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The Last Light Series Omnibus One: - The Dreamer and the Deceiver - All Things Eternal - Ode to the King: A Superhero Epic Fantasy Collection (The Last Light Collection Book 1)

Page 19

by Alex Villavasso

  “Stop it. Don’t say that. We were only able to do that because of you. Without you, Skye and I would be totally different. It was you who showed us that there was good in the world. You accepted us when no one else would.”

  “But you still had the willingness to change. The hope you had in your eyes still remains, but now shines brighter than it ever did before. In the past eight years of my life, I witnessed a broken boy master his emotions and reclaim his zest for life as a man. I have also seen a fiery little girl grow into a smart, strong, and resourceful young woman.” An episode of coughs erupted from the old man’s mouth and Omari cringed with discomfort.

  “Thank you,” Skye said graciously as she kneeled beside her brother.

  “In my life, I have fought alongside rebels and militias, killed with my bare hands, healed, laughed, and wept. I devoted my life to God and even eventually built this church. In my life, I have encountered many people, and at one point, gave my life to making this world a better place. Despite my efforts to sow seeds of kindness and love, the people turned their backs on me. A vast portion of my money went to charities and establishments throughout the land, but in the end, the promises they gave were only empty words to ensnare a wealthy idealist.

  “In my good deeds, I grew weary. I covered my losses and refused to fight again, numbing myself to the change this world desperately needed. By the time I found the error in my ways, the church was already abandoned and life had passed me by. I was a fool to give in so easily to the darkness that surrounded me. The world needs a light, a beacon to steer all that are lost back to the paradise of the Father’s abode. I tried to be that light, but I failed. I lacked the strength and tenacity for such a mission, but, perhaps with your unique gifts, the both of you can bring change to this land and pave the way for a better world.”

  “But how?” Skye asked, shaken by his proposal.

  “Skye, my dearest daughter, I’ve seen you perform miracles since you were a little girl. Even still, your power grows stronger, as does your loving heart. Do what it is that you have been placed on this planet for and blessings will surely come your way. Through your love and understanding, the people who you interact with will be forever changed. Omari,” Silas said as he lethargically tilted his head towards him. “In your youth, you despised those who sought ill will on those with abilities like your own. It is not wrong to hate evil deeds. The vileness of the human condition is something that we have suffered with in all civilization. Whether it be from origin, race, or beliefs, differences have been known to cause strife in human history. The people of this world paint Abnormals as foul beast. Monsters without a soul who only wish for the worst for mankind. But I ask, how is that so? Outside of the teachings pushed by the king, I have yet to hear or see these monsters they speak of. Perhaps because these ‘monsters’ are not monsters, but human beings like you and I, just trying to make it in this world. The only thing that distinguishes them from the general population is their gifts. They hide in fear of persecution, but I know there are others just like you and your sister hoping for change. Be that change, Omari, lead them and change this world.”

  “Change...the world,” Omari whispered to himself, internalizing the old man’s will into his heart.

