The King Complete Collection
Page 16
“Yes, perfect.”
We finished organizing our files and locked away all the files in Ryan’s safe. Ryan was a little paranoid about people going through his stuff and always had dozens of files that he kept in his safe. I guess if I were one of his clients, I would feel very comfortable that he was protecting my secret information.
As he shut the safe, Ryan grabbed me and bent me over his desk. He slid my sweatpants down and left my ass exposed. I didn’t fight him. I didn’t say a thing. It was so hard to resist him.
Ryan let his hand linger on my ass and then pulled it back and slapped my skin. He had never slapped me during sex and it startled me. I thought there had to be some sort of understanding about what was happening. I certainly didn’t know we were slapping each other’s asses whenever we wanted to. I had to remember to talk about the ass slapping the next time I was around Ryan.
“Shh, you’ve been a bad girl. I’ve wanted to fuck you all night long and you wouldn’t let me.”
His fingers slid up and down my ass and dipped into my wetness. He let them linger in the warmth of my wet pussy before he slid both fingers up and down my ass again. He wanted to fuck my ass, I could tell by the look in his eyes. But I was done with that. Threesomes were too much for me. If anything, I wanted to get back to my old self who just deal with the chaos I had going on in my own life.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said with a smile.
“Mmm, I’m going to fuck you until you remember not to tease me like this again.”
I heard his zipper as he pulled it down. The anticipation inside me grew. I wanted to feel the pleasure of his hard throbbing cock inside of me. I couldn’t wait to feel the sweet release of orgasm as he thrust harder and harder.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
The Chinese food was at his door. I could smell it all the way over on the other side of the room. I had to go get the door, there was no way I could resist. I loved Chinese food and we both needed a break to just eat and relax for a little bit.
There was a moment of hesitation where I think Ryan was trying to decide if he was going to leave the poor guy at the door and not answer in. He wanted to be inside me so bad he was willing to give up the only food either of us would have eaten all day.
I stood up and yanked my sweat pants up, then quickly made my way over to the door.
I didn’t wait to see if Ryan had zipped back up or not, this was the perfect excuse to make him suffer even more from his desire to have me.
The joy I felt from denying Ryan again was hard to contain. It felt so good to not let him be in charge. He was always in charge, Ryan always got his way, maybe it was time for me to start getting my way.
I knew that was a very bold statement and I didn’t know if I would make the right choices for me when I was around him. Ryan was a powerful man who was use to getting what he wanted exactly when he wanted it. For me to even try to deny him for one day, it was probably very weird for Ryan.
Ryan had been a top lawyer for years and making several million dollars each year. In his world he probably always got what he wanted and never had to wait or worry about things that were out of his control.
Eventually, we had to call it a night and I did a vanishing act while Ryan was in the restroom. I made a quick getaway to my vehicle and drove straight home. I knew it just had to of killed Ryan that I had left him without fucking him again.
The next day we again set out to prepare for Calvertino’s trial. But this time we decided to get a small conference room in the library. It wouldn’t be bugged and we could talk freely about the case. Ryan had me leave my purse in his office and we just carried the paperwork we needed to review.
It was much more relaxing to not have to worry about everything we said. I didn’t trust Roberto Calvertino at all and I knew he would take it out on Ryan and I if we said anything wrong and it got back to him.
The conference room we got at the library ended up looking more like a very small study room. There was one table in the middle of the room with four chairs around it. You could barely walk around the table the room was so small.
There were no windows and only a glass door which was covered with some sort of blurry film so people couldn’t stare into the room while you were working. But they could still see if someone was in the room or not.
“Should we get started?” I asked as we piled all our papers and notebooks onto the table.
Ryan slid his hands around me and picked me up and put me on the table. It wobbled with unevenness and I laughed.
“Um this isn’t what I meant when I said get started,” I continued to giggle.
“Well this is what I want to get started doing,” Ryan said.
“Come on now, we need to work on this case.”
“You come on. I haven’t felt your body in almost a week. I can’t take it anymore.”
“You’re feeling my body right now,” I said as I slid off the table.
It was empowering to see how much Ryan wanted me. It made me feel slightly more powerful in our relationship than I had been. Little did Ryan know that I would have easily caved into him if he had just a few more minutes of time to make his case.
His touch was still enough to set my body on fire. His lips made me want more and more of him. But this slight bit of power that I had over him was too much for me to resist. I loved seeing him lust after me. I loved the look on his face when he wanted me and I refused him. It made me want to tease him more and more so I could see his face more and more.
I moved over to one side of the table and let Ryan take the other side. My hands got busy going through the files and I refused to look up at Ryan. Instead, I started to take notes on the information I needed from the cases and witnesses.
Ryan eventually started to work as well. He procrastinated and stared at me for a while, but when he finally got to work, he was able to get his projects done fairly quickly.
The afternoon flew by and I was able to get all the files on the witnesses completed. Ryan appeared to have made some really good progress on his opening statement. He had it filled with relevant facts as well as some flashy speech stuff to keep them interested.
