Lost (The Everett Gaming Series Book 5)

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Lost (The Everett Gaming Series Book 5) Page 32

by Drew Sera

“Not the floor. The bed. You kneel on something soft. Not the ground,” he told her.

  I backed him up on that. He and I both got on the bed and she bent over to unzip both of us and then freed each of our aching erections. She’d suck on my cock while Anthony’s bobbed on her cheek or he’d stroke his own cock and let the head bump into her chin. Sydney gave each of us equal play time.

  “Anth,” I made an upward nod to him asking him to pick the ass or pussy.

  He let me have the ass, which was what I preferred. He lay down, pulled Sydney on top of him and pulled her butt cheeks apart. I quickly lubed her ass and my cock as Anthony reminded Sydney to use her safe word, then I pushed my cock in slowly, but all in one move. She grunted and dropped her head down to rest on Anthony’s chest. Anthony gathered her hair in one of his hands.

  “That’s it. Let my cock fill your ass. Does it feel good, baby?”

  “Yes, Sir-r.”

  I smiled knowing that her stuttering was caused by my thrusting. Anthony and I worked in a good rhythm and I was definitely working her. He had front row, so if something started to upset her or got to be too much, he’d be able to tell. I was ready to come though.

  “Baby, I’m going to warm your sweet ass. Ready for my cum?”

  “Please, Sir. Yes, I’m ready.”

  Hearing her say “please” for my cum turned me on even more. Moments later I was unloading deep in her ass and fuck, it felt good. Anthony had pulled out of her as I came. Damn him. I leaned back against the headboard with my dick still in her ass. Anthony lay on his stomach and lowered his face to lick her clit and I about climbed the wall when I felt the stubble from his chin graze my balls while he was licking Sydney. I settled down and let him bring Sydney to her release. While he worked on her I couldn’t help but wonder why the fuck he isn’t coming. This is turning into a problem and he and I needed talk it out.

  He helped me clean her up and get ready for bed. We were all exhausted but managed to stay awake for a little while longer and talked about The Basement.

  Anthony propped himself up on one arm and playfully teased Sydney by grabbing a nipple between his teeth. He made an exaggerated motion like he was going to rip it off which only made her laugh and shriek. The sound brings pure joy to my body. I absolutely love watching the two of them.

  “Are you purposely trying to get a rise out of me, sunshine? I think you enjoy doing that.”

  He rolled around affectionately with her and they bumped and knocked into me. Anthony ended up with Sydney lying mostly on top of him. He reached down with both hands and cupped her ass cheeks and then he gave her a playful swat on the ass. The sound echoed in the house and caused my heart to skip a beat. I knew he hadn’t really intended for it to be that loud. They stared at each other and while Anthony looked terrified that he had done something terribly wrong, Sydney’s pupils had dilated and she was smiling at him.

  “Did that hurt, sunshine?”

  “No, Sir.”

  He nodded and gently put her down between us and then we settled down to sleep. The three of us have been sleeping naked again and it feels wonderful to be snuggled up to Sydney’s naked body.

  Chapter 51

  Wednesday, February 19th


  Sydney sat on the lounger beside me and was writing in her journal. I was keeping an eye on the clock because at 11:00 a.m. she was going inside to have her phone chat with Chris. I looked out at the water and saw Anthony floating around treading water here and there.

  I sent Sydney inside a few minutes before 11:00 and then I scrolled through my pictures from yesterday and sent a couple to Matt and Blake. No sooner than I saw the text send, my phone rang. Matt.

  “Hi,” I said.

  Matt and I haven’t spoken since I packed up Sydney and Anthony and left the day after the explosion between Matt and Anthony and then Matt and myself. I knew Matt was dying to talk to me but up until today I just wasn’t ready.

  “Hey, Colin. How are you guys doing?”

  “Sydney is doing better and I think Anthony is getting stronger.”

  Matt was genuinely happy for us and I felt my chest relax some. I had missed him. He and I have been best friends since I was a kid. It was important for me to put Matt in his place. He had crossed the line with bringing Victor to the house.

