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Follow Your Arrow

Page 14

by A. M. Willard

  “Justin, I have something for you. I know we said we weren’t going to buy each other anything, but this is what I’d call re-gifting so technically it doesn’t count.” Leslie says as she hands me an old box with a ribbon tied around it. I sit down on the bench, patting the empty space next to me for her to join me. I knew she’d go back on our promise, which is also why I’m prepared to give her her gift. I slowly undo the bow, sliding it from the box as I place it down between us. Leslie is about as giddy as a child on Christmas morning, bouncing her legs up and down to the point that the bench is swaying back and forth. “Calm down, Leslie or we’re both going to fall to the ground,” I tell her as I lift the lid from the box. When my eyes meet the contents, I don’t need an explanation. I know exactly what these are. It’s the napkins that we wrote on over the years while sitting at Skipper’s making our life plans. I can tell Leslie’s been through them. It’s not because they’re just tossed inside. No, it’s because they are in order. The top one says, ‘Marry. Leslie and make her the happiest person on earth.’

  “You did keep them,” I mumble as I sift through the rest of them. I can help but stop and read a few at a time as I shuffle through them.

  ‘Write a bestseller.’

  ‘Move to California and buy a really big house.’

  “Ten kids.” I read this one out loud as I show it to Leslie, giving her a questioning look.

  “Sorry, I think that one has changed. Let’s go for at least one, okay.”

  “Okay, I can live with that as long as I have you by my side.”

  “Always and forever,” she says as she leans in and kisses the side of my face.

  “I got you something, it’s nothing big but I wanted you to have them,” I say as I slide out a long white envelope from the inside of my suit jacket. I hand it over to her and wait.

  “You shouldn’t have, Justin,” she tells me as her finger slides open the tab. I watch her face as she reads the tickets.

  “You got me open dated tickets to fly back whenever I want?”

  “I did, I promised you that you could come back here anytime you wanted and I meant that. If for some reason you can’t come here, I’ll fly Haddie to you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give you, Leslie.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Welcome, now we better rejoin the party before they think I ran away with my bride.”

  “That wouldn’t be so bad, now would it?”

  “No, it wouldn’t,” I say as I take her hand in mine and stand. I can’t believe that all these years later, this is where we have ended up. I wouldn’t change a thing about our lives, well other than the fact that I should’ve done this a long time ago. In the end, we found our way back to each other and that’s what’s important.



  It’s our five-year wedding anniversary, and I never thought this is where we would be—still in Malibu and as happy as we were on the day we said ‘I do’. I still own the bookstore back in Kingston, but Mary Anne is now my partner. I thought about selling the place to her, but then that felt like a betrayal to Nan. Instead, I’ve given the place over to her and stay silent in the background as she runs it. We still venture back from time to time to visit our friends, but Malibu is now home. It’s where our lives have blossomed into a family. It’s where we’re raising our son, and where Justin is working on his fourth book in his new series. Okay, we’re working on the fourth book. At some point, he came up with the brilliant idea that we needed to co-write with each other, that after all these years of me reading book after book, I had a voice that needed to be heard. Christina, our agent, wasn’t a fan and pushed for Justin to rethink this whole crazy idea, but in the end, we won the battle after she read the first draft. Seems we make the perfect team, the two of us.

  Haddie and Elliott are due to arrive for their visit any moment. Yes, they finally woke up and said ‘I do’ to one another two years ago. Haddie is expecting her first child in a few months, and it warms my heart that I’ll be able to share with her that we’re yet expecting another child ourselves. Seems all the practicing for the sex scenes in our books paid off more than we thought. Yes, it was my idea to practice the scenes, as we wanted them to be as real as real could be. I love that Justin has softened over the years, expressing his romantic side with his words. If his fans only knew the truth behind them, I’d have to hire more security when we go on tour. That’s been a challenge as I’ve never loved the spotlight. Now that I’m not only in his world, but the one we’ve created, that’s all it is. I’ve gotten superb at hiding when I go to the grocery store, but still use the delivery service as much as possible. Being out with your child and then hit up for autographs is something I don’t enjoy. We want to protect Keith for as long as we can. He’s only three and doesn’t understand the attention.

  “They just pulled up,” Justin says as he steps out on the deck where I’m sitting and watching our son play. I stand and place a kiss on his cheek as I go to welcome Haddie and Elliott.

  Swinging the door open, I gasp as two familiar older faces are staring back at me, but they’re not the ones of Haddie nor Elliott.

  “Leslie,” the older gentleman says, and I have to blink a few times as the eyes I’m staring at look familiar. When I glance over to the lady, she resembles a younger Nan. I can’t speak. I’m confused and the room starts to feel like it’s spinning before I feel my legs give out from underneath me.

  I’m not sure how long I was out, or if I was dreaming when I wake up on the couch in my living room. I can hear voices coming from the kitchen. I lay here eavesdropping, trying to figure out who is who. There’s Haddie, Elliott, Justin, and two that I don’t recognize. This wasn’t a dream. Could it really be my parents? I lift up from the sofa, grabbing my head as I take a moment to gather my surroundings.

