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Rebellion MC: Tag & Lucy's Story

Page 8

by Nicola Jane

  “Well that’s no reason to be such a cow,” snaps Fran, rubbing my arm in sympathy, “And to be honest, if you behave like this towards Wyatt; then I’m not surprised he’s going elsewhere.”

  Lucille stands, grabbing her shopping haul. “I don’t know why I put up with you all,” she yells and then stomps out. Fran shrugs her shoulders and offers a small smile.

  “Ignore her, Noah wouldn’t cheat on you.”

  “Do you think Wyatt would cheat on Lucille?” I ask and she shrugs again.


  Later in the evening I get ready for our surprise night out. I went with a long black clingy dress with long splits up each side. Noah didn’t give me a second glance when I finally emerged from the bedroom. I’d wanted to make a special effort for him. It’s been a while since he’s taken me out like this, just the two of us. I’d spent hours curling my hair and painting my nails bright red. It only deepens the thought that he is having an affair, thanks to Lucille for planting that little seed!

  Our driver slows the car outside a rundown building. I glance over to Noah who is staring down at his cell phone. “Noah,” he looks up and smiles. “Where are we?”

  “You’ll see. I don’t think we’ve ever had a date like this,” he smiles. The driver opens my door and I step out into the cool evening air. A few other people are approaching the building and so I know that this date will not be just the two of us like I was expecting. Noah takes my hand and leads me towards the building.

  A man in a suit steps forward as we enter and Noah hands him two tickets. The man checks a list and then hands us the tickets back and smiles, “Good evening Mr Fielding. Seats are reserved at the ringside, your number is on the ticket.”

  Noah looks at the ticket, “Number ten?” he asks and the man nods, opening another door for us to step inside. My heart beats hard in my chest as Noah leads us through the busy room. It’s decorated nice inside, despite the outside being run down.

  “What are we doing here?” I finally ask, as we stop by a table with a large number ten in the center, that can’t be coincidence. I glance around, trying to see if I can spot Tag.

  “It’s a charity boxing match,” explains Noah, shrugging out of his jacket and draping it over my shoulders. “You’re shivering,” he adds. I don’t tell him that I’m not cold, I’m shivering from nerves and anxiety. “It was a special invitation, hand delivered late last night.”

  “Didn’t your father want the tickets?” I ask, taking my seat.

  “No, it’s not his thing.” Noah waves at someone across the room. “Do you mind if I pop over and say hello to someone I know through work?” he adds. I shake my head. I need some time to gather my thoughts.

  I watch as he shakes hands with another suited man and then I look around the room, trying to find the way to Tags dressing room. I see people going back and forth through a door at the far side of the room and decide to try there. I need to find out what he’s playing at and if he plans to tell Noah about our little kiss. The thought makes me feel sick. A man stops me, putting his arm out in front of me. “Nobody is allowed back here,” he growls. I look down at his meaty hand and then look directly into his eyes.

  “Tell Tag that number ten is here to see him, he’ll want to see me.”

  He eyes me for a second and then speaks into his mouthpiece. We wait for a second and then he drops his arm and nods his head. “Straight through there,” he growls, pointing to another door.

  I step into the room and its chaos. There are important looking men everywhere and in the center of the room is Tag. He’s sitting on a stool and a man is taping his hands. Another man to his left is the man I recognize from the last after party. He’s talking into Tag’s ear and he is listening and nodding his head. The girl that turned up at Tags apartment is standing next to a very important looking man. She’s watching me but doesn’t acknowledge me with a smile or even a frown. Tag finally looks up and spots me. He doesn’t smile either and I wonder if I’ve jumped to conclusions. I’m debating whether to back out of the room, I don’t feel like confronting him now that all these people are in here, but before I can, Tag is walking towards me. “Ten,” he says, his voice gruff. “What are you doing here?”

  “Erm,” I glance around, hoping to be rescued from this awkward situation. “Noah got tickets.”

