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Lost (The Everett Gaming Series Book 5)

Page 18

by Drew Sera

  “I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow. Take care tonight,” Matt said.

  I told him we would be fine and I hoped he’d take good care of Gina tonight. I know she’s been keeping some things inside and away from Matt. Those things came to light this afternoon.

  We changed into pajamas and lounged on the couch together. Sydney lay on the chaise and I snuggled up behind her. Anthony sat next to where her head was at and she ended up resting her head on his leg. I leaned my head against her back and wrapped her up in my arms. I dozed off for a while and when I woke up Anthony hadn’t moved from where he had been sitting. I started to sit up to make sure they were doing okay but he stopped me.

  “Rest, Col. She’s asleep. Sleep, man.”

  I let my head rest against Sydney again and Anthony pulled the throw back around my shoulders and put his hand back down on my back. It was like he was giving me permission to just put everything on him right now and relax. It was hard for me to do that, but I gave into it.

  We stayed like that for a few hours and then made it upstairs to take a bath together. Sydney got chilled very quickly and we ended up cutting our tub time short and headed to bed.

  Chapter 30

  Saturday, February 8th


  When I woke up, I became aware it was light outside already. No one was sick in the night and no bad dreams. I was so happy for them. Sydney was awake and looking at me.

  “Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?”

  “Good, Sir.”

  I moved closer to her and kissed her forehead and admonished myself for not going after her lips. I moved from her forehead down to her lips. I could feel her smiling and then felt her press her body closer to mine and rub against my erection. I looked in her eyes and when I was sure she was okay with potentially continuing, I took a chance and began to slowly make out with her. It felt so fucking good to feel her body come alive under my hands again.

  “Sir,” she breathed.

  I swallowed hard, fearing I had moved too fast and closed my eyes hoping I hadn’t fucked up too badly.

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “Sir, I…I want to try.”

  My eyes flew open and met her deep blue eyes. I was so happy to hear her say that. Not only because my body was aching to connect like that with them, but because this was a desire coming from her. It wasn’t Anthony or I pushing, or us instigating it, or asking her about it. This was coming from her.

  I glanced at Anthony. He was lying on his side facing us and listening. I knew he would object if he felt Sydney wasn’t ready. Neither of us would proceed if we felt she wasn’t in that place yet. And maybe she wasn’t, but we weren’t going to know unless we tried.

  “Baby, what do you say when you want to stop?”

  “Red, Sir.”

  “Good girl, and what do you say if you want to slow down?”

  “Yellow, Sir.”

  I nodded slowly and then took her face in my hands and began slowly making out with her again. She needed to be warmed up some. We had to be careful with everything. Physically, I knew she was doing well, but I wasn’t sure how the emotional state would be once we started.

  Once she started feverishly kissing me, her hands dropped from my shoulders to my chest. It turned me on as she rubbed on my chest and I reached down and pushed my boxer briefs off. I was now naked and Sydney was still clothed. I was at a juncture that I wasn’t one hundred percent sure how to navigate. Ending the brief awkward moment, Anthony pressed against Sydney and kissed her ear softly.

  “Sunshine, Colin is still Colin. Let him love you, sweetheart. I’m right here. I’ll help you,” Anthony whispered to her and kissed her ear again, causing her to smile and the hint of nervousness fade. One thing that wasn’t fading was my hard on.

  Anthony helped her slide her panties down as he kissed her. When those two kiss, it’s like watching a fireworks display go off. They were both up on their knees now and when he pulled apart from her mouth, he turned her to face me.

  “Sunshine, Colin is ready if you are.”

  “I’m ready. I want to try,” Sydney said while smiling.

  Anthony seemed just as excited as I was. He moved with her closer to me and he straddled my legs and helped Sydney lower down on my shaft slowly. God, she felt good. I concentrated on not even moving for a while. I wanted her to get comfortable and acclimated again and I hoped she wouldn’t feel any pain or discomfort. Anthony stayed behind her and kept his chin resting on her shoulder and every now and then he’d kiss and lick her neck.

