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Nordic Heat

Page 6

by Lizzie T. Leaf

  “The Doppler has been going crazy. This is turning into one weird summer. I never studied about weather like this around here.” Sandy frowned. “Would you believe the potential for a tornado has been picked up? Radar shows lots of rotation in the cloud formations south of the city heading this way. We got a call from someone reporting they saw a funnel drop out of one for a few seconds.”

  “Tornados can appear anywhere. All that’s needed is the right conditions.” Isabella studied the radar. The screen lit up with a riot of red and orange colors reflecting strong weather patterns. A frown puckered her brow. “Though I have to admit this sort of weather is unusual for our area.”

  Galvin repressed a sigh. Unless you have a Thunder God playing games. Galvin decided a visit to his father was in order. Thor enjoyed tinkering with weather patterns for his own entertainment and probably more so than usual since he could turn them into what amounted to a chess game with his son.

  Then again, a face-to-face with his father might not be a good idea. They always found a way to unleash each other’s tempers and when their stubborn streaks kicked in. At that point, both of them became rigid in their demands and determined to have their way. Maybe he should talk to his mother instead. Her ways of getting Thor to do her bidding always eluded Galvin.

  “Galvin.” Isabella said something to him and he’d missed comment.

  “I’m sorry. Did you ask me a question?” He knew from the glare he’d once more endeared himself to her.

  “When we have serious weather issues going on it’s part of your job to stay on top of them, not off in dreamland.” The look shot his way would have frozen the water shooting from a geyser.

  “Sorry, it won’t happen again. Please, repeat what you said.” She was correct, but he hated to admit she had a point, even to himself when she used that tone of voice.

  “I said we need to issue a tornado alert.”

  Great. He’d have to disagree with her again. Thor wouldn’t do anything so foolish and turn a tornado on New York City, yet he couldn’t tell her. Once he gained her trust and developed a relationship built on more than arguments and lust, then he could share his true identity. For now he’d just have to do battle to save her from herself.

  “I don’t think that’s necessary.” He looked at the radar and tried to appear to study the explosion of colors. He hoped he could focus hard enough to move the clouds and decrease the danger. Dealing with Thor’s anger over his interference in his father’s game was a piece of candy compared to the wrath he’d have to face from the dark sherry-eyed woman beside him. Thor will have calmed down by the time I see him.

  “Listen, mister. I will not endanger the lives of thousands, maybe millions of people in an ego battle with you.”

  Galvin loved the way the golden eyes appeared to spit fire when her anger reached peak level. “I’m only saying we need to wait a few minutes. It’s almost midnight. How many people will be aware of an alert anyway?” Isabella took a deep breath and he prepared for another blast directed toward him.

  He quickly pointed toward the radar screen. “See, things are already calming down.” Where only a few minutes before a mass of colors existed, now only a few blips indicated adverse weather. His focus managed to divert the most dangerous storms out of the area.

  “Things don’t feel right here.” Isabella shook her head and looked at the screen again. “Storms don’t dissipate that quickly, especially one of the magnitude we were watching.”

  Galvin held his breath. Something in her gaze made him anxious. She stared at him for what seemed an eternity.

  He noticed Sandy standing by his desk, her head moving back and forth, as she looked at the two of them like someone engrossed in a tennis match.

  Finally, Isabella lowered her gaze. “I don’t know who you are Galvin Haldor, but I’m going to find out. Rest assured.”

  Isabella stretched and ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m out of here. You coming, Sandy?”

  Isabella fished her purse out of the drawer where she kept the bag, along with her stash of junk food. She’d chatted with the intern all evening, while she barely answered his questions after their earlier disagreement. His need to make a quick visit to Asgard had become more urgent and he had to at least attempt to stop Thor’s interference. The Thunder God’s games made his efforts difficult to form the connection with Isabella his heart wanted.

  “No, I want to check out a couple of things before I pack it in for the night. You go ahead. I’ll be fine.” Sandy buried her head back in the book in front of her.

  “I’m ready. I’ll leave with you.” Galvin received no acknowledgment of his offer and Isabella waved at Sandy on her way out.

  “I’ll walk with you to the subway.” Galvin followed Isabella toward the elevator. She punched the button to bring car to their floor. He hoped having time alone with her would give him an opportunity to learn more about his boss. Yes, she was hot, but a lot more made up what he was coming to know as a complex woman.

  Tired of the silence between them he asked a question. “What do you do for fun when you’re not consumed by work?”

  Her scathing glare didn’t stop him from continuing. “I enjoy music and reading.”

  Isabella pushed the button again and didn’t respond to his questions. Maybe she was justified in being upset with him, but she could at least be civil and respond if only to tell him to shut up.

  “Do you like to read, dance…stand on your head?” He saw her lips twitch in what may have been a smile. Okay, she enjoyed humor. Maybe he needed to use more of that. “How about singing in the shower? I bet you’re a karaoke fan.”

  A groan escaped and definitely a smile to go with the sound.

  “No. If you heard me sing, you’d know why. I like to read, especially mythology. And I love music.”

