hunk of sexy man standing in her doorway and ride him like the stallion that he was. “Thanks. And the-the new look wa-wa-works.” She shuddered with arousal, unable to peel her eyes away from the substantial bulge hanging down his tailored pant leg.

  “I’m glad you approve,” he leaned in to whisper. “But if it makes you feel any better, I’m still commando.”

  “I ca-can see tha-that.” The image of his naked cock scorched its way through her head.

  “So are you ready?” he asked.

  “For what?”

  “There is much to be done—including showing you the home I’ve acquired for you and Jessica and, of course, taking care of those needs you mentioned.” He leaned in close, giving her a whiff of his intoxicating smell. “I too couldn’t wait to see you, which is why I came before you left for work. I am kidnapping you for the day.”

  “Can you back up to that part about the home?”

  “Margarita, before you say anything strong and womanly—such as I should always consult you on all decisions—you should know it has already been purchased. And it would be such a shame to let such a nice house with a view of the ocean, chef’s kitche
n, private gym, swimming pool, movie theater, bowling alley, and fun room all go to waste. Of course, if you hate it and insist on living here, we could do that, but I do not see a sprinkler system, and that is a problem.”

  Margarita’s head spun in sinful circles. Being near Acan was turning her “need” into torture.

  “Gah, gah…but I—and there’s work. School. Jessica. God, it’s hot in here.” She pulled at the neck of her pink pajama top.

  Acan held out his hand. “I think your needs are getting in the way of speaking, but I believe you’re concerned about moving and the impact to Jessica or your gym. Fear not, the home is only a thirty-minute drive north from your business and nearly the same for Jessica’s school. I’ve also arranged for a few of our top Uchben trainers to oversee your gym for the next few days while you settle in. Of course, there will be a honeymoon, too, and—”

  “Stop. No more talking. I need that.” Her eyes flashed down to his groin. “I need it now,” she growled. Her c-spot was throbbing with erotic pulses, and her entire body felt like a sexy sinful rubber band about to snap.

  “I think now that you’ve accepted me, the bond between us is only increasing.”

  She didn’t care why. She just needed him to fuck her, and she needed it now. “Grrr…”

  He smiled. “Now this is going to be fun.”

  Margarita brushed her teeth, quickly changed into jeans and a white T-shirt with her gym’s logo, and woke up Jessica for school. One look at Brutus, and Jess was giddy. “I get my own badass bodyguard? Saaweet!”

  “Remember, Jessica,” said Acan, “you are not permitted to tell anyone our secret. If you do, you will find a very upset, bloodthirsty unicorn on your doorstep, who will take you to a very bad place.” Acan had winked at Margarita, but she hadn’t been one hundred percent convinced he’d been joking.

  “Unicorns are real? Freaking awesome!” Jessica had yelled, sparking a look of frustration on Acan’s face.

  Welcome to parenthood, Margarita had thought.

  With Jess taken care of, she and Acan headed out. All Margarita could think of was sating the gnawing lust churning inside her body. He, on the other hand, seemed calm and collected.

  “How did I become the mindless, horny teenager, and you’re the mature one?” she asked.

  He smiled slyly. “Well, I am an ancient deity, and you’re just a baby in my world.”

  “Well, this baby is about to die of a heart attack if she doesn’t get her way.”

  The smile on his beautiful lips fell off a sharp cliff.

  “Did I say something wrong?” she asked.

  He loosened his tie, leaving one hand on the steering wheel. “Turning over a new leaf today wasn’t the only reason for the suit. Nor was Brutus at your home simply because I am in love with you.”

  She sighed. Hearing him say those words melted her heart. She was beginning to see how closed off she’d been to love, to him, and to life in some respects. Jessica had been right; Margarita had been all about worrying and work. In an instant, Acan had changed all that and she wondered if he wasn’t what she’d been waiting for her entire life. Because she had to admit, they were special.

  “So why the suit? Why Brutus?” she asked.

  “I had to attend an emergency meeting with my brethren this morning. It seems that yesterday, my brother Zac flipped and has gone on a violent killing spree. He has vowed to continue until he finds Tula, a woman he is involved with. Or not involved with. It’s complicated.”

  Margaret covered her mouth. “Jesus.”

  “Not to worry. We will catch him, and unlike me, he does not have the power to influence the masses. Still, it is concerning to have him roaming free, so I felt Brutus was a necessary precaution given yesterday’s nonevent.”

  “You mean how I almost died.”

  He glanced at her with a stern expression. “One can never be too careful, Margarita. Which is why I also petitioned to take you to Mexico.”

  Mexico? “I’m not following.”

  Acan turned and hit Highway 1, heading north up the coast. She suddenly felt a strange déjà vu washing over her.

  “The thing is, Margarita, that your life is fragile, and while it is impossible to make you into a god, we can give you our light. The portal to my world is in Mexico.”

