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Lost (The Everett Gaming Series Book 5)

Page 27

by Drew Sera

  Chapter 45

  Friday, February 14th


  I checked my phone for messages on my walk to the restaurant. I hoped I’d be able to get us in for dinner. It’s our first Valentine’s Day and special. I should have sent Anthony so he could have sweet talked our way to reservations, but I’d give it a try. Turns out luck was on my side and not only was I was able to get reservations for 7:30 tonight, but they were giving me a table on the pier. I asked for one against the railing so Sydney wouldn’t have to look in so many directions or be so nervous about her surroundings.

  Proud of my reservation accomplishments, and after reading a text from Anthony saying that they were going for a walk, I walked into the bar on the pier and took a seat on the deck. I sat back, ordered a beer, took a deep breath and looked out over the ocean.

  I was so pleased with last night and how Sydney responded and did with the sex. She’s doing better, but I know it will be a long road. I pulled my phone out again and continued looking at some of the websites I had saved regarding sexual assault, victims of traumatic crimes, and abduction.

  For close to an hour I sat on the deck and poured over the information. I was pissed at myself for not having seen so much of what was going on with Anthony while Sydney was gone. I read in greater detail many of the behaviors that are exhibited in people who are abducted. Sydney was showing many of these; sleep disturbance, change in eating habits, fear of being alone, anxiety about going out in public, guilt, among other things. It was the same story regarding Anthony and his shift in behavior.

  I finished my beer and headed back to the beach house. I found my better halves sitting on the blanket halfway between the ocean and the deck. Anthony was lying down and Sydney was rubbing on his back. I announced myself from a distance away so I didn’t startle Sydney. She turned and waved at me and Anthony pushed himself up to make sure it was me.

  I sat down beside Sydney and watched her rub on Anthony’s bruised body. He held her side as he finally accepted some physical comfort. I was extremely happy about this and didn’t want either of them to move. The three of us sat together chatting about lots of random things until it was time to get ready to go eat. When Anthony stood to head inside, I saw how drained he was. Sydney was walking a few steps ahead of us towards the house and I tried grabbing his attention.

  “You alright?”

  “Fine. Maybe too much sun.”

  Under the lights of the kitchen I glanced both of them over. Anthony immediately went over to his medicine and sat down to drink some water while I went upstairs with Sydney to start getting us ready.

  “Sydney, I checked out the restaurant this afternoon and we’ll have a table out on the pier. There are a few other tables out there, but it’s not nearly as crowded as the inside dining room.”

  I felt that it was in her best interest to tell her about tonight so she knew what to expect.

  “If you’re feeling up to it, I thought the three of us could catch some music at the nearby beach club.”

  “I’d like that. I will try not to worry.”

  “Baby, it’s ok if you do. We can leave whenever you’d like. I just thought it’d be nice to get out a little bit.”

  After dinner, I planned on the three of us going to a nearby club to take in some music. All were within walking distance and would be fun for the evening. Just on the other side of the private beach, the sand turned into a paver stone walkway leading to the pier with the restaurant, shops and the clubs. I thought Sydney would enjoy the walk. Walking has been good for her. She goes for a walk almost every day with Anthony.

  Thankfully, Anthony had helped Sydney pack for some dinners out and he and I packed accordingly too. Since it was an upscale restaurant, we had to dress to their dress code, which meant Anthony and I had to wear ties. I wore black dress slacks, a white dress shirt that had thin black pinstripes and a black tie with a jacket. I always have to put some effort into looking nice, whereas Anthony blindly can pull something from the closet and looks like a stylist dressed him. He wore gray pants with a blue checked button shirt and a solid blue knit tie. He looked effortlessly sharp as always. Sydney had slipped on a flowing dress that came down to her knees. It was a pale light blue and had flowers on it. I helped her find a sweater so she wouldn’t get cold and then we were off. She looked beautiful despite her worries and insecurities, but given everything she’s been through I thought she was doing pretty well.

