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Page 7

by Brenda Trim

  Ryan made several trips, gathering as much wood as he could carry. He flipped over the dirty mattress and pulled it in front of the fireplace. He laid down and listened to the crackling of the fire. Not only did it warm his body, but it also soothed his soul.

  For now, he was content. And, with a little work, he could fix this place up and stay for a while. The Ravin smiled. He was king of his castle, and no one could do anything about it. Not even his wolf, howling in the distance.

  Chapter 9

  Bart looked at his watch for the hundredth time. Why was he so fucking nervous about seeing Liv? Probably because every time she walked in a room, his heart skipped a beat. Why did she have to be so perfect? She was smart as hell, had a twisted sense of humor which he adored, and her curvaceous body sent his libido on a rollercoaster ride he never wanted to end.

  Get her out of your head, he chastised. Liv was married now. Off the market for good. And, as much as he hated to admit it, she was happy. Bart should be thrilled that she’d found someone, but he wasn’t. He wished it were him in Liv’s bed each night, making love to her. Fuck, he needed help.

  Not even a few dates with the more-than-willing Kelly had kept Liv from starring in his sexual fantasies. He couldn’t put their recent kiss behind him. How he wished he’d taken things further with Liv that night. She was vulnerable after finding Lawson in bed with another woman, and he could’ve easily taken advantage of the situation, but that wasn’t his style. If nothing else, he was an honorable man. But still, things might’ve worked out differently if they had slept together. Now, he’d never know.

  Bart’s thoughts were interrupted as the office door swung wide, and Patricia stepped into the room followed by Liv and Lawson. “Mr. Smith, your guests have arrived. Is there anything more I can do for you?” his assistant inquired.

  Bart’s eyes met Liv’s, and his mouth went dry. She was more stunning than ever, wearing jeans, brown leather boots, and a white fuzzy sweater that hugged her lush breasts. Damn, Lawson was a lucky sonovabitch.

  He cleared his throat then muttered. “That’s all for now, Patricia. Thank you. Lawson, Liv, please come in and have a seat,” he instructed as he rose from his chair and greeted them. More than anything, Bart wanted to sweep Liv in his arms and give her a big bear hug, like he used to do when they saw each other, but the tension in the room kept him rooted in place.

  “Hello, Bart,” Liv replied and held out her hand. Bart’s gaze dropped, right along with his heart, at the gesture. How did they get to this point, acting like strangers?

  He shook her warm, slender hand then shook Lawson’s. “Good to see the both of you. Shall we get down to business?” he replied curtly and motioned for them to take a seat in front of his desk. If Liv viewed this as nothing but a formal meeting, he could play that game better than anyone.

  “Were you able to research the list of facilities we provided?” Lawson asked after he sat down.

  The mere sound of his voice grated Bart’s skin. Why did the man get on his last nerve? Bart immediately wanted to punch him in the face. At least Bart was satisfied, knowing Lawson was about to lose his air of confidence.

  “As a matter of fact, I did. All but a few of the labs have been visited, and the remaining ones are in line for next week,” Bart answered with a smirk of his own.

  “That’s fantastic. Thank you for making it a priority,” Liv acknowledged as she sat taller, clearly anxious to hear more. “What did you discover?”

  Bart leaned back in his chair and nonchalantly crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, I’m pleased to say, nothing. Not one shred of evidence to support your claim, which I think we can all agree, is a good thing.”

  “That’s impossible!” Lawson blurted, and his gray eyes blazed with anger.

  “I don’t know what else to tell you. My research team said most of the facilities were closed, or in the process of shutting down,” Bart offered, pinning Lawson with a glare of his own.

  “This is fucking bullshit,” Lawson growled, and Bart watched his hands ball into fists.

  Oh, you wanna go a couple rounds? Bring it, he thought as his jaw clenched in response.

  “That doesn’t make any sense,” Liv interrupted as she reached over, grabbing Lawson’s hand. It was apparent she was trying to calm the man, but part of Bart hoped he exploded. Let Liv see the real Lawson. A wolf shifter capable of extreme violence.

  “Maybe it does,” Bart countered.

