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Fatal Flirtation: A Cruise Ship Mystery (Cruise Ship Cozy Mysteries Book 13)

Page 9

by Hope Callaghan

  Amit was standing at the counter with a frosting brush in hand. “You’re just in time.”

  “Those cinnamon rolls smell delicious,” Millie groaned.

  “They are,” Amit said. “You must try one.” He gently lifted one of the rolls from the pan and set it on a small plate before sliding it across the counter.

  Millie tore off a corner of the roll and popped it in her mouth. The gooey glaze and soft roll melted in her mouth.

  “Oh my gosh. This is as good as the one I had the other day,” she mumbled in between bites. “If this doesn’t sway Sharky, I don’t know what will.”

  Annette stepped out of the dry goods pantry. “Ah. I thought I heard your voice. Pretty tasty, eh?”

  “These are the best cinnamon rolls. I think they’re my new favorite food.” Millie tore off another piece and eyed Amit. “We’re still on for a trip to the coffee bar this morning?”

  “Yes, Miss Millie. I’m not sure this…passenger will be interested in me.”

  “Not interested in you? You’re one of the most eligible men on board the Siren of the Seas. If she’s half the flirt I suspect she is, she’ll be hot after you.”

  “Especially after I get done gussying you up,” Annette said.

  “Millie Armati.” Millie’s radio began to blare and the voice sounded vaguely familiar.

  “I wonder who that is.” Millie licked the tips of her fingers and plucked her radio from her belt. “Millie here. Go ahead.”

  “Yeah. Hey, Millie. It’s Sharky. I was wondering if you were still coming by this morning with the goods.”

  “Yes. I’m picking them up now. I should be down there in five.”

  “Yeah. Uh. I’m glad I got ahold of you before you headed down here. I have one more special request.”

  Millie lifted her finger from the button and groaned. “Great. Now what does he want?”

  “It better not involve me,” Annette warned.

  Amit snickered and Annette wagged her finger at him, a scowl on her face.

  “We’ll find out soon enough.” Millie pressed the talk button. “What is it?”

  “First, I need you to switch your radio to a different frequency where we can talk in private,” Sharky said. “Flip over to channel three.”

  Millie turned the dial to channel three. “I’m here. What is it?”

  “You alone?”

  Millie ignored the question. “Sharky. Tell. Me. What. You. Want!”

  “I…it’s just that I was thinking all night about Annette. She’s avoiding me like the plague. I can’t sleep at night. Every time I close my eyes, I see her sweet face and hear her angelic voice. If I could talk to her for a minute, to tell her I’m not a stalker, that I’m not some whack job, but I’m her greatest fan.”

  Annette made a gagging noise and Millie shook her head before pressing the talk button. “I have no control over Annette. You know how stubborn she can be.”

  “And that’s another reason I love her. She’s so real.”

  Amit began to chuckle and then doubled over in a fit of laughter. Annette marched across the floor and whacked him on the arm. “Stop it,” she hissed.

  “Please,” Sharky pleaded. “Could you ask her for me? She’ll listen to you. Tell her if she comes down here this one last time, I’ll leave her alone. I promise.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” Millie turned to her friend, waving the radio in the air. “Well?”

  Chapter 14

  Annette muttered something unintelligible under her breath and narrowed her eyes. “With both of you as my witnesses, you heard him. If I go down there one last time to drop off the cinnamon rolls, he promises to leave me alone.”

  “He did,” Millie agreed. “So you’ll go with me?”

  “I’ll go. This better be the end of it or I’ll fill him full of ex-lax.”

  Millie grabbed a room service plate, anxious to load the sweet treats and head out before Annette changed her mind. “You won’t be sorry and just think - you’re helping move the investigation forward.”

  She carefully arranged the rolls on the plate and reached for the cover. “As soon as we get back, Amit and I will head up to the coffee bar to see if we can track down Jennifer Quillen.”

  “You should take a carafe of fresh coffee to seal the deal.” Amit filled a carafe with coffee and screwed the lid on top before handing it to Annette. “I wish I could go with you.”

