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BLU: Paranormal Fantasy Romance (LOST CREEK SHIFTERS NOVELLAS Book 3)

Page 16

by Samantha Leal

  Kylie grumbled to herself and tried to get comfortable on the couch in her room. It wasn't as difficult as it looked like it would be, and she sank easily into it. She leaned back and smiled, instantly relaxed. She could get used to this, she thought, and then sighed. She didn't know how long she would be there, so she might as well try and enjoy it while it lasted.


  Kane was sitting in the control room, thinking deeply about how to set a course to avoid Codan territory. He had just figured it out when his two leading scientists burst into the room, waving a file excitedly. He looked at them as if they were crazy, until realization dawned on his face.

  “Is that a match?" He asked, his jaw dropping in awe.

  “Yes!" Korda exclaimed. “It's an exact match. The genetic sequence is perfect – all we have to do now is get it in the formula and see if it works. We have the test subjects being readied right now. It's going to be a very simple process. If this cures them, you do realize that all the power in the universe will finally be resting right in our own hands, don't you?"

  “Of course, this shifts everything in our favor. But we will have to keep this top-secret, there is no way that the Codans will leave us alone if we are carrying something so valuable. We're going to have to set up some kind of a safety net here. But once we have enough of what we need, are going to take the power back into our own hands. This changes everything. I'm so glad that we made such a wonderful mistake!"

  Korda nodded enthusiastically and summoned his assistant Gina to follow. They disappeared behind the door to the control room, and Kane leaned back and let out an excited whoop. Finally, things were going to go right. His mind drifted to the beautiful human that they had abducted by accident. He hadn't had a great feeling about abducting the drunk children, and when their sights had landed on the women, he felt as if some kind of divine miracle had taken place. He thought at the time that maybe that was just because he had never laid eyes on somebody more beautiful than her, but now he questioned whether or not he had some kind of premonition about the fate of the universe resting in his own hands.

  And it was all thanks to this woman. Kylie. He began to pace on the control room, his mind taking on a completely new train of thought. Kylie was now a precious commodity in the universe. If the Codans were going to eliminate earth, they would have to make sure to keep her as safe as possible. It was crucial that nobody discover the value of their cargo until they were able to produce enough serum to help everybody fight the disease that was enslaving the races of the universe to the evil Codan empire. But that was why he was the captain of the Legacy, he was going to do his best to fight the oppressive force out to enslave them and liberate the universe once and for all.

  Chapter 5

  Kylie was woken up and taken to what looked to be a laboratory. She inhaled sharply, conjuring to mind all the images that she had seen throughout her life of alien life forms experimenting on human bodies. She had wanted to trust that no harm would fall to her after Kane came and visited her that morning. His presence was a great comfort and she found herself wanting to believe everything he said. He was excited and told her that some tests needed to be done, tests that could change everything and make her a hero. He had assured her that she would come out feeling great, and when she remembered the way the food affected her, she had been very tempted to believe just that. Unfortunately, it was hard to stay calm when she was confronted by terrifying instruments of potential torture.

  The man, Korda, apparently the Legacy's leading scientist, told her to sit down on a bed much like the one that they had put into her little apartment on the ship. It was surprisingly comfortable, and when she laid down on it, Korda began his examination. He scanned a red light across her body, and she suddenly felt very exposed as images of her insides were projected onto the walls around them. Korda studied them intently, his large brow drawing in concentration. His assistant stayed in the background taking notes, scribbling furiously as Korda called out words in a medical jargon that Kylie found impossible to understand. It was the same woman who had held her down before, and they glared at each other from time to time as Korda obliviously studied her body.

  After about 10 minutes of this, Korda gave her something to drink, and she fell into a blissful, trancelike state where the rest of his probing did not affect her at all. She could tell that he was drawing blood and looking at it under a microscope, and experimenting with this and that. Kane had told her that her body would be a valuable scientific anomaly, one that could potentially save the lives of billions of beings throughout the universe. She felt like that was a lot of pressure, and wondered if maybe she should have worked out at the gym more often when she was on earth. Maybe she shouldn't have eaten so many doughnuts. Maybe she should have avoided more processed foods. If the fate of the universe relied on her body, maybe she should have treated it like a temple.

  And then she was suddenly frustrated by the fact that so much pressure was put onto her. If it weren't for these people, she wouldn't know anything about the other beings in the universe. She would still be blissfully living her life on earth, allowing the blank question mark of possibilities to remain open above her head, but never truly wanting to explore anything further than that. The reality of her life on earth suddenly hit her like a ton of bricks. Everybody she knew had turned against her, and she was without a job and without any hope at all. Most of them, if they heard anything about her, would have said that she disappeared, but most people probably wouldn't notice or care. The thought made her angry, and she made a small decision to care more about having a purpose in the universe rather than leading a boring and trivial life on the planet where nobody cared about her.

