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Lost (The Everett Gaming Series Book 5)

Page 37

by Drew Sera

I shut my eyes worried about what the night or morning would bring. Lately, the nights have been nightmare free but the mornings have been Anthony free as well. He’s usually out of bed early walking on the shore or swimming, though he has cut back with the amount of swimming. I had hoped that the talk he and I had yesterday morning would prevent him from running away from us.

  That is another one of my nagging fears; Anthony leaving. Before yesterday, I was afraid that Anthony was just going to distance himself enough to work himself away from us. I worried that one morning I’d wake up with Sydney and there’d be a goodbye note from him. I wasn’t going to allow that. Certainly, not on account of his worries and being scared over what happened with Victor. Thankfully, he and I talked a little yesterday and I think we’re on the right road. Everything hasn’t been addressed, but it’s been a start.

  I woke up to Sydney’s wet, warm mouth and I propped myself up on my elbows so I could watch her work on my now hard dick. Anthony was flat on his stomach enjoying the goodness between her legs. I was perfectly content. No nightmares last night, Anthony woke up with us and Sydney’s beautiful mouth was welcoming me to the day.

  The three of us took a shower together and then got ready for our drive to San Francisco. I left Anthony and Sydney to the packing for our few day trip and went downstairs to handle a few things.

  First was the quick email to Mitch, James, Leslie and Hannah letting them know that we were going up to San Francisco and that Anthony and I wouldn’t be reachable via email at all. Meaning, if it was an emergency, they’d have to call mine or Anthony’s cell phones. Next was a text to Blake and Matt letting them know the plans as well. Last, was the phone call I needed to place with Chris.

  “Morning, Chris. Not to worry, everything is fine. I just wanted to let you know that the three of us are driving up to San Francisco for a few days. I wanted to show Sydney where I grew up and let her see some of the sights in the city.”

  “Thank you for the call, Colin. I’ll talk to you guys when you return to Newport. Enjoy your drive and be safe.”

  As I finished my call, Anthony came downstairs carrying our small travel bags. He set them by the door and came into the kitchen.

  “Sydney’s about ready, she’s just finishing her hair.” I nodded and shut my laptop down. “Thank you for last night, Col.” I shut the lid of the laptop and looked up at him. I knew he was referring to the deck sex but he suddenly seemed to be at a loss for words now. I knew he was trying and still struggling some. If anything, him opening up this conversation relaxed my worries that he was bothered by the cum shot that went sideways. “I…” he started and then looked away and out at the ocean. I stood and thumped him on his back.

  “It’s going to be okay, Anth. And you’re welcome. It was hotter than fuck watching you pin her hands to the railing.”

  He and I were laughing when our source of oxygen came into the kitchen. She makes my heart skip a beat each time I lay my eyes on her. She took the last M&M cookie that was sitting out from last night and smiled at us as she popped the last piece that had a green M&M on it. How the fuck did I ever get so lucky? I pulled her in a hug and kissed her sweet, cookie lips. A little kinky cookie.

  I made sure I had their medication and secured the house while Anthony packed up the trunk. We headed towards the freeway and I suggested we get something for breakfast somewhere. Sydney needed food and Anthony needed something to stick in his stomach so that antibiotic wouldn’t fuck him up. Matt said this one was gentler, but Anthony’s stomach doesn’t seem to have much tolerance for anything lately.

  “Hey, there’s a McDonald’s. You guys want…” I started to ask them but Anthony quickly expressed his interest in McDonald’s.

  “Fuck yeah we want Macland,” Anthony said eagerly as I maneuvered over a few lanes.

  While we stood in line I noticed Anthony put Sydney’s hand over his abdomen. Fucking medicine. Do all antibiotics have this effect on him? This one doesn’t seem to be as rough on him as the others have been, but it still seems to bother him some. Of course, maybe it’s not even the medication but other things, like Victor, that is messing his stomach up.

  “What is it with you and antibiotics? You’re built like a tank and can take just about anything thrown at you. Sadists, corporate finances, bullets, the disappearance of our girl, but you fall apart once an antibiotic gets in you.”

