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CHAINS (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 18)

Page 8

by Samantha Leal

  He let go of her wrists and placed them back down by her sides before he traced a rough finger down her cheek to her lips.

  “Tomorrow,” he whispered. “Tomorrow, I want to see you again.”

  Star nodded her head quickly. Never before had she ever wanted to agree to something so much.

  “Yes,” she gasped. “I want to see you.”

  “Right here,” he told her sternly. “Same time.”

  She nodded her head and bit her lip as he took a step back before he scooped the remote control up from the side and flicked the TV on. Star had completely forgotten that he was even working on it. He had obviously finished before she had gone to get him the beer.

  She laughed and shook her head.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re welcome.” He smiled wryly.

  She hugged her arms around herself, not wanting him to leave, knowing that if he didn’t they were going to get themselves into a whole world of trouble. She needed to sleep on this and think it over. She had to be sure she was making the right move.

  He reached for the door handle and Star walked toward him where he kissed her once more longingly before he opened the door and stepped out into the night.

  His bike was waiting for him at the end of her driveway. She watched as he walked down and climbed astride it.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Star,” he said to her before he revved the engine. As he pulled away from the house, Star finally let herself really breathe.

  “Holy fucking shit,” she gasped as she clutched her hand to her chest.

  And just like that, she knew that all her rules were going to be completely and utterly broken.


  “I can’t believe you managed to convince Bull to give you the night off,” Renee accused as she looked into the mirror and swiped mascara on her top lashes. “You’ve barely been here this week.”

  “I know, I know,” Star admitted. “But I have had a lot going on. I moved, for crying out loud. And I’m completely exhausted.”

  Renee rolled her eyes.

  “So, you’re going to be dining out on that one for a while to come then?” she joked with a smirk.

  “I don’t know why you’re so bothered, it’s more money for you! If I’m not here, then you get my share of the takings and you get to do all my dances. It’s nothing but wins in the World of Renee!” She winked and laughed.

  “This is true,” Renee agreed. “But I miss you. I miss my friend and my accomplice. This place has been like a ghost town the past few nights.”

  “Well, I will be here with bells on tomorrow,” she said with a wide smile. “I promise.”

  Renee held out her little finger for Star to link hers with. A special swear that could never be broken.

  “I needed some time off,” Star admitted. “I love it here, but being in this environment night after night sure does start to take a toll.”

  Renee raised her eyebrows. “Well you know I hear you there.”

  “I know, I know,” Star protested. “Anyway, I just came to get some things I left here last time I was working. Tomorrow is laundry day and I want to get organized in the house. I need to totally reorganize my closet and make sure I know where everything is.”

  “No worries, doll.” Renee smiled. “I’m sure me and Candy will survive one more night without you.”

  “Exactly.” Star winked. “You’ll leave here tonight with twice the takings you normally would, and then I’ll be back here tomorrow. We can fully catch up then.”

  Renee grinned. “It’s a deal.”

  Star gathered up her stray bits of clothing and swept them into her purse before she slung it back over her shoulder. She felt kind of bad that she hadn’t been fully upfront with Renee about why she really couldn’t work that night, but she knew she had to look out for herself. She couldn’t risk the entire club knowing before she even knew what was happening herself. She didn’t want to tempt fate or jinx anything before she had even got started.

  “Bye, Star,” Renee called after her as she slipped out of the room and blew her a kiss.

  “Bye Renee.”

  As Star walked home from the club, her mind was still swirling with conflict. She had spent the whole night tossing and turning and when she had woken up first thing in the morning, she knew that she was going to have to follow her heart instead of her head.

  Her head was telling her to stay away from Chains. It was telling her that surely no good could come out of the situation, that he was a biker, an outlaw, a man who deceived for a living. But then her heart was screaming at her to not pay attention to logic, that what she could have with Chains would be so much more than that.

  She had seen girls and bikers fall in love, and she had seen the wonderful relationships they had forged. Why would hers and Chains’s be any different?

  She was being overly cautious because she was afraid of getting hurt. Still, she was also reaching a time in her life when she knew she wanted more. If she didn’t risk herself at least once, how would she ever gain? If she didn’t make herself vulnerable, then she would only ever stay exactly where she was. She would be single forever, living alone and talking to herself while she stripped her way to fortune.

  And while there was nothing wrong with that – she had been happily doing it – she had to admit that meeting Chains had made her crave something more.

  She wanted love. She wanted companionship. She wanted a driving force, someone to look after her and take care of her; someone who understood her on a deeper level than anyone ever had.

  When she looked into his eyes and felt his power, she knew that Chains was that person. She couldn’t explain it. It was just so powerful that it couldn’t be denied.

  When she turned into her new street her eyes instinctively looked for him but he was nowhere to be seen. His bike wasn’t out the front of his house, and the whole street was eerily quiet.

