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Nordic Heat

Page 10

by Lizzie T. Leaf

  Yes, ‘quickie’ definitely described what had transpired. Now, more than ever she wanted to savor every luscious inch of Galvin’s magnificent body. Thinking about him, her treacherous mind recalled the feel of his hard penis pounding into her while he held her butt cheeks propped on the cold brass handrail. Damn, she was horny and she needed to take care of the problem. Breaking out the Electric Wonder for a quick battery operated fix should cool her down.

  She shrugged her tired shoulders and winced at the tightness under her shoulder blade and up the back of her neck. Maybe a shower was a better idea. She could take care of two aching areas of her body by that method.

  The pulsating water plummeted across her tense back as she lathered her body with her favorite body wash. Hands caressed her skin, sliding over the slick surface. Her nipples ached and she pinched and pulled on the rosy buds, allowing the sensation of pleasure to spread through her body.

  “Ohhh, feels so good.”

  Fingers stroked and teased their way down, stopping to circle her belly button before going further to stroke her trembling thighs and then parting the slip of hair that covered her most private part. Inserting one, then two digits, she allowed them to explore her heat before slipping them out, letting them massage the swollen nub of her clitoris. Her breath came in fast pants and her knees wanted to collapse as her body turned to mush.

  “Oh my.” The intensity of the orgasm left her stunned and she leaned against the shower wall. When she thought her legs could hold her, she stumbled out of the shower, grabbed a towel and wrapped the soft terrycloth around her body, her mind returning to her earlier problems.

  Things at the office were pretty normal. Joanne snubbed her and Kyle the Letch made his usual pass. Everything was ordinary except for one minor detail…Galvin. She played it cool and ignored him, but he went out of his way to be nice and not having their usual confrontations made her want to be with him more than ever.

  Okay, so she got a little excited when Sam called her into his office. She thought for sure her ass was grass and out on the street. But he only wanted to tell her Leif Moultar said things were going to heat up weather wise and she and the weather team should be prepared to do storm chases this summer. Now how did he know that? Did every rich, albino looking station owner knew about weather patterns and storm chases, or at least think they did?

  “Leif Moultar’s weird.” Isabella shuddered at the thought of his cold pale blue eyes.

  The loud rumbling from her stomach alerted her to the fact she’d not eaten anything since breakfast. If she focused on something other than sexual hunger, maybe her body would calm down. Give her growling stomach real food to cool the sexual lust, and tonight’s intake wouldn’t be ice cream. Enough of stuffing her face with fat calories that only increased the size of her behind.

  Draping on her robe across her shoulders to cover her nightshirt, she headed for the kitchen. The towel wrapped around her wet hair was an added fashion touch.

  An inventory of her refrigerator revealed a sad head of lettuce, a shriveled tomato, eggs and a block of cheese with mold starting to grow on one end. Okay, if she cut the moldy end from the cheese and shredded the rest she could whip up an omelet with the eggs. She took a single slice of bread from the loaf she kept in the freezer and ignored the quart of ice cream that called her name.

  She devoured the cheese omelet and toast and felt much better. Now chill out for a while and you’ll be fine. A burp escaped as she pushed back from the table. Laughing to herself, she recalled the burping contests she and Gino used to have as kids and how their mother yelled about them.

  She fought to keep her mind off Galvin Haldor since thinking of him fueled her body’s need to have his arms around her. Stop it, don’t go there. Dry your hair and get your bathrobe on instead of tossed over your shoulders. Then find a mindless movie to watch until you can sleep.

  The doorbell pealed strains of “Are You Lonesome Tonight” through the apartment as she shut off the hairdryer. “Damn, you Gino. Why did I ever let you talk me into installing that stupid thing?” She never ceased to flinch each time someone came to the door and pushed the button.

  Isabella struggled into her bathrobe on the way to the door. She peered through the peephole which gave her the vision of a shoulder clad in a blue shirt. Keeping the chain in place, she opened the door as far back as it would go.

  “So, are you?” asked the visitor through the cracked door.