  “Babe, don’t move. Are you okay?” Justin asks as he races over to me.

  “Yeah, I’m… What’s going on, Justin?”

  “You passed out when your parents showed up.”

  “I didn’t dream it then?”

  “No, it’s real and yes, confusing,” he says to me as I turn my body in place and look into the kitchen where they’re all staring at me. This is the day that I’ve dreamt about, and I’m scared to death to know the truth. Where have they been? Why did they leave? This is all the questions that I have running through my head.

  “Where’s Keith?”

  “Napping. Want some water?” Justin asks as he helps me stand.

  “No, I want answers,” I say as I look at both of my parents. It’s been over thirty years since I’ve seen them. Thirty years filled with questions and wondering. It’s time that I finally get my closure so I can move past this part of my life.

  “Why?” is the only thing I can find to say.

  “Leslie,” my mother says as she comes closer to me. My natural reaction is to back away, letting her know that I’m not ready for that kind of contact with her yet. Instead of coming any closer, she settles next to me and continues. “We did this for your own safety. We had to leave to protect you and Nan. Your father was in business with some bad people, and they were threatening your life. We thought that by leaving you, that we would be protecting you. We knew that one day we’d be able to come out of hiding and see you again.”

  “I’m going to need more than that. I have a life here, a family that I’m protecting. Do you think it’s safe for you to just walk in here and uproot all of that?”

  “No, we’re not here to do that. It’s finally safe for us to be back in the living, but we can’t use our old names or go back to the island. We wanted to come here to let you know in person, to leave you an open dated plane ticket to come and see us when you’re ready for answers.”

  “Where are you going? Why come back? God, did Nan know this? I need more than this. I deserve to hear the truth before you disappear again.”

  “We have a place down in the Bahamas. To tell you in person that we’re sorry for everythi
ng we had to do and no, she didn’t know. I think she suspected, but never knew the truth,” my mother says, and I take a moment to glance over to Justin. When I turn my head back to her, I stare at her a little longer than I should. It’s weird that I see Nan in her eyes. That I see myself in her. “Who were you hiding from? You at least owe me that much, don’t you think.”

  “Your father… Your father sold some stocks to a company that misled him to believe he was selling to another company. Once the news hit the public, we started hearing rumors that the company was owned by a mob boss in New York. That he wanted to own more shares than what we were prepared to part with. Once your father turned the offers down, they started to threaten us, holding their connections over our heads. On the day we disappeared we had a meeting with another one of their associates, they had proof of a plan to kidnap you and hold you for ransom. They were going to ask for the amount they thought the rest of the stocks were worth. We didn’t have time to call the police, it was a quick plan of action that we had to put in place. Luckily this man was trying to gather evidence, enough to shut them down. We were told that it wouldn’t take but a year to make that happen. As you know, that year turned into many. So many years that we missed out on your life.” I hold up my hand, stopping her in mid-explanation.

  “I’m not ready for this,” I say before standing and walk away. My mind is racing with a million questions, but none want to escape my lips. How is it that they’ve been alive all this time? Where have they been hiding or lurking? Will I ever be able to forgive them for leaving me behind? How was it that they weren’t safe, and I was?

  “Do you want to talk them anymore?” Justin asks as he approaches me.

  “No, I can’t. They can leave and if I ever want answers, I know where they are.”

  “Alright, I’ll be right back. Haddie’s coming out to sit with you, okay?”

  “Okay,” I mutter.

  “How ya holding up?” my best friend questions me as she approaches.

  “I’m not sure, I’m so confused, Haddie.”

  “You and me both, but you want to know the weird thing?”

  “What, does it get any weirder than this?”

  “Yes, they’ve stayed at the Inn over the years. Well, your mom would have different color hair and they used different names. But I knew I’d seen them before when I entered the kitchen today.”

  “That’s not weird, I’ve seen them too,” I say, and it’s true. I don’t even have to ask them, as I always felt like I’d seen a ghost every summer. This woman would come in while Nan was always out doing something. She’d browse around the bookstore, and always leave after buying one of Justin’s books. She’d make small talk with me, but never ask or say anything that would make me think she was my mother. I’d tell Nan about her, and ask if she knew who I was talking about. Nan would blow it off and say I needed to get out of the books and live a little. Maybe she knew but never let on to anything. That would explain the boxes of files that I found all those years ago in the basement. Now I have to choose what to do with this new information. Can I be in their lives? I can’t answer that now, but there’s always the plane ticket that they’re leaving. Apart of me wants to know more, but the other part has to protect my family. I know my mother has explained that it’s safe for them, but there’s no guarantee. It’s not just me anymore, I have a son and husband that refuse to let suffer from something my family did all those years ago. For the time being, I’ll play it safe until I can trust that arrow to lead me on the right path.

