Lost (The Everett Gaming Series Book 5)

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Lost (The Everett Gaming Series Book 5) Page 5

by Drew Sera

  “Where are we going?”

  Matt looked at me and studied me for a minute before speaking.

  “To sit down. You and I are going to sit our asses down in a restaurant, have a beer and a hamburger and vent.” I squinted in the afternoon sunlight and looked across the street trying to find out where he was taking me. I had time for a McDonald’s type of place, but not a sit-down. I spotted a pub and grill across the street and sighed before Matt added, “Both of us.”

  Shit, with everything going on lately, I haven’t stopped to think about him and Gina.

  “Don’t worry. This place is fast because they know half their business is hospital staff and are usually in a hurry.”

  Matt and I found seats and ordered. When our beers were delivered, he held the bottle out toward me.

  “To technology,” Matt toasted.


  I tapped my bottle against his and took a long pull from it as Matt began to explain.

  “Technology is what led us to Sydney.”

  He was right. I remember standing in my kitchen when the notification alert came over on my phone saying my iPhone had been found.

  “And to Anthony for knowing what to do with that picture when it came over on your cell phone.” Matt took another drink from his bottle before setting it down. “It figures Mr. Tech Anthony was able to pull up the location from the picture.”

  “To Anthony,” I added and leaned back in the booth.

  We were both quiet for a few minutes, both of us with thoughts racing in our head.

  “I hate seeing her in pain,” I said, stating the obvious.

  We talked about tons of stuff during our meal and I actually began feeling better. Maybe it was the food and the beer. Matt told me that he explained a lot of things to Gina on their long walk this morning about being tolerant and patient with Sydney.

  “I told her it would be a while for the nail polish party.”

  “It might be something Sydney would really like, Matt.”

  His mouth straightened to a thin line and then he looked out of the window before picking up his beer. I didn’t have to ask him, he just started talking.

  “You have been so occupied with everything that you probably haven’t noticed her nails.”

  I’m sure I gave him a completely confused expression and he continued.

  “I don’t know if there is much there to paint. She either chewed on them due to nervousness, maybe hunger.”

  Oh fuck. I was quickly trying to think if I paid attention to her fingernails much since we got her back. I hadn’t, but definitely would look when we got back to her room.

  “Or she clawed at the cement in that fucking room to get away from him.”

  Fuck, now I felt sick. I couldn’t even think about assembling an image in my mind of Sydney being under duress, scratching at the cement to get away.

  On our way back to the hospital, I thanked Matt for dragging me out of the hospital for a little while. I had needed it badly. When I got back to Sydney’s room, Blake vacated the rocking chair and Gina got off the foot of the bed. I smiled and thanked them for staying with Sydney.

  Matt’s parents and Gina headed home for the night and Matt was going to take Blake up to see Anthony for a bit. I hadn’t made my way up there yet today. Matt said Anthony had been on heavy medication and was sleeping mostly. He wakes up for a few minutes and then falls back to sleep quickly. Matt admitted he didn’t really know how aware of anything Anthony was.

  Chris stayed and talked with me for a little while and once everyone was gone, I kicked off my shoes and climbed on the bed with Sydney. I snuggled up to her, kissed her cheek, told her I loved her and pulled one of her hands closer. Matt was right; her nails were screwed up. I kissed each finger and closed my eyes.

  Chapter 6

  Sunday, January 26th


  By the time I took up my spot next to Anthony’s bed, I was exhausted. Gina was a mess this morning because Sydney wasn’t responding. She was so upset over this entire fucked up situation, and I know guilt has been eating away at her. I tried explaining to Gina that things were going to have to settle down before Sydney can return to herself. And honestly after something like this, I’m fearing what the damage is.

  Speaking of damage, I looked at the monitors and saw that Anthony was still fighting a fever. Fucking son of a bitch. I stood and checked the antibiotics that hung on the I.V. pole to ensure he was getting what he needed. Satisfied that everything looked good, I sat back down.

