Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg
Page 62
madness of
in mental hospital
metaphysical concerns of
and need for independence
New York apartment of
Partisan article about
“regular guy” mask of
reputation of
schooling of
self-concept of
self-image of
soul of
true nature of
visions and hallucinations of
Ginsberg, Allen—poems/writings of
AG comments about
and AG desire to write
and AG difficulties writing
and AG dreams
and AG in jail
and AG legal problems
and AG in mental hospital
and AG method
and AG plans to leave San Francisco
AG working on
banning of
dedication of
as greatest Israeli poet
images in
in Japan
JK encouragement of
JK influence on
JK sketches as similar to
JK views about
at Maritime Training Station
method/style of
publication/rejection of
references to JK in
revision of
sent to JK
titles for
topics of
typing of
See also specific poem, person, or topic
Ginsberg, Louis (father)
Ginsberg, Naomi (mother)
Ginsberg, Sheila (sister)
girl on skates: story about
Giroux, Robert
AG advice to JK about
and AG cave discovery in Mexico
and AG-JK letters
AG views about
and AG views about T&C
and AG works
and Burroughs writings
Cassady stealing book from
in Denver
and Denver Doldrums
and Doctor Sax
as editor for woman in Mexico
and JK Buddha works
JK comments about
and JK compared with Goldsmith and Johnson
and JK “Go, Go, Go,”
JK letters to/from
and JK New York City visit
JK relationship with
and JK on television
JK views about
Lord recommended as agent for JK by
and On the Road
and publication of JK works
and T&C advertising
and Van Doren (Charles) work
and Whalen works
Glassman, Joyce
and AG in Hamptons
AG visit with
Berkeley visit with JK of
as contact for JK
and JK-AG relationship
and JK-Carr visit
JK letters to
and JK move to California
and JK move to New York City
and JK popularity
JK relationship with
and JK withdrawal
and knife attack on JK
and Laff situation
move to California of
and Orlovsky
and Orlovsky-JK meeting
and “Visions of Elise,”
writings by
“Go, Go, Go” (JK)
AG views about
Beat Generation leaders belief in
JK views about
Mailer views about
Goddard, Dwight
Gold, Herb
Gould, Stanley
and AG
appearance of
and Cassady
and drugs
girlfriends of
JK comments about
JK drinking with
JK relationship with
and JK visit to New York City
JK visits with
and JK in Washington Park
and knife attack on JK
and Pound drawing
as Subterranean
and Subterraneans
as Wyn employee
goyeshe kopfe (goy’s head)
Granz, Norman
Great White Myth
The Green Automobile (AG)
Green, Julian
Greenwich Village
JK views about
and JK visit to New York City
parties in
police/FBI in
Greyhound poem (AG)
Grieg, Mike
Grove Publishing
Guggenheim Foundation
Hale, Barbara
Hall, Leonard
Hamptons, New York: AG in
Hanover Records
Hansen, Diana. See Cassady, Diana Hansen
happiness: AG views about
Harcourt Brace Publishers
Hardy, Thomas
AG in
AG poem about
Harper’s Bazaar magazine
Harrington, Alan
Harris, Julie
Hart, Howard
Harvard Law School
Harvard University
Harvard University Press
AG’s views about
JK’s views about
Haverty, Joan
Hearst publications
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, LuAnne
Herrick, Robert
Hesse, Herman
Hindus, Milton
Hinkle, Al
Hinkle, Helen
And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks (JK and Burroughs)
history: JK’s views about
Hodos Chameliontos
Hoffenberg, Mason
Hoffman, John
Holiday, Billie