  The End

  Thank You

  Thank you for reading Follow Your Arrow and getting to know Justin and Leslie. I hope you enjoyed this second chance romance where all you had to do was follow your heart or arrow as Nan would say.

  If you’re searching for a new book to read, how about a friends to lovers romantic comedy? Tic Tac Love is the story of two friends that know they love each other, but are afraid it will ruin what they have built over the years. Enjoy the story of Paxton and Annabelle.

  One-Click Tic Tac Love now!

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  Turn the page for an excerpt from Tic Tac Love.

  Excerpt from Tic Tac Love


  The clock on my desk reads six sharp. It wasn’t supposed to be my typical Friday night where I go home and chill while watching the Hallmark Channel. Nor was it meant to include a pint-sized carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream for dinner. Nope, it was meant for my best friend, Paxton, and me to have dinner, catch up on the last four months, and listen to all the things that he’s seen since the last time he was here in New York. I had our whole weekend planned like I usually do when he gets to come visit. Except now, I have new plans that include my two girlfriends. It was a last-minute decision this afternoon when Paxton texted to tell me that he was off on another adventure. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure that he’d be able to come home this weekend, but I was hoping to see him after he wrapped up this last assignment. He’s been doing an article on national parks for the previous four months. This has had him circling the United States, week in and week out. Between his traveling and my working, there’s been no Belle and Pax time. When I received his text, I immediately contacted Brooke and Miranda for an evening in.

  The three of us met our second year at Columbia University. I call it fate since that’s the same year Paxton left to start living his life without me. Brooke, Miranda, and I knew each other, but our friendship grew the moment I hugged Paxton goodbye at the security check line at JFK. It was the first time in sixteen years that I wouldn’t be able to see him every day. The first time that I had to become Annabelle Quinn, and not Belle and Pax. Still to this day, I say he had something to do with Brooke and Miranda befriending me when they did, but they all deny it. Either way, I suppose I ended up with the best deal of it all. I have three best friends who love me unconditionally. One just happens to always be miles away. Not to mention he took my heart all those years ago when he left. This is why I have trouble dating, but I would never tell anyone this. I keep that little secret to myself. Actually, that’s a lie. Brooke and Miranda know, only because one drunken night I let the cat out of the bag. Other than them, there’s no reason to air it out to the world. The thought of losing him because I let my heart get in the way isn’t even something I can comprehend. Paxton knows me better than I know myself most days. He knows my fears, my dreams, and, most of all, how to make me smile. The one thing he doesn’t know is that the smiles don’t come as often as they used to. When he’s gone, I feel like I’m missing half my soul. Growing up, everyone who knew us thought we would end up married. Guess the joke’s on them now.

  Paxton told me years ago after his parents got divorced that he never wanted to see the hurt he did in his father’s eyes when his mother left them. That also happened to be the same day that I was going to lay it all out. I’d finally found the courage to tell him that I loved him, but when I knocked on his door that Saturday morning in our junior year of high school I shut it down faster than a greyhound chasing a fake rabbit around the track. I knew that no matter what I said to make him believe in true love and soul mates—it was long gone. Instead of acting on my feelings, I pushed them down so far that at times I can forget. Then when he’s here, I’m reminded of all the reasons I can’t find someone to love. It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s because you can’t give your heart away to another person when you already did years ago. It doesn’t work that way. If you ask Brooke or Miranda, they say it’s because I’m a hopeless romantic who watches far too many romance movies or reads too many books. This also brings me to why I
became a matchmaker… I believe in love for others and when I find that perfect match for one of my clients, my heart swells. Just don’t ask me to find myself a man.

  I tried…

  It failed…

  Never again will I look for a date with my clients.

  "Annabelle, you leaving soon? It's the weekend," comes from my nosey co-worker’s mouth as she stands in the doorway of my office. Before responding, I take in the mound of paperwork that I still need to go through before Monday circles back around and check the clock again.

  "Soon. I promise," comes out with a long heavy sigh.

  "Okay, but you do realize it's Friday and you're what, twenty-six? Which means you should be out on a date, not sitting here working." Instead of responding, I set my pen down and glance back up at her. She's right, but instead of going out to a dingy club, I’m having a girls’ night in; that should count for something, right?

  “I’ll see you Monday,” I say with a fake smile splayed across my face as she turns to leave. One more glance at the time. I shove my files into my briefcase. With my plans now changed, I can do a little catch-up over the weekend. It’ll keep my mind occupied with anything other than Paxton.

  Brooke, Miranda, and I have been sitting in my living room sipping on wine and eating pizza for the last few hours. Listening to them talk about work, family, and even the spring we’ve been having has taken my mind off things. Neither of them has asked the reason behind the impromptu girls’ night. Or how I knew they would both be free on a Friday evening. Just when I think I’m lucky, Brooke sits her wine glass down on my coffee table, turns her body more toward me, and locks eyes with mine. I grab the pillow between us, plopping it down in my lap like it’s going to prevent her from speaking. No luck as this pillow hasn’t magically grown powers and lifted me into another universe yet.


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