  Sydney had her head resting on his chest so she couldn’t see when he turned his head to face me.

  “My mom’s husband said early on that I had a weak stomach.” He lowered his head and kissed Sydney’s head.

  His fucking useless mother should have been sent away for life. I regretted bringing his stomach up. If I had known there’d be some reference back to those useless ass fucks, I wouldn’t have said anything. I felt like a dick.

  “Well, he was wrong,” I said, barely able to disguise my disgust. I told them to go get a table and I’d order.

  Shit invaded my mind as I could picture his stepfather beating on him while his friend held him down and his bitch mother watched and laughed. I was lost in this thought when the girl behind the counter asked me for my order. Fuck, I needed to get his parents out of my head.

  It was a larger order and I waited at the counter instead of taking a seat for them to call our order number. I thought the time could be spent with me finding better things to occupy my head with. I turned around and found them next to one another at a booth. He had a straw in his mouth and was moving his jaw so the straw would bounce and hit Sydney’s nose. I smiled at his childish game, but a dose of reality hit me. I realize he probably never got to do much of that as a kid. He never had a childhood and was forced to grow up very quickly and on his own.

  I had the food and set the tray down on the table. Anthony and I moved about the table in unison getting Sydney’s food in front of her first. She and I both got the hotcakes while Anthony had the maple syrup breakfast sandwiches. Three to be exact. At least the two of them were eating, and I was happy.

  Before getting on the freeway I stopped for gas and Anthony and Sydney were going in to get stuff for us to drink and munch on along the way. I gave him my request options for a few things but before he turned to go inside with Sydney, I tried to convey a reminder to him to not let Sydney out of his sight although nothing came out. He knew though.

  “Relax, Col. I got it.”

  He took Sydney’s hand and into the convenience store they went. I kept my eye on the entrance and cataloged everyone that went inside. Was I paranoid? Absolutely. I knew this without a shadow of a doubt, but I also didn’t give a fuck for being cautious. Anthony and I lost her once and I’ll be damned if that ever happened again.

  They emerged, each carrying a bag and headed towards the car and I relaxed when I saw them. Sydney got into the back seat and Anthony handed her the bags and then shut her door. He looked over the roof of the car at me and raised his eyebrow. I shook my head and returned the gas nozzle to the pump.

  “Let me drive for a while. Why don’t you sit in the back with her?” He suggested and came around to the driver’s side.

  He knew I nearly had a panic attack over the memory of what had happened. I realized my heart was pounding so I nodded to Anthony letting him drive for a few hours. I slipped into the back with Sydney and scooted over closer to her and gave her a kiss.

  “Exciting! I get a back-seat partner for the drive,” she said sweetly and showed me the stuff they got inside. Sydney pulled out a package of Red Vines, opened it and tapped Anthony on the shoulder with two. “Driver, please take my Sir and I to San Francisco.”

  The look on Anthony’s face as Sydney touted off instructions in a British accent was hilarious. Sydney was a giggling mess and was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. Anthony snagged the licorice from her and he and I shared that look we often did when Sydney laughed. My god, she sounded so good.

  “Best control that little bundle back there. I’d hate to have to stop the car,” Anthony
said and then stuck the Red Vine in his mouth.

  He looked…happy. His eyes looked clear and there was a smile hiding very close to the surface as Sydney continued to laugh next to me. Anthony pulled the licorice out of his mouth and pointed to Sydney with it.

  “Sunshine, if I feel the need, I will stop the car and I’ll stick this candy in your pussy and fuck you with it until you beg me to replace it with my cock. Then I’ll eat the candy while my cock is buried in you.”

  “You’d…” Sydney was busting up laughing and her British accented words were broken between laughter. “You’d push licorice in me, Driver?”

  Sydney was still giggling and now Anthony’s wasn’t able to control his smile either. Her face was red as Anthony’s comments have that effect on her.

  “Oh yes, sunshine. Give me a few hours.”

  Anthony reached in the backseat and grabbed the box of Red Vines and set them on the passenger seat next to him.

  “Don’t eat these. I’ll need them.”

