Badd Luck
Page 10
Another glance at Tate, then. She was sitting with her knees pressed together, draped to one side, hiding her core. Her nipples were poking hard against the fabric of her bra...yeah, she was just as affected by all this as the rest of us.
Aerie slapped the deck of cards on the floor between Tate and me. "Each of you take a card and don't look at it. When you both have a card, on the count of three, put it face up on the floor."
If I lost this tiebreaker, I'd have to take off my jeans, which was my remaining article of clothing.
And I was hard as a damn rock.
I swallowed hard, sucked in a deep breath, and slid a card off the top of the deck, holding it hidden between both hands until Tate had drawn her card.
"On three," I said, meeting Tate's eyes. "Cane, count it."
Canaan let a beat of silence extend, ratcheting the tension to a thick, stifling level. "One...two...three."
Tate slapped her card down face-up first--an ace of hearts.
Dammit; anything less than an ace in my hand, and I was the loser.
I let out the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding...and tossed the card down.
"Holy shit!" Canaan laughed. "What are the damn odds!"
Ace of diamonds.
"Once more," Aerie said, reshuffling the deck, and then again, and then again, before handing it to Canaan, who cut it and reshuffled it himself.
The deck between us, Tate drew first, and I went second.
Aerie counted it off. "One...two...three."
Tate and I went at the same time, this time. Tate had a queen of spades...
And I had a ten of clubs.
"Fuck," I said, with a laugh.
"First naked, first into the lake!" Aerie said. "Off with the pants, bitch!"
I took a shot, and then a second. I hesitated.
Then I stood up, let out a shaky laugh, and ripped open my jeans and shucked them off.
My heart was hammering, my pulse loud in my ears. All three pairs of eyes were on me; Canaan's on my face, laughing, and Aerie's and Tate's, obviously on my erection.
Aerie was the first to look away, blushing, and her gaze went to Tate. She held in a laugh, and then it came bubbling out, a snort at first, and then a guffaw, and then she was collapsing against her sister.
"Think my dick is funny, do you?" I demanded.
Aerie shook her head. "Oh way!" she said, trying to catch her breath. "There is not a single damn thing funny about that."
Aerie pressed her mouth to Tate's ear and whispered something, which set Tate into hysterics. "AERIE!" she shrieked, sounding scandalized.
"What? Just wondering." Aerie's gaze flicked to me, then, meeting my eyes for a split second.
That split second was enough though. There was curiosity in her eyes. Lust...
Uninhibited by the booze.
I felt her gaze go to my cock, which was still straining painfully. "First one naked, first one in, huh? Well, last one in makes breakfast!"
I took off out the door, as much to escape the situation and my own confused arousal and attraction to Aerie as anything. I jogged through the woods, picking my way carefully between the trees to the lake and onto the dock.
I heard the others behind me, all of them laughing.
"Jump in, Cor!" Canaan hollered. "I'm sure it's plenty warm!"
Yeah, right.
I didn't give myself a chance to think. The second I hit the end of the dock, I leaped in.
Fuck, that water was cold. I gasped an embarrassingly breathy inhalation of shock, twisting around as the others reached the dock. The cold water should have doused my erection, but the first one to the end of the dock was Aerie, topless. Jogging.
God, that did not help anything, the sight of a topless, running Aerie. Those big, lush, pale breasts bounced and swayed so tauntingly my cock tried to go even harder than it was, which wasn't really possible. I couldn't look away.
But then it got worse.
She reached the end of the dock, paused, staring hard at me. The moon was high and full, bathing everything silver and bright, shining off her skin, illuminating her into high relief as she shimmied slowly out of her thong.
She was waxed bare.
Another moment of hesitation, and then she jumped in.
Alcohol was still blazing through me, my buzz only slightly lessened by the sudden shock of cold. I was struggling against the arousal, the attraction, knowing there was a reason to keep fighting it, but having increasing difficulty remembering why, especially when Aerie hit the water and surfaced, laughing and spluttering.
Tate was next in line, followed closely by Canaan.
