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Border Lair: Dragon Knights, Book 2

Page 10

by Bianca D’Arc

  “Is it all right?” Jared asked, bending to nip the lobe of her ear.

  Adora moaned. “It feels so strange! So good. Oh, Jared!”

  He smiled and sank completely inside her. Once there, he just waited a moment, both to let her adjust and to savor the feeling. Jared could feel the ridge of Darian’s cock through the tissues separating them. Jared knew the other man felt her pussy tighten impossibly around his own straining member, just as he felt the flexing inside her ass. He caught Darian’s eye and they began to move in her. This was a true partnership—the goal of their work to make the woman between them experience the ultimate in pleasure.

  They were both dedicated to their work.

  While Adora whimpered in mounting pleasure, they each worked their cocks in and out of her, in rhythm. She strained between them, coming to peak after peak as they rode her through the pleasure right into another wave of ecstasy.

  “Are you with us, love?” he heard Darian ask her. She moaned in reply as both men chuckled, but the time was drawing near.

  Jared sped up, knowing Darian would feel and understand the need for urgency. Together they rode her higher and higher. Jared loved the way her fingers clutched at his hands and arms and her mouth sought purchase on Darian’s sweat-slicked skin. She was close to total meltdown and together, they were going to take her there.

  “Now, Adora. Now!” Jared called out as he bucked into her, ramming high and tight. He felt Darian do the same as her body convulsed around them in the biggest explosion yet. Adora screamed as she came, over and over, hard and fast, and Jared finally gave himself permission to let go.

  He pulsed into her ass, filling her with his come, knowing that at the same time, Darian was filling her womb with his own tribute. It was an amazing feeling and one he never thought he would know. To love and be loved and know that should he falter, there was a partner there, ready and willing to help him, even as he would do the same. Together they would cherish and love this little woman who gave so much of herself to them both, and she would never be in any danger as long as one of them lived.

  Pulling from her as gently as he could, Jared took only a moment to clean up before returning to the big bed, claiming one side of her luscious, sated body for himself and falling into a deep dreamless slumber. The crisis was past. There was only the future to look forward to now and it looked bright indeed.

  Chapter Six

  Before the others rose the next morning, Darian walked through the halls of the Border Lair, needing to exercise his healing leg. The Lair was a truly magnificent feat of architecture and magic, combined to form a place that was hospitable for man and dragon alike. There were few women and children about, but there were some. Most smiled and nodded as he passed, friendly but reserved. It was, after all, quite early in the morning, so everyone kept their voices down to avoid waking those who needed more sleep.

  Darian followed most of the early risers in the general direction of the great hall. There, he found quite a few people gathered, eating breakfast. Some knights were clearly just coming off duty, dressed still in their leathers, and some were freshly shaven, in a rush to get out on their patrols.

  All of them eyed him suspiciously, though none bothered him as he ate a small bowl of porridge one of the smiling women had spooned up for him. There were those who didn’t view him as the enemy, but they appeared to be few and far between. The disgruntled looks shot at him from all around the hall made Darian feel rather conspicuous. Rather than tempt fate—and the angry knights eyeing him hostilely—he finished his meal, then stacked his used bowl and spoon in the area set aside and walked quietly out into the hall.

  That should’ve been the extent of the excitement, but Darian didn’t count on the foolishness of youth. A few of the younger knights followed him, walking beside and behind him in the wide hallway as he headed for the landing ledge. It was on the way back to Jared’s suite and Darian had wanted to get a bit of fresh air before returning, but the younger knights changed his plans.

  They followed on his heels, slowing their pace to match his as they neared the wide landing area. All his instincts went on alert. These knights apparently had some kind of problem with him and they undoubtedly wanted to be heard—or worse.