  Ah ha, finally she talked to him “It appears we have some things in common. I love mythology and what is life without music, especially classical.”

  “Stop trying to make nice and leave me alone.” She pounded on the button again in an attempt to bring the elevator to eighteenth floor.

  So much for conversation.

  At last the doors opened and when they entered, she distanced herself to a far corner of the wood paneled car and stared down at her shoes.

  The woman was enough to make any man, be they mortal or immortal, insane. Friendly conversation was not going to happen tonight. He sighed.

  This might not be a good time to point out how rude her behavior in the newsroom had been earlier, but he decided to anyway. “You really do make a lousy boss.” He almost laughed when her head shot up like a cobra ready to strike. That probably wasn’t the best opener for a conversation on her management style.

  “I think—”

  The elevator jerked to a stop before he could find out what Isabella thought. A quick glance at the control panel told him they were stuck between the sixth and seventh floors. The lights flickered twice, and then blinked out. The only light in the elevator came from the glow of the dim emergency globe in one corner.

  “What the hell?” Isabella glanced around the dimly lit space, her eyes round with panic.

  “I think we’re stuck between floors.” Galvin had seen her mad on numerous occasions, but fear never entered the picture until now.

  “Then get on the phone and have someone get us unstuck.” She pressed against the wall.

  Galvin picked up the phone and found the emergency device dead. “The phone’s out, too.”

  “You did this. How did you do this?” Isabella’s voice held a hysterical edge.

  “Hey, I’m as much at a loss here as you are. What’s your problem?”

  “I hate being confined in small spaces.”

  He didn’t know that about her. Even given all his powers, he’d never realized the strong, beautiful and confrontational woman he was coming to love appeared to suffer from what humans called claustrophobia. There were times being a god was no better than being a mortal
. He reached out and pulled the shivering woman into his arms and held her close.

  “We’re going to be all right, my love.” Galvin delighted in finally having his arms around Isabella. His hands roamed over the luscious body he craved. The outline of her curves against his palms as he caressed down her sides were better than his dreams.

  By the heavens, he must be careful in using terms of endearment. Thank the gods in her fear she failed to notice the one that slipped out. He needed to go slow and not alienate her on any more levels than he already did. She snuggled closer against him and he fought to hold back the growing thickness between his thighs, not wanting to spoil the opportunity handed to him to hold her.

  Isabella pulled back. “Thank you. I’m all right. Sorry, just lost my composure for a minute.” She gave him a shaky smile.

  “Have you always been afraid of confined spaces?” He wasn’t a therapist, but possibly he could help if he knew the origin of her fear.

  The quiver in her voice when she spoke made his heart ache. “When we were kids my brother and I used play in the attic at my grandmother’s house. One day we were playing hide and seek and I hid in a trunk and couldn’t get out. It took my family hours to find me and since then I can’t stand being confined in small dark spaces.”

  “Everyone has their fears.” His fear was the thought of never having her, but he knew this wasn’t the time to share that information.

  She pushed against his chest with her hands in an effort to get him to release his hold. Their lower bodies pressed closer together and the secret he tried to hide became obvious. When she looked up at him, he saw the fear replaced by confusion. Unable to resist, he lowered his head and claimed the full, pouty mouth he’d spent too many hours fantasizing about kissing.

  She resisted at first, her lips tighter than a virgin’s thighs on her wedding night. A slow softening allowed him to slip his tongue in and touch the tip of hers. She tasted of sun-filled meadows and ripened fruit.

  A sigh of surrender escaped her perfect mouth and she, too, gave into the chemistry that existed between them from their first meeting. Her hands caressed his back, slid downward to his waist and lower still to squeeze his bottom. She ground herself against his hard maleness, to the point of delicious pain.

  “Enough. We can’t do this.” Isabella jerked away.

  Okay, things were going too fast for her and he needed to slow down. “It’s all right. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. “I’d never force you to do something against your will.”

  She studied him. The color in her eyes shifting from golden to rich chocolate as she thought. “We could be discovered any moment.” She chewed on her bottom lip and glanced frantically around their small prison. “Could you just hold me for a minute?”

  “Sure.” He held out his arms and she stepped into them, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “There is an attraction between us, isn’t there?” She snuggled closer to his neck.

  The throb of his rock-hard erection left no doubt. “Yes,” he whispered against her hair.

  Isabella tilted her head back and her stare locked with his. “I’ve wondered what it would feel like to kiss you since the day we met.”

  “Was it what you expected?” His voiced sounded strained to his own ears.

  “Yes, and then some.”

  The slant of her head was invitation for another and his mouth lowered toward hers. “Are you sure?”


  Their lips were so close he felt the vibration from her whisper. He crushed her mouth with his and pulled her against his frame.

  Once again, Isabella’s hands began an exploration of his body, spurring him to allow his fingers to roam over her, touching and caressing. Her body heat radiated through her clothes.

  Galvin pushed aside her jacket to gain access to the buttons on the high collared satin blouse underneath. His fingers trembled like those of an adolescent mortal when faced with their first conquest, in his attempt to unfasten the tiny discs.