  Chapter 10: At Dawn

  Three Days After the Everrmore Massacre

  “Change the world, huh? I’m trying the best I can.” Omari stood alone in the courtyard on the church grounds at the burial site of his mentor and friend. “It feels like forever since you’ve been gone, but it’s only been about three years. I don’t feel like I’ve changed much, but I know you’d be proud. Three days ago, an Abnormal attacked the town. He was of a third party that I imagine is highly stronger than any of us. With him alone, he managed to defeat Skye, Emil, and me, as well as causing a considerable amount of casualties to the people. The only reason I’m not with you today is because he let us live. His main focus was to deliver a message... A message which Skye suspects was nothing more than a ploy to draw out the king. I was skeptical at first, but today is the day that King Arius is set to make a public appearance in the city to address the citizens of the town. I’m almost certain that more blood will be spilled today. The rogue Abnormal planned for this encounter, so it is a given that he will be present, possibly with other allies to aid him in his assassination of the king. To my knowledge, the only people aware of the king’s true identity are Emil, Skye, Marona, his squadron, and myself. The rogue and his followers have no idea of the king’s true nature. His ignorance will be in Arius’s advantage. I’m sure he will have the most elite of his men to guard him during his speech, hidden among his soldiers or at his side. Knowing this, Emil still wishes to fight against his brother and put an end to the reign. His brash behavior worries me, but at the same time, this stands for a golden opportunity for our cause. There is a possibility that Arius will die today, but how many others must perish before that goal is realized? If we kill him as Abnormals, what does that mean for our brothers and sisters? More darkness. Despite Arius’s cruelty, an Abnormal would be the one to kill him. We would be seen as the ultimate evil and forced into hiding. Our rare but dynamic appearances only seem to lead in death and destruction of the worst kind, painting the picture true. If Arius lives, his oppression carries on and his tyranny shall spread. I’m searching for an answer, father, but I’m afraid I’m lost.”

  Omari stood by Silas’s grave deep in thought until the sun finally showed its face. He knew at dawn the others would be awake, if not sooner. With the implications of what the day held, a full night’s sleep was all but impossible to achieve.

  An air of doubt permeated the group ever since the attack, making the last three days a period of reflection rather than action.

  After the initial hours of the attack, reinforcements came to secure the city, helping the wounded and burying the deceased. Skye wanted to reopen the doors of the church and use the extra space as a care center, but the others refused because of the risks. With panic at an all-time high for the city, too much was at stake to invite unwanted attention to their domain. All residents were to be indoors after sunset due to the newly instated martial law protocol. If the church did reopen, the injured would inevitably become their guests, and that was not needed. Too many injured in one place would be a liability, especially if that place was their center of command.

  “I thought I’d find you out here. Couldn’t sleep?”

  “You’re as quiet as a mouse, Skye. You know that?” Omari chuckled. “But, no...I couldn’t.” Skye emerged from the walkway of the church leading to the garden, draped in a black blanket that covered her sleepwear.

  “I couldn’t either. It’s hard to sleep with everything going on. The people are scared. Everyone is tense. It’s difficult to separate myself from it all, especially when I feel the same way.”

  “Are the others up?”

  “Emil was out on the balcony last time I saw him, and Marona was in her room getting dressed.”

  “I see. In about an hour, I’ll call a meeting and we can discuss our plans for Arius’s public address.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Skye’s eyes drifted downward and away from her brother as she focused on the dew-filled grass that swayed in the wind.

  “Everything okay?”

  “No. It’s not,” Skye responded, her voice, distant and soft. “Omari, what do you think will happen today? I’m scared.”

  Chapter 11: The Other Side

  Somewhere in Everrmore

  “So, he really did take the bait. Excellent.” The rogue Abnormal grinned mischievously as he confided in his other allies. “A little scuffle and a little smoke and the king finally comes out of his quarters to play. Arius is a fool. His confidence lies in his army, but they’re no match to those of our kind. Let him bring as many men as he wants. Numbers mean nothing to me, or to either of us. To be so young, and to be called king of this land...the power must have made him arrogant. The brat underestimates us. That will be his downfa

  “Sage,” a female voice interrupted. “That may be so, but it would be even worse on our part to underestimate him. Arius is the youngest in our nation’s history to lead and has transitioned into his father’s role with near flawless execution. He may be arrogant, yes, but for his age, he’s doing remarkably well.”

  “Overseers are a thing, Luna. His council, I’m sure are held in the highest regard.”

  “Perhaps. But even the public knows that Abnormals were involved. His personal force, Legion, will be sure to accompany him on his trip today.”

  “Is that so?” Sage said with a chuckle. “I wonder where their allegiance will be when their beloved king falls?” Sage’s chuckle erupted to a full blown laugh as he rocked back in the wooden chair, tilting its front legs into the air.

