Surrender Your Independence
Page 2
“Sure, why not? They have a bon fire going on at the beach and some food cooking. I thought you might want something to eat. I’ve been told Gage cooks a mean steak on the grill.” She took the glass of wine Tamara offered to her as she poured the rest into another cup.
“You going to tell me what is going on with Gage and Lars? And don’t tell me nothing either?” She followed Lydia out the door and down to the beach.
“I’ll let them explain that. It’s not my place to tell you,” Lydia said leaving her more suspicious than ever.
The fire seemed to reach the sky tonight. Gage was furious with him and he couldn’t blame him. The way he’d behaved around their consort was rude and on the verge of harassment. He could still the recall the scars that riddled her body in his mind’s eye. As soon as she had slammed the door, Lars had called his father.
He’d always been close to his father, but Lars didn’t know how the news would go over, but there was no turning back. Tamara Crozier was theirs and there was no way they’d release her. After ten minutes, his father agreed and said he would call Alex back into fold, and would order him to remove the reward-bounty on Tamara’s head.
“Here she comes.” Gage turned away from the grill and looked at him.
“I know I have to apologize. You don’t need to give me that look.” He turned and smiled as Lydia and Tamara joined them. “Please have a seat. Lydia tells us you haven’t eaten, so I hope you don’t’ mind that we threw an extra steak on the grill for you.” Lars nodded to the beach chairs that sat back away from the fire and out of the smoke.
Tamara nodded and sat down in the chair furthest away from them. Getting out of his chair, Lars moved his right next to her. “I’m glad you came. I owe you an apology. I was rude and I have no excuse except that I was totally unprepared for your presence.” Taking her free hand into his, he waited as Gage knelt down in front of her.
“What my mate is trying to say is that we believe you to be our consort. Do you know what this is?” Gage asked.
She pulled her hand out of his, but not before he noticed her body shaking. Before they knew what she was doing, Tamara jumped up. “You called him? I thought I was under your protection?” She reached under her dress to retrieve a small switchblade, flicking it open.
He turned, stepping in front of her, as did Gage. “You are not welcome here, Alex. Leave now,” Lars warned only once.
“Oh, come now, can’t we be civil here? I just wanted to say thank you for finding Tamara for me. I’ve been waiting a long time to see her,” Alex walked around the fire towards them.
“You will not touch one inch of her. She’s our consort. Father is waiting for you at home.” Alex tried once more, well aware Gage was close to attacking. His hands were now covered in fur, large claws scraped against his pants, but he kept his own beast back.
Stopping, Alex looked at him, then at Gage. “So the both of you share her? Amazing, I bet Father was pleased with that, knowing he might get those grandchildren after all,” Alex sneered and tried to move to the side to see Tamara.
“You will not!” Lars let a small fraction of his inner demon show and sent his brother back a few yards with his power. “Leave, because the next time you won’t walk away. That’s my final warning.”
Behind them, Tamara placed her hand on his back. “You shouldn’t have to do this. He’s your brother,” she whispered, but Alex heard her.
“That is easy enough, dear Tamara, why don’t you come with me and all of this can be prevented.” Alex stood, slow brushing the sand off of himself, and held out his hand.
She snorted behind them. “Yeah, right. Like I’d do that. Not going to happen. So why don’t you just leave and forget you ever knew me?” She poked her head between him and Gage.
“I’m afraid that isn’t going to happen. You owe me. I was discharged and shame was brought upon my family because of you…a human,” he snarled and nodded.
“I owe you nothing! You almost gutted me while I was alive, all because I wouldn’t sleep with you,” she shouted and pushed forward trying to get past the two of them, but there was no way they’d allow her to place herself in danger.
“I did gut you. If that stupid Commander hadn’t been there, you wouldn’t be here and no one would have known.” His brother’s gaze moved to the left really quickly and at once Lars knew others were now surrounding them.
