Maven Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 20

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Maven Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 20 Page 7

by Brenda Trim

  “You are a machine. I’m ready to cum again,” Teagan admitted as her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow.

  “Come with me,” he commanded. He pressed his hips down, pushing her into the mattress while he thrust in and out of her. Several seconds later, she called out his name, and her inner muscles clamped so tight that his eyes crossed and she climaxed again.

  His eyes went wide as he stared down at her. An unfamiliar pressure flared in his balls and spine. The full force of what he’d been feeling dawned on him while he felt his seed build in his cock. No one ever told him how good the pressure was. He understood the half-measures he had experienced during sex up until this moment.

  Not even the knowledge that this female was his Fated Mate could stop him from exploding inside her welcoming core. Emotions overwhelmed him. His life was never going to be the same. Now, he understood his attraction to her. The mating compulsion wouldn’t let him rest until he claimed her as his. Teagan had no idea what was happening between them, and he wasn’t sure how to explain it to her. Just because they were Fated didn’t mean she would accept him. He was out of his league and had no idea how to win her over.

  A medley of thoughts raced through his mind as his seed shot from his shaft, and the extreme pleasure of the moment overcame Killian. Looking down, he lost himself in her half-lidded gaze and lost a little piece of himself to her. Hell, who was he kidding? She’d owned the better half of his soul her entire life.

  Teagan’s tiny fingernails sank into his shoulders, and her movements turned frantic. While he rode out his climax, she reached another. Pain hit him in the next second, stealing his breath. The mating brand seared into the skin of his left pec. An angry red welt was a tribal sword and floored him.

  “What the fuck?” she yelled as her movements stopped and she watched the red welt appear on his skin.

  Killian cupped her cheek and turned her head so he could see his mark behind her left ear. With emotion clogging his throat, he placed a kiss over the area. She moaned but pushed at his chest.

  Her hand covered the mark and made him hiss. It was enough to make him hard again, but he couldn’t do anything about it at the moment. He had news to share with her and had a feeling Teagan was going to take off the moment she found out they were Fated Mates.

  Chapter Seven

  “Watch out, Iz!” Seylah warned during their training session.

  Immediately, Izzy dropped and rolled then turned her head to watch fire land where she’d been standing. Izzy learned her lesson months ago after searching for danger before acting. She had a scar on her rib cage where a piece of wood had struck her and sliced her side. Because she wasn’t past her stripling years, she would have that scar for the rest of her life.

  As soon as the danger passed, she jumped up and looked across the gym. “What happened?”

  Donovan was standing there with his hands fisted at his sides, and Troy was glaring at him. Not this again, she thought. Those two needed to come to terms with each other and stop all the fighting.

  She approached Donovan, who relaxed slightly when she stopped next to him. It was still hard to get used to the changes he’d undergone during his short time on Khoth. It seemed as if he were growing faster than any of them. He was now taller than her again, and his voice had deepened. Still, he was her best friend deep inside.

  “Nothing, Izzy. Just a misunderstanding,” Donovan replied.

  Alora and Blaine, two of the training instructors, walked over to their group. “There is no use of fire in training, Troy,” Blaine informed him. For the past several months, Troy had been breaking small rules all the time. Most often he directed it at Donovan.

  Izzy was mad. The urge to hit something nearly had her going to the punching bags, but she stayed put. She hated that her friends didn’t get along. Donovan seemed to provoke Troy and vice versa.

  Initially, she thought it was just something boys did, but then she watched Blaze and noticed he kept himself out of the arguments. Sure, there were times that Blaze got hot-headed and did something rash, but it never seemed personal like it did between Troy and Donovan.

  “But he can use his powers?” Troy complained to Blaine.

  Blaine glanced at Donovan and raised one of his eyebrows. “What powers do you have that your parents haven’t told us about?”

  “None, sir. I don’t have any powers.”

  Troy took a step toward Donovan, and Izzy held out her hand, stopping him. “He’s right. Donovan is a cambion, and they don’t have any magical powers.”