  “I’m glad to hear everyone is healthy.” There was an awkward silence and then Matt apologized again.

  Matt and I stayed on the phone for a while longer and started talking about Gina and Sydney. He suggested that we get the girls together and take them shopping. Apparently, he had some fallout with Gina about it. Every few minutes I’d look out on the water and find Anthony’s head and then go back to my conversation. As I was getting off the phone I heard a deep, almost hollow sounding cough. Knowing that there isn’t anyone around and that it could only be coming from one source, I whirled around to see Anthony coming up the sand towards the house.

  He sat down on the lounger that Sydney had been on and dried himself off and then put his sunglasses on. I wanted to ask him about that horrible sounding cough but decided against it. I didn’t want to seem like a parent but I would keep my eye on him.

  After Sydney was done talking to Chris she came out and Anthony made room for her on his lounger. She talked to Anthony and I about her conversation with Chris. Thankfully it sounded upbeat and positive. She had spoken to him about The Basement. I knew I needed to call Chris regarding that myself. He’d be curious as to exactly what I was thinking. I decided to go inside and have that conversation now rather than put it off.

  Chris agreed that a slow migration back to visiting dungeons would be good for us, but he reminded me of course to go slow and keep an eye on both of them. He knew that I would, but I think he just had to voice it. After my call with Chris, I quickly called Mitch to see how work was going. I have been monitoring my email daily, but just once a day and for no more than a half hour. Mitch had everything in working order and no problems had come up.

  “How is Sydney?”

  “She’s doing good, Mitch. She’s still plagued with nightmares but is healing.”

  “And our CFO?”

  I laughed at Mitch’s description of Anthony. If he only knew what Anthony and I did with Sydney, his head would spin.

  “Our CFO is healing too. He’s eating again.”

  My call with Mitch was quick and when I joined Anthony and Sydney I found them playing with one another. It was a good sign to see Anthony instigating something. I’ve been really worried about him, so this was encouraging to see.

  He was sitting upright and Sydney was straddling his lap and was facing him. I smiled when I noticed her legs were bare. He had taken her pants and panties off and was making out with her. Her arms were wrapped around Anthony’s broad shoulders and his hands were holding her protectively on her back. I admired the view until I was hard, which didn’t take very long. I sat down next to him and reached around to gently touch the dimples above Sydney’s butt. Anthony broke from their kiss and looked at me.

  “Look what I found, Col. A frisky, playful, little kitten.”

  “I see that. Naughty little thing, isn’t she? Walking around without any pants or panties.”

  Sydney looked over at me and gave me her best innocent expression and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

  “Nice try, baby. But you’re without your pants straddling the legs of one of your Doms with that flirty smile.”

  Her smile widened and I leaned over to steal a kiss, which led to me staying a little longer to make out with her while Anthony fondled her. My hand bumped Anthony’s under her shirt and I suggested that we just take her shirt off. There she sat perched on Anthony’s lap just in her bra. It only took moments for Anthony to pull the cups down causing her breasts to push upward.

  I continued to kiss her and play with a breast here and there while Anthony was all over her shoulder and neck leaving kisses. Anthony eventually moved his way back up to her face and I move
d out of the way so he could enjoy her lips again. While keeping my hands on her back I moved around to crouch on the decking behind her and began kissing her back. My fingers traced her delicate spine, avoiding the wounds, right down to the top of her butt crack.

  Reaching under her, I wasn’t surprised to find a soaked pussy. I plunged a few fingers in her and then dragged them back to her sweet, puckered hole and let my fingers play. She began to inch herself back at my fingers and Anthony leaned back and pulled his dick out of his swim trunks.

  “Sunshine, what do you say when you want to stop?”

  “Red, Sir.”

  “Good girl. I’m going to fuck that pussy. You’re going to keep your hands on my chest the entire time. Don’t move them.”

  Good for Anthony. He pushed inside of her while I made a slow in and out movement in her ass with my finger. Sydney kept her hands on his chest while he worked her over. No one spoke, it was just panting or grunting noises. He needed to come.

