Lost (The Everett Gaming Series Book 5)

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Lost (The Everett Gaming Series Book 5) Page 31

by Drew Sera

They posed for the picture and I took a few. Anthony took a picture of Sydney and I and then asked a nearby teenager to take a picture of the three of us. When Anthony sat back down on the short brick wall, I reached around Sydney and put my arm around him, letting it hang over his shoulder. When I looked at the picture, all I could do was smile. We were all smiling in the picture and though Anthony still had bags under his eyes, a red mark on his cheek from Matt and what I think will turn into a permanent bruised neck from Victor, he looked healthy.

  As we continued on our casually paced walk, I noticed Sydney started to struggle with standing still much. She seemed to be getting antsy and when I asked her about it, she simply shrugged and said she was glad to be out and walking around. While we were gazing through the front window of a candy shop, in the reflection of the window I saw her place her hand on her lower abdomen. It drew my attention immediately and I turned to face her.

  “What, baby?” I asked her while placing my hand under her chin.

  “Um,” she weakly mumbled and began looking up and down the street.

  “Eyes on me, baby.”

  By now Anthony had abandoned the window confection and stood close behind her so she could feel him.

  “Sydney, are you in pain, sunshine?”

  She shook her head, but it was obvious that she was in discomfort.

  “I just…need to go to the…bathroom.”

  “Ok, we’ll find you one, baby. Do you feel like you might be sick?” I asked and quickly scanned up and down the street while Anthony did the same.

  “No, I’m not sick, I just have to go.”

  “Sunshine, why didn’t you say something earlier? Remember, never be afraid of having a need. We would have let you use the restroom.”

  Anthony’s joking voice trailed off as we saw Sydney’s eyes look downward. She was quick to swipe a tear that had just fallen. Before she spoke, I knew what was happening…she was scared to go.

  “I…I don’t want to go in there…what if…”

  Anthony didn’t let her finish voicing that fear. He pulled her into his arms and held her head against his chest. While he and I shared a look, I rubbed her upper back. I told her that it wasn’t good for her to hold it to the point where she’s in pain.

  “But, what if…”

  “Shh…stop, sunshine. Honey, nothing is going to happen to you,” Anthony tried to comfort and reassure her.

  “What about you guys? What if I come out and one of you are gone? I’m not just afraid for myself.”

  Sydney buried her face in Anthony’s chest. Fuck, she’s so turned around from Paul and it breaks my heart. She worried for Anthony and I. I’ll admit that because of what happened with Paul, I pay more attention to my surroundings and more attention to Sydney and Anthony while we’re out. It’s had an impact on all of us.

  The coffee shop we visited earlier was on the opposite side of the street and we headed towards it. I remember seeing their bathrooms were off to the side of the register and the doors were in plain view. As we walked to the coffee shop, Anthony successfully pulled a smile and laugh out of her. Thank God for him and his ability to make her smile and laugh.

  “If Batman went missing, Robin would save his ass. Robin always saves Batman’s ass. The shows and cartoons only show part of what really happens. Robin is the bigger man.”

  I laughed along with his Batman jabs. It made both of them smile and I loved seeing them like this. As we were headed towards the bathroom a lady and her young daughter were headed towards the restroom; I saw this as a positive thing. She wouldn’t be alone in there, which should ease some of her worries.

  Anthony and I leaned against the glass wall opposite of the women’s room. He commented that he had to go too but I encouraged him to wait until Sydney was back out. She’d get upset if she came out and didn’t see him.

  While we waited, I let my mind wander. Sydney still was scared and despite my attempts, I don’t think I’m helping her much. My eyes were focused on the bathroom door when I felt Anthony’s hand slap my chest.

  “What?” I asked him but didn’t move my eyes from the bathroom door.

  “Relax, Col.”

  “Anth, she’s scared to the point where she’d rather be in physical pain than go to the bathroom. I don’t want her to live in fear.”