  She had taken hold of my hands and began to move a little here and there, which was completely fine. We needed to go at her pace. Sydney turned to face Anthony and moved toward him to kiss. As the two of them made out, she began moving more on my cock while I held her hands. It was incredibly hot to watch her and Anthony make out, yet know that it’s my cock she’s riding and filling her.

  Anthony was supportive and gentle with her. While they made out, he held one hand on her cheek and the other was protectively wrapped around her waist. His body was pressed against her back and butt. He was providing Sydney with comfort, strength, confidence, protection and above all, love. Just watching the two of them is almost enough to get me off, but I actually had her riding my cock. So, the sight of them was just added fuel. I felt it build quickly and got her attention.

  “Baby, I’m going to come.”

  I was hoping that I’d be able to tell by her reaction or expression if she was uncomfortable with this. She made a muffled noise while lip locked with Anthony, but he stopped making out with her and turned her chin so she was facing me.

  “Look in his eyes as he fills you, sunshine. Who loves you, Sydney?” Anthony asked her.

  “Colin and Anthony.”

  “And who are they, sunshine?”

  Sydney was looking deep in my eyes as she said, “Everything.” And at that declaration, I erupted in her. I tried to keep myself still but ended up moving more than I intended to. I was surprised that my throbbing set her off and she came too. It was as if I had never felt her pussy contract around me before. It felt amazing and it shattered me physically and emotionally.

  “Good girl, sunshine. Let Colin feel you and hear you,” Anthony encouraged her to be more vocal. He hadn’t pushed or prompted her much. I know it’s something we’ll have to work on again. But this was a major step. She was still riding out her orgasm and Anthony was right there to keep her warm while I basked in the warmth of watching her smile and knowing that my cum was buried deep in her. Sydney let out a soft, content sigh and slumped backward against Anthony. He laughed and then gently guided her to lie down on me so our chests and stomachs were pressed against one another. I immediately wrapped her in my arms and Anthony pulled the blankets up over us.

  “Be right back,” Anthony said and went into the bathroom.

  “Sydney, baby, I’m so proud of you. Are you alright, baby?”

  “Yes, Sir.” I heard her sniffle. “I love you and missed you guys so much.”

  “We love you too, baby.”

  I squeezed her in my arms and told her not to worry and to rest. She had just settled her head on my chest when Anthony came back in the room. He sat down on the bed and had a few washcloths.

  “Baby, Anthony is going to clean you up some,” I whispered to her. I didn’t want her to be startled or get scared when she felt the blankets get lowered and then felt a damp washcloth. I continued to hold her while Anthony tended to our kitten. I had barely just slipped from her warm pussy. She felt unbelievable. Anthony tossed a damp cloth over my shoulder so I could quickly clean up too.

  I helped Sydney off my body so she could relax more comfortably between Anthony and I. He and I both snuggled her and told her how proud of her we were. I think all of us were completely spent. It was more emotional than physical.

  I woke up to hearing my name faintly being called and my shoulder being pushed. I knew that kind of nudge; it was a nudge to alert me of something. I w
oke right up and noticed I was in the bed alone and Anthony was headed toward the bathroom calling Sydney’s name.

  I followed him into the bathroom with my heart pounding and we both came to a stop when we saw Sydney curled up sitting on the floor of the shower. She was crying, shaking, and it tore my heart to pieces to see her like that.

  “Sunshine,” Anthony walked in under the water spray in his boxer briefs.

  He sat behind Sydney, wrapped his arms around her and bent his legs up to comfort her on each side. It reminded me of how he sat on the floor of the closet with her once. Anthony looked up at me begging for help. I snapped out of it and went into the shower with them, shut the faucet off and crouched down in front of her. Anthony had pried her hands away from being wrapped around her sides and he held them outward toward me.

