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Lost (The Everett Gaming Series Book 5)

Page 39

by Drew Sera

  From here, she was comfortable. Button undone, zipper down, hard cock pulled out of my boxer briefs and in her mouth in a matter of seconds. I widened my stance a bit so I could keep myself upright without much effort. She was running her tongue along my shaft on the sides and the underside. She always finds the vein that is prominent on the underside and she likes to let her tongue stroll along that avenue.

  I continued to stroke her cheek and slowly let my hand inch from her cheek until my fingers were holding the back of her head. She knew my hand was there and blinked up at me. I nodded and gave her another “good girl”. She likes and needs that praise and it’s my job as one of her Doms to make sure she got everything she needed.

  She held the base of my shaft with her right hand and her left hand lay flat against the back of my thigh. I gave that hand something to do. My balls were still sitting behind the waistband of my boxer briefs so I pulled them out.

  “Play with my balls, sunshine. You’ve fondled them many, many times. Don’t be afraid that you’ll hurt them.”

  Her hand left my leg and she began to softly play with them. I encouraged her to apply a little more pressure and told her I wasn’t made of glass.

  “Fuck yeah, sunshine.” I shut my eyes when she began to firmly handle me. It felt really good and I know I got harder when she started to fondle them with more pressure. I glanced at Colin and wasn’t surprised to see his cock was out and in his hand.

  “Use your teeth, sunshine. Don’t bite, just make some movements with your jaw.” She did as I instructed and looked up at me for reassurance that she wasn’t hurting me. “You're doing just fine. It feels incredible.”

  I knew I had to slow down or I was going to come at the sensation of her teeth on my cock while her hands were playing roughly with my balls. I hoped I wasn’t pushing her too much. I wasn’t sure if she understood that I liked this and needed this as much as she liked and needed to be cuddled. She seemed to be okay.

  “Good girl, Sydney. You may stop now.”

  I knelt on one knee and claimed her mouth, letting my tongue seek out every nook and cranny of her mouth. I let my hand go down to feel her pussy. Fucking soaked.

  I stood and pulled the jeans and boxer briefs off that were around my knees now and went to the bed. I opened and spread out two towels on top of each other and then pointed to them. Sydney knew that I wanted her on the towels.

  “On your back, sunshine.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Bend your legs and press your heels against your sexy butt cheeks.”

  She got into the position I directed for her to get in and then I grabbed the ice bucket. I asked her if she had ever played with ice before, but I wasn’t surprised when she said she hadn’t. Howard wasn’t a Dom who’d take his time to do sensation play. Howard wasn’t a Dom at all.

  I reminded her to use her safe word but I also asked her to give it a chance. This would be new to her and cold.

  “I like ice, sunshine. I think you’ll like it too. The trick is, you just need to will yourself beyond the first few seconds past the shock of the cold. After that, it starts to feel good.”

  I set my left hand on her tummy and spread my fingers out. I wanted to ground her and remind her that she was safe in my hands. I picked up a small ice cube and made a few circles on her shoulder with it. She giggled and squirmed but I stilled her body. I moved down to her breast and her voice hitched. I glanced up at her and she smiled. I think she liked it. I went back to rubbing ice cubes over her nipples. It made them hard and pointy nubs. I loved the way she arched her back. After I pulled an ice cube away from her nipple I immediately covered it with my mouth and she squealed.

  We alternated between nipples and my mouth and then I licked her wet slit up to her clit. I rubbed an ice cube around her folds and watched her raise her hips. Colin had moved to the edge of the bed for a better view and was still stroking. I held up a larger ice cube and propped it up on the towel so it’d rest against her butt crack. I let that one sit there while I poked another one in her pussy. Another squeal session and she was bucking her hips again. I applied a little firmness to her tummy so she’d still her hips. I was so fucking hard I could pound nails.