  Normally Darian was light on his feet and good with his fists, but the recently healed injury put a little cramp in his style. Even so, five against one weren’t the greatest odds—even for him. And to top it off, Darian didn’t really want to fight with these lads. He hadn’t the heart for it. The Draconian knights had every reason to despise Skithdron after the unprovoked attacks on the border. Skithdron was in the wrong here and these young hotheads saw him as the enemy, no matter that he’d sacrificed all he owned, and all he was, to come here and warn the Draconian side of worse things yet to come.

  To them, he was simply an enemy.

  Darian sighed as he stepped out into the open landing area. They would act now, if at all, he knew. They didn’t disappoint him.

  “We don’t want you here, Skithdronian scum.”

  Darian turned to face the speaker, his back to the wide expanse of the landing ledge. There were seven of them now. Apparently two more had just flown in from patrol and joined with their fellows against the enemy in their midst. Darian had to forcibly hold back a sigh.

  “I have no quarrel with you, sir knight.” Darian did his best to keep his tone civil but firm.

  “What if we have a quarrel with you? Skith bastard.” Another of the young fools found the nerve to speak, buoyed by his compatriots.

  “Go back where you came from,” yet another of them sneered.

  Darian didn’t want this to turn into a fight. These men were all younger than he was, big and battle-trained. But Darian had skills that—even with his slightly swollen leg—assured him he could at the very least hold his own. Still, he didn’t want to harm any of these youngsters. He thought it wouldn’t be a good idea to repay Jared’s welcome by disabling five or six of his knights on his first full day in the Lair.

  “Look,” Darian held up his hands, palms outward in a gesture for calm, “I don’t want any trouble.”

  “Then leave,” came the quick reply.

  Darian was at a loss as to how to defuse this situation. The young knights were attracting attention and others were coming over, some to join and some to simply observe. He became aware of dragons too, pausing to see what their human counterparts were doing, and one dragon in particular, came up behind him, settling at his back.

  Almost dreading what he’d find, Darian craned his head around to discover the huge blue-green dragon, shockingly, standing behind him. It was Kelzy, and she clearly showed her support for Darian, eyeing the knights arrayed against him—no, them, now—with a baleful glare.

  He hadn’t dared expect any assistance from the huge dragon, though he thought she was coming to like him a bit better as she got to know him. Still, this sort of show of support was completely unexpected and oddly humbling. Darian didn’t know Kelzy well, but knew in his heart she had to be a special dragon indeed to gain the trust of Jared, a man he’d known as wise and honorable to the core.

  The young knights didn’t back down, but they stopped threatening Darian physically, and before he knew it a full-fledged confrontation was in the works. He cursed himself for going out into the public areas of the Lair alone as other dragons came over to see what Kelzy was doing. Suddenly his morning walk had become an international incident.

  “Oh, great,” Darian mumbled to himself when a slightly rumpled Adora and Jared elbowed their way through the massive group now gathered around him and Kelzy. He should’ve realized the dragon would call her partner.

  Darian would rather not have forced Jared’s hand this way, especially not after the momentous events of the day, and night, before. He had no idea if Jared would be welcoming or wounded this morning. The chances were good either way after the emotional upheavals of the night.

  “What’s going on here?” Jared demanded of his
knights while Adora stood back, watching with wide, nervous eyes.

  One of the ringleaders stood forward from the sizable throng that faced him now.

  “We want him gone, Jared. He’s Skithdronian scum and probably a spy.”

  Jared stared at his knights in deep disappointment. He thought he knew these men. He thought he knew their hearts, but apparently he’d been wrong. They didn’t know him well enough to trust his judgment and really, when had he ever opened up to them? It was his own fault.

  Sadly, he shook his head. There was nothing he could say. Leaders led by example, not by making speeches. Jared took the time to look each and every one of his knights in the eye. He noted the ones who stood against him directly in defiance of his leadership and those who merely watched from the sidelines. Gareth and Lars were nowhere to be seen, though he would have hoped those two, at least, would have stood with him and trusted his judgment.