“So it comes to this then?” Lars motioned with his fingers. Gage shifted next to him. In wolf form, he stood over eight feet tall, his fur almost white, fangs glistening from his mouth as his snarls filled the air, calling to the others of their team, but there was no time.
No, he had no choice, but to use the one thing he didn’t want to. He took Tamara’s hand, his gaze never leaving his brother and placed two specialized plugs in her hand. “Put them in your ear now and don’t draw attention to yourself anymore.” He sent the message into her head.
Reaching over, Lars took Gage’s clawed hand and centered his attack to those around them. It was a hard task to focus such power, but it could be done. The only problem was that any humans around them would have serious earaches, but with the plugs he’d handed Tamara, he’d hoped she wouldn’t be affected.
Drawing on the power around him, Lars attacked, giving no warning. The full demon inside was out. Not only were Alex’s men down for the count, his brother would be his. Releasing Gage’s hand, he flew at his brother, who was now flat on his back from his attack. Lars landed on him with a crunch, cracking several of his ribs with his knee.
“You should have left when I told you. Now you will sleep for a very long time.” His fangs ripped into his brother’s throat and released the poison to induce the five hundred year sleep. Only a rare few of his kind were born with this gift and he was one of them.
His brother’s eyes grew large as he realized his mistake. “I won’t forget, no matter how long I sleep…” were the last words he uttered before succumbing to the sleep. Lars jumped up and looked back at Tamara who stood there staring at Alex.
“It’s over?” She took the plugs out of her ears and watched as their men gathered Alex’s men, securing them.
“When were you going to tell me about this?” Gage asked, pushing one of the men he had wrestled with to the group of men that were being restrained.
He shrugged. “You would have found out sooner or later.” He held out his hand to Tamara, and she placed his hand in his, staring down at his brother.
“Is he dead?” She watched as one of his father’s men came and picked up the sleeping Alex.
“No, he’s in a deep sleep. He won’t wake for over five hundred years.” He bowed as his father and mother joined them near the fire.
“I had hoped to get here before this could happen.” His father glanced from him to Tamara. “I’m sorry for what our son has done to you. I hope you won’t judge us too harshly. My son Lars is a good man and he will take great care of you. I expect you three to come by the house soon.”
“I’ll call you later. Tamara does not know what a consort is, we were just starting to explain when Alex showed up.” He sent the message to his parents telepathically.
“Oh my, I’m so sorry.” His mother stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Tamara, hugging her. “I know you must be confused, but know that both Gage and Lars are good men.” She stepped back, patting Lars’ arm. “Call us soon.”
She didn’t say anything, watching Alex and his men being carted away from the beach. Oh, Tamara knew what a consort was and it took everything in her not to run for the hotel room and slam the door shut to reality.
While Commander Michael sat with Tamera, healing her, he’d explained many things about their kind. Once a consort was found, if the female didn’t accept the man, or in this case men, they would be sterile to any other woman.
Sitting back down, Tamara slid the switchblade back into the case that was strapped to the inside of her thigh. She frowned, reme
mbering all that the Commander had passed onto her. It was almost as if he knew what was going to happen to her.
Soft jazz music filled the night air and Lydia plopped down next to her. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, just thinking. Did you ever meet Commander Michael?” Tamara tapped her foot to the music, all the time taking in every detail of Gage’s body. He had moved to the large barrel grill and was tossing the steaks. His werewolf form was impressive, to say the least.
Her friend nudged her. “No, I never met him. From what I’ve been told, it’s rare for him to make any kind of appearance. You do know he’s an ancient, one of the ten assembly members that our kind has to answer to?”
“I’ve heard something like that. I also think he knew I was going to meet Gage and Lars. I could never figure out why he would show up out of the blue and heal me, a human. Even the Staff Sergeant of our unit didn’t know what he was doing there.” She turned to find Lars standing behind her.
“Why do you believe he knew about us?” Lars handed her another glass of wine when Gage sat down in front of her. Lars took the spot to her right.