  “Oh, right,” he doesn’t seem to know about the whole ticket thing so I’m guessing it really is just a coincidence. “Can you stick around after the fight; I need to talk to you?”

  “Maybe, I’m with Noah though, it could be weird.”

  Tag looks around, the important man is staring at us. Tag takes me by the arm and marches me from the room, I try to shrug him off but he has a firm hold. He takes me further down the corridor and pushes me into another room. It’s full of cleaning products. I screw my nose up, “Why in here?”

  “I just wanted to apologize for last night.”

  “No need, it was fun but we both have someone else; it shouldn’t have happened.”

  “Actually, about that…Ella isn’t with me. She’s Anton’s little sister and we’re close but it’s nothing like that. Her father and brother are over protective, they wouldn’t allow it.”

  “But she talked about weddings and she seemed really into you,” I begin.

  “She wants that to happen but I’ve got to let her down gently so that she doesn’t tell her father I’ve hurt her. He’ll kill me and I’m not exaggerating.”

  “So, let me get this straight, you’ve messed around with your best friend’s sister and now you’ve got to get out of it without upsetting her?” I laugh.

  “Basically yeah,” he sighs.

  “Wow, what a mess.”

  “Look, I have to go. I’m out in ten and I still have to warm up. I’m glad you’re here and I’ll try and catch up after the fight.” He leaves the store cupboard and I stare at the closed door. He seemed distant, nothing like last night.

  Noah is back at our table, I see the number ten and kick myself for not asking Tag about it, that can’t be coincidence.

  “Where did you go?” asks Noah, “I got you wine because I didn’t know what you wanted,” he adds, placing a large glass of white wine in front of me. I don’t like to point out that I hardly ever drink wine unless its free with a meal.

  “I needed the bathroom,” I lie.


  I wasn’t prepared for Lucy to just turn up like that. I thought she’d give me daggers from across the room but having the balls to walk into a room full of my team like that, well, it impressed me. The bell rings to announce the first round and I shake my head, trying to clear thoughts of Lucy from my mind and concentrate on winning this fight. It’s just for charity, I don’t have to drag it out because there are ten other fights tonight.

  I watch my opponent bouncing around the ring, jabbing thin air and making hissing noises. I roll my eyes. I catch him by surprise, knocking his chin with a right hook and then a left to his eye. His head snaps back and when he rights himself, I go in again, not giving him chance to hit me once. Conner is seated ringside and I can hear him yelling at me to take my opponent down. He’s brutal and likes me to show no mercy. The bell rings again and we both head to our corner. A water bottle is squirted into my mouth and Conner is shouting at me from where he stands on the floor. “Stop playing around with him,” he shouts. “It shouldn’t have even lasted a round.”

  I ignore him. My trainer is smoothing Vaseline over my brows, I don’t like cuts and this helps the opponents gloves to slide off my face. “Better take him in this round Tag, Connors going nuts.” I nod my head. I can see Lucy over the other side of the ring. Her boyfriend is on his cell, paying her no attention. This pisses me off, she deserves his attention. When I look over my shoulder at Ella, she’s chatting to her mother while filing her nails. The bell rings again and the ring clears. I stand, cracking my neck from side to side. My opponent steps into my space and then I lay into him. Each blow gives me a sick satisfaction. My
opponent falls to his knees and then crashes onto his front, laying like a starfish. The referee grabs my hand and holds it in the air, indicating that I’m the winner. That feeling never gets old.

  The ring fills with both of our teams. I’m patted on the back and congratulated. I don’t know why; this was a small fight and nothing compared to what I’m used to. Ella presses a kiss to my cheek and whispers her congratulations into my ear. It sends a shiver down my spine, and I’m reminded of how much I love her. Anton joins me, slapping me hard on the back. “Numbers have not gone out tonight my friend, there are far too many rich bitches here for you.”

  “I thought we’d put a hold on that Anton, remember our deal?” I wipe my brow on the towel that my trainer hands me.

  “You want to stop all the games for one girl?” he asks doubtfully.