  It didn’t escape my notice that the restaurant mostly had couples dining or other table with even numbered patrons. Our table was the only one for three and I didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought. We were seated outside on the deck right next to a heat lamp, as I requested. The sun had gone down and the sky was painted a mix of oranges, reds, and some purple. It provided a romantic backdrop for our Valentine’s Day. Dinner was great and went well. My only regret was that we weren’t secluded a bit more, but I suppose I couldn’t complain too much since it was Valentine’s Day and I was able to get reservations somewhere. Sydney did very well while we waited in the lobby. At our table, she sat between Anthony and I with her back against the railing, so no one could walk up from behind her. This placement ensured she didn’t stress over the worry of possibly being startled.

  The three of us walked along the boardwalk to the club that wasn’t too far from the restaurant. I had my arm wrapped around her shoulder while Anthony held her hand as we walked. I was elated that Anthony and I could both show our love for Sydney in public here and not have to worry about the possibility of running into someone from work or a client.

  There was a live band playing some calypso music as we approached the outdoor entrance to the club. The music was perfect for the beach. It was all instrumental and was a decent volume. Anthony led us through the club and found us seats to settle in and enjoy the evening. He understood the importance of the position of the seats. It would be the difference in Sydney being able to relax or being stressed. Eventually I talked Sydney into dancing with me. Anthony stayed back at the table while I led Sydney through the crowd. “Sir,” she said faintly.

  I turned to look at her and lowered my head so I could hear her better. “I can’t dance, Colin.”

  What a sweetheart. I smiled at her and kissed her lips. I told her it didn’t matter and that she’d look beautiful if she did nothing more than stand there with me. I stood facing her and looked in those deep blue eyes. She looked tense so I tapped her chin and she looked up at me.

  “Baby, don’t worry. This is supposed to be fun. You danced with Anthony at the Christmas party. You could dance then.”

  “Yeah, but…he just told me to follow his lead.”

  “Exactly. You listened to him and trusted him. You’ll do the same now.”

  She smiled and I put my hands on her hips and shook them playfully until she laughed out loud. She grabbed hold of my heart a little tighter when she smiled. She had a smile that lit up my life and I know she has the same effect on Anthony.

  “Loosen these hips up a bit. Just like you did last night when I had my cock in you, baby.”

  Her cheeks turned a nice shade of red and her pupils dilated. I got her moving to the beat with me some and we were laughing and having a great time. Over her shoulder, I could see Anthony watching intently. I have seen this look from him many times before. I stared at him hoping he’d come over. After a few songs, he finally came over and pressed himself right up against Sydney’s back. He wrapped a hand around her and pressed it below her belly button and lowered his head until his lips brushed her cheek.

  “This doesn’t look like lovers dancing. It’s like senior center dancing. Get down with him, sunshine. Make every man in this place wish he had you in front of him. Make Colin so hard that it hurts.”

  Anthony moved Sydney closer to me until our fronts were touching and he remained behind her grinding up against her. The three of us danced to a handful of songs until Sydney finally let go and moved with us. I had my hands on her face
and was making out with her while grinding with her as Anthony had his hands on her hips and rubbed against her. When I saw him take her earlobe into his mouth, I really thought that he was doing well and was “back”. It was like the three of us were all alone and the feeling was exhilarating. Anthony and I were grinding against her and then I turned her to face him and he began making out with her.

  We started to get a little too physical for the general public so I suggested we head back. I was on a high. This day had been so good and I didn’t want anything to go wrong. It’s been so rough for all of us lately. We flirted heavily with her on our walk back to the house, stopping here and there to kiss her.

  Instead of walking up toward the house, Anthony pulled his shirt off and tossed it in the sand heading towards the water. He shed his clothes as he went, except for his tie, and encouraged us to follow.

  “Come on. A little cool water won’t hurt. I want to lick the salty sea water off your sweet lips, sunshine.”

