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Hot Pursuit

Page 13

by Lynn Raye Harris

  He didn’t miss the shudder that rolled through her. His thumbs slid across erect nipples and she gasped. “You’re beautiful, Evie. If I didn’t tell you that before, I meant to.”

  “So are you.” Her mouth landed on his pec and he hissed in a breath.

  “Oh no, you don’t.” His voice was rough, choked.

  He shifted, lowered his head, and sucked a nipple into his mouth. She gasped, her fingers tangling in his hair.


  “I know.”

  He nibbled and sucked while she squirmed, while his body tightened. He moved to the other nipple and back again while she made the most exquisite purring sounds of pleasure. God knows he’d been excited before—but right now he felt like he’d die if he didn’t get to complete this. If he didn’t thrust into her hard and deep and soon.

  His whole body coiled like a tension spring. He was going to explode. Just frigging explode.

  “Matt.” He lifted his head at the rawness of her voice. “I want you inside me.”

  He didn’t need to be told a second time. It was happening so fast, but now, right now, he was burning up and she was the only thing that could cool this flame.

  She slid her hands along his abdomen, his hips, shoving his jeans down until he took over and kicked them the rest of the way off. He came back to her on hands and knees, licking a trail up her thighs until he could press his lips to her panties and feel her soft curls beneath the thin silk.

  She whimpered, her hands in his hair again, and he pulled the damp fabric down over her long legs until he could toss them aside and push her thighs open.

  He’d done this to her once before, but he hadn’t been nearly as skilled back then. This time, he knew exactly what to do to drive her insane.

  He slid his thumbs into her slick folds and pushed them aside. He didn’t waste any time blowing on her sensitive flesh or teasing her with a lot of circling. He simply ran his tongue around her swollen clit and then sucked it between his lips.

  She groaned, pushed her hips toward his face, and gasped his name. He didn’t want her coming too fast, so he backed off, ran his tongue the length of her while she whimpered.

  “Oh God,” she cried out when he sucked her clit between his lips again. Her hips flexed toward him as he flicked his tongue over her faster and faster. She bucked, her body moving, tensing.

  He knew the instant she came. Her orgasm slammed her back into the pillows, her body arching toward him until she was spent, until she collapsed beneath him, her breath coming out in little panting gasps.

  If he were a good man, a decent man, he’d pull the covers up and tuck her in, tell her to sleep now. He’d give her time to rest, time to be certain nostrings sex was what she wanted.

  He was anything but good.


  EVIE WAS BONELESS. SHE HADN’T had an orgasm that good in, well, maybe ever. No, probably she had—she just couldn’t remember it at the moment.

  After an explosion like that, she should be satisfied, ready for sleep. But she wasn’t. She was still hot and achy, desperate to feel his body merging into hers. And she hoped like hell he didn’t have some crazy idea about being noble. So help her God, if he tried to tuck her in with a chaste kiss and retreat to his own bed, she’d scream.

  Yes, she felt reckless, exhilarated, and edgy, and she wasn’t ready to stop feeling any of those things yet.

  She hadn’t come over here tonight expecting to have sex with Matt. After everything else that had happened, it hadn’t been high on her list of priorities. Until she’d climbed into bed and he’d sat down beside her. He was so intuitive, so caring about what she’d been through. She’d felt a rush of longing as she lay in the dark with him near. And she’d wanted more.

  Now she prepared for him to back away, to try to put the brakes on—but he tugged open a drawer beside the bed and fished around in it. She didn’t know what else was in there, but she prayed there was a condom and Matt was looking for it. The unseen contents scattered onto the floor, hitting the wood with thuds and pings.

  Definitely a good sign if he was that focused.

  Thank God.

  And then he levered away from her, paper ripping. A moment later he was back, the head of his cock pushing at her entrance as he held himself above her. If her nerve endings weren’t on fire, she’d have sighed with relief.