  Holy shit. “Am, I what?” Isabella managed to squeak out.

  “Are you lonesome tonight?” Galvin laughed at his little joke.

  Tomorrow she would kill her brother for the stupid door chime, but for now, she smiled at Galvin’s play on the song title. “Why should I be lonesome? I happen to enjoy my own company.”

  She barely heard Galvin’s response through the door. “I enjoy it, too.”

  Isabella’s heart skipped a beat at his words.

  “Are you going to let me in or do I stand out here and have a conversation with you that we share with your neighbors? The lady down the hall just stuck her head out and I think she’s listening.”

  Crap. Mrs. Lawson has ears Dumbo would envy and the woman never seemed to sleep. Isabella envisioned her nosey neighbor’s ears flapping to not miss a word of what transpired down the hall. “Okay, give me a minute.” She closed the door and took off the chain before opening it again to let in her visitor.

  “Don’t you know anything about manners?” She grumbled when Galvin stepped inside. “People are supposed to call before they show up unannounced, especially at this hour of night…or should I say morning.”

  “Sorry, where I’m from we don’t stand on such formalities,” Galvin’s blue eyes traveled over her from head to foot. “I have trouble winding down after work and thought you may suffer the same affliction.”

  “Yeah. Well, it’s frigging one o’clock in the morning and you should’ve called.” She grudgingly motioned him toward a chair. “What can I do for you now that you’re here?” Oops, bad choice of words. She saw the lust that flickered in the depths of his eyes and caused them to deepen to a darker blue. “I mean, why did you just decide to drop by?” She saw Galvin pull an item from his pocket.

  He studied a small flat package for a moment before handing it to her. “I thought you would be interested in knowing where this disappeared to.”

  Puzzled, Isabella took the brown envelope from him and opened the seal to peer inside. “A DVD? What do want me to do with this?”

  “You can watch it if you want.” Galvin coughed slightly before he continued. “You may not need to since you were in the original version, shall we say.”

  “What…” His comment hit Isabella like a hammer between the eyes. “Oh my gawd, where did you get this?’

  “Let’s just say a friend thought the record of our Friday night adventure would be something we didn’t want splashed across the headlines of the tabloids.”

  “True.” Relief surged through Isabella and her legs would no longer support her. She plopped down onto the sofa behind her. “Oh, my.” Her heart pounded in her ears. She could think of nothing else to say while she tried to quiet the roaring in her ears. Here in her hands lay the evidence she’d spent many sleepless hours thinking about.

  “Feel better?” Galvin sat beside her on the couch and reached over to massage her neck.

  “Much.” Her pulse began to slow down and the pounding surf in her head subsided.

  Galvin’s hands were magic. His fingers pushed down the collar of her bathrobe and worked their way under her nightshirt. They left her neck and slid further out to work on the tension in her shoulders. The pain from the stress of the past few days began to melt as he released the knots across her back with his manipulations.

  “I’ll give you until morning to stop that.” She sighed in bliss.

  “If I have until morning for that, how long do I have for this?” Galvin turned her head toward him and his mouth captured hers.

; Desire shot through Isabella’s body, leaving every nerve ending raw. “Forever,” she moaned and leaned against him. Why, oh why did she want this man so much?

  His lips played along her jaw line, nibbling and kissing. Then his mouth claimed hers again and their tongues fenced, each trying to explore more of the other’s mouth, before he withdrew his and licked the outline of her lips.

  One of his large hands moved from her shoulders and slid down to her waist and untied the belt holding her bathrobe closed. “Let’s get rid of these clothes.”

  Her treacherous body offered no objections and continued to offer none when Galvin pulled the nightshirt over her head and tossed it across the room. She savored the rush of cool air against her hot skin.

  He lay back on the sofa with her pressed on top of him, the erection contained by his jeans, pressed against her bare body. Isabella rocked slowly, enjoying the sensation of little sparks shooting through her.

  “Stop. Be still for a minute.” Galvin held her hips with his hands to quiet the undulating motion of her against his erection. “Even immortals have limits.”