She shrugged. “When I was healing, Michael sat beside me the whole time. He kept talking to me. In the course of four hours, he’d explained many customs of your people, but also cautioned me not to draw attention to myself.” Tamara took a drink of her wine. “It didn’t make sense. He kept telling me I had a destiny to fulfill.”
“You know he’s the one who transferred me to Michigan and that’s where I met you.” She looked at Lydia. “Did he send you to me? To protect me, and no lying?”
“I’ve never lied to you. I’ve never met the man, but I was sent to the base to pick some materials for Gage and Lars when I met you. As for setting things up so we could meet…” She shook her head. “I had nothing to do with it.”
“I’ve always made sure you were protected, Tamara,” a voice from the past said.
Slowly she rose, as did everyone around her, and turned to see Commander Michael standing in the shadows. “I don’t understand. Why me?”
The man stood over tall, his head bald, but with ancient tattoo markings on one side of it. His dark, almost black, eyes were focused on her as he held out his hands for her. She stepped forward, but stopped to look at Lars and Gage. Both smiled and nodded.
Frowning, Tamara shook her head and placed her hands into his. “You have many questions and all will be answered. Come for a walk with me. The evening is young and your men can finish cleaning up the mess around here.” His gaze flicked to Lars.
“I suggest you inform Gage what will happen this weekend,” Michael stated more than questioned.
“It will be done,” Lars said as the Commander wrapped his arm around her and started walking down the beach.
“Tell me, how is Lilly? It’s been ages since I’ve seen her.” Lars asked.
She stopped and he stepped in front of her, lifting her chin. “You have her eyes, but I’m afraid you have my disposition and hair, well when I had hair.” He reached around and fingered her pony-tail, before turning and continuing his walk.
“How?” Tamara caught up to him, angry, shocked and confused. “If you’re really my father, why didn’t Mom tell me? Why are you telling me now? Was Mom your consort?”
“No, your mother was not my consort and well, we both met one night when we were both at our worst, I’m afraid. She had just been dumped and was in the process of drinking herself into a stupor and I was furious with a friend.”
He stopped and stared out at the ocean. “I didn’t know you were even mine until Lily contacted me seven years ago. She was afraid you would be hurt working with the Unit and wanted me to watch out for you.”
Her stomach was in knots, but what was worse was that her mother had lied to her all her life. All these years she could have known her father. “Why wouldn’t she tell me? All these years and why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Because it would have been dangerous to be his daughter. Many would have tried to kill you, as my brother did. Am I right?” Lars stated stepping up next to them with Gage at his side.
“Yes, I was going to tell you that night you were healing, but I couldn’t. I had to hunt down Alex because I knew he wouldn’t stop. And before you ask, the only way you can be born a vampire is to have vampire parents.. You carry my blood, but not the mark.”
“You’re telling me this now, because they are my consorts. You knew when you healed me that they were mine, didn’t you?” All of this was making her head spin, her stomach was upset, and she was exhausted. “I’ve got a freaking headache. Okay, so you’re only telling me this because you believe they can protect me now. Not because you want a daughter.” She held up her hand. “If Alex knew who I was, you should have told me then, but you didn’t. It seems both you and Mom like to hold things back. If you’ll excuse me, I need some time alone.”
Not waiting for either of them, Tamara sprinted towards her room. It was time to get away from all of this. A strong arm wrapped around her, lifting her off her feet. “No, you’re not going to go running around. Talk to us, Tamara.” Gage held her struggling body against his.
“NO! Let me go now,” she screamed, but he held on.
Her growls only turned Lars on more as he watched Gage throw Tamara over his shoulder and head down the beach. “If you don’t stop screaming…” Was all Lars got out before Gage swung Tamara in his arms and tossed her out into the water.
“Now maybe you’ll cool off and be reasonable,” Gage mumbled following her into the water.
“Just wait, you overstuffed dog!” She shrieked. “Get me out of here, something just brushed against my leg!” Tamara cried out and glanced behind her as she made her way out of the water with Gage following her.