  I found another big cube and held it between my teeth and went down on her. I held my hands over her tummy and against her side so she wouldn’t hurt herself or gave me a knee to the head. She laughed, screeched and tried to wiggle around as I poked the ice cube in her pussy and rubbed it around her clit. I quickly picked her up and put her on all fours so she was now facing Colin as he knelt at the foot of the bed tugging on himself.

  I held the ice cube over her pussy and rubbed it around all while her giggles and squirming continued. I knelt into a better position and once I let the ice cube drop to the towel, I thrust my cock into her. Instant polar opposite of the ice-cold sensation. My cock would seem like a heat stick. She moaned and then began moving her hips back at my cock. I took a handful of her hair and gently pulled back, tilting her head backwards. I was so careful when I did it. I didn’t want to hurt or scare her, but I wanted her to look at Colin.

  “Look at Master Colin, sunshine. You made him so hard, Sydney.” I took another ice cube and gave her a rim job with it. And fuck, did that drive her wild.

  I was within reach of the lube and squirted some on that sweet puckered hole after tossing the ice cube to the side. I needed to be in her ass. When I was sure she was well lubricated, I pulled out of her warm pussy and drove my cock into her ass. She tensed and her whole body tightened. She wasn’t really used to my cock being up her ass. Not nearly the way she’s accustomed to Colin’s. Colin and I are about the same size, cock wise, but I understood Colin and I moved differently and it was something for her to get used to. When she started to wiggle and writhe, I held her still. I was so fucking turned on by this.

  “Sydney, be still so it won’t hurt. Relax, sweetheart. Let me fuck your ass.”

  I purposely leaned forward, causing another grunt to escape her mouth, and I brushed her hair back over her shoulders so Colin could see her. His cock was slick and I knew he was stroking with his pre-cum.

  “Sunshine, are you with me?” I had to make sure I hadn’t pushed her into shock.

  “Yes, Master Anthony.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her back with me. I pulled us into a position where I was leaning against the headboard with my ass resting on my heels and Sydney was leaning against me with my cock completely up her ass. I grabbed another ice cube and rubbed it on her clit. Her squirming made me harder. With my free hand, I snaked it up from her waist, resting my forearm between her breasts and took hold of her chin.

  “Sydney, look at Colin and tell him how it feels to have my cock up your pretty ass.” I gave her a thrust and she tried to sit back on it.

  “It feels so full, Master Colin.”

  “It looks hotter than fuck, baby. It’s so naughty and sexy to see you full of him.”

  My heart was pounding. I was hoping to have calmed down some but hearing Colin say how hot she looked made me just want to fuck the hell out of her. I still held her in the same position and nibbled on her earlobe.

  “Sunshine, I’m going to fuck this ass now. Use red if you need it.”

  I began to pump her ass and knew I wouldn’t be able to hold out very long. Colin moved closer and began pumping his cock with his hand with more urgency.

  “Mmm, Master Anthony! It feels so good!”

  Fuck me. I took a deep breath and began pumping her ass ruthlessly. She grasped hold of my forearms to help keep her in place. She moaned more vocally than we’ve heard since her abduction.

  “Sunshine,” was all I got out before an explosion of cum propelled from my cock deep into her ass. My throat was sore and raw and my heart was pounding. Sydney started to come and I thought her ass was going to rip my dick right off. Her ass muscles are so tight. Colin came and shot his load on Sydney’s chest and she had his cum dri
pping from one of her tits. I gathered some on a finger and held it up to her lips.

  Colin was right, this was hotter than fuck. I kept finding his cum on her and kept taking it up to her lips to clean them up. It was on the third trip of her sucking on my fingers that I noticed how badly she was shaking.

  “I have you, sunshine.” I stopped feeding her Colin’s cum, kissed her head and leaned back against the headboard. To be honest, I felt drained and began to feel cold.

  Colin cleaned her up and gave us water and M&M’s and rubbed on Sydney’s legs while we came down some. She snuggled closer to me in my arms and let Colin and I take care of her.

  “You two are so fucking hot to watch,” Colin said as he sat up.