  “Yeah, this is a bigger deal than normal.”

  “She must be hard work if you want to put all your work into her,” he smirks, “I suddenly feel very confident that I’m gonna win this. I might pop round to measure up the apartment next week.”

  I spot Lucy walking towards the bar and I dash from the ring, ignoring Anton’s over-confidence. This is my chance to lay my feelings on thicker. Her boyfriend is still engrossed in his cell as I pass him. I stand behind Lucy, pressing close to her back. I lean in to her ear, “After a fight,” I whisper, “I always so horny.”

  Lucy laughs, “And you’re telling me that because…”

  “Because in this room full of rich, beautiful women, I can only see you.” I take her hand and lead her away from the bar. We slip in and out of people and we take the back entrance out into a side street, hidden behind some dumpsters. I turn to her and push her against the wall, without a word, I kiss her. I make sure that my body is angled in just the right way to keep her still so that she can’t escape. I thrust my tongue into her mouth and wrap my hands into her hair. Eventually she comes to her senses and pulls away, panting.

  “We can’t do this,” she gasps.


  “I have a boyfriend.” I step away from her, turning my back.

  “You mean that guy that you’ve sat beside all evening while he ignores you?”

  “Don’t judge my relationship, you know nothing about us.”

  “I know he doesn’t excite you,” I risk, moving back to her and backing her up to the wall again. “I know you want to be pinned against this wall and you want me to fuck you.”

  Lucy sucks in a breath, “Stop.”

  “You want me to bury my head between your legs and lick your pussy.”

  I see a hint of a blush on her moonlit face, “Tag, please.”

  “I bet if I was to touch you here,” I brush a hand over the V-between her legs. I’d find you soaking wet.” My hands grasp her ass, pulling her against my throbbing cock. “I know you feel the pull, just like me.”

  “Tag, you’re overstepping.”

  “You want me to.”

  “Tag, are you out here?” It’s Ella’s voice that echoes out into the silence. We both freeze and then Ella appears at the entrance to the alleyway. We’re hidden from view behind the large industrial dumpsters. “Tag,” she shouts again. I smirk at Lucy who looks terrified.

  “Laters baby,” I whisper and then I push myself from the wall and head towards Ella.

  “What are you doing down here, everyone’s asking where you went,” she says.

  “I needed some air,” I say. Once I’m closer to Ella and out of ear shot of Lucy, I take her upper arm and pull her away from the alley. “What the hell are you doing El, I told you what I have to do so that we can be together and then you keep turning up like this.”

  “Sorry,” she whispers, glancing behind us. “Anyway, she’ll like the danger, it makes everything more exciting.”

  “Make what exciting, every time I get a second alone with her some fucker interrupts us.”

  “You almost look disappointed by that Tag,” mutters Ella and I don’t miss the annoyance that passes over her expression.

  “You know why I’m doing this. Your brother only understands games and deals.”

  “Have you told her all about me?” she asks and I frown, shaking my head.

  “No, if I tell her then she’ll see how much I care for you. Women are good at that. No, I’ve maybe mentioned that you have a little crush on me.”

  Ella gasps, horrified. “Oh great, so now I look like some desperate little stalker.”

  I drop my hand from the small of Ella’s back as Conner approaches. We shake hands and he pats my shoulder. “You left after the fight. We have things to discuss,” he says. He glances at Ella, “The driver is waiting out front for you and your mother Ella.”

  “I was hoping to stay for the celebrations,” she mutters and he shakes his head. She knows better than to argue with him, so she goes back into the room to find her mother. I follow Conner into another room, Anton is inside waiting for us.

  “I spoke with the other families. As you know, we are all in agreement that you should step up as head of the Corallo’s. The other families want to see how serious you are about taking over from him and to keep your family in the organization they have reiterated what we discussed before.”

  “Right?” I say, straightening my spine. I hadn’t had a chance to talk with Anton about it, our little bet seems to have taken over.