The small little room had turned into a bit of a hot box with both of us in there for so long. I started to unbutton my blouse and was just going to sit in my tank top that I had on under it. As I started with the second button I noticed that Ryan had completely stopped breathing, he was staring intently at me and seemed totally unable to move.
“You alright over there,” I said. “Should we go get something to drink?”
Both of us were sweating from the heat in the room. I really did think a nice iced coffee would do the trick.
“You like having me panting like a puppy for you, don’t you?” Ryan asked.
I smiled at him but did not respond.
The truth was, yes I did like it very much. It was a fabulous feeling that gave me energy and made me feel more independent than I was used to feeling when around Ryan.
Ryan stood up and walked over to me. He started to unbutton the third button on my blouse, and then the fourth.
His slow movements had me mesmerized. I looked at his fingers as they expertly manipulated the small buttons. My mouth parted as I forgot to breathe or even swallow because I was so distracted.
When he had finished taking my blouse off, he quickly reached down and pulled my tank top off as well. Then he grabbed my hands and stood me up in front of him.
My breath quickened as I waited to see what he would do next. The anticipation drove me wild and I could feel myself getting wet for him. I always got wet for Ryan. I could be totally blindfolded and have Ryan licking my wetness and I could probably still figure out which one was him.
Ryan leaned down and let his lips draw a line from my earlobe all the way down to the cup of my bra. Without notice, he unhooked my bra and my breasts popped out and one of them landed right in his mouth.
My willpower to deny him was barely there, but his lips felt so good on my nipple that I couldn’t stop him just yet.
“You like my mouth on your body, don’t you?” Ryan asked as he moved his lips down to my stomach.
Ryan kneeled down and suddenly grabbed me by the hips and threw me roughly onto the table filled with papers. It was unexpected and I let out a scream as my body landed. It didn’t hurt, it just surprised me. Ryan was much stronger than I thought he was and appeared like he had been working out. I liked the idea of Ryan getting all sweaty while he worked out. In fact, I would like to get all sweaty with him, it was a desire I just couldn’t stop thinking about.
I had to find more willpower. But I wanted to feel his tongue on my wetness. I wanted to feel him make me explode with desire for him. As much as I liked the fun feeling of being in control of his desire for a brief moment, I really did like it when he was in control. The power and confidence he brought to bed with me was sexy and arousing.
“Yes. I like your mouth anywhere you would like it to be.”
“Here?” Ryan asked as he kissed my belly button.
“What about here?”
Ryan moved his lips down to my thighs as he spread them wide. I couldn’t exactly answer him, but I muttered and shook my head yes. His lips made my skin feel like it was on fire. My hips started to squirm as I begged him to move his mouth up higher and higher until he landed on my pleasure center.
“I like them right here,” Ryan said as he kissed the very top of my inner thigh.
I pulsed my hips toward him as my desire grew larger and larger. There was no way I couldn’t resist him. My body was on fire and needed to feel him inside of me.
“I think there is a better spot for your lips,” I said.
Ryan listened and moved his lips to my pussy and took me hard into his mouth. He didn’t waste any time and slid two fingers into me. I moaned in delight as my body rocked against him. My eyes couldn’t focus and I had to close them. I was hot, sweating from the heat in the room. Suddenly I started to worry that the papers were getting soaked from my sweat.
“Wait, let’s move the papers,” I said as my hands grabbed onto his hair.
Ryan grabbed my legs and moved them onto his shoulders. With one quick move, he pulled me up into the air and pinned me up against the wall. My head was only a few inches away from the ceiling, my legs were wrapped around his shoulders and his face was deep between my legs.
The sensation was exotic and something I had never experienced before. I was afraid I would fall at any moment and I held onto his head as tight as I could, which pressed his face even further into my pussy.
He used both hands to hold my ass and keep me up against the wall, so he used his tongue to thrust inside of me. Alternately he would flick my clit until I started to moan loudly, then he would go back to eating me out.
I couldn’t keep myself from moaning and I soon started to worry that there might be someone in the room next to us. Luckily in a college, there wasn’t likely anyone who would turn us into the library. Most of the college kids would just ignore the noise and keep doing their work.
“Stop, stop, I can’t take it. Ryan I’m going to cum.”
“Cum for me baby.”
“No, I’ll be too noisy.”
“Fucking cum Jennifer. Stop worrying about other people.”
Ryan went back to work on me as his tongue thrust deep into me and he somehow maneuvered his thumb to my clit.
My mind raced with the thought of trying to make him wait, but I couldn’t resist. I needed to feel him inside of me. I needed to feel his throbbing cock as it thrust deep into me. My body dripped with a desire for him and I couldn’t last another minute. I wanted to orgasm around his cock and not stuck six feet in the air.
It was too late.
I felt the rush start in my pelvis and spread quickly throughout the rest of my body. Soon I had tensed all my muscles and screamed out in delight as the pleasure of the orgasm finished off through my body.
“You guys know there are cameras in the rooms, right?” A voice from just outside the door said and then walked away.