  “How so?” Liv asked and her brows furrowed. There was a time when he would’ve found it sexy, but all he saw now was contempt in her beautiful green eyes.

  “I’ve been going over the scenario, and I keep coming back to the same conclusion. Why would Lawson demand I go public about captured and abused shifters, and then send my team on a wild goose chase? My guess is it’s an attempt to hinder my political career. What better way than to make me look incompetent?” Bart suggested and met Liv’s gaze. She needed to hear the truth once and for all. Her precious Lawson was no saint.

  “That’s preposterous!” she snapped. “What would he have to gain by doing that?”

  “Seems completely logical to me. What would he gain? You mean, other than ruining my career? I’d say his other motive is to further the distance between us, Liv. You and I were very close until Lawson came into the picture. Who knows where things might’ve gone between us,” he professed then shut his mouth. He wore his heart on his sleeve when it came to Liv, and the last thing he needed to do was declare his undying love in front of her husband.

  “Bart,” she muttered, and he could see the pity in her eyes. “I’m so very sorry for hurting you. Truly I am. But, what happened between us has nothing to do with Lawson. You and I were involved a long time ago, and we’ve been nothing but friends for years. Even if I hadn’t met Lawson, you and I weren’t going to happen. Not romantically, anyway,” Liv explained as she wrung her hands together and chewed on her bottom lip.

  Her infamous habit told him she was nervous and scared, but it wasn’t his place to comfort her. “If you say so, TKO,” he spat, and didn’t miss the hurt look on Liv’s face when she heard the nickname he’d given her years ago.

  He’d called her Total Knock Out since high school, and it had been a term of endearment. Now, it was a painful reminder that their friendship seemed dead and buried.

  “Anyway, I’m not sure what you want from me at this point, given there’s nothing substantial to support your claim,” Bart continued.

  A buzzing sounded, and Bart watched Lawson reach into his front pocket and retrieve his cell phone. Did the guy have no couth? Was this meeting, regarding his species, not important enough to silence his phone? Lawson was such a prick.

  “I’m very sorry, but I have to take this. I’ll be right back,” Lawson muttered before he rushed from the room.

  Liv turned to watch Lawson leave then looked back at Bart. “Must be very important. He wouldn’t have left, otherwise,” she admitted as she squirmed in her seat. Was she that uncomfortable to be alone in a room with him?

  “I’m sure,” Bart scoffed. “Look, Liv, I’m not going to pursue this investigation. It’s a waste of time and taxpayer’s money. If you find any additional proof let me know. Otherwise, this issue is closed,” he relayed and made a mental note to call Kelly and cancel the trip to Knoxville.

  “Bart, please don’t call off the investigation. I know in my heart the kidnappings haven’t stopped. I don’t know who’s calling the shots, but shifters are still being held captive. Did you talk to Jim’s wife?” The desperation in Liv’s voice nearly made him change his position.

  “My team briefly spoke with her, but I asked them not to push the issue. You wouldn’t want the Jim Jensen case to resurface, now would you?” he asked pointedly and locked gazes with her. He already knew the answer to that one. Liv shook her head and looked away. Of course, she didn’t. From what Cassie implied, Liv was responsible for Jim’s death.

  Just then, Lawson walked back into the
room. “I apologize for the interruption, Bart, but that was my source. I’ve got an address. Come with me, and see for yourself. You say I’m trying to sabotage your career? I’m ready to prove you wrong,” Lawson barked and slammed a piece of paper onto his desk.

  Bart picked up the torn paper and looked at the messy scribbling. It was a Nashville address, and he wondered if it was one of the facilities his team hadn’t checked. Regardless, he was ready to put the issue to bed. And, what better way to silence Lawson than to be witness to his false claim.

  “Fine, I’ll go. But, after this, I’m out. Don’t ever call me again and tell me how to do my job. Are we clear?” Bart threatened as he glared at Lawson.

  “Crystal,” Lawson immediately countered. “I’ll text you later with the details,” he added and reached for Liv’s hand.

  “Thank you, Bart,” she offered, and Bart watched the couple leave his office, hand in hand. The happy couple, showing a united front.

