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ARC: Assassin Queen

Page 28

by Anna Kashina

  Mai’s eyes briefly flickered to the scene. “More important than this, Magister?”

  “No, but potentially relevant to this situation. I think I know why they took Kara. It has to do with Aljahara, the word we heard on the streets this morning.”

  Mai stiffened, his hand pointing to the consort he had dragged in earlier, now huddled between two women in the center of the room. “Our new friend, Lamar, just told me of this legend.”

  Egey Bashi shook his head. “Not a legend, Aghat.”

  Mai raised his eyebrows.

  “Well, it is a legend, according to the official chronicles,” Egey Bashi went on hurriedly. “Fortunately, my experience with libraries taught me where to look for unofficial ones.”

  Mai shifted his grip on the dagger. “Forgive me, Magister, but unless this is important, I have other things I need to do at the moment.”

  “It is important, Aghat Mai. Please listen.”

  Mai lowered his dagger. “Very well. But make it quick. We don’t have much time.”

  The Keeper stepped forward. “When Queen Jameera, Rajmella’s older sister, died nineteen years ago, official chronicles recorded it as death in childbirth as she brought Prince Jamal into this world.”

  Lamar leaned forward earnestly. “It was. My father was one of Queen Jameera’s personal guards. He felt shattered when it happened. She was the greatest Queen – and still so young when she died.”

  Egey Bashi nodded. “True, this was a tragedy, even if perhaps a preventable one. Officially, Queen Jameera’s life did indeed end with the birth of her son. Unofficially, however, I was able to learn not only that her death was far from accidental, but that she also bore a daughter on that day. The Queen lived long enough to name her. Aljahara. If this daughter still lived, she would have been the rightful heir to the throne.”

  Lamar shook his head, flinching and receding under Mai’s gaze. “It’s a legend, no more. There was no Aljahara.”

  Egey Bashi turned back to Mai. “Well, my source says otherwise. The Queen’s death was part of a coup, aimed to destroy the entire royal line. Fortunately, the plot was discovered in time to save the rest of the royal family. The perpetrators were executed, and Rajmella, the Queen’s next of kin, was placed on the throne at the age of eleven. However, before all that, the conspirators were able to smuggle a newborn girl out of the palace. According to the chronicle, this girl was sent to the Majat Guild, and her past has been erased from Shayil Yara’s official documents, leaving only the legend of Aljahara.”

  A silence filled the room as everyone, Majat and Shayil Yaran alike, stared at the Magister wide-eyed. Then Mai spoke.

  “The Majat Guild?”


  “Nineteen years ago?”

  “To the day.”


  Egey Bashi shook his head. “It all fits, especially given her remarkable likeness to the portrait we saw at the inn this morning. None of us took it seriously enough, but the crowds in the streets must have seen it too. Not to mention members of the royal family, who must have been stricken by the resemblance as soon as she entered the throne room.”

  Mai’s face froze into a mask as he stared at the Magister. Ellah gaped, her mind having serious trouble keeping up with the information. Kara? The lost heir to the Shayil Yaran throne?

  Is this what the turmoil is all about?

  Mai spun around and grabbed Nelimah by the arm, dragging her to his feet. The Princess screamed, but Mai’s short glance forced her into silence.

  “Lead us to the Queen’s secret dungeon,” Mai said. “Now.”

  Nelimah sobbed and shook her head, but the sight of a dagger pointing her way pulled her to attention. She stumbled as Mai dragged her out, signaling Ellah, Egey Bashi, and about half of his men to follow.

  The Princess proved to be a poor runner. Her feet, clad into ornate but highly impractical slippers, skidded and slipped on the marble floors as she led them down the endless hallways to an older part of the castle. Mai was getting visibly frustrated as he jerked her up every time. Ellah felt tempted to interfere, but thought better of it. With the stakes they were facing, she was certain Mai was farther over the edge than she had ever seen him before.

  Eventually, Mai dropped Nelimah’s arm and barked a short order to Lance, who stepped forward and picked the Princess up. Ellah was surprised at the way the Princess curled into the Diamond’s arms contentedly, as if he was her savior, not her abductor who had betrayed her trust when she had least expected it.