  “I don’t either. We’re trying, Col. You’ve said it before; it’s going to take time. Relax and just love her and take care of her. That’s what she needs to feel secure and to live again.”

  Now I pulled my eyes away from the door and looked at Anthony.

  “And what is it that you need to feel secure and live again?” I asked him quietly.

  Anthony’s eyes swung toward the opening bathroom door and he pulled Sydney against him and hugged her while looking at me over her head.

  “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  I rolled my eyes at him for once again evading my questions and concern that is directed at him, and pulled Sydney into my arms while Anthony went to the bathroom.

  “Feel better, baby?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s a natural reaction right now. It will get better, baby. I promise.”

  I knew Sydney was focused on the men’s room door and I slid my hand upward from her hand to her wrist and felt her pulse zipping along. She was afraid.

  “Baby, it’s okay to feel nervous or afraid, but if you tell me, I can help.”

  Sydney looked from the men’s room door to my eyes and then back to the men’s room door.

  “Anthony…I don’t like being away from you guys.”

  “Sydney, there are going to be times where we’re going to be apart. Just for little things like this. He’s fine in there.”

  “What if…”

  “Sydney, Anthony is fine. He’s safe, just like you are.”

  I kissed her forehead and then Anthony emerged from the bathroom and took hold of Sydney’s hand. When he did, I could feel her body relax in my arms. We headed towards the car and then spent the rest of the afternoon driving around the beach cities. Every now and then we’d get out and walk around here and there and I was also taking us in the direction of The Basement. It was near dinner time and I found us a restaurant not too far from The Basement. While we ate, I told Sydney about The Basement and that I wanted to take the three of us there.

  “So, it’s just a store?” she asked, sounding interested.

  “Mostly. They sell BDSM gear but they also have an education center. Meaning, they do seminars like Irons does. It’s a reputable place. Anyhow, they’re having a fair this evening.”

  “A fair?” Anthony asked, his voice not sounding thrilled.

  I hadn’t told him about that part the other day. I tried to keep an even tone because I didn’t want Sydney afraid to go. If she detected that Anthony wasn’t on board with it, she most likely wouldn’t be either.

  “Yeah, a fair. Local vendors selling stuff and other organizations will be there. Might even catch a performance too.”

  “I know what a fucking fair is,” Anthony said under his breath.

  Seeing his expression and hearing his reaction made me second guess the trip to The Basement. It’s like Sydney knows when Anthony and I need to converse and she asked if we knew where the bathroom was. I was surprised by this and Anthony and I both gave her our full attention. Anthony let her out of the booth and then Sydney leaned against the table and looked in the direction of the bathroom.

  “Um...will you guys...” She swallowed hard and looked down and turned to face us again. I took hold of her hand and encouraged her to work through her thoughts. “Um...will you guys watch and make sure no one leaves with me?”

  It breaks my heart to see what she’s going through. I stood and pulled her into my arms and held her head against my chest for a moment. I kissed her head and held her an arm’s length in front of me and reminded her in a calm tone that she was safe. Just as I had done hours before and would every hour if she need
ed it.

  “Baby, no one is going to take you. No one. I promise you.”

  “But...but what if there’s someone in the bathroom, Colin? They could be waiting for anyone to come in.”

  Anthony slid out of the booth and took Sydney by the hand over to the bathroom. I could see him talking with her and he pushed the bathroom door open and I could hear Anthony’s voice ask out loud if anyone was in the bathroom and then he went into the women’s bathroom. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that he checked each stall. Anthony kissed Sydney’s lips and motioned for her to go to the bathroom. He slid back into the booth across from me.

  I kept an eye on that bathroom door and anyone in the vicinity. The incident with Paul has left me no choice but to keep excellent, if not obsessive, tabs on what is mine and Anthony’s. The second Anthony sat back down he jumped down my throat, but I refused to let my eyes move from that hallway.