Holiday magazine
Hollander, John
AG trip to
AG views about
and JK dreams about Beat Generation
and JK ideas for movies
and JK plans to visit California
and JK plans to visit Paris
JK trip to
JK views about
movie novel for
as refusing to pay JK
See also specific work
Holmes, John Clellon
AG inquiries about
and AG as literary agent
AG as reading works by
and AG in San Jose
and AG-JK friendship
AG lack of contact with
AG letters to/from
and AG recording
AG regards to
and AG soul
AG talks with
AG views about
Beat Generation article by
as Beat Generation co-expert
and Beat Generation writings
on Cape Cod
and Cassady marriage
Dickens compared with
and Doctor Sax
drinking of
in England
finances of
Go by
Harrington as friend of
as jealous of JK
JK comments about
and JK copyright for Beat Generation
JK as disciple of
JK inquiries about
and JK letter to Temko
JK letters to/from
JK views about
JK visits with
Marian relationship with
and new literary movement
and New Year’s Eve party
Newman house near
and On the Road
publication of works of
and publicity for Burroughs Junkey
and Schapiro arrangements
and Solomon work
title for book by
writings about JK and AG of
nbsp; Holmes, Marian
Holmes, Shirley
AG views about
Cru views about
JK views about
as power in American Literature
See also specific person
Horace Mann School
Horizon magazine
Horney, Karen
Household, Geoffrey
Howard, Richard
Howl and Other Poems (AG)
admiration for
and AG finances
and AG invitation to Chile
AG reading of
AG sends other authors copies of
AG views about
banning of
City Lights publication of
Corso “Power” similar to
Corso views about
dedication of
and Ferlinghetti
Jarrell views about
JK copy of
JK influence on
JK reading of
JK suggests title for
and JK on television
JK views about
Joan Dream poem in
Mademoiselle quotes from
peyote vision as inspiration for
reprints of
reviews of
revisions to
and Solomon
trial concerning
and Whalen
and Williams
Hudson, Jim
Hudson Reviews
Huncke, Herbert
AG comments about
AG copies of work by
and AG introspection
and AG legal problems
and AG as literary agent
AG meeting with
and AG in mental hospital
AG poem about
as AG roommate in Harlem
AG views about
and Avon anthology
and Burroughs
code names for
dehumanization of
finances of
illness of
indictment and jailing of
and JK article explaining Beat Generation
JK comments about
JK daydreams about
JK inquiries about
JK relationship with
JK visits with
maudlin phrases of
in Mexico
and new literary movement
in New York City
nihilism of
publication of works by
relationship with other people of
revival of work of
saying of
and shrouded stranger phrase
and stolen property case
Hunter College: JK appearance at
Huston, John
imagination: AG comments about
immortality: JK views about
AG thoughts of visiting
AG trip to
Burroughs plans to visit
JK views about trip to
and Cowley changes to On the Road
and image of Beat Generation
JK views about
“Introduction to the Prose of Jack Kerouac” (AG)
Isis magazine
Jackson, Natalie
Jackson, Phyllis
James, Henry
Japan: AG in
Jargon Press
Jarrell, Randall
jazz: JK writings about
Jennison, Keith
Jews: JK views about
Joan Dream poem (AG)
“Joan Rawshanks” (JK)
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, LeRoi
Joyce, James
Judgment Day
Kaddish and Other Poems (AG)
Kafka, Franz
Kallman, Chester
Kammerer, David
Karney, Varda
Kazin, Alfred
Keck, Bill
Kennedy, John F.