  She ran her hands up his arms and over his shoulders, glorying in the feel of hot skin and hard muscle as she lifted her hips and wrapped her legs around him. She put her hand on his chest, felt the reckless rush of his heart, and had to blink back sudden tears.

  He was every bit as affected by the churning emotion between them as she was.

  “Tell me you’re still okay with this.” He sounded hoarse and uncertain as she pulled his head down to kiss him.

  She needed—needed—to feel him inside her. It was the only thing that made any sense right now.

  “Please, Matt. Don’t you dare stop. Don’t you dare get some stupid idea about nobility.”

  His laugh was rusty. “I left nobility in the dust a few miles back. But I’ll stop if you want me to.”

  She arched into him. “Hell no.”

  Matt slid into her slowly, his cock stretching her, preparing her. It’d been so long since she’d had sex that she knew his penetration was going to burn. She hadn’t told him that, but still he was careful with her, treating her as delicately as if this were their first time. That made her heart leap in ways it definitely shouldn’t.

  “Are you all right?” He wasn’t fully inside her yet and she moved restlessly against him.

  “I will be when you stop playing around.”

  He slid home, his growl of satisfaction melting into a groan. He was perfectly still except for the pulse-beat of his thick erection. “I think I’m going to die.”

  Evie sucked in a breath. “Don’t you dare.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers and captured her lips in a quick, sizzling kiss. And then he moved.

  Sensation streaked through her, curled her toes, and stole her breath.

  My God, she didn’t remember it being like this with him. With anyone. This amazing sensation as he pulled out and slid back in, each thrust stronger than the last.

  “God, Evie.” His voice strained with the control he placed on himself. Matt had always been supremely controlled, even as a child. He was a thinker, a planner. He could delay gratification forever.

  She didn’t want that right now. She wanted to dissolve his control, wanted him as wild as she felt. Wanted that recklessness of his heartbeat to spill over into everything he did with her.

  “Don’t hold back, Matt.”

  He looked at her in surprise, and she pulled him down until she could capture his mouth again, gloried in the raw edge of his passion when his tongue met hers. This was nothing like what they’d experienced together as teenagers. That had been passionate and thrilling and, for her, a little bit soul-destroying.

  Now, however, they were on equal footing. He kissed her back, his body driving hers relentlessly toward another completion. Still, he was in control. She could feel it, and she gave up trying to make him lose his restraint. Instead, she lost herself to the insanity of the moment. To the implosion dragging her inward, concentrating all her energy on the pressure of his body inside hers.

  When the moment came, it sucked her breath away. Drained her. She wrenched her mouth away from his and gasped his name.

  When the crisis had passed, he turned her head with his fingers and kissed her so sweetly she shuddered. He was still deep inside her. Still hard.

  “You okay?”

  “I will be.”

  His laugh was half-strangled as he rocked his hips into her. “That’s one of us.”

  Evie put her palm on his cheek. “Let yourself go, Matt. It’s okay. You don’t always need to be in control.”

  “What makes you think I can’t let myself go? Maybe I was making sure you got there first.”

sp; She traced her fingers over his lips. “You forget that I know you.”

  Shadows seemed to stretch across his expression then. “People change, Evie.”

  “Not the essentials.”

  He swore. And then he moved. He went slowly at first, building the fire between them again. Evie tried to concentrate on him, tried to divine when he was close to climaxing as he began to move faster, but instead she got caught up in the vortex of her own pleasure. Another climax slammed into her and left her gasping and clenching around him. A moment later, he ground his hips into her, a groan breaking from his throat as he shuddered deep inside her.

  His breath was hot against her neck, unsteady for several moments. And then he rolled onto his back, one arm over his eyes, the tempo of his breathing evening out as he lay quiet.

  She started to drift, her body languorous, her mind still emptied out by the intensity of the moment. It was so much better than ten years ago. Maybe Julie had been right. Maybe she’d really needed to get laid. Evie sighed as she turned into him and slid an arm across his heated skin.



  “I can’t give you anything more than this.”