  “Sir! I’m going to come!” Sydney panted while bouncing on his cock.

  “Then come, sunshine. Come all over my cock.”

  I pinched her nipples and her body convulsed, bending in the middle and her sweet moan filled the air. I withdrew my finger from her ass and she collapsed down against Anthony. Her hands were still clenching his chest and some chest hair. It was sexy to see her grabbing onto him as if her life depended upon it.

  He held her against his body while she came down. His eyes held a certain amount of trouble and while Sydney couldn’t see, it was as plain as day to me. He wasn’t coming and I think there is some frustration mounting inside of him. He gave me a look as he held Sydney and kissed her head that told me that he knew that I knew. He closed his eyes and whispered to Sydney that he loved her.

  After the three of us showered, I made a simple lunch of sandwiches and chips for us. We ate out on the deck under the warm sun and talked about our upcoming trip to Jay’s studio in Hollywood. I told them that I spoke to Matt this morning and that he said hello to everyone. Anthony didn’t say anything but Sydney looked shy all of a sudden. I took hold of her chin and turned her head to face me.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “I was just wondering...and you can say no, it's okay and I’ll understand...may I call Gina? Just to say hi.”

  I leaned over and kissed her lips.

  “Of course, you may. Baby, you and Gina are friends and I think she’d very much like to hear from you. After you eat you can call her. Tell her that Anthony and I say hello.”

  Sydney swallowed her last bite of her sandwich and started inside. I took hold of her arm as she began walking by me.

  “Sydney, it’s very important that you tell her that Anthony and I say hello. Promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  She looked a little confused so I explained that while Anthony and I were angry with Matt that we weren’t angry with Gina. Subs tend to feel that any anger towards their Dom is also on them. When I spoke with Matt earlier, he alluded to the fact that Gina has been somewhat of a mess. He mentioned that the two of them were going to go see Chris next week.

  When it was just Anthony and I outside, I decided to broach the topic of sex.

  “So, do you want to talk about why you aren’t coming?” I asked him directly.

  That should be a carefully approached subject for anyone to have to navigate around. But Anthony had a mountain of things on top of that too, so I had to tread carefully. He and I were best friends and he knew that I would never poke fun or make him feel bad over anything. He’s just got a lot going on physically and emotionally.

  “No, I don’t,” he said while looking me in the eye.

  “Whatever is going on, it’s nothing to be ashamed over. You’ve got a lot on your plate. I’m here for you and so is Sydney. I’ve got your back, man.”

  I’d always have his back. He’s been there for me countless times both personally and professionally. He killed our girl’s abductor and nearly died himself.

  “I know, Col.” He looked down at the deck and raised his head up and said, “Thank you.”

  Chapter 52

  Wednesday, January 19th


  I held my breath and paced while the phone rang. I hoped she wasn’t mad at me. I was trying to think of what to say when she answers.

  “Hello,” Matt said into the phone.

  Matt. I wasn’t expecting him to answer, even though it’s his home. Talk, Sydney.

  “Hello?” Matt’s voice came into my ear again.

  “Um…may I please speak with Gina?”

  “Sydney? Sweetheart, is that you?”

  I was conflicted. I didn’t know what to think of Matt. He fought with Anthony and I heard him yelling with Colin and Blake. He brought that man to the house that upset Anthony and made Colin so angry. I looked at Matt like a big brother of sorts, but now I just don’t know.

  “One second, Sydney. I’ll get Gina.”

  I nodded and sat down on the couch. Why was I getting emotional? Tears were threatening and I looked outside and could see Colin and Anthony sitting on the deck. I sniffled just as Gina said hello into the phone.

  “Hi, Syd!”

  “Gina! Hi!”

  “I miss you so much. How is California and the beach house?”

  “Um, good. I’ve never seen the ocean before. It’s beautiful. I sit outside a lot on a blanket in the sand. It’s so calming to me. It’s weird and hard to explain, but I really like being here.”