  “He doesn’t have to be able to do magic to use his powers. He used his sex demon to get Tatiana to ask him out,” Troy blurted.

  Izzy’s eyes went wide and shifted to Donovan’s face that instantly turned beet-red. Blaine chuckled and slapped Donovan on the shoulder. “Is that true? I’m the first one to jump at the chance to enjoy a female’s company, but using sexual coercion is wrong. You understand that, right?”

  Donovan gasped and shook his head frantically. “I would never do that. To coerce a female is reprehensible and makes me sick to my stomach. My dad said my cambion side won’t mature until I become an adult.”

  Blaine looked to Izzy. “Is that true?”

  “Supernaturals rarely come into full power when they are still stripling, so that makes sense. I’ve never actually asked that specific question, but Donovan would never knowingly take advantage of anyone.”

  “He didn’t do anything to me,” Tatiana added as she stepped forward. “I just think he’s cute and wanted to go to the beach with him.” The poor female was bright pink and stood there with her head lowered as she bit her lower lip. Izzy could only imagine how embarrassed she was by this conversation.

  Izzy wouldn’t want her business talked about during training. She wasn’t attracted to anyone in particular, but if she was, no way did she want everyone to hear about it.

  “I want you to talk to your dad and ask him if there are pheromones or something that you could be putting off, or if there’s anything I need to know. I’ve read some teenagers are filled with hormones and are driven by their discovery of sex,” Blaine divulged.

  Donovan nodded his head stiffly, looking miserable. “I will talk to him tonight, sir. I never meant to cause problems.”

  “I know you didn’t. It’s a learning process for us all,” Blaine said and shook his head then turned to address Alora. “Do you think we need to separate the females from the males? I don’t want their developing libidos to interfere with their training.”

  “No,” Troy blurted. “You can’t separate us. I do better training with the females.”

  “You were just complaining that Donovan was using his powers to influence Tatiana,” Alora pointed out.

  “I thought he was. It didn’t make sense that she would ask him out. I mean, look at him,” Troy scoffed with a leer.

  “That’s mean. Why would you say that? It’s not like you’re any better,” Izzy countered, coming to Donovan’s defense.

  Troy reared back like she slapped him, but Izzy refused to take it back. It was true. Neither of her friends were better looking than the other. All the other kids in the room were shuffling around uneasily. This situation was getting worse, and so was Izzy’s anger.

  “Getting into petty arguments isn’t going to get us anywhere. Prove to us that you can handle training together and we’ll consider keeping things as they are. If you can’t, changes will be made,” Alora interjected.

  Aria came running over, waving her hands. “I want a turn. Can I fight with Donovan? I want to show him how hard I can hit.”

  Blaine chuckled and knelt next to the young female. She had Pema’s blonde hair and her dad’s brown eyes. “You’re too young to train with us, but soon.”

  Aria balled her hands into fists, and Izzy was about to shout a warning when white light enveloped her, and a growl echoed through the room. A second later, Izzy was looking at a young bear that was bigger than Blaine. The dragon knight stumbled a
nd landed on his ass.

  Aria bounded over and pushed him with one paw then growled so loud his hair flew back. Blaine was lucky the tiny female decided not to try and use her magic. The times Izzy had practiced with Aria, the youth was better at wielding her magic than she was. The only thing Izzy was better at was making plants grow. She’d made a field of flowers pop up, but who found that impressive?

  “I think she told you,” Alora laughed.

  After another flash of light, Aria returned to her human form and was standing there naked. Donovan rushed over and pulled his shirt over his head then put it on Aria. “Can I fight now?” Aria asked.

  Blaine’s wide eyes roamed around the room before going back to Aria. “I need to talk to your parents. I think you’re still too young. If you’re mom and dad say you can join, then I will agree to it.”

  Aria clapped her hands and danced in a circle. “Yay. Thank you. I’ going to ask them right now.”

  “We still have thirty minutes in class. Can I have a turn?” Izzy asked as the doors slammed shut after Aria raced out them. Ever since Troy blew a fireball at Donovan, Izzy had been struggling to control her anger, and she hoped that letting some of it out would help.