They reached the end of the dock at the same time, and I didn't miss the long look they shared. Aerie was swimming toward me, distracting me from the tableau on the dock. Aerie followed my stare.
"Come on, slowpokes! Get in here!" she called out.
Canaan shucked his boxers first, and Tate slipped her bra off and then shimmied out of her thong. Canaan watched that show, you can bet, and then Canaan pounced. He grabbed Tate around the waist and tossed her into the water, following behind her with a shout.
Tate hit the water shrieking, went under, surfaced, laughing and coughing and gasping. "Cane, you ass!"
And now all of us were in the water, laughing, splashing.
A full-on water fight broke out, a crazy free-for-all. It was impossible to see anything through the onslaught of splashing, and I caught a glimpse of pale flesh and heavy breasts, and lunged, smacking a geyser of water to cover my approach. Impossible to tell who was who, I shot my hands out and grabbed her, yanking her under the water. She fought and twisted, kicking, but somehow the fight turned into a grapple, her skin soft and slippery against mine, her calves grazing my knees, and then her thighs brushed mine, and we surfaced momentarily, each of us gasping before diving under again to resume wrestling for dominance. She was strong, lithe and slippery and hard to keep a hold on. I felt her waist brush my stomach, felt her thighs brush mine, and then in a serpent swift move, she wrapped both legs around my waist. I could feel her bare pussy against my stomach, and I was hard as a rock, my cock nudging. Her breasts were smashed against my chest, and in the darkness under the surface, her hands scraped against my back and clutched at my shoulders, and her mouth was hot and eager on mine.
She moaned.
I groaned.
Tongues tangled.
And I knew, knew--by the feel of her body, by the difference in the way she kissed, and in some other indefinable, intangible, way, I just knew--it was Aerie.
We surfaced yet again, the water here just deep enough that we could keep our heads above water if we danced on our tiptoes. It was Aerie, I confirmed as I blinked water out of my eyes. Her hair was loose and pasted to her face and shoulders. Beyond Aerie, behind her, I could see Canaan and Tate still splashing each other, but the splashes were turning into darting, grabbing hands, and then Canaan had Tate under the water and she was laughing. She dove, and I caught a flash of thigh and a hint of her ass flashing in the moonlight, and then she was rocketing out of the water, both of her hands caught in one of Cane's; they were closer to shore, where the water was shallower, and standing up Tate was only in the water to her waist. She fought Cane, and I had a moment where I was clinging to Aerie while staring at Tate as she jerked and shimmied, making her tits bounce and sway.
But my attention was brought back to Aerie as she pushed off me, settling onto her feet, ducking under the water with a mischievous grin. I watched, waited, and then she pounced. Leaping out of the water, she hit me full force, tackling me, cackling as she knocked me under the water. She had both of my wrists in her hands, pushing them behind my back, and her feet were hooking behind mine, constantly tripping me, and keeping me off balance. I fell backward into the water, kicked to swim, and she landed on top of me, off balance, slamming onto me. Her tits smacked against my face, wet and stuttering against my cheek and mouth as she toppled forward as I sank. I stood up sudd
enly, flipping her completely over, but she was quick to grab my ankle and yank, and then I was under the water with her.
We were all tangled up, then, hands scrabbling. I caught a handful of something, which I realized as I gently squeezed it, was her breast. The tangled wrestling somehow became something else...her hands sliding over my hips, mine cupping her tits, and then her core grinding against my thigh, both of her legs wrapped around one of mine. She had her hands on my butt, and then she was clutching my cock and grinding, all of this under the water. We surfaced briefly, gasping, tripping, staggering and swimming.
I heard a laugh somewhere, a breathy, aroused, female laugh, and a male grunt.
This was crazy.
Some part of my drunken mind knew this wasn't how things were supposed to go.
But Aerie felt so good. She wasn't stroking my cock, just exploring it. Fondling it, finding the base and then wrapping her fist around the head, then slipping downward. All the while, her hips were flexing, her pussy grinding against my thigh. I had her ass in my hand, and her breast in the other, and we were in shallow water, swimming aimlessly as we twisted and swam and hopped a few steps.