  “Anth, come on, man. Let’s get this fucking fever out of your system. You’ve got a girl a few floors down waiting desperately to see you. She loves you and needs you. Colin needs you, too. He’s really struggling without you. So, come on, this fever needs to break before they will release you from the ICU.”

  I gave his arm a few light pats, even though he was fast asleep. When the nurses came in to change his bandages and clean his wounds, I assisted. I clenched my jaw tightly shut as the bandages came off, revealing a field of bruises and damage. Some of the damage was Paul while others were from the Pro Dom.

  “Can we get some ice packs, please? I’d like to try to get this fever down quickly,” I said quietly, even though I knew that Anthony was completely out of it. He’s been fighting a fever off and on and I’ve had enough with it.

  “Yes, doctor,” replied the nurse as she turned to leave the room.

  A few minutes later the nurse returned with a few ice packs. I gently placed one behind his neck and the other two under each arm. There. That should help. I prayed it would help.

  While I spent the night by Anthony’s bed, Gina and I sent texts back and forth. She seemed to be doing better from what I could tell by the texts, but I was still going to make a point for us to spend some time this week with Chris.

  Chapter 7

  Monday, January 27th


  I woke up to Matt nudging me to wake up. When I realized where I was at I sat up quickly.

  “Fuck, what? What is it?” I looked down at Sydney and saw that she was still sleeping. Fuck. Anthony. “What’s wrong? Is it Anthony?”

  “No, I asked the nurse to let me know when Sydney needed her bandages changed so I could come do them. I didn’t want you guys to have to go through what you went through yesterday.”

  Once my heart settled down, I thanked him and looked down at Sydney sleeping.

  “It wasn’t any fault to the nurse. She was very nice and patient.”

  “I know, but it’s still a stranger to Sydney.”

  Matt and I gently woke Sydney up so she wouldn’t panic and this time, Sydney did much better. After all the wounds were cleaned and bandaged, she settled back down in bed, curled up and went back to sleep.

  I sat in the rocking chair and since I was wide awake now, I began going through some work emails. There was an ungodly amount but I wasn’t going to get stressed over it.

  Soft voices trickled into my head and I realized that I had fallen asleep. I looked at my watch and nearly panicked. I had fallen asleep nearly five hours ago! It was early afternoon now and Sydney was sitting up in bed, watching me. She gave me a smile and it energized my soul.

  Sydney smiled!

  I moved to the bed and pulled her into my arms and hugged her. While I was dropping kisses on her forehead she tapped me on the chest and whispered that I had a visitor. Remembering those voices that pulled me out of my slumber I turned towards the sound of two men talking. Matt stood close to the window with Mitch.

  “Hey, Mitch,” I greeted him as he made his way over to us.

  I started to stand but Mitch waved me off.

  “Don’t get up.”

  When Mitch came over he bent down and hugged me and then sat down in the rocking chair I had been asleep in. I could tell he was looking me over as much as Sydney.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t awake when you came in. Have you been here long?”

  “Just a little while. Matt filled me
in a little on how you guys are doing. You guys look really worn out.”

  I nodded and told him it has been a rough few weeks but we’re moving forward.

  “James wanted to come, actually everyone wanted to come. I told them that we needed to give you and Sydney some time before people from work start popping in and out.”

  “Thank you, Mitch. Maybe another few days and we’ll be at the visiting point. Right now, it’s too much.”

  I dropped another kiss to Sydney’s head and glanced down at her. In her hand, she held the bag of M&M’s that Blake brought yesterday and the yellow sock monkey that Anthony had given her.

  “I’m glad you stopped by, Mitch. Please give our best to everyone at work. I’ll try to catch up with you later this week…”

  “Colin,” he stood up and frowned at me shaking his head. “You take care of what you need to take care of. I will take care of things at work and if I can’t, I’ll harass your CFO.”