  “A fucking sex fair, Col? Seriously?” Out of the corner of my eye I could see him toss his napkin on the table. “Maybe we can ask if they’re doing any fucking scenes that includes a girl being chained up and beat until she’s incoherent.” He paused and followed it up with swearing and then apologizing. I knew this was a tough line that he and I were trying to walk with Sydney by re-introducing our lifestyle.

  “Anth, we need to slowly introduce this back into our lives and we’ll do so with caution. We can’t deny who we are or who she is. Remember, she’s into kink too. She’s been doing well with the sex, don’t you think?”

  I glanced at him for a moment to see him nodding and I could tell he was thinking. He sighed and said that it would be nice to start working our way back to exerting a little more control with regards to sex. As Sydney was walking back to the table, it hit me as a big possibility that more control might be what Anthony needs in order to fully let go again sexually. I know he hasn’t come while we’ve played, and I haven’t been able to figure out if it’s because he’s not allowing himself to or if there are other issues running rampant in his head.

  The Basement was a huge place. It was two stories and comically enough, it had a basement or lower level. The place was packed with people and there was a range in what people wore. There were some people in full BDSM attire to people in latex to being casually dressed. We were greeted at the door by a Dom and his slave and were handed a flier that had the evening events or other points of interest. I felt at home and at ease the second I walked in the place.

  It was almost like a party. There were slaves or bottoms walking around with trays of beverages and finger foods and there were a lot of people milling about just socializing. I glanced at the events on the flier and noticed that there would be demonstrations downstairs at various times throughout the night.

  Two shirtless men wearing leather pants approached us. One had a leather harness on over his chest.

  “Good evening. It’s nice to see fresh faces at the events. I’m Casey, the owner of The Basement. This is my slave and partner, Chad.”

  Casey held his hand out for me to shake and then Anthony. Chad extended his hand after Casey stood back and then tilted his head to one side as if he were considering something for a moment. He was probably trying to size us up to see if we were brand new however, a man in Casey’s position can usually tell.

  “I’m Colin,” I said to Casey and Chad and Anthony introduced himself. I explained that we were vacationing from Las Vegas.

  “Vegas, excellent. Are you members anywhere out there?” Casey asked.

  “Yes, Anthony and I are members at Irons,” I said.

  “Irons.” He nodded and looked upward trying to recall something. “Blake Eriksson’s place. I have been there on a few occasions. Does this lovely little creature belong to one of you?” Casey asked while looking at Sydney then back at Anthony and I.

  “Yes. This is Sydney and she is mine and Anthony’s.”

  Casey smiled wickedly and nodded.

  “A triad or a V?”

  “A closed V,” Anthony quickly stated.

  “That’s wonderful. That’s a powerful dynamic. Well, please enjoy your evening, and welcome. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask. We have some fantastic events going on this evening.”

  Anthony and I both shook the men’s hands again and then I took Sydney’s hand bringing her to right beside me as we walked around. I liked the place even more after having met the owner. First impressions are everything and I could tell Casey was a respectable man. Anthony seemed to loosen up a bit as we walked around checking out some displays and toys. I picked up a few different anal toys for Sydney and watched her blush and smile. Flirty Sydney.

  “Baby, would you like to try these?”

  Her smile continued and a nice shade of red spread across her face as she nodded and said that she’d enjoy trying them. I caught Anthony eyeing the rope and my chest squeezed. While I thought that Sydney could handle playing with some toys, I wasn’t too sure about the rope yet. I watched Anthony pull and tug on the rope and was surprised when I saw the rope give and stretch quite a bit. I just didn’t feel like the three of us were ready for that.

  I led Sydney over to a section with dildos and watched her blush some more before I finally pulled her into my arms laughing. There is something about her kinky innocence that grabs me by the balls.

  We walked around some more and went upstairs to check out the vendors. There was a station set up for body piercing, body art which included a branding and tattoo artist, there was also a photographer and a sketch artist.

