Intended for Bristol

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Intended for Bristol Page 14

by L. P. Dover

  Chapter 18


  Ryan stayed out of my way at practice and I stayed out of his, even though I wanted to beat the shit out of him for saying what he did to Bristol. However, I couldn’t blame him; he was just looking out for his sister. I would have done the same thing. It was my fault everything had gone to shit, not his. I was stupid for starting the whole thing with Bristol in the first place. Now I’d fucked up and she wanted nothing to do with me. Only I was in love with her, and there was no way in hell I was going to let her run away from me.

  “Want to tell me where you got the black eye?” Derek asked, following me out to my car. The whole time at practice, everyone gave me a wide berth. They knew my mother had died and that I wasn’t in the mood to converse. Even Derek and Aaron treaded carefully around me. I stopped at my car and threw my bag on the backseat. After I shut the door, Derek leaned against it. “I couldn’t help but notice Delaney looked just as bad as you. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  I huffed. “We got in a fight.”

  He burst out laughing. “Damn, Jax. What did he do this time?”

  Ryan walked out of the training facility, glaring at me the entire time. I wondered if Bristol was still ignoring him like she was me. “It was more like what I did,” I explained regretfully. “Bristol found out what I did before I could tell her myself.”

  “Uh-oh, that’s not good. Want to head over to my place and talk about it? I’m sure Hayden will be able to give you more insight on what to do.”

  He slapped a hand on my shoulder and I nodded. “I’ll follow you there.”

  I got in the car and called Bristol, but she didn’t pick up. It didn’t matter; I was going to try every day until I could get her to speak to me. Before practice, I had gone to her condo to see her, but was politely told I wasn’t allowed clearance until Bristol approved me. In other words, I was fucked. Derek and I pulled up at his house at the same time and I followed him inside.

  “Honey, I’m home,” Derek called out teasingly.

  A few minutes later, Hayden turned the corner, still dressed in a pair of blue uniform scrubs with her eyes half-lidded and sleepy. “Why did you wake me up? I was having a really good dream.”

  Derek sat down at the kitchen table and she sat on his lap, laying her head on his shoulder. “Must be nice to have time to take a nap while the rest of us work,” I joked.

  She snorted. “I’d like to see how you handle being pregnant. I’m sleepy all the time. I swear I can never stay awake.”

  “Don’t I know it,” Derek said, laughing. “She nods off while I’m trying to bang her.”

  Gasping, Hayden smacked him on the arm. “I do not. Stop being stupid.” Then she turned to me. “Don’t believe a word he says.” Derek chuckled and held her tight. I was never envious of their relationship until now. “I’m sorry about your mother, Jax,” she murmured sadly. “You must really miss her.”

  I nodded. “I do. I took a week off and spent it with my brother. We cleaned out my mother’s house and sent a lot of her stuff to Goodwill. It’s what she wanted.”

  I didn’t want to elaborate on the subject, and to my relief, Derek picked up on it. “Tell Hayden what happened with you and Bristol.”

  Hayden’s eyes went wide. “Good or bad?”

  “Worse than bad,” I said. “It’s a fucking nightmare. She found out from Ryan who I was before I could tell her.”

  “I thought you were going to do that a long time ago,” Hayden replied.

  I shrugged. “I was, but so many things got in the way. Now she won’t talk to me. I’m banned from her building and she’s ignoring my calls. I don’t know what else to do.”

  Hayden shook her head and sighed. “Jax, you messed up, but it’s obvious you care about her. I’ve never seen you so worked up over a girl.”

  “I love her, Hayden.”

  She gasped and Derek sat there, slack-jawed. “Well, holy shit, that’s a first,” he said.

  “Tell me about it,” I griped. “It’d be much easier if I didn’t care.”

  Hayden smiled wide. “True, but at least we know you have a heart in that chest of yours.”

  Chuckling, I flipped her off. “Stop joking and tell me what I need to do. I need another option besides calling her or waiting for her in the parking garage at her condo.”