  Nelimah pointed the way into a long dark hallway, down a narrow staircase, through a vaulted torchlit passage that smothered all sounds as they rushed along it. The massive door at the end of it stood closed. Mai halted in front, bending down to examine the lock, then gestured for Lance to set Nelimah down to the floor.

  The Princess edged away, whimpering.

  “Ask them to open the door and let you in,” Mai said quietly. “Act casual.”

  Her lips trembled. She glanced at Lance. The Diamond quickly inclined his head, his hand on her shoulder urging her closer to the door.

  Ellah watched the scene in disbelief. The way Nelimah’s cheeks lit up with color as she pressed into his touching palm seemed so inappropriate for the situation. Ellah didn’t want to venture her thoughts any further into what might have gone between the two of them to ensure the Princess’s cooperation, but the results were obvious, even if somewhat disturbing.

  Guided by Lance’s encouraging smile, Nelimah used the massive iron ring as a knocker, then leaned closer, listening to the sounds inside. The Majat lined the walls on both sides of the door, ready to rush into the room as soon as the door opened.

  Nelimah frowned as no response came. She glanced around helplessly, then blushed again as she looked at Lance, standing visibly taller under the Diamond’s expectant gaze.

  “Rajmella!” Nelimah called out. “It’s me, Nelimah! Open the door, please!”

  Seconds passed, the Majat standing still and tense, like tightly strung weapons. Ellah watched Mai’s face set into a mask that made him look deceptively calm. Her stomach clenched at the thought of what he would do if they found that any harm had come to Kara. She had never seen this ruthless side of him laid out so openly in plain view. All she could do was pray that things on the other side of the door would not turn out too ugly to watch.

  After a long moment, she heard the jingling of keys and the click of the turning lock. Her heart raced. She clasped her hand over her mouth not to let out a sound as the door swung open to reveal Valmir, the Queen’s First Consort.

  Ellah barely had a chance to blink as the Diamond nearest to the door clasped an arm around him, pressing a dagger to his neck. The other Majat rushed past them into the room. At Mai’s signal, one of the Emeralds grabbed Nelimah, also holding her at blade point.

  Ellah peered into the chamber.

  At first glance, the vaulted space reminded her of an alchemist’s lab, with rows of glass flasks and retorts lining the benches along the walls. Beyond them, metal racks held an array of hooks, tweezers, and blades, some of them very unpleasant-looking. Ellah’s eyes wandered to the large table in the center and the body laid on it. Kara. Her stomach turned, nausea rising to her throat.

  Torches set around the table poured their reddish light over her, as if illuminating a stage. Kara lay on her stomach, her head twisted to the side facing away from the door, her shape so still that she didn’t seem animate at all. Ellah refused to follow the thought any further. Her eyes glossed over the tightly fastened shackles, securing not only Kara’s wrists and ankles, but also the top of her arms and legs, the ripped clothes, the hair, pulled back at the nape of her neck as if someone had been preparing to cut off her head. Dear Shal Addim.

  Prince Jamal stood over Kara, holding a scimitar to the base of her neck. Queen Rajmella, behind him, pressed against the wall next to Hamala the Grand Vizier and several consorts. Ellah thought she recognized Dahim, one of the two men
who led Kara away earlier tonight, but she wasn’t sure.

  Jamal’s stance screamed caution, his grace and ease with the blade telling of his weapon skill. The Majat froze, clearly aware of the menace.

  Jamal smirked, his dark purple eyes fixed on Mai. “Call off your men. Or, she dies.”

  Dies. Against reason, Ellah felt a surge of relief. The threat meant that Kara was definitely alive. She saw a tense cord in Mai’s neck relax, likely reflecting the same thought.

  Princess Nelimah whimpered loudly. The Queen took a step toward her, but the Emerald holding the Princess pressed in his dagger, halting her in place. The Princess screamed as the dagger pierced the skin, drawing blood, and Ellah saw Rajmella blanch and briefly close her eyes. Illogically, this brief gesture brought reassurance. The Queen was not the monster Ellah imagined her to be when she first saw the scene. Perhaps, if everyone just calmed down a bit, a solution could be found.

