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King (Rogue Rebels MC)

Page 31

by Nicole Elliot

  I forced myself to nod. “Yes, sir…” I said, my mind already spinning into overdrive. “I can, however, still stop by to occasionally check on her, if you’d like. Uhm…you know, during shift changes.”

  Speaker Finley clasped my shoulder. “Would you do that for me? I actually feel a lot better hearing that.”

  “Certainly,” I said, my heart beginning to speed a little. I hated lying, but I needed to see Natalie again.

  If I went back to the safehouse with her, for ‘visits’, I could always claim that I was sent there by the Speaker. Certainly, I couldn’t lose my job for following the Speaker’s orders…

  I came back to my senses upon realizing that the Speaker was still talking to me, telling me what plans and meetings he had for the rest of the day. For the next several days. I realized with some dismay that I would be stuck with him due to his busy traveling schedule; there was simply no way I could leave his side anywhere during those times. With each passing day, his status grew, which meant more opponents were after him.

  But I already made a vow that the first chance I got to return to Natalie, I would. That day just couldn’t come quickly enough.

  I would just have to be patient though and bide my time, hoping that she would be understanding of the situation before us. I had already made a vow that I wouldn’t be kept away from her, and now I was determined to keep my word. I had to show her just how serious I was, and that I wouldn’t abandon her at any cost.



  The past several days had been some of the hardest days I could remember having in a long time. Colt did not return, nor did I hear from him directly. I had heard from my father though, who finally informed me that Colt had been reassigned to him, for safety purposes. It went without question that Colt was who you wanted by your side if you required the best possible protection. And I wholeheartedly understood that my father, due to the position he was in, was in far more danger than I ever would be. So my feelings on the issue remained bittersweet. I was grateful toward Colt for overseeing my father’s protection, knowing that I would have nothing to worry about as long as he was at my father’s side. Yet, there was another part of me that yearned for Colt to be by my side. I missed him so bad it hurt.

  Jones was all right, but he was very much like a fatherly figure and could never in a million years fill the void I felt in Colt’s absence. He was good at his job though, and kept a watchful eye on me.

  Nightfall having set in, Jones was in the house, snoozing on the couch with the television on. After a long day of studying and an intense workout, I needed time to relax, so I went out into the backyard, and decided to lounge by the pool. I looked up into the stars shining overhead, wondering what Colt was doing and whether he had been thinking about me at all.

  I wondered how long it would be before I saw him again. Before I touched him again…

  Or if all of that was officially over.

  The night breeze feeling comforting on my skin, and the sparkling water before me soothing my mind, I leaned back in the beach chair and closed my eyes. I willed my mind to go blank, not wanting to think about Colt. Whenever I dreamed about him, it just intensified the pain when I woke up only to remember he was no longer with me.

  The relaxing night breeze proving helpful in clearing my mind, I halfway wanted to sleep under the stars. Yet, I knew Jones would never allow it. Even though my father was always more of a target than I was, Jones would not be willing to risk letting me sleep outdoors just in case prying eyes were nearby. The yard of the safehouse had high fences that no one could see through, but Jones simply wasn’t a man keen on taking risks.

  “Don’t stay out there too long, now Natalie. Don’t want you catching cold. And I don’t want no creepers to sneak up on you either,” he had warned when I told him that I was going to sit out by the pool for a little while.

  “All right, Jones,” I had promised.

  With a sigh, I reopened my eyes, knowing that I had likely been out there long enough already. Besides, I knew Jones wouldn’t be going to bed until he knew I was tucked away safely inside the house, and I didn’t want to keep him waiting too long.

  I sat up and stretched, prepared to go back into the house. Yet, I froze when heard a car door slam.

  It was late, and I certainly wasn’t expecting any visitors. And while I halfway suspected the visitor may have been for a neighbor, it easily registered that it sounded too close by.

  I stayed sitting there, listening. When I saw lights flooding out of the windows, I knew someone was inside the house with Jones. I strained my ears to hear voices, but could only make out distant drones that I couldn’t recognize.

  Who in the world could that be at this hour?

  After listening for a while, I heard another car door slam, followed by a car engine revving up.

  Apparently, someone had come by for a short visit, and it didn’t involve me.

  I relaxed for a moment, supposing it was just likely something security-related for Jones that wasn’t any of my concern. But just as I was starting to relax, my mind started wandering on me again…

  What if it had something to do with Dad?

  I shook the thought from my mind, figuring if that had been the case, I would have been alerted. But when I heard shuffling from within the house, I started to worry that Jones was on his way to deliver some kind of news—and it wasn’t likely to be good. Bad news tended to come late at night—just like the news of my mother’s passing had so many years ago.

  With late-night phone calls being so anxiety-provoking, I could only presume a late-night visit was even worse.

  My heart beginning to pound, I braced myself.

  I heard the swing and clang of the backdoor, followed by more footsteps. Jones was on his way. A dark silhouette began to cross the yard, but instantly, I knew there was something off about it.

  That was not. Jones. This man was too tall and muscular.

  Oh my god…what if someone has attacked him and now they’re coming for me?

