Maven Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 20

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Maven Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 20 Page 8

by Brenda Trim

  “At least you’re answering me,” Kari grumbled but never removed her arm from Teagan’s shoulders.

  An image of the sexy guy’s muscled chest came next, followed quickly by a tingle of arousal low in Teagan’s core. What’s his name? she asked herself. It took several seconds, but Killian introducing himself flashed briefly in her mind. “I was with a guy.”

  Kari squealed and jostled Teagan. “You were? I’m so proud of you. Who was he? Did you have sex with him? Come on. I want details.”

  Teagan laughed and climbed to her feet, grabbing the towels filled with broken glass. “His name is Killian, and, yeah,” she said as the image of Killian thrusting into her body consumed her thoughts, “we had sex.”

  “Killian, huh? Name’s odd, but I’m picturing a sexy bad boy,” Kari laughed as she grabbed the soiled cloths and followed Teagan to the kitchen. “Where did you meet him? And why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “I forgot until a second ago. And, the weirdest thing is that I still can’t remember many details. It was inside a club because I recall a crowded dance floor, but that doesn’t make sense. I wouldn’t go without you unless I was scouting for a job.” Teagan didn’t recognize the location, and she couldn’t admit that she doubted she was scouting a new place to Kari. For the last decade, they hadn’t gone clubbing without one another, so it felt like a betrayal.

  That more than the memory lapses landed like a punch in the gut. Teagan would never do anything to hurt her best friend. Kari was her only family. It didn’t matter that they had different blood running through their veins. Their bond was stronger than biological siblings because they chose each other. Not to mention, the hell they’d been through together.

  “Damn, dude must’ve been something else for you to risk Roy finding out you were bumping nasties when you were supposed to be scouting for a new client,” Kari divulged as they dumped their trash into the wastebasket.

  Teagan smiled as she recalled the multiple orgasms she experienced. Killian had moves, alright. She didn’t want to think about how he obtained his experience. She wasn’t a jealous person in general, but an overwhelming urge of possessiveness rose to the surface as she thought about Killian giving such pleasure to other women.

  “Yeah, Roy would be pissed. We’re going to have to keep that part a secret. If you saw Killian, you would understand why I couldn’t say no,” she chuckled. Right as she was going to say they both agreed it would be a one-night stand, his words surfaced.

  He told her their evening started as casual sex but ended with a true blessing. He finally found his mate in her. She recalled he was pale and in pain from a brand on his flesh, but that didn’t diminish the awe shining in his eyes.

  Teagan’s initial reaction was that he was inexperienced and fell for the first woman that rocked his world, but that didn’t jive with the amount of pleasure he gave her.

  As the memories crawled through her synapses, Teagan wasn’t sure what to think, but she was compelled to see him again. She was curious if there was something between them like he insisted.

  “He must be hot to end your dry spell on a one-night stand,” Kari teased.

  Teagan shook her head. “It wasn’t casual sex. Okay, so it started that way, but by the time I left, he told me that we were made for each other.”

  “Wow. That’s a huge, red flag. Better steer clear of that one. No man moves that fast unless he’s a crazy stalker.”

  Teagan slapped Kari’s arm. “Stop it. He’s not a stalker. I just have a magical hoo-hah,” she divulged with a snicker.

  “I hope you’re right,” Kari said as she shook her head. “So, are you going to see him again?”

  Teagan chewed on her lip as she met her friend’s gaze. “Yeah. Tonight, actually. He wants to take me to dinner at some fancy restaurant.”

  “Well, at least it’s an actual date. Girl’s gotta eat, right? I still think you need to be careful. I’ll call you with an emergency escape just in case things get weird,” Kari offered.

  “Thanks, but I don’t think I’ll need it. Help me pick out an outfit?”

  Kari smiled and started down the hallway. “Of course, but I need some details about this guy that broke through the cobweb to get your magical hoo-hah,” she stated with a laugh.”

  Teagan couldn’t stop the grin that spread as she thought about Killian, and their salacious night together. “Ha-ha, very funny.”