  He stood on the damp sand staring at us, wearing only his tie. Anthony smiled and walked back up the sand toward us and he touched Sydney’s cheek while he looked deep into her eyes.

  “Trust me?” He breathed, sounding slightly winded.


  The spark between Sydney and Anthony has been powerful from the beginning. They just charge each other up and it’s hot to watch. Sydney let go of my hand as Anthony was pulling her sweater off and then her dress followed. He went slow enough though that Sydney could stop it if she wanted to. He continued with unhooking her bra, letting it fall to the sand and then he tugged her panties down. As he stood, he picked her up, pulling her over his shoulder and carried her like a sack of potatoes to the water. She laughed and shrieked the entire way.

  “Come on, Col,” he called after me.

  I shed my clothes and walked slowly to the water, watching them. I stood in the water up to my ankles and took hold of my hardening cock. I slowly stroked it while I watched him bend his head to playfully nip at her nipples. She shrieked when her naked body touched the cool water. By then he was cradling her in his arms, taking extra care to keep her head above water and was kissing her. He licked her lips as I approached. Anthony hadn’t gone out very far and was standing up where the water went just above his knees. I took one of Sydney’s nipples in my mouth and sucked gently on it. We continued to tease her and work on loosening her body until I was aching with need.

  Sydney had her arms wrapped around his neck and was trying to help hold herself up. Anthony tapped her tummy with his fingers and told her to relax and promised her that he wasn’t going to drop her in the water. I knew he wouldn’t drop her even as a joke. Everything comes down to trust with Sydney. Trust can be so easily damaged or yanked away, and neither Anthony or I would do anything to harm the trust.

  She loosened her grip around his neck and he smiled down at her. He and I were both now standing nearly waist deep in the water with our hard ons bobbing against her in the water. I lessened the weight he was feeling by encouraging her to wrap one arm around my shoulders. He held her upper back and I held her lower. Now Anthony and I each hand a free hand. I looked up at him to see if he was thinking what I was thinking; finger play.

  “Front or back, Anth?”

  “Back, if you don't mind.”

  I smirked at him and we raised her up a bit so that she was barely touching the water. Ocean water lapped at her pussy when the waves broke against us. Anthony put his finger in his mouth and seductively moistened it while Sydney watched with lust filled eyes. She was a tight ball of sexual nerves after our dancing and making out. She didn’t take her eyes off his as he rimmed her. Her lips parted and her eyelids dropped a little bit. We could both feel her moving slightly in our arms trying to get more of Anthony’s finger. I could tell by the position of his hand that he only had his finger in as deep as his first knuckle.

  “You like that, sunshine?” he asked her playfully.

  “Of course, she does. Look at her face, feel her body moving.”

  “Yep, I think our little kitten wants more.” He stopped and pulled his finger out. “Maybe not, though.” Anthony looked up and was playing around with her.

  “No! Please, Sir. I want more.” Sydney eagerly chimed in, which made Anthony and I unable to contain our smiles.

  “You want a little bit more of my finger, sunshine?”

  “Yes, please, Sir.”

  Anthony laughed and then began to push his finger in. This time he went a little deeper and a little gasp left Sydney's mouth.

  “His finger feels good, huh, baby?” I asked her.

  She closed her eyes and nodded. A gorgeous smile spread across her face.

  “Tell him, baby. Let him know.”

  She opened her eyes and looked at Anthony telling him how wonderful his finger felt. Since she’s been back, Anthony and I have really limited our attempts at playing with her anally. Paul wasn’t really gentle with our girl and we didn’t want to hurt her. It filled my chest with hope though when I could see how much she was enjoying this. I decided that each day we’d try to get her used to anal again, little by little.

  “Give our girl some fingers, Col.”

  “My pleasure.”

  I pushed my index and middle finger into her waiting pussy and let my thumb rest against her swollen clit. She was sexually needy. We worked in a perfect rhythm and I let my thumb bring her to the edge several times but I didn’t let her come. I loved controlling that and loved the look on her face each time she thought she was going to be tipped over, only for me to stop rubbing her clit.