  “A little too early to celebrate, isn’t it?” Luna said calmly as she brushed her straight, dark hair away from her eyes. “It’s not even noon and you’re already drinking.” From against the wall she leaned on, Luna casually flicked her wrist and a gust of wind shifted Sage’s chair back on all fours.

  “Drinking, but not drunk!” Sage said as he raised his glass into the air.

  “Whatever,” Luna scoffed. “You would think that he would be more serious at a time like this. This is your end-game, isn’t it? Act like it.”

  “Luna, you’re so uptight. Relax. Take a lesson from Grim over there.” Sage tilted his glass at the brooding stocky man on the opposite corner of the room.

  “Grim never speaks...but it’s obvious he’s focused on what’s to come. You should be the one taking lessons.”

  “From you, most certainly. From Grim, not so much.” Luna extended her hand and sent another gust of wind Sage’s way. Instantly, he fell back from his chair and was pushed along the ground until his neck was aligned with the underside of Luna’s black heel.

  “You may want to rephrase what you just said while you can still speak.” Sage looked up at the beauty as she applied pressure to his neck and remembered why it was worth the trouble of getting her riled up.

  “Luna, your aggression is best saved for those who deserve your wrath.” From the corner of the room, Grim spoke. He was in a chair, arms folded with one leg over the other, passing the time by silently waving his foot in the air.

  “Of course,” Luna said as she raised her heel from Sage’s windpipe. “I just wanted to reinforce the idea that now isn’t the time for games.”

  “I’m aware,” Sage said as he cleared his throat and propped his chair upright before sitting down. “That stuff doesn’t even do anything for me, or for any of us. It might as well be water.” Sage’s hand reached for the pitcher to refill his glass but a gust of wind blew it to the other side of the room before he could grasp it.

  “Well, then drink water. I don’t want to leave anything up to chance. If we kill the king today, everything changes.”

  “Yes...that is true. A lot is at stake,” Grim agreed. “If we kill King Arius, our nation will be thrown into chaos. Being so young, Arius has no next of kin to inherit the throne, which means one of his council men will be the one to claim the crown.”

  “And which one is that, Grim?”

  “I unfortunately have no way of knowing. His council is often kept in the shadows...but that is irrelevant. When King Arius falls, the three of us will rally against his forces and take the throne in its time of discord.”


  “But what if we fail? What then?” Luna asked.

  “Must you be such a downer, Luna? If we fail, we die. Nothing else to it. Yup. We die and the world moves on. Most likely, they’ll butcher up our bodies and run experiments on us.” Sage shrugged. “Or maybe not. It’s hard to tell. It’s not exactly public knowledge of what happens behind closed doors with Legion. Legion, itself, is a mystery that few understand.”

  “What about the other Abnormals...the ones you saw at the execution?”

  “What about them? Mere nuisances at best.”

  “Are you saying they pose no threat? Humph. Even when you’re not at full power, you’re still as cocky as ever.”

  “I prefer the term confident, love. The difference is no greater than dark and light,” Sage said as he examined the contents of his cup. “Nonetheless, it doesn’t matter...really, it doesn’t. All that matters is that today we follow through on what we’re supposed to do. Anyone or anything that interferes will be on the other side of a string of events I’d rather leave up to imagination.”

  Chapter 12: King and Court

  In Transit to Everrmore

  “Is there anything else I can assist you with, my lord?”

  “No, that will be all. I only require silence in my coming travels, thank you.”

  “Very well, my lord.”

  The heavily guarded carriage shook on the rocky road that was chosen as the path for the king’s voyage. With his eyes closed, Arius heard the rhythmic step of the infantry that surrounded his mode of transportation. Twenty-five men to escort him into the city and twenty-five more to accompany him during his speech.

  “Actually...” Arius opened his eyes and parted his long black hair that shrouded his vision of his fortified pod. “It would be to my liking if you were to read the latest status report as a refresher.”