  “Your father has become an embarrassment to us all. He has shamed the families and made a mockery of our beliefs and laws. We don’t care about the money, but we won’t let what he’s done slide. Therefore, for your family to remain a part of our organization, you’ll need to put a hit out on him as soon as possible. I’d say within the next few days.”

  My world spins, my heart hammers inside my chest and I’m paranoid that Conner will hear it. “You said I had until the end of the month and now you’re saying you want me to put a hit on him now, as in right now?”

  “Yes. It will show outsiders that we don’t tolerate fools, not even our own and it will prove to the families that you are still loyal to us. Some still have their reservations about how much you knew.”

  “But YOU know I’m loyal to you Conner. My father was an addict, he lost control. I’m nothing like him.”

  “Still, you’re his blood and we need solid proof that your loyalty is with us and not him. The families are tired of this being dragged out; they want to see actions.”

  I watch as Conner leaves, staring at the closed door for a few minutes before turning to Anton. “Shit, how the hell am I gonna get out of this?”

  “You’re not, it needs to be done Tag. We tried to help him but he will be expecting this. He’s had time to make peace with it.”

  “He’s my father Anton, no matter what he did, it was for a reason. He loved the families and he’d do anything for them. What he did must have been out of desperation.”

  “Tag, you don’t need to tell me. I get it, it’s why I helped you to get him out of here but you know that without the organization, you and your mother are dead. So get it done and carry on. If you want to be head of your family it comes with responsibilities.”

  I knew this but I assumed that Conner would put the hit out, not me. After all, he’s the head of the whole organization. “And you know that he’ll send a shit load of tests your way, starting with this.” Anton holds out a white piece of paper which I take from him. “This guy needs teaching a lesson, he spoke out against you.”

  “Who is he, I’ve never heard of him before?” The name scrawled in black ink is Aiden Tollero.

  “No one important, a soldier and not a very good one.”

  Being at the top of the family, under Conner of course, we don’t really have much to do with the soldiers. They do all of the families running around and the dirty work. There are lots of them and they come with their own hierarchy, this guy must be very low in the ranks if I’ve not heard his name before. “What did he say?”

  “He bad mouthed your ability to step up as under boss.
Michael caught wind of it and passed it my way. We don’t need soldiers forgetting how to behave. Plus, I think that maybe this is a test from my father. Michael will be keeping a close eye to see if this guy faces repercussions.” Michael is Conner’s adviser and right-hand man.

  “Well let’s go find the piece of shit then. It’s been a while since I got to do this shit.” Usually, we’d send our own soldiers to keep the lower ranks in line.




  I’m sitting in the front passenger seat watching the warehouse. Dan, my right-hand man and head of security, is in the driver’s seat and Anton is in the back. “Are you sure that’s him?” I ask and Dan nods once. “Then what are we waiting for.”

  The guy we’re looking for went inside minutes ago and there doesn’t seem to be anyone else around. We all step from the vehicle and make our way towards the warehouse. It’s in a shitty part of London, not somewhere I’d usually come.

  Aiden Tollero is sitting in a reclining deck chair with a set of headphones on and his eyes closed. There’s a girl laying on the hard floor, naked. She watches us enter the warehouse but makes no move to tell Aiden, who is happily nodding his head in time to the beat that pumps through his headset. “You need to get out of here bitch,” says Dan and she sits herself up slowly.

  “She’s seen us now just put a bullet in her,” mutters Anton.

  I stand over Aiden. He must notice my shadow and he opens one eye, once he spots me; he opens them both wide in surprise. I pull the headset from his ears and smirk down at him. “Evening Aiden.”

  “Mr. Corallo,” he squeaks, pulling himself to sit.

  “Who’s your friend?” asks Anton and Aiden glances at the girl who looks so strung out that her features are devoid of any emotion.

  “She’s sampling the stuff for us,” blusters Aiden, his cheeks flush and his eyes dart around the warehouse.

  “Liar,” I say firmly, “Who is she?”

  “I swear man, she’s no one important, just a whore trying the new shit we’re pushing.”


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