  Finally, the testing was through and she was led back to her apartment by Kane himself. He held her arm firmly to steady her as she walked numbly beside him. Whatever Korda had given her had made her feel a little bit out of it, and Kane gently guided her, speaking softly and soothingly as he walked with her through the bay of his ship. She could feel all eyes turned on her as they moved, and Kane walked regally forward, not making contact with anybody except Kylie. He didn't want any of the crewmembers to discover just how valuable she was, but he also wanted them to understand that she was to be respected at all times. He hoped that they would respect his wishes, and the first not to would deeply regret it.

  “So how did it go?" Kane asked Kylie once she was resting comfortably on her own bed.

  “You tell me," Kylie said sleepily. "I don't really understand what it is that you're looking for."

  “I think that we will know when we find it," Kane said with a small smile.

  They gazed at each other, Kane brushing her hair away from her forehead reassuringly. It felt soothing, and Kylie just wanted to close her eyes and bask in the feeling forever. It seemed almost more normal to be here with this man from another planet than it did to be on a blind date. The thought made her start to giggle, until Kane was also laughing because he didn't understand what she had been set off by. The sound of her laughter was beautiful, but not as radiant as the way her face brightened up. He couldn't take his eyes off of her, and soon gave up asking what she was laughing about and just shook his head bemused. There was still a lot he had left to learn about earthlings, he decided, and stood carefully to take his leave.

  Chapter 6

  When Kylie woke up, she gasped, startled, and looked around the room for Kane. She could have sworn that he was just there with her, and she felt an aching void when she realized that she was alone. Maybe it was just because she was missing the contact with people of her own species, but she was desperate for him to come back and fill her little bland apartment with the same comfort that he had given to her as she fell asleep. A lot of what happened was foggy in her mind, but she knew that from the way she could feel Kane beside her, there was nothing malicious in his heart. In fact, she had determined as she drifted off into a dreamless sleep that Kane might just be more attractive than anybody on her planet. The th
ought had struck her so funny that she had drifted off to sleep in a fit of giggles. There was no way to explain what she was thinking without embarrassing herself, and so she was glad for the chance to escape explanation.

  She turned to the table, where a meal was laid out for her. It was reminiscent of the type of meal that she would have found on earth, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn't been sure if she would ever be able to eat normal foods again. Somebody on the ship was looking out for her, and she had a feeling that it was Kane. She ate slowly, contemplating whether or not she would prefer to stay on the ship or go home. It seemed as if there wouldn't be much of a home to get back to if the Codans had their way.

  She tried to imagine what it would be like if Earth never existed again. The thought made her stomach drop. She would never be able to go back to her favorite places, such as the summer home where she spent her youth and the lake were sometimes she would go out for a late night swim with nobody watching her. Everybody that she knew and loved would be gone, and the feeling of isolation she felt would turn into a stronger feeling of devastation. The thought was very disturbing, and she tried to shake it away. If there is anything that she could do to save the planet that she was from, she figured that she should cooperate. If Kane was really doing what he claimed, she might be able to prevent a worse fate from befalling the planet.

  She grumbled to herself as she remembered the unfair conditions that had gotten her fired from her job. But the words didn't hold the same weight that they did just a week ago. In fact, once they were out of her mouth, they seemed to hang thinly in the air before dropping away. It was as if they meant nothing anymore. The idea of actually saving the planet versus the silly job that she lost that she could barely stand didn't seem to compare at all. Of course she would prefer to save the planet. Even if nobody ever knew about it, it would be nice to be able to say to herself that she had done something that important in her life.

  Of course that was only if it turned out that she did hold the special gene that could fight the virus that the Codans were using against the rest of the races in the galaxy. She wandered over to the window of the apartment, the idea of Kane's muscular body floating around in her head as she stared out into the darkness of space around her. She'd never seen anything more beautiful in her life, and although she had been afraid of flying in an airplane, for some reason Kane's ship made her feel completely safe. He genuinely seemed to want to do things right for her, and so she decided to sit back and relax, and try to enjoy herself as much as she could without having to worry about the stress of life on earth.

  Chapter 7

  Korda hummed absently to himself as he made the final addition to an elixir that he was testing out on an isolated strain of the virus. He stopped mid-hum and had to do a double take. He had finally done it. He held the most valuable serum in the galaxy in his hands. He quickly scanned over the code to memorize it before running off excitedly in pursuit of his assistant Gina. Normally, she was hovering right over his shoulder, but for some reason today he was not able to find her anywhere. He decided to check her chambers, which is something he normally never did. He believed in giving his assistants, particularly those of the opposite sex, a lot of breathing room.

  However, this was too exciting to keep to himself. He burst into her door, and suddenly felt as if he were being hit by a ton of bricks. Gina was on a radio communicating their location to the leader of the Codans, Marxus. She stopped abruptly and turned to look at him, her face falling in horror. She hadn't expected him to come in and discover her communication with their enemy. The worst part about it was that there was really nothing that he could do. He could have apprehended her if he had his weapon, but they weren't allowed in the laboratory and there was no time to retrieve it. He ran urgently from Gina to try to find Kane.