Kenyon magazine
Kerouac, Edie Parker (wife)
Kerouac, Gabrielle (mother)
advice to JK about work from
AG gets manuscript from
AG inquiries about
and AG-JK relationship
as babysitter
in Berkeley
and Brooks in North Carolina
Burroughs letter to
California move of
and criticisms of JK
in Denver
dreams about JK writings of
financial affairs of
and Hube the Cube
invites AG to Northport
JK concerns about
and JK finances
JK living alone with
and JK loan to Cassady
JK love for
JK “official” residence with
and JK paternity suit
and JK return to North Carolina
and JK thoughts of Mexico
and JK travel plans
and JK visits to New York City
JK writings about
and Kingsland visit
Long Island move of
and meeting JK women
moves back to New York City
Northport home for
Orlando move of
and police search for JK
Kerouac, Jack
accomplishments of
birthday of
in Bronx County Jail
childhood and youth of
child support payments of
depression of
diary/journals of
divorce of
dreams of
drinking by
and drugs
fame of
favorite song of
favorite writers of
finances of
happiness of
Haverty relationship with
illness/injuries of
imitations of
jobs for
knife attack on
lifestyle change of
as mad
marriage of
marriage thoughts of
Mass for spiritual welfare of
in mental hospital
nicknames for
“official” residence of
“personal-ness” problem of
and police
popularity of
pseudonyms for
psychic balance of
reputation of
self-image of
self-understanding of
suicide thoughts of
transgressions and regrets of
visions of
wedding of
withdrawal of
women/lovers of
Kerouac, Jack—poems/writings of
AG as agent for
AG influence on
AG inquiries about old
AG reading of
and AG requests for poem/excerpts from JK
AG views about
anthology of
banning of
contracts for
and crazy poems
criticisms of
images in
and JK desire to be greatest writer in world
and JK desire to write
and JK in Florida
and JK as greatest American poet
JK interviews about
and JK lack of interest in writing
JK problems with
and JK reputation
and JK request for AG to send copies of all his works
and JK style
JK views about
method in
publication/rejection of-
reviews of
Shakespeare as model for
sketches in
symbolism in
See also specific poem, person, or topic
Kerouac, Janet Michele “Jan” (daughter)
Leo (father)
Kilgallen, Dorothy
Kingsland, John
Knopf Publishers. See Alfred A. Knopf Publishers
knowing: AG views about
KPFA radio station
Kulchur magazine
Lamantia, Philip
AG comments about
and AG interest in Buddhism
AG letters to/from
and AG peyote request
and AG in San Francisco
and Allen
and Big Table magazine deal
and Buddhism
and Burroughs writings
Cassady meeting with
and Corso poetry reading
drinking of
Hart fight with
and JK article explaining Beat Generation
and JK-Cassady argument
JK comments about
and JK copy of Corso poem
JK letters to
and JK Mexico plans
JK orgy with
JK publicizing poetry of
JK relationship with
JK visit with
and Keck
and knife attack on JK
Loewinsohn as similar to
Mexican hipsters views of
in Mexico
in New York City
in Oregon
poetry of
publication of works by
and religion
in San Francisco
Six Gallery reading of
and Snyder
visions of
and Williams
and Williams-AG correspondence
Landesman, Jay
“Laughgass” (AG)
Laughlin, James
Laughlin, Jay
LaVigne, Robert
Lawrence, Seymour
Lee, Alene
Lee, William. See Burroughs, William
Lenrow, Elbert
Lerner, Max
Leslie, Alfred
Leslie, Hubert “Hube the Cube,”
Levertov, Denise
Library of Congress
Burroughs views about
as dream
JK views about
Life magazine
limerick, of AG
“Lines Writ in Rockefeller Center” (AG)
“The Lion for Real” (JK)
Listener magazine
AG comments about
homosexuals as powerful in American
JK views about
Little Brown & Co.
Livornese, Tom
Loewinsohn, Ronny
London, England
AG visit to
JK in
JK views about
Lonesome Traveler (JK)
“Long Live the Spiderweb” (AG)
“Long Poem” (AG)
Look magazine
Lord, Sterling
AG advice to JK about
as AG agent
and AG copy of Subterraneans
AG dinner with
and AG finances
AG letters/requests to
AG returns material to
AG views about
and AG works
Allen lunch with
and Avon anthology
and Beat Generation
and Big Table publication of JK poems
and Blues
and Buddha Tells Us
and Burroughs works
and Cassady works
and Corso works
and Doctor Sax
and French publishing of JK works
Giroux recommends
and JK Buddha works