  “I wish you could go for me,” Annette grimaced. “Let’s get out of here before I come to my senses.”

  Amit hurried ahead and held the door while Annette carried the coffee and Millie carried the rolls. She snagged some wrapped silverware on her way out and had to hurry to catch up with Annette, who was already halfway down the corridor.

  “Wait up.” Millie fell into step with her friend. “Thanks for taking one for the team.”

  “I’m doing it for both of us. Sharky promised to leave me alone and I plan to hold him to it.” The women turned right at the end of the corridor and made their way to the stairs. “Let’s discuss a more pleasant topic, namely your investigation. We need to figure out what happened to Micah in the moments leading up to his collapse outside the medical center.”

  “Right. I do know he was in charge of guarding Vic Turner and/or Aaron Quillen. Like I said, I think Jennifer Quillen is somehow involved. If she’s the flirt I think she is, Micah may have been on her radar, as well.”

  When they reached deck two, they crossed over to the crew entrance, stepped inside and headed down the narrow stairs until they reached deck zero.

  Annette stopped when they reached the bottom of the stairs. “I haven’t heard you mention the fiancé. I would add him to the list of suspects. Always suspect the least suspect.”

  “I agree. The problem is I don’t know much about any of them. In fact, I don’t know anything about them other than Turner was with the rowdy reunion group while Quillen and her fiancé, Todd Ebenstein, appear to be unrelated to them.”

  “Do you know that for sure?” Annette slowed her steps. “I would think the event planner could help you sort things out. Have you asked Andy for a copy?”

  “Event planner?” Millie frowned. “What event planner?”

  “It’s a questionnaire the event coordinator or whoever plans a group cruise event, submits online. After filling out the form, they submit a copy to corporate. Corporate forwards it to the ship’s cruise director along with the purser, to go over the details.”

  “How come I’ve never heard about this before and you have?”

  Annette shrugged. “Special requests. I get a copy of the portion that relates to special dietary requirements. I know there’s a lot more to the paperwork than the food. I’m sure Andy keeps a copy.”

  “He won’t let me look at the papers for the Turner reunion. He already knows I’m doing a little digging around.” Millie shifted the room service plate to her other hand.

  “It’s probably in his filing cabinet,” Annette said. “Who’s to say you don’t happen to be in his office looking for something and stumble upon the paperwork?”

  “I like your way of thinking. I’ve never been told I can’t access Andy’s files. You know the saying…it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Andy is hosting the headliner show this evening. I could take a quick look around while he’s on stage.”

  The women reached the other end of the corridor and Sharky’s office. “We’re here.”

  “Yes, we are. Let’s get this over with.” The door was ajar, and Annette nudged Millie forward.

  “Breakfast has arrived,” Millie sing-songed as she stepped into Sharky’s office. At first glance, it appeared his office was empty until she caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye, near the lockers on the back wall.

  Sharky stepped into view and Millie blinked rapidly at the maintenance supervisor’s attire. “Sharky. You look…” Her voice trailed off as she searched for the right words.

  Annette wasn’t nea
rly as subtle. “Good heavens. What in the world are you wearing?”

  “It’s my suit.” Sharky looked offended as he tugged on the sleeve of his green and red plaid three-piece suit.

  “It’s very unique,” Millie said politely as her eyes traveled from the tips of his black rubber shoes, to his shiny plaid slacks, past the matching green and red jacket adorned with a matching green and red bowtie, to the top of his glossy spiked hair.

  “You look like a Christmas tree,” Annette snorted.

  Sharky’s face fell at Annette’s careless comment and Millie jumped to his defense. “I think you look very festive, Sharky. I’m sure Annette appreciates the fact you went out of your way to spiff up for our visit.”

  “I…” Annette’s voice trailed off as she noted the forlorn look on the man’s face. “Yes, I uh, appreciate you going out of your way to dress, uh, up for our visit.” She dashed forward and slid the carafe of coffee on the edge of the desk before taking a quick step back.