  His words stole into her languor, jolting her. Angering her too. “I don’t remember asking for anything more.” She pushed away and propped herself on an elbow. “Is this the speech you usually trot out? I bet it makes the ladies melt.”

  He swore softly. “Look, I’m not trying to insult you. But this night—” His breath released on a heavy sigh. “It’s been intense. Adrenaline can mix a person up, make you think things are more important than they are.”

  Evie flopped onto her back, hurt and fury twisting inside her. It had been so perfect, so wonderful, and he’d gone and ruined it. “I’m tired, Matt. I don’t care about your half-baked theories, okay? It was just sex. I’m not planning a wedding, and I’m insulted you would think so.”

  “I have no idea what you’re thinking. I just wanted you to know. After the last time—”

  “I’m not sixteen anymore. I’m perfectly capable of meaningless sex, okay? So get over yourself, for God’s sake.”

  A moment later, he climbed from the bed. She could hear the sound of him getting dressed. Hot tears gathered behind her eyelids. Damn it.

  “Go to sleep, Evie. I’ve got some calls to make.”

  She wanted to scream. Instead, she swallowed all the hot emotions she was feeling. “Fine.”

  He started to walk out, but then he stopped. “I’m sorry.” His voice was soft, yet it carried to her across the room. Evie turned on her side and punched the pillow. She didn’t bother answering.


  What the hell just happened in that bed with Evie? Matt prowled into the living room, punching in Kev’s speed-dial number on his phone. He should have never touched her, never given in to the urge pounding through his veins. Now he was all jumpy and more keyed up than when he’d begun. So much for sex curing what ailed him.

  He should have known better. This was Evie he was talking about, not some woman he’d met in a bar. Not that he usually had one-night stands with bar pickups, but it would certainly be easier than having sex with the one woman in this world he actually cared about—besides his sister, of course.

  Damn, but he’d screwed that up six ways to Sunday. He should go back in there, talk to her—

  “Yo, Richie Rich, whassup?” Kev’s voice was gritty with sleep. Not out fucking some waitress then. Matt was kind of surprised, but then they’d had a helluva tour in the sandbox this last time. Sometimes it messed with your head and you just wanted to be left alone. He didn’t know if that was the case with Kev or not—though Kev had seemed more introspective since they’d lost Marco and Jim—and Matt didn’t have time to find out.

  “I need a favor, Big Mac.”

  “Name it.”

  Matt raked a hand through his hair. “The shit’s hitting the fan down here, dude. So before you agree, you need to know it’s not gonna be kosher, okay? Mendez will have your ass if he hears of it.”

  He could almost hear Kev shrug. “Shoot.”

  Matt grinned in spite of himself. He knew Kev would have his back no matter what, but he had to give him a way out. After the last mission, he wouldn’t blame anyone who didn’t want to fly into the face of trouble with him.

  He gave Kev a rundown of everything that had happened since he’d started that fateful dance with Evie a few hours ago. His second in command whistled softly.

  “Mendez is plenty pissed already.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Matt wasn’t too surprised Kev knew about the ass-chewing. When Matt lost his job, which was becoming more likely by the hour if it wasn’t already a done deal, Kev would be breaking in a new team commander.

  “If you want to refuse, I understand. Hell, if I wasn’t on this side of it, I’d order you not to do it.”

  Kev snorted. “You know I’ll give you whatever you need.”

  “It could mean both our asses. You think about it first.”

  “I already did.”

  Matt sank onto the couch and grabbed the remote, turning on CNN International and hitting mute. Man, he loved these guys. He felt more at home with his team than he ever had with his own family. Not that he didn’t love Chris. He did and he’d do anything for her. But the old man, well, the guy had never been full of warm fuzzies to say the least.

  Matt and the senator didn’t see eye to eye on anything. Never really had.

  “I need all the stuff you can give me about David West. I want to know every place he’s been in the last five years, his jobs, his favorite color, and even how he likes his eggs.”

  “Hoo-ah, sir. Anything else?”