  Anthony started the car and we were on our way. I was really enjoying myself because Sydney and Anthony were both happy and in good moods. Aside from a few stray nightmares, we’ve been having more good days than rough days. Sydney continued teasing with Anthony in her British accent as she and I surveyed the bag of munchies they picked out for our trip. We had enough sweets to last us the entire week, however, I knew we’d eat them all before we probably get there.

  From the back seat, I booked a suite for two nights at the San Francisco Hilton in Union Square. That would be in the heart of it all for Sydney. We had been driving for a while and Sydney was enjoying looking out the window and I of course was enjoying looking at her.

  Breaking the silence in the car, Anthony said he was getting hungry. Sydney and I opened the treat bag and asked him what he wanted. Over his shoulder, he handed me the box of Red Vines. I caught his glance in the rear-view mirror.

  “I want the licorice. Put a few Red Vines in little Miss Bossy Passenger.”

  I gave Sydney a tap on her leg with the box and grew hard as she blushed. We maneuvered around the seat belt and we were able to pull her jeans and panties down to her ankles. I put a Red Vine in my mouth to get it wet and then playfully tapped her pussy lips with it. She was all smiles and gazed at me as I toyed with her. I tugged her legs apart and lowered my head to lick her slit before pushing the Red Vine inside her. I let about an inch remain visible and I’ll admit, the sight of this was making me hard.

  “Baby, you look so deliciously naughty,” I said to her.

  And she looked like the perfect, naughty little sub with her pants pulled down and exposed to her Dom’s kinks.

  “Red Vines are in place, Driver,” I announced.

  “Fuck! You don’t get to call me Driver. I’ll only partially put up with that from my sunshine, turned Miss Bossy Passenger.”

  We all laughed hysterically as Anthony pulled off onto an exit ramp. The ramp descended and a small road went under the overpass. Anthony put the car in park below the freeway, left it running and got out of the car. He opened the door on my side and motioned for me to get out and then we each took hold of one of Sydney’s hands and helped her out of the car. She stood there, pants and panties around her ankles with a few Red Vines sticking out of her pussy.

  “Well, kind of quiet now, aren’t you Miss Bossy Passenger?” Anthony asked her.

  Her only response was, “Can I offer you a Red Vine while you’re on your break…Driver?”

  Unable to contain our laughter over Sydney’s playfulness, Anthony and I didn’t hide our laughter or the fact that we were so happy that Sydney was doing so well.

  “I’m hungry. Col, lean against the car and give Miss Bossy Passenger something to quiet her tongue. I want to eat.”

  I glanced to my left and right and hoped no one would come along and ruin this for us. I quickly unzipped and when I pulled my hard cock out, Sydney bent over and lowered her head. As she took me into her warm mouth, I held her hair to one side and cupped her cheek, stroking my thumb slowly over her skin.

  Anthony pushed her legs apart and pushed and pulled the Red Vines in and out of Sydney. Sydney held onto the side of my jeans to help keep her balance. Just as Anthony promised, he ate the Red Vines out of her and stood with his exposed hard dick already in his hands. He lined up and pushed into her, pushing her head against me. I don’t know if it was the spontaneity of this or the fact that the three of us were feeling so good, but I was ready to come quicker than I would have liked.

  “Baby, ready? Move away if you don’t want it in your mouth.”

  I exercised enough control to at least make sure Sydney had heard me and had the opportunity to move away. Knowing the emotional struggles she had before Anthony and I with regards to oral sex, we always tried to stay a step ahead.

  She remained where she was and her head stilled when my cum began coating the inside of her warm mouth.

  “Aw, fuck, Sydney!” I whispered out quickly as I came.

  Sydney brought her head up a little and I could see her smiling. She leaned her head against my stomach while Anthony continued to move in and out of her. He took hold of her hips and began pumping her faster. His body slowed and he grunted announcing his release of cum into our girl. Anthony grasped Sydney’s ass with his hand so it made a slapping noise.

  “There you go, Miss Bossy Passenger. Enjoy my warm load while you’re sitting in the backseat with your Sir,” Anthony continued to tease.