  What did he say? Her sex dazed brain affected her hearing. It sounded like he said something about immortals. The almost constant state of arousal her of body the past few days became more intense and clouded her thinking. God, she needed a real orgasm, not a self-induced one.

  “Now we need to get you out of your clothes.” Isabella swung her body around to allow room to start the undressing process of the man creating her frustration.

  She pulled his shirt out of the tight jeans and with trembling fingers unbuttoned each button. She rejected Galvin’s efforts to help with a slap on the hand. His shirt spilled open and Isabella kissed the nipples displayed across the muscular chest, teasing each to a tiny bud.

  Her focus then became the belt. Once that obstacle was out of the way she’d gain entry to the compound and her prize.

  Galvin reached down, and insisted on taking the needed measure to get the belt free of the buckle and proceeded to unzip the jeans. The boxer shorts he wore reminded her of a tent with a pole in the center, leaving no doubt of the state of his arousal.

  Isabella grasped the band of the offending underwear and he stood to allow her to work them down over his hips. The weapon that she’d impaled herself on a few nights earlier now danced before her face. Galvin’s fully erect penis weaved before her like a snake responding to a charmer, more impressive than she remembered.

  Never being one to turn away from temptation of this magnitude, she captured the twitching organ in one hand and brought her mouth to its tip. Her lips slipped down the shaft to where her hand cuffed the bottom and she willed her throat to relax. She’d given many a blow job through the course of her dating years, but none of her prior recipients came close to this man in size and she couldn’t take in the full length.

  “Niccceee,” Galvin hissed.

  Isabella stopped her efforts and looked up. She tossed back the mass of curls that fell over her face and smiled, glad to have a moment to rest her jaws. “You like?”

  “Oh, yes. Like doesn’t come close to describing the way that feels.”

  Speared on by Galvin’s remark, she returned her attention back to the pulsing cock in her hand. He bucked when her teeth traced a path back up the route her lips had gone down while her hand grasped the base of the straining cock.

  “Enough.” Galvin reached down, put his hands under her arms and pulled her toward him. “I want to be inside of you when I seek my release.”

  Lectures she’d received from her gay brother invaded her sex fogged brain. “Do you have protection?”

  “Are you fucking crazy?” Galvin gasped out as he reached for her. “You weren’t concerned about protection in the elevator the other night.”

  He had a point.

  And I’m desperately horny. Twisting, Isabella positioned her body over Galvin and caught his hard shaft between her thighs. “I think you’d better stop playing around and get down to business soon. I need a little relief myself,” she bit his lip to reinforce her words.

  Galvin lifted her hips and with a sure shot impaled his cock into her hot depths, holding her in place while he took two deep breaths.

  Heaven. Isabella knew she’d died and gone to heaven when he started to move and her body responded with volition of its own. She bit into Galvin’s shoulder to muffle the scream that came with her release. The need to bite surprised her. Pain with sex was something she never considered, but she enjoyed putting the bite on him.

  Instead of pushing her away, he appeared to welcome her teeth sinking to his skin and he latched onto her ear with his lips, nipping the lobe. His body quivered and their spasms joined as they plunged into the brink together.

  Gradually, Isabella became aware of a ringing sound somewhere in the room. Her foggy mind took a few seconds to identify the sound. “Damn, who the hell is calling at this time of morning?” She pushed herself to a sitting position still straddling Galvin and could feel him twitch inside of her. The phone stopped ringing and she returned her focus to the man under her.

  “Hope we didn’t wake the neighbors. I don’t need the condo association ragging on me for disturbing the peace with screams of ecstasy.”

  Their shared laughter came to an end when the ringing started again. “Whoever it is, they’re most definitely persistent.” Isabella felt Galvin slip out of her as she lifted off the couch to find out who was so determined.

  She stifled her initial response to answer with ‘what the hell do you want,’ after a glance at the caller ID. For someone from the station to call two hours before the weather shift started meant trouble. “What’s up?” Isabella listened to the frantic voice for a moment and then cut them off. “Okay, I’ll be in shortly.”