  Anthony. My stomach hurt suddenly. Mitch, of course, was kidding, but it reminded me Anthony was still fighting for his life a few floors above us. Matt sensed my unease and came over.

  “I told Mitch that after you guys were done I’d take him upstairs for a few minutes to see Anthony.”

  I thanked Mitch for stopping by and pulled Sydney closer as they walked out of the room. I had to believe things were moving in the right direction for the three of us.

  “Want some?”

  Sydney’s sweet voice pulled me out of my mind of worries and held the bag of M&M’s toward me. I was so happy that she was talking and upright that I felt like my chest could explode. I nodded and held my hand out and she poured a few pieces into my hand. There were several colors that landed in my palm, but the one I focused on, was green. I picked it up and held it to her lips. Her big blue eyes were locked on mine and I saw our girl in there. I took a huge risk in that moment but it eased a horrible ache in my chest and gave me hope that all wasn’t lost.

  “Open, baby.”

  Her sweet mouth curved into a smile and she opened her mouth, closed her eyes and I pushed the candy in. She closed her mouth, smiling and ate the candy. God, how I’ve missed this woman. She and I sat quietly and ate the rest of the bag.

  “Who brought the sock monkey, baby?”

  “Gloria and Arthur. They also brought one of the throws from home.”

  Sydney reached behind her and tugged over the throw we’ve kept in the great room.

  “Colin,” Sydney said very quietly as she looked downward. I encouraged her to continue. “Can we go for a walk? I want to walk some.”

  “Let me talk to Matt and see what we can do, baby.”

  She said that she wanted a nap first though and was still tired. I smiled at her and lay down next to her to take a nap with her. I pulled the throw that Gloria and Arthur brought around us and shut my eyes. I drifted off to sleep with Sydney’s vanilla scent mixed with mine and Anthony’s cologne filling my senses. This blanket might be the perfect medicine.

  Chapter 8

  Tuesday, January 28th


  Today finally brought some positive news regarding Anthony. They took the chest tubes out and transferred him from the ICU to regular care. Matt managed to get Anthony put in the same room as Sydney. It was a surprise to me when I found out.

  I woke up and saw him lying just a few feet away from Sydney’s bed. I sat up on an elbow and watched as some doctors and nurses got Anthony settled while Matt oversaw everything. Sydney was still asleep so I didn’t dare move or make any noise. I hadn’t seen Anthony in a couple of days so just having him in the same room now made me feel better. This was the first time in two and a half weeks that the three of us have been in the same room.

  Anthony had a slew of doctors and nurses in and out tending to him. Matt was sitting right beside Anthony and constantly watched the monitors. He talked to Blake and I about the fever that Anthony’s been running off and on that keeps coming back.

  “What does that mean? Is something wrong? He’s had the fever a few days off and on,” I whispered to Matt.

  “He’s developed an infection so the antibiotic was changed and increased. It’s common when you have chest tubes or on a ventilator and have a catheter. The longer they’re in, the more havoc they can cause.”

  Hours later I woke up to some commotion and naturally pulled Sydney a little closer to me to comfort her. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Sydney was doing okay and still fast asleep, but Anthony was very much awake now and it was agonizing to watch him suffer.

  Matt was trying to keep him still but Anthony was mumbling something about the bathroom. Blake helped him sit up just in time for Anthony to throw up in a container Matt held for him. Matt’s back was to me and effectively blocking my view.

  Anthony’s heart rate monitor was starting to speed up and he began struggling with Matt to let him out of bed. Anthony was continually getting sick and some nurses came in to help Matt with him.

  Moments later he was being helped to the bathroom where I could hear him getting sick again. Matt was inside the bathroom with him trying to calm him down while Blake was in the doorway ready to help if needed.

  “Anthony, try to be still and relax. It’ll subside. There’s a lot of heavy medicine in you. Try to calm down.”