  “That’s so good to hear. How was your first Valentine’s Day with the two hotties?”

  I laughed and then she started laughing too and then before I knew it, we were both crying. I glanced back outside at my two “hotties”. Colin was lounging on the deck, shirtless and in those sexy shorts. He seemed to be relaxing and taking in the sun. Anthony sat at the patio table with his hands clasped behind his head and his feet up on one of the other chairs. How did I get so lucky?

  “It was really special. Anthony made me an anklet out of thin rope in the shape of a heart and he put our initials in it. I can’t wait to show you. We went out to dinner too. One of my favorite things about being here is that when we go places, one of them isn’t my primary Dom. They both hold my hands. I love that.”

  “Syd, that’s great! I’m happy for you guys. I never really thought about that too much, but yeah, I can completely see how being able to just be yourselves over there is comforting.” I was nodding again even though I knew she couldn’t see me. “I can’t wait to see you. When are you guys coming home?”

  “Um, I…I don’t know.”

  “Well keep me in the loop and when you come home we’ll have a nail painting afternoon.”

  I glanced down at my jagged nails and told Gina that it sounded like a great plan.

  “Syd, are you ok?”

  “Yeah, sorry. I am. I like it here Gina. It’s weird but, I feel…free. I love the ocean and Colin and Anthony both touch me when we go places. It’s just like Colin said it would be…it’s just the three of us.”

  “How are the guys?”

  “Good…well, Anthony is distracted sometimes. He wakes up a lot during the night. I wish I could help him calm down, just like he does for me.”

  “Syd, he probably has nightmares about killing Paul. Matt said that Anthony is probably dealing with nightmares.”

  I froze. I tried swallowing to moisten my mouth, but nothing was working. While I knew what Anthony was faced with in the woods regarding Paul, I didn’t really know the details. Colin and Anthony told me what had happened and I knew it was something that Anthony, and maybe Colin, preferred not to talk about. I wish he hadn’t been faced with that decision. He’ll never be able to forget it. If I just had been paying attention, it wouldn’t have been so easy for Paul to take me…then Anthony would have blood on his hands.

  Before I could stop it, a pathetic sounding sob tore out of me and I had to put the phone down. Oh, my God…what must he feel lik
e every day, keeping all of that inside?

  “Syd? Sydney? I’m sorry, Sydney…are you there?”

  I heard Gina’s voice coming out of the phone that was now sitting on the couch. I picked it up to wrap up our phone call.

  “Um, I have to go now. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  I hung up despite her voice coming through the phone again. I stared outside on the deck at the back of Anthony. He had been shot because of me and he had to kill because of me. I wanted desperately to be in his arms, but I felt like I didn’t deserve it.

  I took off for the stairs and started to go up and be by myself for a while, but I stopped myself. No, I should go to them and let them hold me. I felt guilty and ended up sitting down on the stairs to think.

  Chapter 53

  Wednesday, February 19th


  The sun warmed my skin as the cool ocean breeze relaxed me. Anthony and I were taking in some sun while Sydney called Gina. I was stretched out, lounging on the lounger while Anthony sat at the table.

  My cell phone vibrated on the patio table. It startled me because I thought I had it silenced. I really had kept a good distance from myself and the cell phone. I had to; there were two people who needed me and were depending on me. I loved both of them and would do anything for them.

  “Matt’s texting you,” Anthony said as he handed me the phone.

  I frowned and sat up, taking the phone from Anthony’s outstretched hand. Matt and I spoke this morning so I didn’t know what this could be about.

  MR: Hey, you might already be on this, but Gina got off the phone and said Sydney was upset.

  Fuck! I pulled Anthony’s arm and read Matt’s text to him as we headed inside. I called her name and was at least comforted slightly when I heard her respond. This was a good sign because it meant she hadn’t slipped off on us.

  Sydney was sitting on the stairs with her tear stained face. I sat beside her and Anthony sat a few steps below us. Wrapping my arms around her shoulder, I pulled her closer to kiss her head.


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