  I took her shaking hands from Anthony’s and he tilted her chin up to look at me. Her eyes were clouded and I realized my terrible mistake. I allowed us to go to sleep afterwards instead of taking the time to sit and cuddle and talk with her. She needed that, especially after everything that has happened. Now she had slipped off somewhere and it was my fault. I had to be sure though this wasn’t a reaction out of fear.

  “Baby, talk to me. Did I scare you?”

  She shook her head but didn’t speak.

  “Sydney, do you regret us having sex?” I asked her softly.

  Her lip quivered and more tears spilled out. She shook her head and then finally broke her stare from over my shoulder and looked at my chest.

  “I don’t regret it, I just feel weird. I hate it and I don’t know how to make it stop or make it better.”

  “It’s going to be okay, baby. We’ll help you. Anthony and I will talk with you about it and we’ll figure it out.”

  “Good, because I hate how I feel right now.”

  I nodded at her and looked up at Anthony. At least Sydney recognized she felt off and she wanted help.

  “Baby, we’re going to get in dry clothes. Anthony’s going to hold you while I make us breakfast and then we’re going to talk. Okay?”

  She nodded frantically and I felt her eyes connect with me for the first time since she was sitting on me earlier.

  “Please, I hate this feeling, Colin.”

  “I know, baby. Just please trust Anthony and I to take care of you.”

  I felt her nod her head as I hugged her. Anthony and I got her dried off and into some warm clothes and we took turns holding her while the other one got dressed. After we ate, I led them into the great room and sat her down between Anthony and I.

  She looked defeated, depressed and not at all like our kitten. And to be honest, it was scaring the shit out of me. Anthony and I maintained physical touch with her while we spoke. I was terrified that I had caused this setback.

  “Did I hurt you, baby? During sex, did I do something wrong or...not wrong, but something that made you feel funny?”

  “No, you didn’t hurt me, Sir.”

  I wanted more because I needed to know and to try to understand in order to help. The feeling that I did something to set her off was weighing down on me and I continued to push when I probably should have stopped.

  “Could I have done something differently? Was it a bad position? Did I hold you too much or not enough?” I was desperate for any sort of information or indication as to what happened. She just shook her head. “Was my dick too hard? Maybe not hard enough? Was I too rough?”

  “Col, calm down, man.” Anthony reached over and gripped my shoulder. I should have listened to his warning and just stopped, but I made matters worse.

  “Easy for you to say. You didn’t fucking do this to her and then have no fucking clue what you did wrong,” I yelled at him.

  I didn’t mean it. I was scared and lashed out at him over the mere thought that I did something that scared or hurt Sydney. Anthony kissed Sydney’s head and pulled her throw around her shoulders some more. He then stood and took hold of my arm and led me to the kitchen.

  “I need to know if I did something that put her on the floor of the shower,” I explained to him.

  Anthony grabbed my upper arms and shook me some.

  “Colin, you didn’t do anything that sent her to the shower for comfort. Paul did the damage, man. You and I are doing to best we can but you have to calm down and get it the fuck out of your head that you hurt her this morning.”

  I nodded and exhaled the breath that I felt like I had been holding. I apologized again but I should have kept us up this morning to talk instead of drifting off to sleep.

  “I wanted to hear her tell me what upset her.”

  “Colin, she doesn’t know. She was kidnapped and held against her will for two weeks. Her mind and body was a playground for a sick fuck. There’s a lot of emotions and uncertainty going on for her.”


  We both turned and walked back to the great room to find Sydney crying and shaking.

  “Baby,” I whispered as I picked her up and cuddled her against me. “Baby, I’m so sorry.”

  “I don’t want to be alone. Please don’t leave me alone.”

  Sydney was terrified to even be in a room alone. I think if Paul were alive I’d kill him, easily. Then I saw my best friend and realized the mess it has left in his head for actually killing Paul.

