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Maven Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 20

Page 14

by Brenda Trim

  A groan left his mouth when she wrapped her fingers around his shaft. His hips started moving of their own accord, and the pleasure nearly stole his reasoning. “Fuck, that feels good. Your hot little hand is making me rethink my plans to taste you,” he said on a gust of breath, hips still moving against her grasp.

  Her smile turned into a sly little expression that touched her eyes and made him tense with anticipation and delight. Before he knew what was happening, she jumped from the bed and raced across the room.

  He was up and behind her a second later. He grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. His hands went to her hips. Before he lowered his mouth to kiss her, she jumped and wrapped her legs around his hips. The second her core rubbed against his shaft he nearly exploded. She writhed in his arms, the movement making her wet pussy slide deliciously over his cock with sure, heated strokes. His hips lifted of their own accord and she laughed openly, clearly pleased with the power she had over him.

  “You’re ruining my plans,” he groaned. Teagan tightened her legs, grinding her core along the length of his shaft, making him snap.

  Pulling back, he held her hips and thrust his cock into her core, burying himself balls deep inside her body. She yelped in surprise then cursed before she moaned. “I wanted to taste you, dammit. I’m going to make you pay for denying me,” he groaned.

  Her breasts bounced as he pounded into her body. “Punish me now. Hard and fast. Taste me later,” she said between heaving breaths.

  “Little vixen,” he growled as he kept up his rhythm.

  Teagan clawed his shoulders and bounced on his shaft. He was out of his mind as the pleasure of his seed built in his balls. He couldn’t curtail the sharp jabs of his cock into her welcoming body. Her core clenched around his shaft, bringing him even closer to the edge.

  Placing his finger between their bodies, he sought the bundle of nerves that would send her over the edge. Pressing into the rigid nub, he released his magic in rapid waves that he knew created a subtle vibration.

  “Holy fuck, Killian,” she cried out. “What are you doing?”

  “There are some benefits to having a sorcerer for a mate.”

  “You mean besides living forever?” she teased.

  “You little minx,” he murmured before he pinched her engorged nub. Her moan was music to his ears. Taking a couple steps, he leaned her against the wall so he could get better leverage. He wanted to bring her to orgasm before he came so hard that he blacked out.

  Teagan looked between their bodies and watched as his cock disappeared into her body. She was stunning as she surged against him. Her glorious body covered in sweat as she panted and met his thrusts.

  “More magic,” she urged.

  “Anything you want, love. You’re so fucking sexy. Cum for me, baby.”

  He sent vibrations through his finger, and a second later, her hazel eyes flared then her core squeezed him painfully. His body was on fire from the effect she had on him. He was as close as she was.

  The sensation of his cock filling with seed was intense and still foreign to him. The pleasure threatened to rob him of all control. Sex had never felt this good for him, and it was enough to stop his heart.

  With fervent thrusts, he claimed her with every ounce of possession in his body. She was his, and there would be no doubt in her mind where she belonged after this. The archdemon’s compulsion didn’t compare to the connection they shared. “You’re mine,” he declared as he settled deeply inside his mate, holding her to him, electrified by the dominance of it.

  Flutters rippled through her core and surged around his shaft. Within seconds, she was panting and screaming and moaning as she came, and it gave him a feeling of satisfaction he’d never forget. With their bodies as close as was possible, his release rushed up on him. Unable to hold back his orgasm, he cried out frantically and came just as wildly as his mate.

  Teagan’s body went limp, and her head fell to his shoulder. She gasped for breath while his hot semen overflowed their meshed bodies and ran down his thighs. It prompted him to carry her to the bathroom.

  The sensation was foreign to him. Never before had he needed to clean up after sex, and it made the experience with Teagan that much more special. Everything about ejaculating was new and exciting. He doubted it would ever dull.

  “You’re incredible,” Teagan murmured, kissing his neck. He chuckled and turned on the water.

  “It was a revelation, Dimples,” he replied, kissing the top of her head. “Time to wash up so I can taste your ambrosia.”