  “Jamal,” Mai said. “If you bloody touch her, I’ll cut you to pieces. Slowly. Now, step away and hand me the key to those shackles.”

  Jamal’s eyes briefly darted to the Queen.

  “I said, now.” Mai signaled with his hand, and the Emerald holding the Princess slid the dagger tip deeper into her skin, evoking a new gush of blood and another piercing cry. “If you hesitate again, she loses an ear. We’ll get creative from there.”

  Nelimah wailed, tears streaming down her beautiful face.

  “For Shal Addim’s sake, Jamal!” Rajmella pleaded. “Stand down, before they harm Nelimah!”

  Jamal hesitated, then stepped away and lowered his scimitar.

  Mai moved in the same instant, his hand fanning out with throwing daggers. He sent them flying all at once, pinning Jamal to the wall at multiple points.

  Ellah clasped her hand to her mouth just as the screams erupted around the room. Rajmella pressed to the wall, her breath coming out in shallow gasps. Nelimah dissolved into a fit of sobs, sagging in her captor’s hands. It took Ellah a moment to realize that the daggers pierced only the clothes, holding Jamal in place without harming him. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. A streak of blood oozed from the Prince’s shoulder where one of the daggers must have grazed the skin. She was certain the damage, and its extent, were intentional on Mai’s side, calculated precisely to drive the message home without causing any actual harm.

  She drew in a much-needed breath.

  “Listen carefully, Jamal,” Mai said. “If you as much as move, the next set of daggers goes in an inch inward. I promise, it will hurt.” He turned to the Queen. “The key to the shackles. Now.”

  Rajmella’s hands shook as she pulled a thin chain off her neck. Mai ripped it out of her hand before she could move any further and slid to the table, clicking numerous locks.

  Ellah’s heart quivered when she saw Kara’s body hang limply as he flipped her over. Dear Shal Addim. Please don’t let her be dead. Please. She forced Jamal’s words into memory as she watched Kara’s head roll sideways, revealing her motionless face. She is alive. Please, she must be!

  Egey Bashi pushed past Ellah toward the table. As he fumbled with his pouches and bustled around Kara, Ellah kept her eyes on Mai, the sight of his frozen look bringing tears to her eyes.

  Finally, Egey Bashi raised his head, fixing Jamal with a heavy stare. “What did you do to her?”

  Jamal swallowed, glancing at Mai with a mix of fear and challenge, as if daring the Majat to deny him permission to speak. He stood very still, the daggers protruding from the wall all around him. Now that she had a chance to calm down, Ellah counted six, all spaced evenly, one right at the groin. She winced.

  “Sleeping powder,” Jamal said.

  Egey Bashi’s shoulders sagged slightly, the first indication that the situation might not be as bad as it looked. “How much?”

  Jamal glanced at the Queen this time, then to Hamala, who responded with a shrug. “I don’t know. She just kept fighting us. I didn’t know she was so strong.”

  Mai’s face contorted into a grimace, but Egey Bashi placed a hand on his arm, forcing him to calm down. The fact that it worked made Ellah shiver, a clear indication of Mai’s turmoiled feelings. At a normal time anyone touching Mai in this state of mind was liable to lose a hand.

  “Do you have the antidote?” Egey Bashi demanded.

  “The antidote?” Jamal looked lost.

  “Devil’s root.”

  Hamala caught the Queen’s prompting gaze and rushed to a table at the far side of the room. She searched among the retorts and flasks, finally producing a tightly corked one, filled with a sticky black liquid.

  Egey Bashi frowned as he popped the cork and measured out a few drops, mixing them with some other potions in his numerous pouches. He rolled Kara’s head to face up and forced a few droplets between her lips.

  The moments ticked, the silence descending onto the room like a heavy blanket. Ellah couldn’t bear to look at Kara at all. She watched Mai instead, the way the tense cord knotted in his neck again, as if he was bracing for action. She knew if the cure didn’t work, the Majat would likely drown this palace in blood, but even that didn’t seem as important right now. Please. Just let her wake up, please.

  Egey Bashi’s frown deepened. He patted Kara’s cheeks gently, then forced another drop of his medicine between her lips. Mai looked on, his empty eyes making him nearly unrecognizable.