  “You can always show up at her work,” Hayden suggested before patting Derek on the shoulder. “It’s what this crazy man did when he wanted me back.”

  “Really? What happened?”

  Derek sighed. “It was the only way to get her to listen to me. When I found out I had feelings for her, I freaked out and left her the morning after our first night together. She was so pissed at me.”

  Hayden nodded in agreement. “ ‘Pissed’ doesn’t begin to cover it.”

  “Anyway,” Derek continued, “she mouthed off at me and tried to run away, but I followed her home and made her listen to me.”

  “I don’t think that’ll work with Bristol. I didn’t just leave her after we had sex together. I lied to her about who I was to intentionally get to her brother. There’s no coming back from that.”

  Their silence was answer enough, and I feared there was nothing I’d be able to do to win Bristol back. It would take a miracle. Hayden stood and started pacing the room. “That might not be true. There’s always something you can do to win a girl back. Do you think she loves you?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “I’d like to think so.”

  “Then you need to do something special for her. Not just a phone call or showing up at her work, demanding that she speak to you. It needs to be something else, a gift of sorts. And I’m not talking chocolates or flowers.”

  It was as if a lightbulb turned on in my mind. I knew exactly what I needed to do. My gift wouldn’t be meaningless like a box of chocolates or some stupid shit like that. No, my idea was one-of-a-kind.

  “Thanks, guys. I think I have a plan.” Now I just had to hurry and get it done. I got up and started toward the door, but Derek stopped me.

  “Jax, hold up.” I stopped and turned around. “You’re coming over for Thanksgiving dinner, aren’t you?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know.” Usually, I’d fly to Tampa and have dinner with my mother, but that wasn’t going to happen anymore.

  “Come on, it’ll be fun. Hayden and Michael are going to have us a nice spread for when we get home. If things work out with your girl you could bring her too.”

  “Yes,” Hayden replied happily. “I’d love to meet the girl who brought you to your knees.”

  Derek tried to hide his chuckle and failed, but I made sure to flip him off, which only made him laugh harder. “Thanks, guys. I’ll be there. Whether Bristol comes with me or not all depends on my plan. We’ll see.”

  “Good luck,” they both called out as I walked out the door. I was going to need it.

  Chapter 19


  Almost two weeks had passed and I thought with time my heart would heal, but it had only gotten worse. Work wasn’t distracting me enough, even though I brought some of it home so I could work at night. Jaxon started out strong trying to contact me, but over the past couple of days the phone calls had stopped. I didn’t realize he’d give up so fast. That was what hurt the worst, knowing I wasn’t good enough for him to keep trying.

  Angela had been by to bring me meals, and even though I was grateful, I had to tell her to stop. Her being here only reminded me more of what happened. I wanted to sever all ties with Jaxon. My phone rang and when I looked down at it, it was the number for the security desk.

  I picked it up. “Hi, Stan.”

  “Good evening, Ms. Thomas. I have your brother down here. Shall I send him up?”

  Not only had I ignored Jaxon, but I’d done so with Ryan as well. I couldn’t blame him for trying to protect me. “You can send him up. Thanks, Stan.”

  “My pleasure.”

  We hung up, and it took less than a
minute for Ryan to knock on my door. When I answered it, I could tell our separation had taken its toll on him. His eyes were sad and there was no hint of a smile on his face when I greeted him.

  “Hey,” I said.

  He glanced down at the floor. “Can I come in?”

  “Sure.” I opened the door wide and he strolled in.

  “How have you been?” he asked.

  I shut the door. “Fine. Just been busy with work.” The first part was a lie, but I didn’t want him to know how weak I was. I still missed Jaxon, or the person he seemed to be before I found out who he was. I didn’t even know if that was really what he was like.

  Taking a deep breath, he turned to face me. “Have you forgiven me yet?”

  I opened my arms and flung them around his shoulders. “There’s nothing to forgive. You were only looking after me.” His arms closed around my waist and held me tight. “I’ve missed talking to you. I just needed some space.”