  Teagan’s mood improved as she followed Kari down the hall. She was anxious to see Killian again, but she was bothered by the fact that her memory was scrambled like an egg. Something wasn’t right, and she wasn’t so sure if she believed Kari about her mom’s drug use having no effect on her.

  Killian’s mouth went dry when Teagan walked into the restaurant. His sexy little mate was wearing a tight, teal shirt with a low scoop neck that sloped off one shoulder. She was wearing a skirt that was longer than the night before, but impossibly tighter. He nearly swallowed his tongue as he watched her make her way to his side.

  Sexy wasn’t good enough to describe his mate. Alluring. Enchanting. Mesmerizing. Those were the descriptions that came to mind as Killian looked at his mate.

  Much to his surprise, she hadn’t taken off when he told her they were made for each other. That was likely because he tried to downplay the importance of what had happened between them. He was terrified of losing her before things went anywhere between them.

  Her sultry scent reached him before she did, and his mouth watered. As he ogled her curvaceous body, he acknowledged he didn’t see any panty lines. His shaft went rock hard in a split second as he imagined her bare flesh beneath the thin fabric of her skirt.

  “Killian,” Teagan said with a smile that lit his world.

  Clasping her hand, he brought it to his mouth for a kiss. Electricity raced up his arm from where they touched. “I was worried you might stand me up. Did you get lost?”

  Teagan’s face scrunched up and her lips pursed. “No. I would never stand you up. I was with Kari.”

  Killian linked her arm in his and guided her to their reserved table. He chose this restaurant because he wanted to talk freely with her, and it offered a quiet atmosphere. Plus, he loved seafood, and their fried lobster was second to none. “And, who is Kari?”

  “Kari is my sister from another mister. My best friend and the only family I have.” Killian watched Teagan’s animation as she talked about her friend. Her full, lush lips and bouncy breasts were hard to ignore, and it took considerable effort not to drag her to the bathroom and fuck her senseless.

  The mating compulsion was relentless. Killian had watched his friends go through it for years now but didn’t fully comprehend it until meeting Teagan. It brought forth the primal creature and flooded their bodies with hormones every few seconds, urging them toward sexual gratification.

  Killian owned and operated a night club and was a hacker extraordinaire. He used his skills to protect the Tehrex Realm and provide them with an outlet and a safe place to connect with other supernaturals. He was surrounded by sex nightly, yet, lust and need never consumed him like now that he found his Fated Mate.

  “I can’t wait to meet her,” Killian croaked then cleared his throat as he shoved aside his erotic impulses.

  “Kari wants a chance to grill you, as well. She thinks you’re a crazy stalker because you said we’re mates. I have no clue what that even means, so I wasn’t able to settle her fears.”

  “You didn’t tell her about me and what I am, did you?”

  Suddenly he wanted to kick his own ass for not ensuring she kept his identity unknown. Then again, she had friends and family that shared information, and he couldn’t expect her not to say anything. He acknowledged he hadn’t given their situation due consideration. This was far more complicated than he realized.

  “No, I actually didn’t. I fo…hadn’t thought of it until I saw you again. All my mind kept replaying for me was the skill with which you took me.”

  Her blush was surprisin
g as hell. Teagan wasn’t an innocent and jumped into sex with eager enthusiasm. Thinking about how talented she was made him want to tear her previous lovers apart.

  They reached their table, and Killian pulled out her chair. “Fated Mates are created for one another by the Goddess Morrigan. I was born with part of your soul and you with part of mine. The Goddess made us for each other,” he explained and took a seat across from her.

  “So, I don’t have a choice in who I’m going to be with?” Teagan asked. “I have to be with someone chosen for me? Like, an arranged marriage?” Her body went rigid in her seat, and she stared at him defiantly.

  “Of course, you have a choice. I would never force you into something you didn’t want.” His heart raced in his chest as sweat dripped down his spine. Was she going to reject him? Killian had never heard of such a thing happening. Surely, his mate was not going to be the first to shove him aside. He wasn’t sure he would survive it if she did.