  Bart slammed his fist on the desk. He couldn’t wait to prove Lawson wrong. For one, it would mean shifters weren’t being abused. And two, he wouldn’t have to deal with Lawson or Liv ever again.

  A pang shot through his chest at the thought of never seeing her again. What the fuck was wrong with him? He had to get over his feelings for Liv, once and for all. The problem was, he didn’t know how.

  A door slammed and startled Ryan awake. He bolted upright and watched three human males stalk into the small cabin. He recognized one of the males as Gary, the male from the café, and saw that he was carrying a gun. Guess he wasn’t as stupid as he looked, Ryan thought as he quickly hopped to his feet.

  “Holy shit, Gary. You weren’t kidding. That thing is horrifying,” spouted one of the males.

  “Yeah, ugly motherfucker, ain’t he?” Gary sneered as he came closer.

  Ryan growled low in his throat. He didn’t want to kill the males, but he wasn’t about to surrender.

  The other two males took a stance on either side of the door. One of them was a big, fat dude that reminded Ryan of a Sumo wrestler. The other was about six feet tall and rather muscular. Neither one appeared armed, so Ryan felt pretty confident about overcoming the odds.

  “You’re going to pay for what you did to my friend,” Gary shouted and held up his weapon. Except it wasn’t the rifle from the night before. The human was holding a tranquilizer gun. That was one weapon Ryan didn’t want to tango with.

  Ryan quickly considered his options and decided outrunning Chunko was his best chance of escape.

  “You’ll have to catch me first,” Ryan snarled and bolted toward the front door.

  Before he could reach the entrance of the cabin, Chunko tackled him to the floor. For a fat man, he moved fast, Ryan amended. The two rolled over several times before the obese male pinned him with his four-hundred-pound gut. Tired of playing games, the Ravin roared and took control of the situation.

  Large teeth gnashed, and the creature lunged for the male’s throat. Its jaws clamped down on the soft flesh, relishing the taste of fresh meat.

  “Hurry up and shoot,” shouted a nearby voice, but the Ravin was consumed with bloodlust. Ryan screamed for the creature to get the hell out of the cabin, but the Ravin ignored his demands.

  “I can’t. I might hit Steven,” Gary shouted.

  “Who cares? Shoot them both. Steven won’t die from a dart, but that fucking thing is about to kill him,” yelled the male.

  Moments later, a dart pierced his back. The Ravin released Steven and immediately turned its rage toward the other two humans. Lunging, it landed on top of Gary, knocking him to the ground. Its massive claws sliced across Gary’s face, and the sight of the bright red liquid intensified his savage attack.

  The other male jumped on the Ravin’s back, pounding his fist against the creature’s face. The Ravin stood to his seven-foot stature and twisted his torso side to side, trying to throw the male from his back.

  “Fuck you, Wolf-Man,” the male shouted as he continued to pummel the creature.

  Ryan’s inner wolf rumbled, demanding Ryan release him. His next howl was a warning, but Ryan didn’t understand its meaning. The Ravin could handle these males, no problem.

  A bloody Gary jumped up and joined the skirmish. He punched the Ravin several times in the stomach then surprised the creature with a fist to the groin. The Ravin roared and dropped to its knees. Balls were a sensitive part of the body, no matter the species.

  Gary and the other male pinned the Ravin to the ground. The creature bucked against their restraints, trying to break free, but the tranquilizer was taking effect.

  “Told you that you were going to pay,” Gary grunted as he struggled to keep his hold on the Ravin. “Now, you’re going to find out what real pain is all about,” he gritted out and shoved his elbow underneath the creature’s jaw.

  The Ravin looked Gary square in the eye, and muttered, “When I get free, I’m going to gut you like a pig.”

  And then darkness crept in, stealing his consciousness.

  Chapter 10

  Cassie sipped on her martini, lost in thought. It had only been two days since she left Safe Haven, but it felt like an eternity. She was accustomed to working the first part of the week in the office, then spending the other days with Ryan at the hotel. Even though she took time off to search for Ryan, it didn’t take long to bring her workload up to speed. She was that efficient, but it left her with too much free time. Time to think about Ryan, which she didn’t want to do.