  “I understand, Bris. That’s why I didn’t want to push you. Although I am relieved you let me see you. It wasn’t fun trying to pretend with Mom that everything was all right over here. I’m assuming you didn’t tell her?”

  I let him go and laughed. “Definitely not. I didn’t want her to know how stupid I was.”

  “You’re not stupid,” he growled. “You didn’t know Jax was going to play you.”

  The sound of his name made my chest ache. I walked over to the couch and sat down, hoping like hell I didn’t break down in tears. “He’s the one you told me stories about it, isn’t he? The one who tried to make Evan believe he slept with one of the cheerleaders so he could get his girl?”

  Sighing, he sat down beside me and nodded. “I’m sorry, sis. I know it’s not what you wanted to hear. Jax has a reputation with the team. He’s wild, obnoxious, and an arrogant ass. Surely you saw all of that when you were with him.”

  I shook my head. “Actually, I didn’t. He had me completely fooled. Has he been gloating around the team about how he fucked your sister?”

  His jaw tensed and he flinched. “No. In fact, it’s been the opposite.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked curiously.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s kept to himself all week. I guess it could be from his mother’s passing.” He knew what I was getting at and reached for my hands. “I know you want to think he’s pining over you, but he’s not. It’s not the kind of guy he is. Staying away from him is the best thing for you.”

  “I know. It’s just taking me a little longer to adjust to what happened.”

  He squeezed my hands. “And it’s okay to be upset. You don’t have to hide that from me. Why don’t we go out and have some fun. We could play some minigolf or ride go-karts?”

  “You always know how to make me feel better, don’t you?” I said with a smile.

  “I’m your brother; it’s my job. Now come on.”

  I threw on my shoes and followed him to the door. Maybe having some fun would take my mind off Jaxon. Hell, at this point, I was willing to try anything.


  Jennifer: Want to hang out this weekend? We could double date.

  I’d been so busy with work that I hadn’t told her what happened with me and Jaxon.

  Me: Don’t have a date. Jaxon and I aren’t together anymore. :/

  Jennifer: Oh no, wanna talk about it?

  Me: Not really. It’s over and done. Time to move on.

  Jennifer: I hear ya. Maybe we could have a girls’ night. Sound good?

  Me: Perfect.

  “Knock, knock,” Korinne announced, sticking her head in the door.

  I looked up from my phone and smiled. “Hey.”

  She walked in and sat down. It had only been a few weeks since I found out she was pregnant and she was already starting to show in the gray sweaterdress she wore. “Ready for the weekend?”

  “I guess.” I laughed. “Looks like I’ll be having a girls’ night.”

  “Oh yeah? That sounds like fun, but what about the hunky football player I just saw leaving the front desk?”

  My heart pounded and I shot up out of the chair. “What? You can’t be serious.”

  She burst out laughing. “I didn’t know you were dating a star.”

  I hurried to the door and peered out into the hall toward Rebecca’s desk. Jaxon wasn’t there, but Mrs. Blanton was on her way down the hall, carrying a large, wrapped box.

  “I’m not dating one,” I corrected. “He’s not who I thought he was.”

  Korinne joined me by the door. “That’s a shame. Obviously, he’s trying to get you back or he wouldn’t have stopped by.”

  Mrs. Blanton met my gaze with a big smile. “You have a delivery.” She handed me the box, which had an envelope taped to the outside. “It’s kind of heavy. Mr. Reed wanted to bring it back here himself, but I told him you were busy.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Mrs. Blanton. You have no idea how much I appreciate that.”

  The box was kind of heavy, so I placed it on my desk and sat down. They both stood just outside the door and when I made no move to open the present, Korinne waved and shut the door behind them. Hands trembling, I reached for the letter and opened it first. My pulse raced and I was afraid to read it, but my curiosity got the better of me. It was handwritten, his writing neat and not at all what I would imagine it to be.