  Teagan’s head lifted and her core clenched around his softening shaft. As he hardened and stepped beneath the warm spray, Killian reminded himself that his mate was still fragile and could not tolerate him fucking her until her eyes crossed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Izzy grunted with pain. She wanted to tell Keira about her excursion with Troy and ask for something to help with the discomfort, but she promised her friend she wouldn’t say anything. It would be awful of her to get him in trouble after he agreed to go with her searching for the cave of jewels. If only they had actually found gemstones rather than the Foawr that attacked them.

  “Yo, Iz. Are you coming?” Donovan called out from the hall outside her room.

  Shoving aside the thoughts, she tied her shoes and tightened her ponytail. “Yep. Are you ready to get your butt kicked?”

  Donovan laughed and shook his head at her. “Nice try, but I’m stronger than you on my worst day,” he teased.

  Unfortunately, he was right. He’d changed so much since he’d been on Khoth. He was quickly maturing and growing. He was taller than her by several inches, and his strength was skyrocketing. Not to mention, he was far more attractive than most other males their age. She attributed his cambion nature to the latter, but still, Donovan was a real looker.

  “Maybe your dragon breath is,” she countered and punched his gut as they walked down the hallway.

  * * *

  Blaze was coming out of his room as they turned a corner. “Ooo, she got you, dude. Hey, you guys heading to the throne room?”

  Izzy turned and walked backwards so she could talk to them both. “We’re heading to class. What’s going on? Has something happened?”

  “When my parents passed my room, I heard them mention no progress with the trouble spots around Heqet. Remember that one section my dad can’t seem to heal, no matter what?”

  Suddenly, Izzy’s chest tightened, and her head felt like it was going to float away from her shoulders. Her steps stumbled, and Donovan caught one of her arms while Blaze caught the other. They were saying something, but she couldn’t concentrate on anything but the image that suddenly formed in her mind.

  Why was she seeing herself hovering over the site at Heqet? She’d been there several times but hadn’t spent much time there. As the picture became clearer, she realized she’d inherited her mother’s premonitions.

  “I need to talk to your parents.” she blurted then turned and hurried down the hall.

  “Why? What just happened?” Blaze asked.

  “Because I think I can help with Heqet.”

  “How, Iz? And, what the heck just happened?” he shouted as he followed after her. Donovan was hot on her heels, as well.

  “Do you have premonitions like your mom?” Donovan interjected before she could respond to Blaze.

  Izzy was nodding her head without looking back. “I think I might. This is the first time this has happened, but I saw myself at the ceremonial site. After I did something to the ground, it started healing.”

  “Gods, Izzy. That’s huge. Do you really think you can heal the land?” Blaze exclaimed as they reached the double doors to the throne room.

  All heads turned in their direction when they entered, but it was the king that responded first. “What’s this I hear aboot healing the land?”

  Angus’s Scottish accent reminded Izzy of her father and made her miss him and her mother that much more. They should’ve been the
re when she discovered this new ability. Her mom’s knowledge and guidance were needed now more than ever.

  “Izzy had a premonition and saw herself healing Heqet,” Blaze blurted.

  Isis got up from the table with Callum in her arms. The toddler giggled and tossed a piece of sherulla to the kippie sitting on the table. “Have you manifested this power before? Are you sure that’s what it is?”

  Izzy shook her head and felt her cheeks heat. She wished she could talk with her mother before taking this leap. She wanted so badly to help fix the realm she was coming to love but wasn’t sure what was happening. “I’ve never experienced this before, and I have no idea how it works. All I know is when Blaze was talking about the trouble spots there, I saw myself touching it, and then it healed. It was a bit blurry, but there was no mistaking the way life sprouted from the ground.”

  “Och,” Angus said as he fisted his hands on his hips. “I canna remember exactly what it was like for Elsie, but I doona see a problem giving it a try. Do you know what you have to do when we get there?”