  “Thank you.” Sharky reached behind him. He lifted a small stack of plates and napkins off the top of the filing cabinet and set them on top of the desk. “I hoped you could stay and enjoy breakfast with me.”

  Millie noted there were only two small plates and two forks. It was a party for two. She quickly glanced at her watch. “Would you look at the time? I should be going. I’m sure you two have a lot to catch up on.” She made a move for the door.

  Annette moved with lightning speed and blocked Millie’s path. “Oh no, you don’t. You’re going to stay right here.”

  Annette grasped Millie’s elbow and shoved her toward an empty chair. “We can only stay a minute.”

  “Of course.” Sharky passed Annette a plate and graciously gave Millie the other one.

  She shook her head. “Thank you for offering to share your cinnamon rolls. I’ve already eaten one. Annette hasn’t had one yet.”

  Annette scowled at Millie, but remained silent as she lifted the cover from the room service plate and peeled off one of the rolls. She slid the plate across the desk for Sharky, who settled into his seat, a goofy grin on his face as he watched Annette.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Annette said.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you’re contemplating proposing marriage to me. The only reason I’m here is you promised to leave me alone if I accompanied Millie when she delivered the goods.”

  “I did.” Sharky reached for the sweet treat. He took a big bite and rolled his eyes. “Annette, you are the best baker in the whole world. This baby is melting in my mouth.”

  “Thanks.” Annette gave Sharky a small smile, and then realizing it might appear to be a sign of encouragement, the smile quickly vanished. “Millie said you were the one who found Micah Reyes outside the medical center and he said something right before he fell unconscious.”

  “Yep.” Sharky nodded. “He said, ‘Don’t let ‘em get away with it.’ Said it plain as day. I’ve been thinkin’ bout it and I think someone whacked him on the back of the head, his brain swelled and bam! He died on the way to the hospital.”

  “A plausible theory,” Millie agreed. “Now all we need to do is figure out who ‘they’ might be.”

  “My money is on those troublemakers, the large group of passengers on some sort of cruise together.”

  “The Turner Family Reunion,” Millie said. “I have the same thought, since Micah was guarding one of the reunion members after an altercation with another passenger.” She didn’t elaborate or offer her other theory that Jennifer Quillen and her brother or fiancé may have been involved. “Have you heard any rumblings below deck on the incident?”

  “There’s a little scuttlebutt going around that another security guard may have been involved, too.”

  Millie perked up. “Who is that?”

  “Johan Visser. He’s a big mouth, hot shot. Him and Micah weren’t the best of buds and the only reason I know is because I had to keep supplying the numbskulls with extra batteries and flashlights. The two of them liked to play pranks on each other. Those flashlights aren’t cheap either. They’re the heavy duty kind with a built in Taser device on one end. They’re the same ones that cops carry.”

  “Andy bought one for me not long after I started working with him,” Millie said.

  “Yeah. The one you got isn’t nearly as heavy duty as the ones the security guards use. They’re made with aircraft grade aluminum and nearly indestructible.”

  Sharky paused, his cinnamon roll midair. “Wait a minute. When I found Micah, I tried to grab his radio cuz I left mine here in the office. His radio was missing.”

  Chapter 15

  Annette wiggled forward in her chair. “You’re telling us when you found Micah in the hallway, you tried to use his radio to call for help, but it was missing.”

  Sharky nodded. “Yep. I told him not to move and checked him for injuries. That’s when I saw his flashlight next to him. I figured it fell off when he hit the floor.”

  “In your opinion, do you think the flashlight would have been large enough and heavy enough to be used as a weapon?” Millie asked.

  “See for yourself.” Sharky pushed his chair back and spun in a half circle. He opened the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet, pulled out a large flashlight and waved it in the air. “All of the ship’s security guards carry one of these babies.” He handed it to Millie and she turned it over in her hand.

  “What do you think?” Millie handed it to Annette.