  By now it’s been almost two weeks since we were together. I have to tell you, it’s been hell not having you by my side. What I did was wrong and I know there’s nothing I can do to make that up to you. I do, however, hope you can find it within yourself to remember the good times we had. I might not have told you who I really was, but the person I was with you is who I really am. You fell for the real me, the guy who likes to design cars and motorcycles, and the same guy who fell madly in love with you. I never knew what love was until you. Everything I said and did while I was with you was the complete and utter truth. What I failed to mention was that I was a football player. However, there is one other thing I failed to mention, and part of it is in the gift I left for you. I hope you see it as a sign that we’re connected more than you think.

  Please say you’ll forgive me. I love you, Bristol. No matter what happens, I’m not going to give up on you.



  Tears filled my eyes and I wished like hell his words didn’t affect me, but they did. I still loved him. Yet how could a man like Jaxon redeem himself after all the horrible things he’d done? Could it be possible?

  I carefully unwrapped the box and sliced my letter opener through the tape. Reaching inside, I touched what felt like a canvas and when I pulled it out, I dropped down into my seat. “Oh my God,” I gasped, slapping a hand over my mouth. It was a painting, almost a replica of one of the paintings Jaxon bought at the gallery, only this wasn’t the same. The couple on the canvas was us, both naked and holding each other in a warm embrace. His arm was lifted, covering the view of my breasts, while his fingers caressed my cheek. I could see the love in my eyes and the same look in his. It was the exact same way he’d looked at me when we were together. What really set my heart racing were the initials in the corner. They weren’t a T and B, as he had suggested when we were in the gallery. It was a J and an R. Sly bastard.

  They were his paintings, his works of art, and I was drawn to them. I had to see him. It was almost five o’clock and since I didn’t have any more clients, I grabbed the painting and hurried out of the office. I waved at Rebecca on my way to the elevator and smiled.

  “I’m clocking out for the day. Have a good weekend.”

  She waved back and looked down at the painting as I entered the elevator. “You too, dear. Nice painting.”

  “Yes, it is.” The doors closed, and my first stop was going to be Jaxon’s house.

  Since he was just at my office, I figured he’d be on his way home. However, when I got there, he didn’t answer the door. I’d tried calli
ng him, but it went straight to voicemail every time. Surely, he wouldn’t ignore me after giving me such an amazing gift, would he? Maybe it was payback for ignoring him. I rode by the tavern to see if he was there, but I couldn’t find his car. Of all the times I desperately wanted to find him, I couldn’t.

  After two hours of searching around Belmont, I decided to go home. He wasn’t picking up the phone and he wasn’t at home. Pulling into the garage, I parked in my usual spot and got out of the car with my painting in hand. I couldn’t wait to get Boone to make me a custom frame for it.

  I started toward the elevator and pressed the button, but then it was as if I could feel someone behind me. I glanced over my shoulder, and standing there with his hands in his jean pockets was Jaxon. His dark hair was gelled in messy spikes and those amber eyes of his bore into mine, making me tremble in all the right places.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “Hey,” he replied. The elevator door opened, but I ignored it and walked toward him.

  “I stopped by your house, but you weren’t there. I tried calling you too.”

  Snorting, he pulled out his phone. “Figures you would when it’s dead.” His gaze locked onto the painting. “I guess I was too busy to charge it up.”

  “I see that,” I said, looking down at his work. “It’s a beautiful picture. Thank you for painting it for me.”

  A small smile spread across his face. “You’re welcome.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me the others were yours?”

  He shrugged and stepped closer. “I didn’t want anyone to know. I had Angela drop them off at the gallery and pretend they were hers.”

  “You have a talent, Jaxon. It’s a shame you don’t want people to know.”

  “And I’m okay with that,” he said, closing the distance. He was just a step away, but he stopped, his gaze raw. “I figured if you wanted me to be honest in this relationship, I should tell you everything. I have nothing to hide from you. Your brother was right; I’m not a good guy. I’ve done some bad things to people, but I’ve made peace with those I hurt. I’m trying to be a better man.” He pulled his hands out of his pockets and took the painting, setting it down gently against the wall before wrapping his hands around my arms, drawing me in to his body. “Please say we can work this out.”


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