  The waves continued to crash against our bodies, encouraging us inside. I wanted us to have sex with Sydney tonight and I wanted Anthony to be more of an active participant than he’s been lately. Anthony carried her up toward the house while I gathered our clothes. I was glad my beach house was secluded and very private. Anthony stood by the doors on the decking and waited for me to open the door.

  We went upstairs and took a warm shower to get the salt water and sand off. I was rock hard as we washed her off and then she took to washing both of us. Sydney smiled as she slowly stroked each of us with soapy hands. It felt so damn good and I was so hard that I ached. Anthony and I were both facing her and had our arms stretched out on the shower walls and on the glass to give Sydney the chance to explore and play with us. With our arms up and stretched, I thought it would give her a sense of security to know that she could go at her own pace and not worry about either of us rubbing or trying to instigate something else or dictate pace.

  While she stroked Anthony, my dick bounced and rubbed against her butt and lower back. We made sure though that even though our arms were giving her the space she needed, that one of us was constantly touching her. She continued working on Anthony and I glanced at his face. He was just staring down at her as she worked him with his chest rising and falling rapidly.

  “Feels good, huh, Anth?”

  I knew he was starved for sexual attention. Positive, consensual attention, that is. He was trying to keep his arms up even though I could tell he itched to touch her.

  “Fuck yeah, it feels good.” He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and closed his eyes. “Rub on my balls, sunshine.” I could see Sydney reach out with her other soapy hand and she began fondling his nuts. He loves that. “Little harder, sunshine. Don’t be afraid that you’re going to hurt them...fuck....that’s it...little harder...yeah, Sydney. Perfect, sunshine.”

  His eyes were shut and I knew if she kept it up much longer that he’d come just from the hand job. He was really enjoying himself and I was happy for him. I wanted him to come and I knew it would make him feel better once he finally does.

  “Love on Colin some, sunshine.”

  I frowned when he sent her to me, abandoning his need to come. I watched him try to calm himself down and then dropped my eyes to Sydney. She soaped me up and stroked me at a different, slower speed than she had been stroking Anthony. Sydney knew
how each of us likes and needs to be touched.

  Anthony and I were both becoming restless and he lowered his arms to shake them some. Mine were a little on the cool side too. I suggested we rinse off and move to the bed. We had a little kitten that has been teased quite a bit tonight and needed to come.

  Once we were dry, I carried our girl to bed and set her down in the center. Anthony and I each took up her sides and went to work kissing her body. Anthony ended up at the bottom of the bed, on his stomach nestled between her legs, licking and loving her. That has always been his preferred “go to” comfort zone. Convinced that he was doing just fine, from the opposite end of the bed, I concentrated on making out with her. I loved the way her hands felt grabbing and holding onto my chest. My heart skipped a beat when she pushed back from me and looked in my eyes. The words seemed to be stuck in her throat though.

  “What, baby? Say it,” I encouraged, and lightly kissed her jaw.

  “I...I want to...take you in my mouth. Please, Sir.”

  I searched her eyes making sure that this wasn’t her saying this because she thought that’s what I wanted or expected. I’d hope she’d know better by now. But just in case, I wanted to get a verbal confirmation.

  “Are you sure, baby? You don’t have to. I’m not expecting that.”

  “I know. I want to though. Please. I want to taste you again.”

  I glanced down at Anthony and saw that he was watching Sydney and I. My cock was already dripping pre-cum and wanted this badly. I had one hundred percent faith in Anthony and knew he would speak up if he didn’t think it was a good idea. When he lowered his head and went back to devouring our girl, I knew I had this approval.

  I tried not moving like a desperate teenager, but fuck, I wanted my cock in her mouth badly. I moved to a kneeling position and leaned back on the headboard. I watched eagerly as her lips closed around my shaft and then found myself having to close my eyes. War raged in my body as I tried to calm it while the Dom in me wanted and needed a good physical session.


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