  “Yes, this could cause some serious bodily harm.”

  “Ladies and gents, I think we have our murder weapon. Now all we have to do is figure out who attacked Micah.” Millie squinted her eyes as she studied the flashlight. “I see a set of serial numbers on the bottom.”

  “Each guard is issued a radio along with a flashlight/stun gun. Both have serial numbers stickered on the bottom. I don’t keep the list. Dave Patterson handles issuing the goods to his guys.”

  “I see.” Millie silently studied the flashlight, her mind whirling. It would be easy for Micah’s attacker to get rid of the radio after striking him with his own flashlight, as easy as tossing it over the side of the ship.

  She almost ruled out Jennifer Quillen as Micah’s attacker. The woman was thin and petite. Micah was twice her size, in both height and girth. There was no way the woman would have been able to wrestle a flashlight away from him…unless she snuck up behind him and caught him off guard.

  That left Aaron Quillen, Vic Turner, Todd Ebenstein and possibly even Johan Visser, the other security guard. If she could map out the timeline of Micah’s day, before his death, she might be able to figure out where he was working right before Sharky found him in the hall.

  The only person who would have that information was Dave Patterson and there was no way Patterson would share information involving an active investigation.

  Millie thought of Elyse Bivens, Vic Turner’s cousin. She seemed willing to discuss the incident with her. There was also Jennifer. If she were hanging around Vic’s cabin after he was placed under cabin arrest, she would know if Micah was guarding him before his death.

  Perhaps Jennifer was an accomplice to her brother or fiancé. Surely, if Micah had been attacked, he would’ve immediately radioed for help…unless, as Sharky pointed out, the attacker took Micah’s radio so he couldn’t call for help.

  Millie already knew where Jennifer Quillen’s cabin was located. Cat had given her the cabin number, so she could drop off the coffee bar coupon. “I need to figure out what cabin Vic Turner was staying in.”

  “That should be easy enough,” Annette said. “Don’t forget about the visit to the coffee bar.” She tapped the top of her watch. “We better get going.”

  Sharky scrambled out of his chair. “I got one more thing to show you. After I found Micah and before the security and Doc Gundervan showed up, I took a picture of Micah with my cell phone. You can see his radio is missing.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” Mil
lie demanded.

  “I was kinda holding back, thinking you might stop by again. You and Annette.” Sharky pulled his cell phone from his pocket, turned it on and handed it to Millie.

  She squinted her eyes and studied the screen. “The picture is blurry and I don’t have my glasses.”

  “There’s not much to see,” Sharky said.

  Millie handed the phone back and sidestepped Sharky as she headed to the door.

  “You have to leave already? You just got here.” Sharky hurried around the side of his desk. In his haste, he knocked a picture frame over with his bandaged hand and something tinkled as it hit the floor.

  “Great.” Sharky dropped to his hands and knees and began feeling around on the floor.

  “What are you doing?” Millie asked.

  “I dropped my pendant.” Sharky crawled under his desk.

  “I’ll help you look.” Millie eased onto her knees and stuck her hand under the edge of the desk. A ball of dust swirled towards her. Achoo!

  “Gesundheit,” Annette said. “I’ll help you look.”

  “No!” Sharky jerked his head up, banging it on the underside of his desk.

  “Ouch.” He gingerly touched the top of his head. “You can’t, Annette! It’s something for you.”

  Millie inched forward and stuck her hand out as she felt underneath the desk. The tips of her fingers touched a cool piece of metal. “I…think I found something.”

  “Don’t look!” Sharky yelled at Annette. “It’s a surprise.”

  Millie pinched the object between her fingers and wiggled away from the desk. After clearing the desk, she squinted her eyes to inspect the item. It was a delicate swirling sterling silver locket. Inside was a smooth sea green colored stone. “This is pretty.”

  “You like it?” Sharky held out his hand. “Do you think she’ll like it?” He motioned to Annette.

  “Yes.” Millie dropped the pendant in his hand. “I’m sure she will.”


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