  We sat up for a while after our playtime and Sydney was doing better now. She was giggling about the ice and blushed when she talked about me poking the ice into her holes. She crawled out of my arms and into Colin’s open arms, but she was still within my reach.

  “Sunshine, were you okay with everything we did?”

  “Yes, Sir. Did I hurt you though when I was rubbing on your balls or using my teeth? I was afraid I was going to hurt you.”

  I took hold of her foot and kissed the top of it. She is such a sweet, giving woman and always concerned about others. I took a chance and told her how much I liked it when she was rough with me.

  “I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just one of my kinks, I guess you could say. It’s something that I need and really like.”

  She smiled and I could tell that she respected my honesty. I was running out of steam now and was dead tired.

  “Let’s get to bed, you two. We’ve got some sightseeing tomorrow,” Colin said while adjusting the bathroom light.

  Colin brought me my antibiotic pill vial and I tossed back the pill hoping to be asleep before my stomach started the act up.

  I shut off the light on the nightstand and relaxed back into the pillow. Colin kissed Sydney goodnight and then I felt his hand go on top of Sydney’s that was covering my scar. As much as I hated to admit it, I liked the way it felt. Who would have ever guessed that I’d actually enjoy something like this? If I wasn’t so damn tired, I think I would have enjoyed staying awake just to enjoy the closeness we shared. It would have been selfish of me to ask if we could stay up for a little while. Sydney needed her rest. And Colin. He’s been as tired as I’ve been lately.

  Chapter 65

  Friday, February 28th


  Today we were checking out, but before we left the city we had a few stops for some sightseeing. We had breakfast in the hotel restaurant and then headed outside on foot to walk around some. Sydney needed to stretch her legs some.

  Anthony and I took her to ride the cable car. She really liked it, but it made Anthony and I nervous wrecks because we were standing on the outer step trying to make sure she held on and that no one bumped her.

  We went down to the Fisherman’s Wharf and took her picture at various touristy spots and let her eat ice cream for lunch. On our way back to the hotel, it started to rain. With Sydney’s and Anthony’s health on the mend, we didn’t need to be out walking in the rain. Sydney had a hood on her jacket and I pulled it up over her head while Anthony pulled his light jacket up to shelter some of his head.

  As we were briskly walking uphill against the wind and rain, I was scanning the streets for any sign of relief for us. I found a covered section between two buildings and pushed Anthony under it and pulled Sydney with me under it.

  “Fucking weather,” Anthony swore and pulled the wet jacket off his head.

  He just had a cotton twill type of jacket on. Hardly anything to keep the water off of him. Sydney’s at least had a hood, was nylon and was fleece lined inside. I unzipped Sydney’s jacket and reached inside to feel her shoulders and back of her neck to make sure she was dry. She pulled her jacket closed playfully and stood on her tiptoes to kiss me.

  I don’t know what came over me and maybe it was nothing more that her playful display of public affection that got me going. I wrestled my arms out from her jacket and pushed her gently against Anthony. Anthony wrapped his arms around hers so she was trapped in his embrace with her back against his chest. I took hold of her chin, looked into her eyes and then kissed her hard. I didn’t give her tongue a chance to dictate where it went.

  “Now you made my cock hard, baby. And I’m stuck. We’re stuck on this stoop and there’s no sign of the rain letting up.”

  She giggled again as I looked at my watch. It was going on 2:00 p.m. and we should have left hours ago in order to get us back to the beach house by sundown. Anthony and I sat on the cold, stone steps while I held Sydney on my lap. I didn’t want her to sit on the cold ground. I didn’t actually want Anthony on the cold ground either.

  This was ridiculous. It was freezing and here we were sitting on the damp ground with wet pant legs. I pulled my cell phone out and found the address on the building we were sitting under and I called for a cab. Surprisingly, it only took about twenty minutes for it to show up. Sydney sat between Anthony and I in the cab and the driver thankfully turned the heat up for us.