  “Everyone’s at work,” she whispered to herself as she started up her driveway and toward her front door.

  She had spent the morning completely tidying and making space for all the things she had left to unpack and now the house truly did feel like a home. She had settled everything into its place and had cleaned and tidied, as well as unpacking and sorting some of the new items she had bought during her shopping spree down on Main Street.

  Now she had the rest of the day free to think about Chains and the fact that he was coming to see her again in only a matter of hours. Her heart picked up the pace instantly as soon as she thought about him as she sank back down into the couch to chew on her lip.

  She daydreamed for some time before she forced herself up. She hadn’t been able to stop looking at the TV, thinking about the fact he had helped her with it. No man that had ever been in her life, not even her own father, had been handy like Chains had been. She had lived a constant struggle when it came to domestic issues such as that. But Chains had just waltzed in and sorted it out for her like it was absolutely nothing. She had never placed value on something like that before, but suddenly it seemed important. It made her feel more secure.

  She wandered upstairs and started to draw a hot bath filled with bubbles. She lit candles around the edges and sunk into it right to her chin while she let the water help her unwind. She was still feeling tense, but she could tell it was because she was eagerly anticipating Chains turning up at her door again. She lathered coconut-scented body wash all over her and for a moment she was transported to a tropical island. It had been such a long time since she had left the desert behind that she couldn’t even fathom the concept of a vacation.

  “What a luxury that would be.” She smiled as she combed her fingers through her hair.

  When she felt completely relaxed and shiny clean, she stepped out of the tub and wrapped herself in a big, thick waffle towel. She wiped her hand across the steamy mirror above the sink so she could see herself and smiled. She was completely stripped back, naked and bare, and looked beautiful. She had alw
ays relied on so many tips and tricks after working in the club to disguise who she truly was, but right there in that moment, she saw the real Star. She wanted Chains to see her, too.

  She left her skin clear and dewy, and only put on a small flick of mascara, a tiny bit of blush and lightly glossed her lips. She looked so fresh-faced and glowing she barely recognized herself. She had to admit it was a huge improvement from having her eyes practically sealed together with black eyeliner, harsh blood red lips, and dark bronzer contouring each inch of her face.

  In her bedroom, she opened the closet and chose a simple white t-shirt and a pair of shorts. She looked as if she were just going to lounge around the house on a hot summer’s day, but that was exactly the look she was going for. She wanted to put in minimal effort and see how he reacted. If he was just a shallow, womanizing biker, then surely she would be able to tell the second he laid eyes on her.

  But the reality was, Star already knew he wasn’t. No one could fake the energy between them, and no one could deny it.

  It was real.

  She began to pace up and down her bedroom, feeling her nerves mounting inside of her. She looked up at the clock and saw it was almost half past seven. If he was true to his word, then he would be there within half an hour.

  She spritzed on some of her favorite perfume, pulled a loose waterfall cardigan on over her shoulders and made her way back downstairs to the kitchen, where she opened up the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of mineral water.

  She sipped it slowly and found herself looking at the clock, counting each ticking second as the hand went around and around.

  Suddenly, just when she thought she couldn’t take the suspense anymore, there was a loud knock at the door that made her jump. She smiled to herself. That was the third time he had startled her like that, and she had the feeling it wouldn’t be the last.

  She walked through to the front door and opened it wide. Chains stood there on the doorstep clad head to toe in leather and looking windswept and so fucking sexy that she wanted to pounce on him right there and then.

  “Hey, babe,” he said as he stepped inside with a wicked grin.

  He bent forward and kissed her, and it was so hungry and deep that it took her breath away all over again.

  She breathed in his scent and wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her up and carried her with him. It was so natural, she just couldn’t keep her hands to herself and when he sat her down on the arm of the couch and pushed himself between her legs, she smiled the widest smile of all time.

  “Nice welcome,” he breathed as he looked down at her. “I’ve been thinking about that all day.”

  “So have I,” she said breathlessly and grinned. “Too much, in fact. I’ve been a little distracted.”

  “Tell me about it,” he said as he kissed her again and held her tight.

  She looked into his eyes and really couldn’t believe this was all happening. It had taken her so completely by surprise, but now that it had started, she knew she would be lost without it. It was all she could think about, all she could focus on, and all she wanted.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” she asked.

  Chains nodded and took hold of her hand. She led him slowly through to the kitchen, looking back over her shoulder at him as they went. She pushed open the door and he came up behind her, breathing her in deep at the back of her neck and making her feel weak at the knees.

  She stopped at the refrigerator and opened the door then stood back to let him take his pick. He followed suit with her and reached for a bottle of mineral water.

  She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

  “I didn’t expect that,” she said as she looked at all the bottles of beer that were stocked. She had made a special run to the store for him and they were all waiting for him in there.

  “I’m full of surprises,” he said.

  She felt her heart flutter.