  Izzy shook her head as her heart hammered rapidly in her chest. Suddenly rushing to tell them about her premonition didn’t seem like such a good idea. The pressure was a heavy weight on her shoulders. She couldn’t fail them. “I didn’t exactly get step by step directions, but I think I know what to do.”

  “‘Tis good enough for me,” Angus replied then turned to his second in Command. “Legette, gather a contingent of Máahes. We leave in half an hour.”

  Izzy’s heart started racing for another reason all-together. “Are we flying there?”

  Angus chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Aye, lass. You can ride on my back to Heqet.”

  “Can I join you guys?” Donovan asked a second later.

  “That’s up to your parents,” Angus informed her best friend.

  Donovan turned to his dad and stepmother. “Please, can I go with them to watch Izzy?”

  Isis smiled and ruffled his hair. “I don’t mind you going along. If knights are going, the danger will be at a minimum.”

  “Are all cambions so eager to fight?” Troy interjected with a sneer. Izzy was offended for Donovan. Just because he was part sex demon didn’t mean he was evil.

  Donovan stepped closer to Troy, but it was Angus that interjected before two of her closest friends started throwing punches. “‘Tis enough, Troy. We doona discriminate based on species. If they have fire in their heart, they are an asset that needs to be nurtured and trained.”

  “Yes, sire. I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m really curious about their kind. We have many species on Khoth, but those from the Tehrex Realm are still too new to me,” Troy explained.

  Izzy immediately felt awful for thinking so poorly of Troy. She should’ve known he didn’t know anything about most of the supernaturals in her world. He was merely curious.

  Commotion by the door drew their attention and Izzy saw that Legette was back, followed by a half dozen knights. “Ready, Sire.”

  “Verra good. Let’s go,” Angus announced.

  Izzy was downright buoyant as she followed next to Troy and Blaze. Grabbing Donovan’s arm, she stopped him before he went through the door to the balcony. “Let’s wait until they shift. They have to undress first.”

  Donovan chuckled. “I should’ve known. Although, I don’t think it’s as awkward for me to be out there as it is for you. Hey, how’d you get that bruise anyway?” he asked and rubbed the marked area on her arm.

  Izzy’s head jerked, and her hand reflexively went to her upper arm. She thought it was covered by her shirt, but apparently, she was wrong. “Oh, um. I was practicing and fell. I wanted to get a leg up on you males.” His gentle touch somehow made her bruise less bothersome, and she wondered why.

  A loud trumpet shook the walls, and her thoughts dissipated. “They’re ready,” she said excitedly. Both hurried outside, and she crossed to Angus, who was closest to the door.

  Blaze’s dragon was similar in color to his father’s, and he hovered above them while another dragon was off to the right, waiting for Donovan. If Izzy wasn’t mistaken, it was Legette. She’d never forget his distinctive blue eyes.

  Angus lowered his body and bent his front leg. Izzy scrambled onto his back and leaned forward, grabbing onto the fins along the base of his skull. There was a leather-like strap across his chest that held his weapon. A whoop and laugh left her mouth when the Cuelebre King beat his wings and lifted into the air.

  Adrenaline dumped into Izzy’s bloodstream as her stomach dropped to her feet. She loved the sensation and lifted her head to enjoy the breeze on her face.

  Glancing sideways, she saw Donovan sitting up with his arms outstretched. Following suit, she laughed and watched the trees below them pass in a blur. Angus dipped sharply, and Izzy tilted. Her heart stopped for a split second before she grabbed hold again.

  All too soon, their journey ended, and the dragons landed at the site used for the Civappu ceremony. After sliding from Angus’s back, Izzy rushed over to Donovan. “I understand why you want to fly with them so much. That was sick!” he shouted and grinned widely.

  “Right? It’s unlike anything I’ve ever done before. I love the freedom and exhilaration,” she replied as she bounced on her heels.

  A hand landed on her shoulder a second later. “Now, lass. Show me what you saw. This is the area I couldna manage to coax back to life,” the king said as he pointed to a dead section not far away. Ever since Angus returned to Khoth, the Cuelebre were taking the land back and healing it slowly.