  “Kane!" Korda exclaimed as he turned the corner and nearly collided with him. “Gina is a mole! She's been sending messages about my work to the Codan Empire!”

  “What!? How could you let this happen?"

  “Me? I'm not the one who said I should have an assistant, and I'm not even the one who chose Gina. You felt sorry for her and picked her up off of that planet because you said she has high potential. But she's probably been working with the Codans this entire time!”

  Kane considered this and looked down at the floor thoughtfully.

  “How much does she know?" Kane asked him finally, looking up with his eyes flashing in anger.

  “She knows that Kylie is a match, but she doesn't know that I have unlocked the formula for the antivirus. We are now officially the most powerful group in the universe.”

  The news filled Kane with a feeling of ecstatic relief. If all went well from here on out, he would be able to save the universe. But first things were first, they would have to find a way to get rid of Gina and protect themselves from the onslaught that she had probably doomed them all to. She had truly believed that she was just an innocent prisoner on one of the planets where they had gassed up the ship. Fortunately, she hadn't been on board very long, but now it was certain that the Codans had their location, and worse, they would have knowledge about Kylie as well.

  Suddenly, the alarms started to blare in their ears and Kane's face fell. A Codan ship was close, and some security had been breached. The sudden thought of Kylie filled his mind, and dread gripped his heart.

  “Kylie," he murmured quietly. “Go after Gina! Show no mercy.”

  Kane ran from the room as quickly as he could, pulling his weapon out of the holster at his side. Korda ran in the opposite direction, back toward the laboratory. He looked around for Gina, but it was too late. She had already vanished.

  Chapter 8

  Kylie had been surprised when somebody burst into her apartment. She could tell by the light sound of the footsteps that it wasn't Kane, and when Gina appeared to her, she quirked her head and concern. She had recognized her as the bitchy woman from the testing room, but now the expression on her face was hardened and serious. Before she had a chance to ask what was going on, Gina pulled out a large needle and stuck it painfully into Kylie's arm. Kylie opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, she collapsed onto the floor.

  She remained semi-conscious as Gina lifted her easily onto her back, carrying Kylie as if she were a lamb, and ran to the corner of the room where an ominous red light was blinking. It looked a lot like the same kind of light that had pulled her away from her summerhouse by the lake, and yet it looked much more sinister. She tried to squirm away from Gina's grip, but whatever she had been injected with left her weak and unable to struggle. She cursed out loudly, but the sound was muted by a whirring noise. The blood rushed into Kylie's ears as they were transported into another ship.

  Terrifying beings glowered down at her. Gina had dropped her onto the floor unceremoniously, and they were all craning their long necks down to study her. Their faces were wilted, almost as if they were melting. The color of their skin was a wood-like brown, and at the back of their heads they had crowns that reminded her of a triceratops. She studied them in disgust, shivering despite herself on the cold floor of the ship. The ship wasn't well lit like the Legacy was. Instead, it was dark and somber, and she felt immediately afraid.

  “I did as you asked," Gina said, pacing around the room anxiously. “Now I want my payment. You promised that I would get another dose. Something to ease the pain, you know. You said that the medicine would be able to help right?”

  The beings surrounding Kylie made no indication that they had heard Gina, and simply continued to study Kylie. One of them, clearly the leader, extended a long, bony hand and opened his palm toward Gina.

  “Where are the notes?" he asked, without looking away from Kylie.

  Gina's face suddenly fell as she realized that she forgot to grab the notebook from the ship as she ran toward Kylie's room. She thought that it would be the main priority to get rid of the girl. But somehow, it had slipped her mind to bring her notes.

  She di
dn't have to speak for all of them to realize her mistake. One by one, the Codans turned away from Kylie and fixed their steely gazes upon Gina.

  “What? I delivered the girl just like you asked me to. That was the most important thing. They were right on the brink of figuring out how to fix this virus. But since you have her, you can find out first. You can be the ones to fix me like you promised. That was the deal."

  “The deal was that you keep an eye on Capt. Kane and his absurd crew, get us all of the information possible, take meticulous notes, to be delivered to us on time when we arrived. You did a great job giving us the location and delivering the girl, but that was only part of your job. For the rest of it you have failed and therefore there is no deal between us any longer. Take her away."

  Gina's face fell, and she began shaking her head and begging for them to reconsider.

  “I brought the girl," she cried out loudly. “What more would you want?"

  “I want what they have. The research they have done. Without it, she is almost useless. Show no mercy. Execute her at once. She knows too much already."

  “No, please!" Gina cried, as they began to drag her away.

  Finally, Kylie summoned up enough energy to be able to speak. Everybody paused and turned to her as the words began to escape her mouth.

  “You stupid girl," Kylie said, her eyes closed. “They would have fixed you if you were just honest. And they would have done it for free.”


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