  While we waited for Chris, Anthony and I both sat and held her. If I had to make an honest assessment though, I think Sydney and I held onto each other while Anthony held the two of us.

  Chris did a lot of talking with Sydney while Anthony and I sat on either side of her. Through tears she explained that she wanted badly to try the sex and actually really enjoyed it. She said she felt fine after the sex and while she was lying between Anthony and I. Chris continued to ask questions and it came out that she had fallen asleep but had a bad dream about Paul chaining her to the metal table and using the violet wand on her and flogging her. When she woke, she was shaken and instead of seeking comfort from Anthony or myself, she dealt with it the same way she had with Howard; a shower where she could cry. Anthony and I were so out of it and exhausted that neither of us heard her until it was too late.

  “Sydney, the next time you wake up from one of those dreams, it’s important you wake them up. They need to know and they can help talk with you about it.”

  She shook her head fast and looked down at the ground. Her hands gravitated toward each other but Anthony and I each took hold of one.

  “You don’t want to talk with them about the dreams, Sydney?”

  “It’s not that. I...I am afraid that they will get rid of me, or take my collar away. Maybe they won’t want to touch me anymore.”

  “Sydney, I understand your fears but I can tell you that there is no truth to them,” Chris said.

  “Eyes, baby.” I put my hand on her collar. “Sydney, while you were gone, I held your collar in my hands each night. Sometimes, the only thing that got me through some of those nights was your collar and hope. The only way it’s coming off of you again, is if you decide that you no longer want to wear it.”

  The look on Anthony’s face was one of pain and I knew what he was feeling. The thought of her not wanting to be with us was one that I hoped he and I would never have to deal with.

  Chapter 31

  Sunday, February 9th


  After we had breakfast, Colin had to work a bit on his laptop. Sydney and I sat in the great room with him and watched some T.V. in the background. Even with the volume low, I knew this was still a distraction.

  “Want to go for a little walk, sunshine?” I asked her.

  Her pretty eyes sparkled and her mouth turned into a smile. She nodded and we got our shoes on. I could tell that Colin felt bad and told us that we weren’t bothering him.

  “It’ll do us some good to walk a bit and stretch,” I told him and he nodded.

  Before we headed outside, Colin stood and kissed Sydney. Hand in hand, Sydney and I headed down the golf path. We walk
ed for a while in silence and then I heard her laugh. I had missed her laughter so much while she was gone. I playfully squeezed her hand and tugged her closer to me.

  “What are you laughing at, sunshine?”

  “The birds are so chatty.”

  I hadn’t even paid attention to know there were birds even chirping around us. I quickly noticed that there were tons of birds chirping and making noise. Leave it to Sydney to find something pleasant going on around her.

  Quickly, her smile faded and I felt her hand loosen in mine. I adjusted my grip and commented on her sudden frown. I was surprised at how open and talkative she was.

  “I was in the woods for almost two weeks. Never did I hear birds chirping.”

  Fuck. I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. I can’t begin to imagine how scared she must have been with that sick fuck.

  “I heard some kind of bird. Maybe a crow or something. But never any happy sounding birds like these.”

  “Well, they are in abundance here for you, sweetheart.”

  I tried sounding upbeat and I heard a quiet laugh from her. We were silent again for a few minutes and suddenly I heard chocked sobs. I stopped walking and turned her to face me. Her eyes were red and tears spilled from them. I felt that familiar ache building in my throat as she looked downward and tried wrapping her hands around her stomach and waist.

  “Sydney, sweetheart.”

  My stomach hurt as I watched tears falls. I pulled her against me as more sobs poured out of her.

  “I hated the woods, Anthony.”

  “I know, sunshine.” I held her against me and rocked her from side to side. “I hated the woods, too.”

  I could feel her head nodding. I knew she understood why I hated them. Sydney’s body began to feel heavy against mine. I lead us towards the bench on the path and when we sat down, I pulled her close to me. Sydney leaned into me and her hand went straight for my stomach.


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