  He pulled out of her, pulled her panties and pants up before turning her to face him. Anthony searched her eyes for a moment before kissing her. He buttoned her jeans back up and guided her into my arms then motioned for us to get back in.

  “Anth, do you want me to drive for a while?”

  I wanted him to be able to sit in the backseat and take in the warmth of Sydney. He shook his head though and said he liked driving and now that he had had his Red Vines, he was good for a while.

  I wasn’t going to push him and got in next to Sydney. I wanted her close to me after our desert romp so I pulled her over to the middle seat and buckled her in.

  “Hey, make sure you guys drink some of that water back there,” Anthony suggested as he took the cap off his own bottle of Gatorade from the convenience store.

  Anthony drove us back onto the highway and I kept Sydney by my side with my arm wrapped around her. She was doing just fine and was all smiles.

  I had fallen asleep in the back seat and woke up to darkness surrounding the car outside. Fuck, how long had I made him drive? I looked at Sydney and she was eating M&M’s and offered me some. I looked at my watch and knew we needed to get some real food in Sydney.

  We pulled off the highway and my navigation screen showed us where our dining options were. Many places seemed to be hole in the wall type places and I wasn’t about to trust that. There was a casual dining national chain restaurant close so that was the winner.

  We parked and when we got out of the car I was surprised at how cold it was. I went to the trunk and got Sydney’s jacket and helped her into it. I grabbed Anthony’s and tossed it at him while I put my own jacket on. We were seated at a table and began pouring over the options and when the bread was set down, Anthony dove right in. He cut three slices and gave Sydney the first one, pushed the second towards me and inhaled the third slice. He chased the bread with his antibiotic and Coke.

  It was close to 9:00 p.m. by the time we got checked in and arrived upstairs in our hotel room. The room was nice and spacious even though we really didn’t need the space. We took a quick bath before climbing naked into bed. I almost shut the lights off before I remembered to leave a light on. Dark, unfamiliar rooms were still disastrous for Sydney.

  Chapter 63

  Thursday, February 27th


  I woke up rock hard and was thankful that Anthony set my black travel bag on the nightstand next to me before bed. I quietly unzipped it, found the lube and squirted a tiny amount in my hand a
nd lubed up. Normally, I wouldn’t even use lube to enter her pussy, but I just woke her up out of a dead sleep and didn’t want to hurt her. I slowly stroked myself while kissing Sydney’s butt cheeks. I rubbed her pussy with my lubed fingers for a few moments and told her that I need to be in her.

  “Up on all fours, baby,” I whispered and helped her into position. “Baby, use red if you need it.”

  In one swift move I was in her warm pussy and couldn’t stay still. I took hold of her hips and moved in and out of her quickly.

  “Who owns this pussy?” I asked.

  “Colin and Anthony.”

  “Good girl, baby.”

  I quickly came and emptied my load in her while Anthony watched sleepily. We snuggled in bed with her and after I felt confident that she was in a good place mentally, we got up. The shower was big enough for the three of us, thankfully. Once we were dressed we headed downstairs for breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant. I made sure Sydney drank all of her juice and even talked Anthony into drinking some juice. I’m trying not to be a mother hen with him, but I’ve got to make sure he stays healthy because too much is riding on it.

  It was cold and foggy as I drove us out of the underground parking garage and onto the busy streets. I drove us through a heap of horrid traffic toward the Pacific Heights neighborhood where I spent my childhood. I parked along a street that I remember Jeff, Matt and myself walking home from school on. I took Sydney by the hand and walked up the street slowly. I stood in front of the house that I called home for so many years. Amazingly, nothing had been built across the street from it. It was still a small park and the bay could still be seen perfectly from this spot. I leaned back on the short brick wall and pulled Sydney closer and rest my chin on her shoulder.

  “See the upstairs window on the right? My room was there.” I pointed to a window facing the neighbor’s house and then a window in that house. “That was Matt’s room. We used to get in all sorts of trouble. We’d toss footballs into each other’s houses from those windows. We’d even try hanging out the window with ping pong paddles and would count how many times we would keep the ball going.”


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