  Teagan waved her hand. “Good, because I never have and will never accept orders about what to do. I’m perfectly capable of making my own decisions.”

  Killian grabbed her hand and ran his thumb across the back of it. “The Goddess paired us together because we are what’s best for each other. But, don’t take my word for it. Date me and decide for yourself.”

  Teagan stared at their joined hands before her hazel eyes met his. “I will say this. I’ve never felt so strongly about another man before. The attraction I feel is almost too much,” she confessed, then glanced around the room as if she was checking for eavesdroppers. Then her gaze landed on his, and the raw need he saw matched his own. “I ache for you, Killian. It’s driving me insane,” she whispered.

  “I feel the same. It’s the mating compulsion urging us to complete what we’ve started. It’s normal if that makes you feel any better,” Killian expressed as he continued to caress her silky skin. Touching her calmed his fraught nerves, and he guessed it did the same for Teagan if her sigh was any indication.

  “I guess it does a little. So, if we’re going to date, I need to know more about you. I know you’re a club owner, and a highly-skilled lover,” Teagan revealed with a slight smile, “but that’s about it. What else can you tell me?”

  “I’m a member of the Dark Warrior Alliance. I’m their technology expert.”

  Teagan suddenly sat forward and bounced in her seat. Her eyes were alight, and her free hand grabbed his. Electricity zapped and his mating brand pulsed hot. “The Dark Warrior Alliance? Tell me all about it? What do they do? Where are they located? Can I go there with you?”

  “You’re sexy when you get excited,” he said with a grin. “The alliance is the ruling cabinet in the realm that oversees the Dark Warriors. It was formed to fight demons and their minion skirm.”

  “What are skirm? I assume demons are red-horned things that possess humans.”

  Killian laughed at her narrow-minded perception of his world. How nice it would be if the Dark Warriors’ only concern were red creatures with a pitchfork. It wasn’t her fault, though. She was human and had much to learn about the Tehrex Realm and its inhabitants.

  The waiter approached the table and took their order before Killian answered her question. “Demons come in all shapes, colors, and smelly sizes. I’ve never seen a demon that resembles what humans call devils. Red, horns, and a tail,” he stated with a chuckle. “Behemoth demons come close to that description, but the seven-foot-tall beasts are grey not red. And, skirm are humans that archdemons turn into their minions. They’re mind-controlled and do everything the demon tells them to do.”

  “There is so much I don’t know. When can I go to the alliance headquarters with you? I hate being in the dark.”

  “Hey now,” Killian assured her. “There is no reason for you to be upset by this. We just met. You will learn with time. Although, I think it might be time to write that book Elsie suggested years ago.”

  “What book? Who’s Elsie?”

  “Elsie is Zander’s mate. You met him the other night. She was human at one time. Now, she’s a vampire,” he explained, and Teagan’s eyes instantly widened. “Don’t worry. That won’t happen to you. She’s the first, and only, human-turned-vampire. Anyway, she suggested someone write a book for humans about the realm, explaining everything in detail. I think she said it should be titled Tehrex Real For Dummies,” Killian divulged with a laugh.

  Teagan chuckled and nodded her head. “I like how she thinks. It’s a little overwhelming to think about how much I don’t know. So, can you take me to an alliance meeting?” she insisted again.

  Killian cocked his head and considered his mate. Why was she asking to be taken to the alliance? Something seemed off about Teagan, and he had no idea what it was. Then again, he had no reason to question his Fated Mate. She was merely curious about his world. At least she wasn’t running from the restaurant, demanding never to see him again.

  “Are you truly interested in going to a meeting with me? It’ll be pretty boring for you.”

  “I want to understand every part of your life. It’s hard for me to grasp the reality of your world and friends. Movies tell me vampires and werewolves are killers and that sorcerers are unstable and power-hungry. I’m trying not to let that impact my opinions. It’ll help to see your world firsthand. Speaking of which, should I be whispering? Humans aren’t supposed to know, right?” she asked and looked over her shoulder.

  “No. Humans aren’t supposed to know. But a supernatural couple runs this restaurant. Everyone in here is paranormal or mated to one.”