  She smiled. “Allow me.”

  Deftly she accomplished what he labored to do and exposed the sheer lace bra under the blouse holding the full breasts that tantalized him the past few weeks. The need to pay homage to their beauty as one did a goddess surged through Galvin. He leaned down and proceeded to plant kisses across her chest.

  “Wait.” Isabella pulled back and worked to get out of the jacket and blouse.

  “Allow me to help.” He slipped the clothing off, dropping the pieces to the floor. One hand unhooked the bra which denied him access to her rosy nipples. He added the flimsy piece of lace to the pile of items on the floor beside them and bent down to claim his reward.

  Isabella’s hand worked his cock through his pants, rubbing, squeezing and teasing the erection she found there, sending fire coursing in his veins. “I want you.” Her hand worked up to the waistband of his pants. “Here. Now.” Her fingers attempted to pull down the zipper of his slacks.

  From her panting and rushed movements, he knew she wanted him as much as he hungered for her. Should he share in words how often he thought about a moment like this? True, the daydreams never included them trapped in an elevator, but the end result was the same. Him exploring her body and burying his throbbing erection inside her. Driving her as insane with desire as he was.

  He pulled her struggling fingers away. “Better let me do this so we don’t have an accident that would result in me being no good to either of us.”

  She laughed and pulled up her skirt and tore down black lace panties. His breath caught when he realized she wore a garter belt and stockings. He didn’t think there was any way he could become harder. Who knew the sight of where the stockings ended and the creamy bare thigh traveled up to her sex could give renewed energy to an already rigid cock.

  He let his pants drop around his ankles and lifted the woman who caused him so many sleepless nights and braced her bare bottom on the brass handrail of the elevator wall. His swollen cock teased against her wet entry. Pausing, he counted backward to ten in an effort to slow his aching need. If he slammed into her the way his throbbing penis demanded, their love making session would be over in seconds. Thank the gods for my gifts of protection and I don’t have to fumble for a condom as a mortal would.

  “Yes, oh yes,” she sighed when he slipped his erection into her heat.

  He held her soft ass in both hands and pumped deeper with each stroke. Her muscles tightened around his shaft and her fingers dug into his back, alerting him to her impending climax. He thrust again and took them both over the edge.

  Galvin’s explosion ripped through his body when Isabella’s muscles convulsed around him and his knees trembled from the intensity of the release. He now knew what the mortal men he’d overheard in the men’s room meant when they talked about a full body orgasm. Panting he leaned against her, not wanting to withdraw from the delicious warmth.

  They looked at each other and grinned.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever think of elevators the same.” Isabella placed her forehead against his.

  He laughed and kissed her nose. “That makes two of us.”

  “Hello, is anyone in there?” The pounding on the elevator door from below alerted them of their discovery and that the little world they’d briefly created was going away.

  “Yes. We are here. There are two of us.” Galvin winced. He’d slipped back into the formal speech used in his world. “We’re fine.” In fact, he’d never been better.

  In a mad rush, they searched for their discarded clothes before they faced their rescuers. Isabella reached up and wiped lipstick from his mouth. He reached over and smoothed her hair as best as he could. The elevator whirred into action and the doors opened to expose them to several curious onlookers.

  “Man, Mr. Loki. We can sell this tape to one of those exposé magazines or television shows for a boat load of money. Or better yet we can even do our own website.�
�� Norman, the security controller for the night’s camera span waved his boss over for a closer look.

  “Even with the dim light in the elevator you can still make out that’s Isabella Girardi getting it on with one of her team, don’t you think?. I know we could make some major bucks. What do you say?”

  Pleased at his ability to stop the elevator between floors without affecting any other part of the building, Loki didn’t appreciate the security guard’s suggestion to capitalize on someone else’s work.

  “No, I do not think so, Norman.” Loki ran his hand across the forehead of the security guard and took the video cassette from the recorder. “Sorry, but it is best you do not remember any of what you saw this evening.”

  Loki let himself out of the security room feeling safe with the knowledge Norman would have no memories his being there either and the blank recording would be a technical malfunction.


  Isabella threw the spoon and empty container into the sink in disgust. Her breakfast consumption of a full quart of Mocha Java Chip ice cream did nothing to cool the heat that raged inside her each time she recalled last night’s elevator sex with Galvin Haldor.

  His hair was softer to the touch than she imagined all the times she’d resisted the urge to reach out and brush it back from his eyes. The lips more kissable and every inch of his body she’d explored, better than any of her daydreams.

  She loved the look in his eyes when she raised her skirt and he discovered a garter belt held up her stockings. Her decision several summers ago to switch from pantyhose during the summer had been a practical one. The stockings were cooler for hot, humid days, but she never envisioned the rewards of not having to quickly wiggle out of confining restraints when she pulled on the sexy underwear as she dressed for work yesterday.

  The feel of his hard cock pressing against the entry of her sex created a sensation rushing through her beyond any experienced in daydreams. Their heated coupling left her wanting more. She couldn’t push the need to explore his body at her leisure out of her mind. Touch, feel, taste…devour…just like a quart of ice cream.


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