  “Most certainly, my lord.” Arius’s assistant fumbled through his satchel at his side until a slew of papers marked with the king’s insignia found their way between his fingers. Arius tilted his head back against the cushioned headboard and folded his arms as before, closing his eyes once again. “Twenty minutes into the scheduled execution of Eric Crane, a band of three Abnormals made their way into the square, seeking to rescue the convicted conspirator and retaliate against the Vanguard of Everrmore in contempt for taking one of their own. Despite heavy reinforcements, Eric Crane escaped, leaving heavy casualties from both citizens and official forces. Heavy structural damage was also reported and observed throughout the time square. Of the three Abnormals, two were reported as male and one as female. One of the males seems to have the ability to cloak himself and reappear at will, while the other seems to be able to manipulate his life energy. Witnesses claim that the female Abnormal has the ability to spontaneously heal ailments and other injuries, but status on the credibility of the source remains unconfirmed. Physical descriptions of the alleged Abnormals are also unavailable due to the black uniform and masks they wore at the time of the assault. A possible fourth Abnormal was also present at the square, but his whereabouts and origin remain inconclusive. No information about his abilities were recorded.”

  “Hmm, I The Saint of Everrmore was involved.”

  “That is correct, sir. He announced his appearance shortly before his siege of Eric Crane. His abilities also match the profile of what we have gathered on him so far, so there is a consistency in his claims.”

  “What else do you have on him? Description, possible location, anything of use?”

  “Unfortunately, no. Nothing outside of what you currently know.”

  “And what about the people of Everrmore? Did they say anything over the course of the interrogation period?”

  “No. Despite our efforts, we came up empty handed no matter how hard we pressed.”

  “Humph, those people sure do love their Saint, even if it means their own lively hood is threatened.”

  “Sir, If I may, can I ask you a personal question?”

  “I’m listening,” Arius responded as his head coasted on the headboard, still relaxed and well into his train of thought.

  “With the current events, are you not worried? The destructive capabilities of the three Abnormals and the potential of a fourth nearby is unsettling to the soldiers, but yet you remain at ease, not shaken in the least.”

  Arius’s head sunk from its elevated position and fired a gaze that shot directly at his assistant in front of him. “Are you implying that you doubt my judgment?” Through Arius’s dark eyes, he saw the beads of sweat begin to form on his
assistant’s head. He was shaken, afraid that he’d crossed the line that even Arius’s most trusted lightly treaded upon only on occasion.

  “N-no. Not at all, Sir. Your logic is infallible. I apologize if my question offended you. It’s just that your father wou—”

  “My father is dead. Long gone and buried. We are not to be compared,” Arius interrupted.

  “Understood, my lord. It is to my disgrace that I even mentioned his name.”

  “It is indeed. Never mention my father again for a long as you live.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Is there anything else you wish to add to this conversation?”

  “In fact, there is, your highness. It worries me that your personal guard is not at your side.”

  “Three is more than enough. The others are throughout the land on private assignments.”

  “Yes, of course, but why are they outside rather than inside with you?”

  “I am more than capable of handling myself. If any attack was to come before our arrival, it would happen from beyond these four walls, that is, unless you are foolish enough to try to take my life.” A coy smile crept onto Arius’s face, further unnerving his assistant. “I appreciate your service and your recent transfer to my squadron on such short notice, but there is clearly much you do not know. I forgive you for your ignorance and applaud you for your concern. Relax. The greatest mysteries often reveal themselves to us in time. Until then, enjoy the ride.” Arius leaned back into his seat and crossed his legs before shutting his eyes.

  It’s been far too long, brother. Far too long.

  Chapter 13: Before the Storm

  Inside Silas’s Church

  “I can’t believe that he’s walking straight to us. What exactly does he hope to accomplish by doing this?” Marona asked as she sat in the lobby with the others who were equally puzzled.


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