  Teagan’s mouth dropped open, and she glanced around. “I should’ve guessed. You own a supernatural club, after all. I’m surprised Mona was at a human club. You seem well-resourced and could easily live separate from us.”

  “Most supernaturals visit human establishments on occasion, especially in recent years after the mating curse lifted. We never know where we will meet our other halves,” Killian explained as the waiter returned with their food.

  “So, I have a meeting later tonight. Would you like to come with me?” Kill asked as he watched Teagan taste the lobster.

  Her moan had his cock straining to get to her. “This is the most succulent lobster I’ve ever put in my mouth,” Teagan confessed as her eyes rolled back in her head.

  Her lips were shiny from butter, and Killian couldn’t resist any longer. In the next breath, he was beside Teagan, and his mouth crashed against hers with abandon. Her chocolatey scent assaulted him, and Kilian’s mind blurred as he kissed his mate passionately. The pain in his brand was coupled with his aching cock. Both demanded he complete the mating.

  They were like a couple of teenagers, making out in the corner, but he didn’t give a fuck. “Goddess, I need you now,” he growled against her mouth.

  “Yes,” she panted as she grabbed his hand and pulled it beneath the tablecloth. When she shoved his hand between her legs, Killian groaned.

  She wasn’t wearing panties. Without another word, Killian stood and pulled her to the nearest bathroom stall. It would have to do. As he shoved her against the bathroom door, and she hooked her legs around his waist, Killian cursed himself for doubting her intentions. She was his, and he was hers. They belonged together, and he couldn’t wait to introduce Teagan to the rest of his world right after she screamed his name.

  Chapter Nine

  Teagan’s body thrummed with energy as they drove toward Zeum. She still couldn’t believe she had sex in the bathroom of the upscale restaurant. Kari was going to flip when she heard that little tidbit. She glanced at the to-go bag and couldn’t help but smile. She’d never see lobster the same after tonight.

  As soon as they pulled through the massive iron gates, and she glimpsed the large estate, all thoughts evaporated.

  You’re in way over your head, she mentally scolded.

  The mansion was enormous. It was bigger than any house she’d ever seen. The grey stone of the exterior was stunning, and they had one of those covered dri
veways that stopped by huge double doors that were being opened by a hot guy with…yep, those were red eyes.

  She wasn’t in Kansas anymore. Teagan couldn’t stop the terror racing through her veins as she considered that everyone around her was supernatural. These beings outclassed and surrounded her and could squish her like a bug. It was hard enough being around people she couldn’t relate to or stressing over saying the wrong thing.

  “Killian,” the good-looking doorman greeted. “Who’s the delectable creature you brought tonight?”

  Teagan flushed when the guy extended his hand then lifted hers to his lips for a kiss when she assumed they would merely shake. The growl that left Killian’s throat was ferocious, and she wondered if he had an animal inside like shifters.

  “Don’t touch her, Nate,” Killian ordered. “Teagan is mine.”

  Surprise had her head swiveling to Killian followed immediately by warmth filling the empty cracks in her chest. Growing up in the system left countless holes that she doubted would ever get filled permanently. At times, Teagan wondered if she was capable of loving another. She had a habit of running away when shit got real with a boyfriend. The fact that she loved Kari and would do anything to protect her gave her hope that she wouldn’t fuck this up with Killian. Of the men she’d dated, he showed the most promise.

  “Ah, Gods, not you too,” Nate blurted and dropped her hand like a hot potato. “Everyone here and back home is getting mated. I’m always being threatened and warned. How is a male supposed to survive if he can’t appreciate a gorgeous female?”

  “I don’t give a shit how you survive. Keep your hands off my mate,” Killian replied with a snarl.

  “Relax, Magic Man,” Teagan interjected and twined her fingers with Killian’s. “He was saying hello. It’s good to meet you, Nate,” Teagan said with a hesitant smile.

  Killian entered the home when Nate stepped aside, and it struck Teagan that the other male was big compared to Killian. Not that he was small, but Nate seemed to tower over him. “He doesn’t need to touch you to say hello.”


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