  My body began to tremble and my fight-or-flight instincts were about to be called upon. I contemplated whether I should scream or not…

  “Do you mind if I join you?”

  In an instant, my fear dissipated. The figure grew closer, and I realized who it was.


  He’d come back to me.

  I leapt up from my seat and practically bolted across the yard at him. He caught me, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around with a bear hug, his warm laughter ringing through the air. “Told you I couldn’t stay away from you,” he said.

  Not even giving me a chance to respond, he kissed me—a long, passionate, lingering kiss that almost left me breathless right on the spot.

  When we separated, Colt grabbed my hand, letting our fingers intertwine as we headed to the beach chair I’d been sitting on. He sat down first, and then pulled me into his lap.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Shouldn’t you be with my father?”

  “I switched with Jones for tonight,” Colt said, although when he answered, he didn’t quite meet my eyes.

  “So Jones is going to my father’s right now?”


  “And what about you? Are you going to be reassigned to me…permanently?”

  “I…I don’t know. I’d like to, but…I have to do what I’m told. They say your father needs me more right now. We’re just switching detail for tonight right now. Your father wants me to personally check on you every now and then.”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I understand. I’m glad you’re with him. I know he’ll be safe with you.”

  Colt smiled and twirled my hair with his fingers. He then brushed it aside, making it fall over one shoulder. He kissed the back of my neck, making my body tingle all over. “I’ve missed you so much,” he murmured against my skin.

  “I missed you too.”

  “So, what were you doing out here all alone?” Colt asked.

nbsp; “Just lying out here, trying not to think about how much I wanted you.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “Damn. I was hoping you were going to say that you were about to go skinny dipping.”

  I tossed my head back and laughed. “With Jones waiting in the house? I don’t think so.”

  Colt grinned, that devilish look I loved so much spreading across his face. “Well, Jones isn’t here anymore…”

  “So what are you implying, Mr. Jackson?” I asked, smiling slyly and pressing my forehead to his.

  He encircled my waist with his muscular arms. “I’m saying the water looks awfully enticing.”

  “Why don’t you show me how enticing it is?”

  “Hmm…I think I will.”

  Colt slid from under me and stood up. Glancing at me over his shoulders with a smirk, he pulled his shirt over his head with one clean and swift motion. Then he tossed off his shoes. “Aren’t you going to join me?”

  I sat back in the chair. “I just want to appreciate the view for now.” Colt folded his arms. I laughed. “Please continue.”

  I bit my lip as he unfastened the belt from around his waist and let it fall to the ground. He then pulled his jeans down. Stepping out of them, he stood before me in his black boxers. My heart skipped a beat and I bit my lip in anticipation.

  Smirking, Colt approached the water. Balancing on one foot, he dipped his toes in. He then looked back at me and winked. “Just want to test the water first. You know, make sure it’s not too cold.”

  With that, he pulled his boxers down, although his back faced to me. His back was glorious enough, but I knew it was no match for his front. I moaned, already feeling overheated. I leaned up in my chair. “Hey—no fair. Turn around.”

  But instead, Colt jumped into the water and momentarily disappeared under the surface. When he came back up, he grinned. “Your turn.”

  He pushed himself up and out of the pool. This time, he stood facing me. All of him on display, water running down his rippling hard body. I let out a slow breath, taking in the massive length of him as he slowly advanced toward me. I quivered as he pulled me to my feet, raised my arms into the air, and lifted my shirt over my head. Pressing his hard body against me, he brought his hands to my back and unhooked my bra, tossing it onto the chair behind me.

  He looked down, hunger in his eyes. He then dropped to his knees, where he unfastened my pants and slid them down. Putting my hands on his shoulders for balance, I stepped out of them and kicked them aside. I stood before Colt in my lace underwear. He proceeded to kiss my stomach. I moaned, rubbing the top of his head in pure bliss. He then hooked his fingers at the sides of my panties, and slowly guided them down. I stepped out of them as Colt stood back to his feet, staring at me as if he actually thought I was the most gorgeous thing he’d ever seen.

  He reached out to touch me, but I leapt out of his reach, playing coy.

  With a smirk, and I ran around him and jumped into the water.

  Shaking his head and smiling, Colt jumped in moments after me. Our laughter rang through the air.

  “Come here!” he said.

  “You have to catch me first,” I teased, swimming out of his reach.

  “Catch you?” he said. “You think you can get away from me?” And then he splashed water at my face. I laughed uncontrollably.

  We were both trembling hard, our naked bodies fueled by powerful desire, but then Colt got up and pulled me toward him.

  “What are you doing?” I giggled. My pussy ached, begging to be given the soothing release, but Colt had other things on his mind.

  “I wanted to do this from the moment I came here. No more playing.”

  His searing eyes filled with adoration skimmed over my naked body, making me feel like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. Droplets of water covered his strong shoulders, and my eyes focused on the tattoo on his shoulder. It was too sexy, and I ran my tongue over it.

  His hands grabbed my hips and pushed me against him. I could feel his hard cock on my stomach, and I wanted him to take me right now and right here. I took his cock in my hand and guided him to my entrance, but he let go of me and swam several feet away from me. His chuckles filled the night air.