  Matt gazed down the darkened hallway and thought of the woman he’d left in his bed. A wave of need washed over him. He pushed it away, focusing on his job. Forewarned was forearmed. He’d learned the hard way and he was never getting caught off guard again.

  Organized crime ties. That’s what she hadn’t told him earlier when she’d told him about David West. Not that he thought Evie was involved, but he knew from experience you couldn’t be too careful.

  “Yeah. Get me everything you can on Evangeline Marie Baker, too.”


  When Evie woke, Matt wasn’t there. The room was dark. Though she could see light between the shutters, she had no idea what time it was. She lay there, thinking. Confusion swirled in her brain, along with anger, fear, and a sense of helplessness. Not all those feelings were tied to Matt, of course.

  She turned her head to look at his side of the bed. The covers were rumpled, but his pillow appeared untouched. And wouldn’t she have known if he’d slipped back into bed with her after his calls? She’d intended to wait up, but she’d fallen fast asleep almost the instant he left her alone.

  She reached across the bed and ran her hand over what was supposed to be his side. He hadn’t come back. He’d spent the night in another room. After what had happened between them, she wasn’t quite sure how that made her feel.

  No, she wasn’t setting up house, dammit. She didn’t expect a wedding, God forbid. But she did expect something approximating normal. She’d never had a one-night stand, other than the first time she’d slept with Matt, and she certainly hadn’t expected one now. Or, even if it was a one-time deal, she hadn’t expected they’d act like this—like awkward strangers who didn’t know how to behave.

  Damn him and his rotten nobility anyway.

  She stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The sooner she was ready, the sooner she could get out of here, go see Mama, and find out where Sarah was. Ten minutes later, she rummaged through the suitcase Matt had left in the room last night and found something to wear.

  “You need anything?”

  Evie stopped in the act of sliding on a pair of Capri pants and nearly fell over in the process. Matt stood in the doorway, watching her. Her heart began a fast tattoo against her ribcage.

Do you mind?”

  He was leaning against the frame, arms crossed over that impressive chest. “You’re kidding, right? I saw a lot more than your underwear last night. Or did you forget already?”

  Serve him right if she said yeah, it was plenty forgettable. But they both knew it wasn’t. “Just because we had sex doesn’t mean you get a free peep show whenever you like.”

  “Does for me. You just let me know, chère, and I’ll strip for you any time you want.”

  “And here I thought you were a one-and-done kind of guy.” She said it softly, but she didn’t miss the guilty look that crossed his features.


  Evie stood there with her pants halfway up, wearing nothing but panties and a bra, and stared at him. “Where were you last night?”

  He speared her with a heated look, his eyes glittering hot. “I had work to do. And you needed to sleep.”

  “I was sleeping.”

  “But you might not have been if I’d joined you.”

  He let that hang in the air between them. Evie swallowed hard. “Can’t keep your hands off me, Girard?” She said it jokingly, but the intensity of his look didn’t change.

  “It’s a distinct possibility, especially if we’re naked and in bed together.” Matt crossed the room while she stood immobile, her heart thrumming, her body heating. She wanted him to touch her, wanted him to take her in his arms and—

  He walked past her and opened the shutters. Disappointment welled up inside her as bright sunlight streamed into the room and seared her eyeballs.

  “Get dressed, Evie. We’ve got things to do.”

  How could she forget, even for a moment? But she had. Evie yanked the pants on and zipped them up before pulling a stretchy T-shirt over her bra. “How late is it?”

  “It’s only eight. I’ve got coffee made if you want some.”

  She followed him into the kitchen and stopped to gape. She hadn’t made it into this part of the house last night. It had been remodeled in the last few years and this was not the kitchen she remembered when she’d been a kid. This kitchen was a chef’s dream. A gleaming stainless Thermidor stove sat beneath a stone French hood, while miles of marble counters beckoned her to roll dough, chop veggies, and create recipes. There was a prep sink in the center island and a pot filler over the stove.


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