  Izzy nodded up at Angus with a smile then walked to the area a few feet away. The knights were wearing pants, and their weapons were strapped across their chests. She wasn’t sure what the holsters were made of, but it magically grew and shrank with them when they shifted.

  Glancing around, Izzy thought she was in the right place. Kneeling down, she placed her hand over the dirt and sent healing thoughts into the dry soil. After several seconds, nothing happened.

  Unwilling to give up, Izzy dug her fingers into the grains of sand and called up her energy. Reaching out with every fiber of her being, she sought out every sign of life deep beneath the soil. She accessed the same thing she did when she encouraged plants to grow.

  The ground beneath them shimmied and shook. Excitement had Izzy jumping to her feet, keeping her eyes on the ground. “It’s working!”

  Everyone watched the area, but there was no sign of life. A nearby knight drew their attention as he called out right before he went sailing over their heads.

  In the next blink, Buggane and another creature barreled through the trees. The large green beasts responsible for decimating the plant life headed right for their group. A few knights pulled their swords while the rest shifted.

  “Stay out of the way,” Angus ordered her and Donovan then looked at Blaze. “Doona leave them unprotected, Son.”

  In the next instant, Angus was swinging his sword at a black creature that was a cross between a wolf and a bat. Shorter than the Buggane, it was hairless with smooth skin, and had stunted wings, along with, large fangs dripping with orange slime.

  “What is that thing?” Izzy asked. Blaze jumped forward to battle the creature that got past Angus while Troy stepped in front of her and Donovan. Looking around, Izzy searched for anything that she could use as a weapon, but only found some rocks.

  “I’ve always called them Batolfs,” Troy explained. “I have no idea what it’s proper name is, but the orange venom will scar wherever it touches.”

  “Kind of like skirm,” Donovan observed as they watched the dragons fight.

  One of the Batolfs jumped on Donovan’s back and dug claws into the side of his neck. Izzy screamed and threw her rock at it. Lifting its head, it snarled at her and leaped for her instead.

  Taking off toward Angus and Blaze, she watched as she was followed. Troy jumped into gear, only to be stopped after a few steps by a Redcap that sliced his hamstring. Collapsing to
the ground, Troy partially shifted and swiped at the small creature with a hand that now sported sharp talons.

  The situation would devolve faster than they could effectively battle if more Unseelie came out of the trees. It was on the tip of her tongue to call for her Guardian Angel, Ramiel. He was always there to protect her and keep her safe. No doubt with his help they would be able to beat the Unseelie.

  But summoning Rami could upset Angus and would alert her parents. She didn’t want the king to feel as if she had no faith in his abilities, and she didn’t need her parents more worried. If the knights didn’t get one up on their enemies soon, she would call Ramiel because the thought of anyone she loved being hurt made her chest twist in a knot.

  Tripping, Izzy looked down to see what she stumbled over. She would have fist-pumped the air if she wasn’t running for her life. Shoots of green were sprouting through the soil. She did it, she thought as she continued running.

  From the corner of her eye, Izzy saw smoke and knew that a Buggane was bleeding somewhere nearby. If they killed the beasts here, their toxic blood would destroy the new life she created, and the land might never heal.

  Tilting her head back, she saw one of the dragons flying overhead. The Batolf caught up to her in her distraction. As it knocked her to the ground, Izzy shouted as loud as she could, “Get the Buggane out of here before they poison the land more.”

  Unsure if anyone heard her plea, Izzy focused on rolling as she hit hard. Her shoulder screamed at her, making her wonder if anything was broken. Pulling her feet to her chest, she kicked the Batolf in the chest and managed to move it slightly away from her body.

  Growling, trumpeting, and shouting filled her ears. They were noises she was familiar with at this point in her life. Rather than panicking, she turned and pushed up to her knees. When the pain in her shoulder didn’t overwhelm her, Isobel assumed nothing was broken.


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