  When we arrived inside the hotel I went to the front desk and booked another night for us because we weren’t driving back in the dark. We’d stay tonight and head back to Newport Beach in the morning.

  “We’ll eat at the hotel restaurant if that’s okay with you guys,” I said in the elevator on the way up to our room.

  As soon as we got inside, I drew a warm bath for the three of us. With the weather being shitty, I felt no guilt in staying in and loving our girl. Anthony and I lazily washed her in the tub and then took turns making out with her.

  Anthony gripped her upper arms, holding her in place while I made out with her. It was bold to restrict her movements. Granted, it’s what he and I are slowly trying to work back into our play, but I didn’t want to push too much. We got out of the tub when the water started to chill and we dried her from head to toe. I stayed in the bathroom with her and used the hair dryer to blow dry her hair.

  “I can do that, Sir. You don’t have to.”

  “I like doing it. Anthony and I like doing these kinds of things. It’s part of taking care of you, baby.”

  She smiled and then I pulled her out of the hotel robe and helped her get dressed for dinner. Shortly after that, we headed down to eat. At least everyone was dry and warm and would be fed soon.

  Our dinner conversation went from playful to downright insinuating. It went to a whole new level when Anthony dipped his finger in his water goblet and fished out an ice cube. He made a production out of sucking on it and didn’t take his eyes off Sydney. Her pupils were dilated and she sat very still while Anthony molested the ice cube with his tongue.

  Needless to say, once we got back to our room, clothes came off and Anthony and I knelt next to each other on the bed and Sydney took turns sucking us off. We’d stroke ourselves or guided Sydney’s hands to our shafts while she was sucking the other one.

  “Fuck! Sunshine,” Anthony hissed out.

  I knew he was about to come so I quickly stroked myself to get there with him. Together, we came all over Sydney’s breasts and stomach. We collapsed on either side of her and thanked her for tending to us. I was filled with happiness knowing that Anthony has been able to relax more so he can come. I knew he’d be okay and that it would just take time. He cleaned her up and then we fell asleep.

  “Co-lin…Anth-ony...’lease...please no…” I woke up hearing these broken words tumble anxiously out of Sydney’s nightmare stricken head. “Please! Don’t...don’t let him take me!”

  Nightmare. Anthony and I both fell into our usual nightmare roles. I got all of the lights up while he wrestled her awake and into his arms. She was both grabbing and pushing at Anthony’s chest. This was very common and we have come to expect it. As usual she panicked and began trying to take inventory of where she was and who was around her. I sat next to them on the bed and put my hand over Syd
ney’s. She looked up at me with scared eyes and then loosened her grip on Anthony’s chest hair.

  “It’s okay, baby. You’re safe.” I told her softly while Anthony held her against his chest.

  “We’re at the hotel, sunshine.” Anthony stroked her head as asked, “What were you dreaming about?”

  Sydney’s eyes danced around as she was recalling the disturbing images in her dream.

  “We were at Irons. Blake was with you guys and Paul...he was trying to take me away. I couldn’t get your attention. I kept calling your names...but you never heard me.”

  “Just a dream, sunshine. No one will hurt you. No one will take you from us.” Anthony told her in a calm tone.

  Anthony and I both sat up with her until she calmed down and was able to fall back to sleep. Fucking Paul. Howard was bad enough, but Paul did more damage. What a sick and disturbing thought that seven years’ worth of physical, sexual and emotional abuse could somehow be outdone in a matter of two weeks. Paul knew how to get in her head and knew how to scare her. I was brought from those sick thoughts as the sound of a deep cough echoed through the room. I whipped my head around and looked at Anthony.

  He had just settled back down in bed but sat back up to cough. Oh fuck, please don’t let him be coming down with something. I reached over and jostled his shoulder.

  “Hey, you took your antibiotic both times today, right?”

  He nodded as he downed half a bottle of water. I’d keep a close eye on him. At least we were driving back tomorrow and we’d be dry and warm in the car.

  Chapter 66

  Saturday, March 1st


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