  Just then, Kara’s eyes snapped open. She glanced at Egey Bashi, then rolled over, doubling up in an uncontrollable fit of choking.

  Egey Bashi pulled her upright, holding her against his shoulder, patting her back in a gesture that reminded Ellah of young mothers caring for their newborns – except that she could also see the force the Keeper was applying, as if trying to knock all the air out of Kara’s lungs. Mai stood just short of touching them, watching the scene wide eyed.

  After a moment, Egey Bashi pulled Kara away from him, holding her at arm’s length. She gasped a few times, finally forcing her breath under control. Egey Bashi nodded to Mai, who continued standing in front of her with a frozen look, as if too exhausted to move.

  Kara heaved a slow, tentative breath, as if she wasn’t sure it would actually work. Her eyes slowly acquired focus as they darted to Jamal, still pinned to the wall by the daggers, then to Mai, as if trying to work out a complicated puzzle. Relief surfaced through her daze as Mai stepped toward her. He pulled her into his arms and she relaxed against him, hiding her face on his chest.

  He shivered as he held her gently, and for a brief moment it looked to Ellah as if he was about to collapse. Then, a barely perceptible movement rippled through his body, his composure clicking back into place. He stood taller than before as he ran his eyes around the room, pausing in turn on each of their captives. Ellah couldn’t read his expression at all.

  She wanted to feel relieved, but she knew the worst was probably not over yet. Even though Kara’s kidnapping ended well, there was no telling what Mai was going to do when pushed this far.

  “Round them all up,” Mai ordered, nodding toward the Olivians. “Bring them to our quarters.”

  He didn’t wait to see his men follow his orders as he picked up Kara and carried her out of the cell.


  The Queen of Shayil Yara

  Kara must have spent at least an hour in the cooling bath, but no matter how hard she scrubbed, she just couldn’t stop feeling dirty. The memory of all the hands holding her down, of all the sweaty, muscular men that ended up piling on top to subdue her, wouldn’t leave her mind. They could have done anything to her when she was unconscious. No matter how many times she told herself that this was over, that whatever they did to her wasn’t under her control, she was having trouble coming to terms with the idea.

  She started when she saw Mai standing in the doorway, so still that he appeared inanimate. The fact that she hadn’t noticed him coming in was just another indication of how flustered she was. Or was it the damage she had suffered during her ordeal?

“How long have you been standing there?” she asked.

  He shrugged as he approached her. “Long enough to tell that if you continue scrubbing like this, you’re bound to remove skin. Besides, the water must be cold by now.” He picked up a towel and held it out for her. She sighed and climbed out of the bath, stepping into it.

  “Don’t look at me like this,” she said.

  “Like what?”

  She swallowed. Like I’m a desirable woman. She knew she was never going to say this to him. She loved it when he looked at her this way. Whatever happened to her when she was unconscious, she shouldn’t let it affect her life.

  He frowned as he peered into her face. “What’s troubling you so much?”

  Her gaze wavered. “I… I don’t know. They overpowered me. All of these men in the room jumped me at once. With the way they normally act toward women, I… They made me feel so dirty. When I passed out, they could have…” Her voice trailed into silence. She knew it was stupid to think this way. If the Queen took the trouble to bring her to a dungeon and shackle her, it was highly unlikely that she would have also allowed her consorts to take the time to rape her. But even if they did rape her, it shouldn’t really matter. With her combat training, she should know better than to dwell on such insignificant things.

  Mai’s eyes stirred with deep emotion as he continued to look at her. She knew that he understood her, and that he was never going to press the subject, and she was so grateful for it.

  “I believe,” he said, “that during the past hour we were able to gather all the details on what exactly has been done to you. I hope I can put your mind at ease at least in this regard. They’ve done nothing improper – not in that sense.”

  She nodded gratefully. That made her feel a whole lot better. Yet, the way Mai continued to look at her, kept troubling her. She suddenly realized that what bothered her about this look had nothing to do with the attraction she knew he felt for her. He was looking at her as if she was a stranger, as if he was seeing her for the very first time.


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