Holding up a towel, Lars wrapped it around her and swung her into his arms. Commander Michael nodded and followed them back to the fire. Sitting in her seat, Lars held onto Tamara as she glared at Gage.
“Watch your balls, doggie. You never know when they might get clipped,” she snapped, still trying to get up.
“Stop it now, we’re only trying to help. I’ve always found it best to get things out in the open right away,” Lars held her tightly as Michael Pavilion knelt next to them.
In all his years, he’d never imagined he’d be even close to one of the ten ancient ones, yet here he was holding Commander Michael’s daughter, who was his consort.
“And I’m holding you both accountable. Protect her with your lives or I’ll personally see to it that you have miserable ones.” Michael reached up and grabbed Tamara’s chin and stared. “Alex might have known, but there were others listening to everything I would have said. I couldn’t hunt Alex and leave you unprotected. I trusted Lydia and knew she needed a friend as you did. I won’t apologize for trying to save you, Tamara. I’ve missed watching your childhood. I will not be left out of the rest of your life.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead.
“Talk to your men tonight, you know what is expected. I’ll be here tomorrow to welcome you into my world.” Michael rose, but not before she grabbed onto his hand.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you, but what the three of you have thrust me into is beyond anything I’ve had to deal with since that night with Alex. Well, there was also the night Lydia helped me, but that was nothing.” She sighed and looked down at her lap “For years I’d beg mom to tell me who my father was, but she wouldn’t. Not a word, and she didn’t make up a story either. Just said he was out there and that I didn’t need to know. Maybe it was her way of protecting me, but I’m tired of people always trying to take care of me. I want to do what I want. That was one of the reasons I joined the Army. I’ve traveled to many places and seen many beautiful things.” Her gaze lifted to Gage’s.
“Why do I get the feeling the two of you are going to be three times worse than my mother?” She leaned back and stared up into his eyes.
“We would give you anything as long as it does
n’t put you in harm’s way. All we ask of you is that you surrender your independence into our keeping and let us love you in return. Any place you wish to travel, we’ll take you. If you wish to make our home near your mother or father, we’ll do it, just don’t shut us out.” Lars kissed a path down to her neck and scraped his fangs against her skin.
He lifted his head and scanned around them. Gage held out a plate of food for her and sat where Michael had been. “Eat. When you’re done, we’ll talk.”
She squirmed in his lap until comfortable and took a bite, moaning. “This is great.” Tamara glanced at Gage, then at Lars. “You’re still under contract, aren’t you? You and your Unit could be sent anywhere at a minute’s notice. Where does this leave this thing between us?” She looked down at her plate and took a big bite of potatoes.
“I’ve been thinking about that. We could take you with us, but I don’t like that idea. We could have retired long ago. Danny and Seth are perfectly capable of taking over the Unit for us,” Gage said, looking to him.
“We’ll speak with the Unit tomorrow night. I don’t like the idea of taking her into a dangerous area. We’ve served way past the twenty years required by our kind. It’s time to make a home.” He reached up and removed the tie that held her braid, slowly unbinding her hair.
“You should leave your hair free.” He grasped the brush that appeared in his hand and worked it through her thick hair.
“It gets in the way too much.” Tamara looked back at him. “I’ve never been with a man.” Her gaze flew to Gage’s when he snarled.
“I’m sorry. I figured you might think I was more experienced.” She stuffed her mouth with more food and ducked her head down.
Jumping up, Gage knelt in front of her and titled her head back with is finger. “Do not apologize. You honor us both.”
He leaned in and kissed her lips, before standing. “I’m going to clean up the room.”
With that, Gage disappeared and Lydia moved around them and smiled at her. “I’ve moved your belongings to their cabin.” She reached over and hugged her. “I’ll see you tomorrow. And remember. It is their job and pleasure to take care of you, so let them. They are both great men.” She kissed her cheek and nodded to him.