And then we crashed into flesh.
I blinked, the soft wet silky skin of Tate's thigh against mine, Canaan's hands on her waist, just then descending from her chest, and Aerie's shoulder was wedged against Canaan's side. The jumble of flesh was confusing. The moon bathed all of us in light, exposing and illuminating everything, Aerie's hand on my cock, Tate's breasts, Canaan's erection jutting out of the water, Tate's fist around the base.
God, what we were doing?
We all froze, eyes flicking from person to person, and then we all sprang away.
"Wow, so um..." I was the first to break the silence. "That was..."
"We're all really drunk," Aerie said.
"Let's not let this get weird," Canaan said.
"You said it first," Tate put in, "there's a lot of multi-directional sexual attraction happening here."
"No shit," I said. "I just wasn't thinking it was gonna play out quite like that."
I felt dizzy, off-kilter, aroused and confused and drunk and mixed up in a dozen different directions. I'd just been messing around with Aerie.
This wasn't how things were supposed to go.
I tripped backward, toward the dock. "First one in, first one out, right?" I said it just for something to say.
I heaved myself up onto the deck, and Tate was already there reaching for a leg up. I extended one hand, and Tate took it, and then offered me her other. I took both hands and hauled her up onto the dock. She slid her ass onto the planks, twisted to put her knees under her, and then stood up.
"Where are you going?" she asked.
"Um." I gestured. "Towels?"
"Oh." She paused, staring up at me. "Good idea."
So we jogged through the forest, pine tree needles sticking to our feet. I reached the bathroom first, thankful for the stack of thick blue towels under the sink. I handed one to Tate first, wrapped another around my waist, and then slid two more out.
"I'll take these to them," I said.
Tate just nodded; she stood in the middle of the bathroom with the towel pressed against her chest, her braid wet, makeup gone, eyes wide.
I went back to the dock with the towels. Canaan and Aerie were both crouched in the water near the dock, faces close, murmuring to each other. They went silent as I approached, both of their eyes on me.
"Thanks," Canaan said.
Aerie said nothing, but her gaze on mine was unreadable. There was a slight smirk to her lips, and a quirk to one eyebrow, but I still had no idea what she was feeling about what had just happened. I had no idea how I felt about what had just happened; I felt like I should say something to address what had just happened, but I was still buzzed and couldn't think of anything. I turned away and went back up to the cabin, leaving Canaan and Aerie in the lake, still, huddling together, murmuring to each other in low tones.
Shivering, teeth chattering, I entered the cabin, and stopped dead in my tracks: the bathroom door was wide open, and Tate was in the shower, her body a vision of curves in the steam fogging the glass door of the shower stall. She saw me the moment I entered the cabin, her body facing away slightly, her head twisted to watch for me. I couldn't really see anything of her except the side of her thigh, the curve of her ass, and her arm covering her chest. She'd taken her hair out of the braid, and it was slicked backward, clumped and pasted to her back.
I crossed the cabin to stand in the doorway of the bathroom, the towel still around my waist. Her gaze on mine, Tate turned to face me, dropping her hands, allowing me my first full frontal view of her lush, beautiful, naked body. And, god, was she fucking gorgeous.
Without a word, she shoved open the door, a silent invitation.
* * *
For a moment, Corin just stood there, eyes locked on my naked body. Water was splashing and splattering out of the shower onto the floor, and I thought maybe he'd turn me down, or just stand there, or something. But then he shut the bathroom door behind himself and stepped all the way into the room. Another step had him at the entrance of the shower stall.
I realized he'd forgotten he was wearing a towel; so I leaned out, plucked the edge he had tucked in at his waist, and let the towel fall free. He tossed it aside and stepped in, and I pressed my body against his as I reached out to close the shower stall. There was very little space in that shower stall, barely enough for one person. Both of us in there put us in immediate and unavoidable contact. Our bodies were pressed together, wet skin sliding against wet skin. He'd never taken his hair of the topknot, so I worked his hair free of the elastic and shot it over the upper rail of the shower stall. I twisted us so he was directly beneath the stream of water, working my hands into his hair, which was still wet from the lake, the cold water soaking his hair now mingling with the piping hot water from the shower.