  Isabella hung up the phone and turned to Galvin. “I have to go into work. It looks like a major storm is on the way and they’re going to need my help in getting out the updates.” Not giving him a chance to respond she sprang into action.

  If she hurried, she would be at her desk in less than an hour. A blast of wind pushed against the windowpanes in the bedroom as she entered and the window creaked sending a shiver down her spine.

  Pulling out the clothes she needed, the thought occurred to Isabella she had no more idea of what the future held, either for the weather or her relationship with Galvin Holder, than Gino did of getting their mother to accept his relationship with Tom.


  Isabella sloshed though the melting hail and stepped into her condo building’s lobby. Frank the doorman, sucked in his protruding stomach to make room for her while he held the door from inside in an attempt not to get his feet wet.

  She leaned against the wall while the elevator took its sweet time to descend to the bottom floor. A glance down at her size nines told her to kiss this pair of Manolo Blahnik heels goodbye. The sexy shoes were made to show off her legs to their best advantage, not to slop though three blocks of slush.

  Saturday night seemed a lifetime ago when the phone call from the night crew interpreted the afterglow that existed from a fantastic session of love making with Galvin. The frantic station employee called in the morning weather man, but insisted Isabella get in as soon as possible. By the time she arrived, reports were flooding in from all over the region of heavy thunderstorms and even a waterspout reported in the harbor. Thank heavens the funnel shaped cloud retracted into the cumuliform cloud that the waterspout spawned from before hitting land or caused any major damage to the boats out on the water.

  That was strange also, and something nagged at the back of her mind, but she’d been too busy to follow-up on the feelings then and too tired to think about it now. All her instincts told her Galvin somehow played a part with the things happening, but then again, she did have an active imagination.

  Bracing against the hard surface of the lobby wall allowed her to relax just enough for exhaustion to win and she closed her eyes in surrender.

  “Ms G
irardi.” The doorman held the elevator door open.

  “Sorry, Frank. Guess I dozed off.” She pushed away from the wall and prayed she didn’t fall asleep on the tortoise ride to the eighth floor. The slow lift system had caused her to hesitate on purchasing when the building’s owner converted it from rental units to condos, but a quick check of the real estate market convinced her, slow elevator or not, purchasing was a deal she couldn’t pass up.

  “Weather’s been a might strange the past couple of days, for sure. Must be tough on you.” His smiled conveyed sympathy for her plight.

  “Strange is an understatement. When was the last time New York City had to bring out the snowplows to clear away three feet of hail?” She punched the magic number that would take her up to her floor and the apartment that contained the most comfortable bed in the world and sleep. Momentary regret on buying in the building resurfaced as the world’s slowest ride crept toward her floor, but when she was tired everything irritated.

  Once inside her apartment Isabella started peeling off clothes, dropping them like bread crumbs on the way to the bedroom.

  “Ahhh,” she exhaled a sigh of relief and stretched her exhausted body under the covers. Sleep, blissful sleep she promised her tired aching carcass.

  An hour later Isabella’s exhausted brain refused to shut down and she stared into the dark. How could she drift off leaning against the wall while waiting for an elevator, yet here in the comfort of her own bed sleep eluded her? Weather events from the past two days surged through her mind, but the primary reason for not getting to sleep was Galvin Haldor.

  He’d gone with her to the station, but he seemed withdrawn. When the camera crew picked up the waterspout and did a live feed into the newsroom, he’d stared at the monitor for several minutes. They all did, though Galvin focused intently. He didn’t respond when someone asked him a question and when the swirling dervish pulled back up into the clouds, he visibly relaxed.

  Odd. A lot of things about Galvin were odd, including her need for him. Even when she wasn’t around the man, her body craved his touch much like a wino craved the next drink. Visions of the blond hair falling across his forehead into his eyes floated before her. She touched her fingers to hungry lips and remembered the taste of him when his mouth claimed hers.


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