My eyes got wide and I looked down at Ryan. The orgasm still had my body twitching with pleasure as Ryan lowered me down to the ground before he laughed hysterically.
We both quickly grabbed our papers and then headed out of the conference room and back toward his office.
“Let’s fuck right here,” Ryan said as we passed through a deserted park that was at the back end of the campus.
“No, way.”
“Why not? It’s the perfect spot. No one comes out here.”
“Nope. I can’t afford to get kicked out of college.”
Ryan must have come back to his senses because he didn’t continue on with the request. It was easy for him to make a suggestion like that because he was a teacher; it was unlikely they would fire him. But as a student I felt very vulnerable to being kicked out if I would get caught doing something like having sex in public.
Just as we got to the parking lot by his building, Ryan suddenly couldn’t resist the idea of having sex outside. He pulled me over to a bench that was in a very open area at the edge of the parking lot.
Ryan sat down and put the stack of papers next to him and he pulled me onto his lap.
“Fuck me, right her, right now. We only live once and need to be inside you.”
I reached down and felt his hard cock as it throbbed. Part of me did want to fuck him out in the open like that. It wasn’t a secluded wooded area, though, it was the parking lot of my college and I just couldn’t risk it.
“I can’t.”
“I’ll give you whatever you want,” Ryan said as he reached down and unzipped his pants.
He began to pull my panties to the side under my skirt and it took me a minute to catch up with what was going on.
“No Ryan, I said no. I’m not fucking you out here.”
At first I tried to keep a sense of humor and stayed sitting on him and smiled at his frustration.
“What do you want? A new car? Yours is old, I’ll get you whatever you like,” Ryan again tried to move my panties so he could slide his bulging cock into me.
“Ryan?” I questioned as my hand stopped him. “You can’t just get what you want with your money.”
I stood up and walked away from him.
The closer I got to my car the more upset I could feel myself getting. How dare he say something like that to me? It was ridiculous that he thought just because he had money I would go against what I felt was right. That was probably how he typically got women to do things for him. He just offered them the right amount of money and they would cave into whatever he wanted.
Well, Ryan was in for a rude awakening, I didn’t care at all about his money. I didn’t start sleeping with him because of that and I certainly didn’t care if he gave any of it to me. In that one statement, he had made me rethink everything good I had once thought about him.
We only had one day left before the trial started and I really didn’t want to be near Ryan at all. His smug face when he had offered me a car to fuck me in public still pissed me off. Who did he think he was? Did he really think I would risk losing my scholarship to school just because he had money?
I had to put my feelings aside for just a couple days, though. We had one last day to prepare Calvertino for the trial and I wanted us to do the best we could. Although Ryan was clearly much more skilled as a lawyer, he actually sucked really bad at dealing with people. Hopefully, I could help complement his skills with my own and the trial would go off without any major issues.
I entered Ryan’s office and was relieved to find Roberto Calvertino already there. He appeared ready to get started on what he needed to do to get the trial over with.
Roberto never seemed like such a great sight for my eyes before, but I was very glad he was already there and could hopefully keep things from getting too awkward. I didn
’t want to have to deal with Ryan and his absurdly high level of arrogances.
Throughout the evening the more I thought about how Ryan had acted and what he had said the angrier I got. I knew he always wanted his own way, but I thought it was funny and cute at first. Now I saw him in a whole different light. He wasn’t cute, he was an egotistical jerk. Did he actually think I or any other woman should just give into his desire because he wanted them to? Worse yet, did he think we should give into those desires because of his money?
As we moved forward with preparing Roberto for the hearing, I found it very difficult to concentrate. My brain just kept thinking about Ryan and how much I hated how he had acted.
I seriously contemplated just leaving the case and forgetting about my whole semester of supervision. But I decided I should stick it out. Certainly he couldn’t get any worse.
“Let’s go over the questions you will be asked on the stand, one last time,” Ryan said to Calvertino as we neared the end of our long day of working together.
“Actually I think I’m about done for the night. I need a good night sleep. You two stay as long as you love birds would like. I’ll see you in the morning before the hearing.” Calvertino turned and he was gone.
It seemed weird how quickly he had decided to leave the office. In fact, it made me very suspicious about Roberto. After we had had such a hot threesome, I thought for sure Roberto would be hanging around and trying to fuck me.
I looked at Ryan and he slid a piece of paper over toward me that he had been writing on. The paper read, “He left his briefcase on my desk. It has a camera. Pretend you’re not pissed at me.”
I didn’t look over there, but I had noticed the briefcase when I had gotten to Ryan’s office. I had assumed it was Ryan’s, but apparently it was Roberto’s briefcase.
“So how are you liking working on the case so far?” Ryan asked as he kept his back to the camera and protected my face from being seen on there either.
He mouthed the words, “pretend things are good.”
I knew he was right so I went along with his plan, at least for the moment. I didn’t want to say anything bad about Roberto and get him angry at me. That was the last thing that I thought was a good idea.