The bathroom was already full of steam, since I had the water as hot as it would go. Corin moaned in pleasure as the hot water cascaded down his body, and then he opened his eyes.
"Tate, I--" he started.
I put my finger over his lips. "I'm drunk, and I'm horny, and I'm naked in the shower with you," I said. "I'm not wasting hot water by talking."
I rubbed the soap down his chest, to his stomach, and then abandoned all pretense of soaping him up, dropping the soap to clutch at his erection.
Corin Badd was hung like a goddamn horse. I whimpered at the feel of him in my hand, a massive, thick, hot, hard, steel-under-silk rod. Slick and smooth and warm, veiny. Long, so long. I looked down to see what I was clutching; I'd seen it earlier, during strip poker and in the lake, but this time...
It was different.
God, he was so fucking beautiful.
His cock was...glorious. There was no other word for it.
I dissolved into disbelieving laughter, giggling breathlessly as I gently began to glide my fist down his length. "Jesus, Corin."
I squeezed him. "This. God, this is so much bigger than I ever expected."
He rumbled in his chest, and his hands stuttered over my flesh from my waist up to the middle of my back, and then his hands were cupping my bare, wet, slippery breasts, thumbs flicking my nipples and then his palms grazed over the taut peaks before he clutched the soft pliable mounds of flesh in his hands, moaning in pleasure as he fondled them.
"No?" He said this with a quirk of his eyebrow. "Got other plans in mind?"
I stroked him, teasing him. "Oh, yeah."
His brows lowered, and heat entered his eyes as he raked his gaze over my naked body. "So do I."
And then, before I could protest, he was on his knees in front of me. I reached up and adjusted the angle of the showerhead so it wasn't beating directly onto his head, but rather onto my chest to sluice down my front. He stared up at me, palming my calf, and then he ran his hand up the back of my kn
ee, lifting my leg to drape over his shoulder. The shower stall was small enough I could put my foot against one wall and lean against the opposite, and this was the position I assumed as Corin slid a kiss to the inside of my knee, and then the inside of my thigh. I gasped as he kissed his way up my thigh, staring down at him as his lips neared my aching core.
I was a million kinds of mixed up, messed up, and confused, but I refused to think about it. I couldn't. My brain couldn't process what had happened in the lake. So I didn't try, as was my habit. Instead, I stared down at Corin who paused, glanced up at me, and then without taking his off of mine, extended his tongue and swiped it up the seam of my pussy.
I gasped, head thumping back against the wall. "Cor..."
"Remember the promise I made?" he asked, mumbling against my core.
"Uh-huh," I breathed. "Something about...about your tongue ring."
He flicked his tongue against my clit, eliciting a whimper from me as the cold metal of his tongue wreaked havoc on my clit. "Play with your nipples, Tate."
I forced my eyes open to stare down at him. "Play with them how?"
He flicked his tongue out again, and I jerked, gasped. "Squeeze your tits. Pinch them. Roll them in your fingers." Another swift, flickering lick, not anywhere enough but also far too much. "You said you could almost come just by playing with me."
I palmed my breasts as Corin watched, tweaking my nipples. "Like this?"
"Fuck yeah. Play with those big beautiful tits, T. Let me hear your voice."
I groaned as he finally swirled his tongue against my clit, his tongue ring a cold counterpoint to his warm wet tongue, and the juxtaposition of sensations swirled through me, ramping my need past all capacity to comprehend the intensity of it, much less my capacity to control myself or my words.
"Eat me, Cor." I pinched my nipples, both of them at the same time, rolling them hard between finger and thumb, gasping at the onslaught of pleasure.
He sucked my clit into his mouth; suction sharp and fierce, drawing a shriek from me. "Like that?" he asked.
"Yeah, except don't stop next time." I flexed my hips into his mouth, and he chuckled, and then flicked his tongue in circles around my clit. It still wasn't enough. "Put your fingers inside me," I told him.