  I remembered the photo book that Sydney gave Anthony and I and was intrigued at the possibilities. Many times while Sydney was gone, I’d sit and look over that photo book. I loved those pictures. Her soul was visible in each and every one of them. While the photographer was talking to another man, I walked forward and flipped through the portfolio. I was mesmerized by the photos and when I saw that he not only had solo subjects, but groups too, my mind began thinking of the three of us.

  “Hello, I’m Jay,” the photographer said to me as I pulled my head up and out of the portfolio.

  “Colin, nice to meet you. You did all of these?”

  “Yes, I photograph all of Casey’s private parties and other shoots. Are you interested in something specific?”

  I was interested. I definitely was, but I had no idea what. Jay explained that he has a studio up in Hollywood and handed me a pamphlet that gave descriptions of his work along with showing a few samples of his work.

  “Are you interested in a solo shoot or group shoot?”

  “Group. My best friend and I both share a sweet little sub. I’d love to have something professional like this with the three of us. A photo book would be great, but I’d like some larger ones to frame and put up in our playroom at home.”

  Jay nodded and said he also handles framing and that if I came by his studio, I’d be able to check out the framing styles. I was indeed very interested and booked an appointment for Friday with Jay. I’d talk to Anthony and Sydney tonight and if they balked, then I’d cancel. No harm done. I just want us to try moving forward at our pace.

  He began asking me if I had ideas on what kind of pictures I wanted. I explained I wanted some shots that would not only depict dominance but also grab Sydney’s strength too. I felt that aspect was crucial for Sydney and Anthony.

  I took his card, thanked him for his time and said I’d see him Friday and went in search of my better halves. I found Anthony and Sydney watching a guy get his dick pierced. Sydney looked like she was concentrating on the piercing with curiosity while Anthony looked to be in agony. He had his hand covering the fly of his jeans.

  “Why are you watching it?” I asked him.

  “I have no idea. It’s like a bad T.V. show where it’s so bad you can’t help but watch.”

  I handed him the card for Jay and told him we had an appointment Friday. He surprised me and smiled his signature smile and said that it sounded like fun.

want to get dirty pictures taken with Colin and I?”


  Anthony and I grinned and looked up at each other surprised by her eagerness. She wasn’t kidding though, she was into it. I was getting hard at the thought of our naughty photo session.

  We purchased the toys on our way out after having watched some demonstrations ranging from spanking with different implements to wax play. Sydney seemed to do just fine with them. I continued to harden on our walk back to the car as memories of spanking Sydney at the cabin came racing through my mind. It was her reaction afterward that was fucking hotter than hell. On occasion since then, Anthony and I have given her butt playful slaps or light spanks and she eats them up. I’m not sure if she’d still eat them up. I was rock hard by the time we got to the car. I needed to touch her.

  Before she got into the back seat I leaned her against the car and kissed her lips while making sure that she felt my hard on. Even outside in the dark with only a dim street light I could see her blush. Anthony laughed and clasped his hand on my shoulder and said he’d drive. I gave him the fob and got in the back with Sydney.

  The drive back to the beach house was a blur because my face was glued to Sydney’s and my hands were trying to be as calm as possible. Sydney smiled and leaned down to rub her face over my jeans. Holy fuck. I was going to lose every bit of control and come in my pants.

  “Baby, you’re going to make me come if you keep touching me like that.”

  “I like it when you come, Sir.”

  “I do too, but I prefer to come inside of you.”

  I at least had enough sense to not allow her to remove her seatbelt. I took over with making out with her again and only stopped once I felt the car stop. I carried Sydney inside and took her right up to our bed. I stripped her down and began pulling my shirt off and kicked off my shoes. Anthony appeared next to me and had lost his shirt as well.

  Sydney looked up at us with those sweet kinky eyes and asked if she may suck on us. I nodded calmly even though my body was jumping for joy. She began to lower herself to the floor but Anthony stopped her and pushed her towards the bed.


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