  I’m sure he was totally shocked. He’s been groggy and feverish for a few days and then wakes up vomiting and I’m sure he hurts everywhere.

  “I’m so fucking hot,” Anthony’s voice was raspy and sounded weird. He coughed and I could hear him getting sick again. His body was a mess right now, but it was so good to hear his voice.

  Blake picked a plastic bag up from the table that Arthur brought from the drugstore by my house and pulled out a toothbrush for Anthony. I could hear Matt talking to Anthony trying to help him stand up and to not push it and take it easy. I couldn’t help but smile when I heard Anthony swear after he gargled mouthwash.

  “My fucking throat hurts.”

  “The pain will go away. Give it time, Anth.”

  I could hear the anguish in his voice as he began putting things together.

  “Sydney! Matt, what about Sydney? Did you guys find her? Is she safe? Where’s Col?” He spoke rapidly and Matt quickly calmed him so he didn’t work himself up again.

  “Relax, Anthony. You just walked by her. She’s sleeping in the bed next to yours.”

  Seconds later, Anthony filled the doorframe of the bathroom, checking to see if Matt was teasing him. Matt never would have done that to him in this state. But I knew that Anthony needed to see it for himself.

  With Matt’s hand wrapped around Anthony’s arm, he guided Anthony over to the rocking chair and helped him sit down. Anthony looked Sydney over from head to toe and his hand shook when he reached out to touch her face. His eyes moved around, checking her over. When he was satisfied that it was really Sydney, he clasped his hands together tightly in front on his mouth and dropped his head so his forehead rested on his hands. Matt put his hands on Anthony’s shoulders and tried to calm him down.

  “She’s going to be alright, Anth,” Matt said gently. I reached over and put my hand on top of his fists and squeezed until he looked up at me.

  His eyes were red and he looked pale. I tried to reassure him silently but he was making me emotional too. His eyes locked onto mine and he turned his hand over and took hold of the top of my hand, squeezing it.

  “Are you okay, Col?” His voice was raspy and he began looking at my arms and legs to see if I had any sign of injury. I nodded and smiled at him assuring him that I was in one piece.

  “We’re going to be okay, Anth.” I wanted to emphasize to him that the three of us were going to be okay.

  He nodded, shaking out from under Matt’s hands and reached up for his chest and shut his eyes tightly. I could tell Matt was irked that Anthony was still obviously uncomfortable with people touching him. Matt was able to get Anthony to ease back in the rocking chair. I could see his chest risi
ng and falling rapidly and his mouth was tightly shut. He was in pain.

  “Anth, come on. You need to be back in bed.”

  Since he is obviously still uncomfortable with anyone but me touching him, I got off the bed and took hold of his arm as Blake did and we helped him back to his bed. As he lay back down, I couldn’t help but worry about him again. He was very weak and his body was under a lot of physical and emotional stress.

  “Easy, son. Lie back and let the medicine run its course.”

  “Blake…” Anthony rasped out weakly.

  “No more talking, Anthony. Just rest.”

  Matt got Anthony hooked back up to the monitors and the heart monitor zipped to life, revealing that his heart was pounding.

  “Try and relax, Anth.” I set my hand on his shoulder while Matt got a few I.V.’s in him.

  I could tell Matt released some pain medicine because Anthony’s frame started to relax and he began taking deeper breaths rather than the shallow ones from a few minutes ago. He was asleep within the next five minutes.

  “I’m going to have them give Anth something to help with the nausea. It’s not good for him to be vomiting so much. It’ll cause too much strain on his organs and muscles and then his wounds won’t heal properly. Plus, it just weakens him more,” Matt said and then left the room.

  It didn’t take Matt very long because shortly after he came back into the room a nurse came in and started another I.V. bag for a low dose of something to help combat the nausea. After the nurse left, Blake sat down next to Anthony and kept rubbing on Anthony’s hand or his arm.


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