  “Alright, let’s see what you’ve got. Donovan, you and Izzy in ring two,” Blaine called out.

  “You ready for this?” Donovan asked with a smirk.

  Izzy nudged Donovan’s shoulder with her shoulder. “I’m ready to kick your butt, pal.” Izzy laughed and headed to ring two. It wasn’t an actual sparring ring, but more of a smaller mat separated from several others scattered throughout the large room.

  Donovan bounced on the balls of his feet and put his fists up in a fighting position. Izzy ran for him and ducked low at the last minute, kicking out at his feet. Donovan was quick and jumped over the sweep of her leg. Her momentum carried her forward, and she rolled across the mat as the crowd cheered. Izzy heard Tatiana’s voice yelling for Donovan which made Izzy even madder for some reason.

  Climbing to her feet, she turned and noticed Donovan was in the same place. Izzy danced around him, throwing fake punches. She wanted him to relax his vigilance so she could land a blow. After several circuits, Izzy lunged and used her elbow, thrusting it up and toward Donovan.

  Her elbow connected with his side and sent him flying across the room. He cried out but managed to stay on his feet. Izzy worried that she hurt him and ran to his side intending to check on him when Blaine called out, “You’re fighting, Izzy. You don’t stop to check on your opponent unless they are down and unconscious. Alora and I will stop the fight if needed.”

  Nodding, Izzy stopped and danced around Donovan again. He shot out a quick jab, catching Izzy in the jaw. Her head barely moved from the impact. He was pulling his punches, and that pissed her off. He didn’t hold back with Tatiana. Why was he holding back with her?

  Izzy didn’t pause and punched Donovan as he was darting away from her. She caught him on the shoulder. The impact slowed his motion, and Izzy jumped into the air and came down, angling herself toward his body.

  She landed on his leg and fell on top of him as he went down. Her chin hit his head and clacked her teeth together, making her bite her lip. Blood welled in her mouth, and her fangs descended.

  Instinctively, Isobel hissed at Donovan. She wanted to sink her fangs into his neck. When blood spattered his face, and he pulled away from her with wide eyes, Izzy scrambled off him. Panting, she sat on her butt two feet from him.

  Donovan bent his knee and tried to get to his feet but cried out and fell back down. Izzy crawled to his side. “What’s the matter? Did I hurt you?”

  Donovan shook his head, sweat popping out on his brow while his breath left him in short bursts. “I think my leg is broke. A couple of ribs, too.”

  “Oh, Goddess. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  Blaine and Alora reached them a second later, and Blaine gently lifted Donovan’s lower leg. Donovan’s eyes narrowed, and he bit his lip but didn’t cry out. Alora rolled up a towel and put it behind his knee.

  “Is he okay?” Isobel yelled.

  “I’m fine, Izzy. This happens in training,” Donovan reassured her.

  “He’s right,” Alora added. “It’s why Aria can’t join the group yet. We need to grab a stretcher and get you to Dyson.”

  “You need a stretcher?” Izzy asked, panicked.

  Blaine nodded to Alora and kept his focus on Donovan. “We do. It’ll be easier on him if we can minimize the jostling while we carry him across the castle. It seems like you’re coming into your vampire strength, Izzy.”

  Her head swiveled his way as her heart raced in her chest. “What do you mean?”

  “Relax, Iz,” Donovan said in stilting breaths. “He’s saying…that you’re…gonna be badass.”

  Izzy laughed and brushed Donovan’s hair off his forehead. “You know it, D. And, you’re going to be out on that date with Tatiana in no time.”

  Donovan smiled at her as much as he could through the pain. Unease ate through her gut as she considered her words. She didn’t like the idea of Donovan out with Tatiana, yet she had no idea why. It had to be those hormones Blaine mentioned. They were messing with her head in the worst possible way. Oh, how she wished her mom was there to offer advice.

  Chapter Eight

  “Hello! You there, Tea?” Kari asked and waved her hand in front of Teagan’s face.