  Saying not a word, Jared turned his back on the doubters and strode forcefully to Darian’s side. Clapping him on the back, Jared demonstrated his support of the Skithdronian lord who had become more than a brother to him, more than just a friend. This man was part of his family now. No matter what complications might arise from it, he would be there for Darian.

  Kelzy moved away, surprising Jared, but it didn’t change his mind. He would stand with Darian against all comers. Alone if need be.

  But they weren’t alone.

  A moment later, another dragon loomed behind them. It wasn’t Kelzy and for just a second Jared feared some new form of attack, but when he looked up, his mind spun as his thoughts sped. The looming presence could only mean one thing. He just hoped his old friend was ready for what was to come. Oh, the Mother of All was having a grand joke on all of them today. Her influence was clear in this new development. Jared just hoped Darian would understand what Fate had in store.

  The huge copper dragon loomed over Darian’s shoulder, a solid presence, somehow even more comforting than Kelzy had been. Sandor’s voice boomed through Darian’s head as it had only once before. But this time, he felt a thickening of the connection, an opening of the pathway that led from the dragon’s mind to his own.

  “I claim you as my knight partner, Sir Darian, former Lord of Skithdron. You have proven yourself worthy and if you will have me, I will be your companion and partner for the rest of your days.”

  “Merciful gods! What are you talking about?”

  “You heard him?” Jared asked loudly. Darian was puzzled. Why would Jared ask such a thing? It was plain they’d all heard the dragon speak.

  “Of course I heard him.”

  “Lord Darian has always had the ability to hear me. It was just untapped. I have spoken to him before.”

  “Is this true?” Jared wanted public confirmation for some reason.

  Darian nodded. “He spoke to me once before.”

  “Then it’s his right to choose you as knight partner. Our law says any male who has the ability to communicate with dragonkind may be claimed if he is deemed worthy by the dragon who wishes to partner with him.”

  “What are you talking about?” Darian looked from the astonished knights, to the huge copper dragon, to Jared and back again. Something cold and nervous settled in the pit of his stomach, while at the same time, something eager and joyous wanted to shout from his heart. Could this huge dragon really want him? Could this ancient and wise creature really see anything of value within a man who’d turned traitor to his own country?

  “I do claim you, Darian. If you will have me, I’ll be your dragon partner for the rest of your days and you will be my knight.”

  “Me? A knight of Draconia?” Darian could hardly believe it, though something deep in his soul wanted desperately for it to be true.

  “You have already proven yourself willing to put your life on the line to warn the humans and dragons of this land of grave and serious danger. You are a brave and honorable man. There are few knights here who are your equal, Lord Darian. Accept me as your partner and we will continue to do good work for the humans and dragons of this land.”

  Darian considered the copper dragon’s words for a long silent moment. The boy who never aged within his heart was jumping up and down in excitement. Sandor was such a noble being and it was such a rare and splendid thing to even hear a dragon speak, much less want to be your partner for life. Darian knew he’d be a fool to pass up this magical opportunity. If he didn’t accept the dragon now, he’d live with regret for the rest of his life.

  Still, agreeing to be a dragon’s knight partner wasn’t something to be undertaken lightly. Darian ran through the various possibilities in his mind, but there was really only one answer for the dragon’s request.

  “All right.” Darian breathed deeply, his chest expanding with excitement and joy. “I accept. And I’ll do all in my power to live up to your high opinion of me, Sir Sandor. I only hope you know what you’re doing.”

  The dragon chuckled smokily. “Trust me, my friend. Let it be your first act of faith in our new partnership. To make this official, you must accept me like this, Darian, mind to mind. Follow the path I have forged between us.”

  With the bright wonder in his heart spilling over into joy, Darian followed the path in his mind used only once before. It was wider now, more direct and easier to access. It felt as if the connection had always been a part of him and it gave him just a bit of insight into the soul of the incredible, magical creature who had just managed to alter the course of his life forever.

  “I accept, Sir Sandor. I will be your knight partner for the rest of my days.”