  As Cassie got ready to leave the office, she realized it was Thursday. Typically, that meant she’d jump in her car and haul ass to Ryan. The thought of going home to an empty house was beyond depressing, so she drove to the nearest bar. In her opinion, there was no better way to drown her sorrows.

  “You ready for another, darlin’?” the bartender asked, and Cassie nodded her head. She glanced to the row of empty barstools and wondered if the place was always this dead during happy hour.

  “Keep ‘em coming,” she muttered and threw back the last sip of her cocktail. “And, extra olives, please. The ones stuffed with jalapeños if you have them. Those are delicious.”

  “Now there’s a woman after my own heart,” he replied with a wink and smiled. Cassie acknowledged the bartender was sexy as hell. She had a thing for beards, and his was dark and full. Maybe he was the distraction she needed tonight.

  “What’s that? The kind that likes to eat?” she countered with a smirk.

  The waiter barked out a laugh. “Well, as a matter of fact, yes, but that’s not what I meant. I find any woman that likes some heat very attractive,” he divulged as he walked over, shaking a stainless container. He popped the top and strained the vodka martini into her glass then placed a bowl filled with olives in front of her. “Those are from my personal stash, so you might want to go easy on them. They’re hotter than most,” he murmured, and Cassie didn’t miss the insinuation.

  “Is that so?” she quipped, and picked up two olives, tossing them in her mouth. She’d show him she could handle whatever he dished out.

  Suddenly, heat exploded across her taste buds, and Cassie grabbed her martini and took a deep swig, trying to diffuse the burn.

  The bartender chuckled then proceeded to fill a cup with water. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he teased as he handed her the water.

  Cassie practically snatched it from his hand and guzzled the entire glass. “Yeah, no kidding. I wasn’t expecting that at all,” she sputtered then laughed. “Guess I looked like a dumbass, shoving little firebombs in my mouth.”

  “Not even a little. You’re a feisty one. What’s your name, or should I just call you Cinnamon?”

  “Hell no. Cinnamon is a stripper’s name. Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” Cassie quickly added. She didn’t judge women for taking their clothes off for money. In fact, it’s what paid her way through college. “My name is Cassie. Cassie Burnz.”

  “Well, Cassie Burnz, welcome to my humble abode. Na
me’s Derrik,” he said and bowed.

  Cassie couldn’t help but notice both of his forearms were covered in tattoos. She wondered if they were full sleeves of ink. And, his bald head only added to his appeal. Mr. Derrik was precisely what the doctor ordered.

  “So, tell me,” she said as she looked around. “Is it always this quiet on a Thursday. I figured happy hour would be jumping.”

  Derrick picked up the martini shaker and topped off her drink. “Happy hour is hit or miss around here. Things will start to pick up around nine or ten. Did you want to order anything to eat?” Derrik asked as he reached behind the bar and grabbed a menu.

  “I’ve never been here before. What do you recommend?” Cassie asked.

  “I could’ve told you that. I would’ve remembered you,” Derrik flirted, and Cassie smiled. Guess she hadn’t lost her touch over the past few months.

  “Is that right? Bet you say that to all the new girls,” she replied with a wink and took another drink. The alcohol was working its magic, and Cassie figured after the next round, she’d be feeling no pain.

  “You’d lose that bet, darlin’. But what I can’t figure out is why you’re sitting here all alone. Not that I’m complaining, but my guess is you’ve got a husband or boyfriend who’s missing you right about now,” he professed and leaned across the bar. “Tell me I’m wrong,” he whispered so close she could feel warm breath across her face. His cologne teased her senses, and Cassie inhaled, enjoying the manly scent.

  “Recently broke up with my boyfriend. Next subject, please,” she said as she waved her hands around. She refused to think or talk about what’s-his-name right now. He didn’t deserve it after the way he treated her.

  “Fine by me. How about I grab you a plate of our famous tacos with Mexican slaw, and then you can tell me your deepest darkest secrets,” Derrik murmured as his gaze lowered to her cleavage. She knew men appreciated her large breasts, and didn’t shy away from wearing clothes that complimented her ample bosom.


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