  Teagan blinked and shook her head. Kari stood there with her forehead crinkled and a worried look in her eyes. “What’s up?” she answered and curled her legs under her bottom.

  Their small, two-bedroom apartment wasn’t much, but it was theirs. They’d come a long way since their days at the orphanage. They had good jobs, paid their bills on time, and didn’t have to take shit from anybody. It was a good feeling, and Kari was the best roommate. They had a history and understood each other.

  Kari sat beside her on the sofa, staring at her. “You are seriously losing it if your response is what’s up. I’m starting to worry about you. You completely zoned out there for a minute.”

  Teagan glanced away as her face heated, and she noted that her head felt odd. It was a combination of light and floaty and aching, and she had no idea what was going on. “I’m sorry. I got lost in thought there for a minute. What were you asking?”

  Kari set down her wine then crossed one leg over the other. Immediately, her foot started bouncing up and down. “I was asking what happened to you last night. I went to bed around one, and you still weren’t home. Did you go clubbing?”

  Teagan heard the hurt in her friend’s voice, along with, genuine concern. She and Kari had been friends long enough for her to feel bad about making Kari worry. They’d been best friends ever since meeting at their last foster home. Kari was the first person ever to have Teagan’s back.

  “No, I was ho…well, seems I wasn’t home. But…” Teagan stopped talking when her mind went completely blank. Her heart sped up when she tried to chase the memory, but the second she felt something rise to the surface, it was like a giant paw reached up and dragged it back to the depths where nothing was found.

  Kari sat forward so fast she knocked the coffee table, and her wine tumbled to the tile floor. “What the hell is going on with you? You haven’t been yourself for weeks and, frankly, you’re scaring the shit out of me,” Kari declared as Chardonnay splashed onto the sofa, and the wine glass shattered into a dozen pieces.

  Teagan jumped up to grab some paper towels as she fought against the tears of her building frustration. “I’m not sure,” she stammered and bolted toward the kitchen. She had no clue why she couldn’t answer a simple question like her whereabouts. It was enough to make her scream.

  “Please tell me you didn’t accept any drinks from that slimy club owner that was hitting on you a couple of weeks ago,” Kari divulged when Teagan returned with a roll of paper towels. Her friend was crouched on the floor, picking up glass shards.

  Teagan’s skin crawled at
the mention of Roy. Slimy was an understatement. The guy was a demon douchebag from Hell. The second she equated him with a demon pain shot through her head, and she stifled her cry of pain. “I’m smarter than that, Kari. I’ve never accepted anything from him. And, I can’t think of anyone that might want to drug me,” she added as she went about cleaning the spilled wine.

  “Well, the way you’re losing your memories, it sure seems like someone roofied you, and keeps doing it.”

  Teagan handed Kari a makeshift bowl of paper towels so she could place the broken glass inside it. “Do you think my mom’s drug addiction is finally catching up with me?” Teagan asked through a throat tight from repressed emotions. She didn’t want to say her thoughts out loud, but Kari’s concern was contagious.

  Kari put the gathered glass aside then scooted over and wrapped her arm around Teagan’s shoulders, pulling her close. “You’re grabbing at straws. You know as well as I do that fetuses subjected to drugs show signs early on, not when they’re thirty,” she teased with a nudge.

  Kari’s hand trailed over her head and down as her friend offered her comfort. The tight band constricting her chest loosened a bit, making it easier to breathe. Teagan reached up and rubbed the back of her neck to alleviate the last of the tension. The second her finger touched the skin behind her left ear, the vision of a sexy blond guy flashed in her mind.

  “Oh,” Teagan blurted and sat up straight.

  Her mind worked to capture the image and memories of who he was. Instinctively, Teagan knew he was important. Her chest warmed, and a smile worked at the corners of her mouth when she pictured him.

  “What?” Kari blurted. “Why do you have a goofy smile on your face?”

  Teagan concentrated on pulling the memories of the good-looking mystery man that popped into her mind. “If you have another episode, I swear I’ll take you to the emergency room and ask them to do a CT scan.”

  Teagan held up her hand and murmured, “Give me a minute.”


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