  He reached up and traced a finger down her face as he studied her and took her in. He smiled, and she could tell he noticed the difference in her. He was seeing her for who she really was. Not the girl that paraded around the club night after night.

  “I like this,” he said genuinely. “The bareness, it’s so real.”

  “I don’t just let anyone see this side of me,” she said. “But for some reason tonight, I felt the need.”

  “And I’m glad you have,” he said.

  He had such a gentle side to him, although Star could tell it could be easily eclipsed at any moment with whatever he had hiding inside of him.

  His dark side.

  His secret.

  It screamed to her from behind his eyes, and it was reeling her in with each passing second.

  They stood in the kitchen looking at each other and he smiled.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said quietly and strongly.

  Star faltered for a moment. She really felt as if she could tell him anything, but there was still a small part of her that was reserved. She didn’t want to ruin what they already had because it was something she had never felt before.

  “I’m thinking that…” she began, and then she paused. “I think you’re hiding something.”

  She wanted to close her eyes and hide the second she said it, but she stood her ground and bit her lip.

  “Maybe you’re right,” he said playfully. “Or maybe you’re wrong.”

  “Well that doesn’t bring us any further forward, does it?” She cocked her head to the side cheekily.

  He ran his hand through his hair and smiled at her.

  Those eyes.

  They were so intense.

  “I may have some secrets,” he said wickedly. “But I’m not sure you could handle them.”

  She chewed her lip and grinned. She couldn’t help but get giddy like a school girl now whenever she was around him.

  “Maybe that’s another story for another day,” he said as he approached her and took hold of her hands. “Let’s go and sit down.”

  This time he led her back into the front room and he sat down on the couch with his arms spread wide across the back. In the light and airy room, he looked so dark and menacing as he sat there on the white couch, covered in his leathers and tattoos.

  Star sat down next to him and curled her legs underneath herself as she looked up at him. She was completely in awe. She was still trying to keep some air of mystery about herself As she wanted to play him at his own game.

  “How long have you worked at Tanner’s?” he asked her, focusing all his attention on her.

  “Nearly nine months, I think,” she said as she thought on it. “Yeah, it would be about that. I was new in town when I started there. I just kind of fell into it.”

  “Do you enjoy it?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She nodded. “But of late there have been times when I’ve wondered how much longer I can keep it up.”

  He smiled sympathetically.

  “What did you do before you came here?” she asked him.

  “I’ve already told you,” he said.

  “You only modeled?” she asked with a little bit of shock.

  Chains nodded his head slowly, as if he was reluctantly admitting the fact.

  “Professionally?” she asked him with wide eyes.

  Here he nodded again.

  “Holy shit, I just thought you meant you did it when you were younger, like a one off or something.”

  “Nope,” he laughed. “That was my life for quite some time. But if you ever tell any of the other guys, I’ll hunt you down…and…” he pretended to squeeze his hands together as if he were holding her by the throat.

  She laughed, and he playfully nudged her shoulder and winked.

  “That’s impressive,” she said. “I still can’t understand how a gorgeous model ended up here in Slate Springs, working alongside The Forsaken Riders. It’s insane.”

  Chains laughed.

  “I’ve travelled the world. I’ve met a lot of people and done a
lot of things. Like I told you earlier, I’ve learned a lot of arts along the way. Some which are very useful to groups like The Forsaken Riders.”

  She felt a little chill roll over her. She barely dared imagine what he could mean. But she could only think it would be something incredibly dangerous.

  “And what about you?” he asked her. “What is Star’s story? Not many people seem to know much from before you arrived here in town.”

  “So, you’ve been asking?” she said teasingly.

  “I certainly have,” he said as he moved closer to her.

  “There isn’t a whole lot to tell,” she sighed. “I had a pretty crappy upbringing and I decided it was time to start over. So, I ended up here and I kind of just fell into the way of life here. It felt like home.”

  “I know what you mean.” He smiled.

  They looked at each other and there was a bond forming that was so strong and real it was wearing them both down. Their defenses were completely shattered, and Star didn’t want to fight it anymore.

  She wanted him.

  She needed him.

  Chains could obviously sense the change within her, and he cupped her cheek in his hand and stared into her eyes.

  “What is happening with us, Star?” he whispered as his lips skimmed hers.

  “I don’t know,” she breathed. “But I can’t keep fighting it.”

  “Good,” he said as he held her tight. “Because neither can I.”


  He kissed her hard on the mouth and Star wrapped her hands up around his neck and ran them through his hair. The world around her felt as if it was falling away; everything was so surreal, and her whole body felt weightless.

  He lifted her up onto him and she straddled him, wrapping her legs around his waist and feeling tiny against him. He looked deeply into her eyes and grabbed hold of her wrists before he pinned them behind her back and held her there, in complete control of her, letting his lips skim against hers, teasing her with his kiss.


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