  “Not so fast, beautiful. I need you to beg.”

  I pushed through water after him, not able to match his fast pace. A twinge of pleasure shot through my lower abdomen, and my whole body buzzed with anticipation. He was playing with me, wanting me to beg, and right now I wanted him so much that I was ready to do just that.

  He stopped when he reached the edge of the pool, turning around to face me. “Please,” I begged when I reached him, craving for his touch.

  He grinded against me, his cock sliding through my sensitive folds, and I let a moan out. Yes. This was exactly what I needed. I grabbed his shoulders and rubbed my pussy against his thickness, hoping he would finally please me.

  He lowered his hand and moved his fingers across my mound, creating an intense pleasure when he slid two of them inside of me.

  “Colt! Oh yes!”

  I pushed against his fingers, deepening the intrusion. He thrust them fast, and all I could do was cling onto him and moan in pure pleasure. He pushed two more inside, separating my insides widely, and I cried out, engulfed with ecstasy.

  “Don’t stop. Please, keep fucking me. Yes!”

  “You don’t want me to stop, huh? You like me fucking your pussy like this?”

  “Yes!” I screamed and pressed my hand against my mouth, remembering we had to be quiet.

  “Mmm, wait until I bury my hard cock into you. It’s going to be even better, princess.”

  I couldn’t stand the intensity of my pleasure, dangerously close to my orgasm, but before I could actually reach it, he pulled his fingers out of me and continued swimming, leaving me unsated and hungrier for him than ever.

  “Colt! Stop playing with me like that! Please...”

  I did a few breaststrokes, following him to the other side. Just when I came close to him, he turned around and crossed the whole length of the pool again, putting the distance between us once more.

  We looked at each other from the different parts of the pool, both breathing heavily, and I felt like I was losing myself in the blue depth of his eyes. He was eyeing me with sheer lust, turned on by his little game as much as I was.

  “Beg for me, Natalie. Tell me just how much you need me.”

  “I need you so much. Please, fuck me.”

  He growled and swam back to me, this time pulling me to the shallow end of the pool. He brought his hands to my waist and raised me, putting me on the edge. He separated my legs and stepped in between them, still waist-deep in the water.

  “I have to taste your pussy.”

  He dove into it, pressing his lips against my pulsating clitoris, and I was in heaven. I rolled my head backward and curled my toes, squirming under him. I held onto his shoulders as his tongue caressed my puffy flesh, bringing me the most amazing pleasure. I grinded against his head, smearing my juices over it, and brought my hands to his hair. I tugged at it and bit into my lip when he pushed his tongue into me.

  “Yes! Just like that. Oh Colt... I love your tongue inside of me...”

  He grunted and pressed his thumb over my clit, stimulating it while fucking me with his tongue. Yes. I was so close again, shuddering on the verge of orgasm, but he stopped again before I could come. No!

  His grin was huge. “You didn’t beg enough.”

  I was so desperate now. My pussy was throbbing fast, and I couldn’t take this tension anymore. I brought my hand to my pussy, planning to help myself, but he didn’t let me. His hand wrapped around it, and his other hand pulled my head to him, his lips slamming against mine. My protest died on my lips when our tongues entwined, coming together as one.

  He got out of the pool and took me to a deck chair. He sat down and pushed me to my knees in front of him, not breaking our eye contact even once.

  “Suck me.”

  My heart jumped at his command, and my insides clenched with desire. I slid my fingers over his whole length, basking in the sight of his sexy manhood. I took him into my mouth, going down slowly until I managed to take him fully inside.

  “Damn,” he hissed and grabbed my hair. “It’s perfect.” He groaned and pushed his hips toward me, unable to stay still as I sucked him with fervor. I moved my tongue around him, enjoying the taste of his salty precum in the back of my mouth.

  “You’re amazing, Natalie. Yes,” he hissed again and started moving my head, guiding me up and down on his cock. The sounds he was letting out were making me so horny that my juices oozed out of my mound and down my leg. I squirmed on my knees, feeling him tense as if he was close.

  Suddenly, he pulled out of me and made me straddle him. “You’re fucking amazing. Now how much do you want me to fuck you?”

  I moaned and rubbed against his hard dick. “Too much. I need you, Colt. Please, don’t make me wait anymore. Please, please, please. Fuck me. Please.”

  He smirked at me and took his cock. “Now that’s more like it.”

  He pulled me down roughly, and my pussy immediately stretched to take him all inside. “Colt! Oh yes!”

  My whole body convulsed under the sweet pleasure of his cock buried deep inside of me. His hands held my waist tightly, setting my tempo, and the sensations became mind-numbing. I fucked him wildly, all my tension pilling up in me until it finally reached its peak, and my orgasm came before I was even ready for it.

  I bit into my forearm so I wouldn’t scream, almost losing my balance and falling on top of him, but his hands still held me firmly, rocking me on him through my orgasm.

  “Colt! It’s too much! Please... “

  I was so sensitive, unable to stand the encompassing pleasure, but he didn’t listen to me. In fact, he fucked me harder, drilling me, and I was coming again.

  My juices poured out of me, the slickness of my pussy driving him faster inside, and I was so swollen and sensitive...


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