  She still wasn’t quite understanding. “What light? What’s in the portal?”

  “If I take you through it to the other side, to my real home, you will become immortal—a demigoddess. Not indestructible, but much more resilient. You will never grow old and you will live forever—as long as your body remains intact.”

  Acan moved in the opposite lane and passed a slow-moving truck edging up a steep grade.

  “Careful,” she said, feeling incredibly nervous. He wasn’t driving fast, but the narrow two-lane road was dangerous with all of its blind turns and falling rocks from the cliffs above in some areas.

  Acan glanced over at her. “I cannot lose you, Margarita.”

  “Acan, I can’t. I don’t want to live forever.”

  He flashed a glance her way, hurt reflecting in his eyes. “So you’re saying no?”

  “Yes, I’m saying no.”

  Acan looked back at her again just as she saw the grill of a large truck coming around the blind turn, heading straight for them.

  “Watch out!” she screamed.


  For the rest of the drive, Margarita and Acan went back and forth, screaming at each other.

  “You almost got us killed!” she yelled.

  “Yes. Because it isn’t every day a god finds the perfect woman and she refuses to accept the gift of immortality.”

  “But I want to live my life.”

  “Just not with me!” he yelled.

  “Yes. With you! But I’m a mother. I don’t want to watch my daughter grow old and die. It’s not supposed to be that way.”

  “So then I have to watch you grow old and die? Watch your body wither into nothing and then be left all alone for eternity? I’ve only just found you and fifty years—or however long you’ve got—won’t be enough. It’s a blink of an eye for me.”

  With that Margarita took a steadying breath. Her adrenaline was high and her nerves shaken badly after almost slamming into that truck. Thank God she’d been watching the road. Another split second and Acan wouldn’t have been able to swerve in time.

  I’d be dead right now. For the second time in two days. Which was why she couldn’t blame him for how he felt. Hell, she might feel the same way if in his shoes. But she believed, now more than ever, that life was precious, every moment a gift. Living forever took that away.

  “Do you love me, Margarita?” he asked.

  God, it had been years since she’d said those words to a man. She’d locked them away in a safe place so she’d never use them again, but the time had come to let them out.

  “Well?” He waited.

  She closed her eyes and drew a slow breath. “Yes. I love you.”

  “Good,” he said. “Then that means I can fight to change your mind.” He took a sharp left and headed down a long driveway cutting through a thick stand of breathtakingly tall pine trees.

  “And I can respect a man who won’t stop fighting for what he wants. But I don’t want you to have false hope. It wouldn’t be right.”

  “I’m a god. We don’t hope. We do. And I will win this battle.”

  She supposed he could, though in her heart, the last thing she could ever want would be to bury her daughter. She liked the idea of getting old and being able to experience her life as it was meant to be lived. And after she was gone, she realized, Acan would always be there to look after Jess and her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He would never be alone. He would always be loved.

  The thought warmed Margarita’s heart, sparking a big smile.

  Still in a huff, Acan grumbled, “Why are you so happy?”

  She shrugged. “That was our first real fight.”

; A moment passed and then he chuckled. “Indeed it was, and I have a feeling it won’t be our last. We still have a lot of getting to know each other.” He pulled up to a large iron gate and stopped the car, turning his body to look at her. “I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to it, Margarita.” He leaned over to kiss her, and her body went straight into sexual overdrive. Adrenaline rush, erotic aches deep inside her core, painfully erect nipples.

  The heat from his lips suddenly grew intolerable.

  “Ouch!” she pulled back.

  He flashed a mischievous smile. “That’s what you get for making me upset.”

  She slapped his leg. “You brat! Now open that gate. And there better be a big bed in there or me and my needs will go elsewhere.”

  He frowned. “You and your needs are about to get your planet rocked.” He lowered his window, punched a code into a small keypad, and the gates slid open.

  Margarita’s blood pressure soared. This is it. We’re finally going to have sex. But now she felt nervous. It was different before when they were just two people. Now she knew the truth. He was a god, and frankly, it still blew her mind. “Bring it o-on?”

  He flashed a devilish grin. “Oh, I’m bringing it.”

  Acan wanted to project confidence for Margarita’s sake, but for the first time ever, he felt nervous about having sex. He wanted it to be special and perfect. Yet at the same time, he also wanted to pound her into next Tuesday and make her scream his name. Was that so wrong?

  The car skirted along the curvy driveway between skyscraper pine trees and thick bushes. “Here we are.”

  “It seems to have a lot of privac…” Margarita’s voiced faded as they came up over the small hill and the scenery opened up. Manicured lawns stretched across the horizon and just beyond that was a never-ending stretch of blue ocean.

  Her face lit up. “Wow.”

  “So you approve?” He felt relieved. He’d never bought a home before. Houses, yes. An amphitheater, warehouse, and taco trucks, too. But a home where one made memories and filled it with love? Never.


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