  Sandor turned and trumpeted his joy skyward, a noble acknowledgment of the newly made knight. All the other dragons followed suit, welcoming the new knight with a huge crescendo of sound that shook the very mountain itself.

  Adora wept openly as she watched it all. First Jared had made her proud, his noble heart beating true as he stood up for his friend against the younger knights. She knew Jared’s honor demanded he stand for what was right rather than bend to pressure and she loved him deeply for his nobility and honor.

  Then Sandor arrived, making such a public display of claiming Darian for his knight partner it took her breath away. Adora suddenly realized exactly who Kelzy’s co-conspirator had been all along. All they needed now was for Kelzy and Sandor to declare themselves mated and it would all be tied up with a nice, neat bow.

  Adora was about to confront Kelzy with her surmise when Gareth and Lars strode in, having learned from their dragons what had just transpired. Without a word, they went to stand firmly at Darian’s and Jared’s sides. Even their dragon partners, Kelvan and Rohtina, lumbered over to stand with Sandor. Kelzy moved to stand beside her son, Kelvan, and Adora finally saw the resemblance that had escaped her before.

  “Kelzy, is Sandor Kelvan’s father?” She sent the question privately, amusement lacing her tone.

  “It took you long enough to figure it out. And here I thought you were such a bright child.”

  “Sandor is your mate, then? That’s what you were talking about when you said the Mother of All knew what She was doing, wasn’t it?”

  “Sandor came to the Lair to meet Kelvan’s new family, but when he first saw Darian, he knew he had found his next knight partner.” Kelzy bowed her great head in acknowledgment and Adora suddenly knew what she had to do. Moving to stand before the two men she loved, Adora reached up and kissed them both, deeply, in front of the entire Lair.

  “Do you trust me?” she asked both of them as quietly as she could.

  Both men nodded.

  “Do you love me?”

  Again, they nodded and their eyes were filled with the flames of their love as they looked at her. Adora offered up a silent prayer to the Mother of All, then turned to face the doubters who still stood against them.

  “I am Princess Adora of the House of Kent.” There were a few surprised looks from those who hadn’t ever heard public acknowledgment of her royal status. “I claim
these two brave men, these knights, as my mates and Prince-Consorts. They deserve your respect, and if you don’t like it, you may take it up with my cousin, the king.”

  So saying, Adora linked her arms through both of her men’s and walked regally through the throng, which parted as if by magic in front of them. The dragons followed behind as they promenaded out of the area, leaving stunned silence behind.

  When they reached their suite, both men turned on her.

  “What did you just do, Adora?” Darian eyed her with suspicion, then turned his gaze up to the copper dragon who stood next to Kelzy trying to look innocent. “And you! What was that all about, Sandor? I’m no knight. I’m not even Draconian.”

  “I beg to differ. Every action you have taken since I’ve known you has been more than worthy of a knight. You are an honorable man and one who puts the good of others above his own. Those youngsters could learn a few things from you, Sir Darian.”

  “I agree with Sandor,” Adora said with some conviction as she moved to stand with the copper dragon. “He is, after all, Kelvan’s father.” She looked accusingly up at the dragon, but her smile softened the teasing. “And Kelzy’s mate.”

  “Sweet Mother of All!” Jared sat heavily on the sofa. “You two were planning this all along.”

  “Planning what?” Darian wanted to know.

  “Last night, and now Sandor claiming you…it’s all so they can be together.”

  At this the dragons appeared to take offense, rearing their great heads.

  “So you three can be together, you ungrateful swine,” Kelzy berated her knight. “We saw right away that you three belonged together. You need each other. You were made for each other. Sandor and I have been mates for many years, it’s true, but we will outlive you all many times over. How could we sit by and watch you waste even one more of your precious years when love was looking you in the face and you were turning away? Ungrateful—”

  “Now, Kelzy, he’s just young. He’ll learn.” Sandor’s deep voice sounded amused to all three humans.


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