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The Day America Died! New Beginnings: Post Apocalyptic Survival - After the EMP

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by A J Newman

  The Day America Died!

  “New Beginnings”

  After the EMP – A Post Apocalyptic Novel

  A J Newman


  Books by A J Newman

  “The Adventures of John Harris” a post-apocalyptic America series:


  Hell in the Homeland

  Tyranny in the Homeland

  Revenge in the Homeland

  Apocalypse in the Homeland

  “The Day America Died” a post - apocalyptic series:

  New Beginnings

  “Grumpy Sam and Sammy” - A murder mystery series:

  Where the Girls are Buried.

  Who Killed the Girls?

  These books are available at Amazon:

  The Adventures of John Harris:

  A series about post-apocalyptic America.


  This book is dedicated to my many friends who think that I am bat shit crazy for believing that the Apocalypse is due any day now. The Apocalypse is coming. Will it be the result of a solar flare, EMP Bomb or a failed economy? That is the only question, but it is on the way. This series portrays the lives of regular Americans and how they deal with the issues. I am a prepper and will be prepared. Will you?

  Thanks to my wife who keeps after me to write more books, so I can pay for my prepping, guns, golf and whisky.

  Thanks to Carole Lewis, and Patsy Newman for beta reading, proofreading and editing my work.


  Copyright © A J Newman All rights reserved.

  ISBN 978-0-9912334-6-5

  This book is a work of fiction. All events, names characters and places are the product of the author’s imagination or are used as a fictitious event. That means that this is all one big yarn that was written purely from my imagination and not a bit of it is true. It might come true in the future.



  Right after 9/11/2001, the President commissioned studies of all weapons of mass destruction. The one that scared the crap out of our military was the use of Nuclear EMP bombs against the USA. Nuclear EMP blasts using crude nuclear devices launched from container ships off our coasts from international waters would shut down our grid and fry all electronics. They would be undetectable before they exploded.

  This would put the USA back 150 years. Kerosene lamps, wood cook stoves and doctors without x-ray, modern medical devices or miracle medicines. People with pace makers would drop like flies when the nukes exploded. Diabetics, heart patients and people living day to day with the help of some miracle drug will die during the first year. Many of the people on drugs for psychiatric reasons will become violent when they run out of the drugs. Death, chaos and lawlessness would prevail.

  Russia and China would love to see one of those rogue third world countries or Islamic terrorist countries nuke the USA and send us back to the Stone Age with EMP blasts so they could fight over the scraps. This story takes over from the current headlines and tells how regular people in the USA survive in a land of lawlessness and terror.

  If you like this novel, please post a review on Amazon. Most people who like novels don’t post reviews. The ones that don’t usually do post the bad reviews.

  Even during an Apocalypse, you can be nice to people except those trying to kill you. Kill Zombies and the bad guys, but be nice to people.

  A J Newman

  Main Character List

  Even I have trouble tracking all of the characters in my books, so here is a list of the important ones. I hope this turns out to be a five book series so there will be 15-20 main characters.

  Zack Johnson – Divorced, electrical engineer, prepper and car mechanic. He has a 15 year old daughter and ex-wife.

  Callie Johnson - Zack’s daughter who lives in Anderson, KY with her mom.

  Joan Johnson – Zack’s ex-wife, a slim bossy woman who lives in Anderson, KY, where she is a restaurant manager.

  Mike Norman – Joan’s brother and Zack’s best friend. Like Zack, he is a prepper. He is an auto mechanic and outdoors man.

  Geena Denton – Woman who was headed home when Zack saves her from the bad guys.

  Sally Green – Geena’s best friend and headed home when Zack saves her from the bad guys

  Davi Gold – Woman who says she is an ex-Israeli Mossad agent.

  Aaron Gold – Davi’s father and an ex- Israeli military pilot. Retired and has a large farm south of Presotum, Ill.

  Sharon Gold – Davi’s mother and a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Illinois.

  Lynn Drake - Ex-girlfriend of Mike’s. She still loves him.

  Todd – Todd is the bad guy. Imagine him as that smart guy who kept to himself and was mean to everyone except the teachers; he brown nosed them. He’s tall, fat and angry all of the time because life didn’t turn out the way it should have. He doesn’t get a last name.


  Chapter 1

  The End is Near


  She was soaking wet and the temperature was still over 105 degrees as the sun went down on the coast of Somalia. The flies were more than annoying as they took turns biting any exposed flesh. One fly bit the back of her neck which stung fiercely, but she remained frozen lest she give away her position.

  Her training had been tough and put her through miserable conditions, however those damn flies were pure torture. She watched as the missile launcher with its missile was loaded into the 53 foot overseas shipping container. The scientists and team fitting the missile into the container worked for days to get the top to open far enough for the missile to be launched. Davi took many photos and left without being detected. It took her hours to crawl along the sand dunes back to her motorcycle and safety. She opened the saddle bag, retrieved some antibiotic salve and applied it to the bites.

  Davi caught movement in the bike’s mirror and saw a shadow creeping up behind her. She used the bike’s mirror to view the attacker without alerting him. Just before he lunged at her, she side stepped, pulled her knife and slit his throat. He lay there looking up at her trying to say something, but only produced bubbles of blood around the slice in his throat and a mumbling sound. She ripped his mask off and was shocked to see a beautiful Chinese woman dying at her feet. She quickly started her bike and fled the area.

  “Mori, I am safe and will be uploading the pictures in a few minutes. A Chinese operative just tried to kill me, but it was her unlucky day and my lucky day.”

  “Davi, I doubt that luck had anything to do with you being alive and her dead.”

  “It’s worse than I thought. There are three separate facilities fitting missile launchers into cargo containers.”

  “Oh shit. Have you learned anything about their target?”

  “Well it’s not Israel on the first round because these missiles could reach us from Syria or several other Islamic countries. I think they are all to be fired on the USA and Western Europe.”

  “We know Iran is funding this effort. Are any other countries involved?”

  “Of course there are the countries allowing the Iranians to use their docks to construct the overseas container missile launchers, Syria, Somalia and Yemen. We have strong evidence that several of the nukes came from North Korea and there are flocks of Chinese technicians scampering around all three sites.”

  “Any Russian involvement?”

  “None detected. I think they are a target also.”

  “What makes you think that Russia is a target?”

  “My team intercepted a communication that pinpoints the coordinates for maximum EMP effect on Russia, the USA and Europe. Mori, my team also thinks that the plot is much larger than we have found so far.”

  “How big and what additional targets?”

  “We aren’t certain, but the Iranians might be double crossing the Chinese and nuking them also. Zeb saw a map of China, in Yemen, with GPS coordinates that would match a potential EMP attack.”

  “The attack on Russia is backed up by the gradual shift of China’s military to its northern borders. The bastards are going to attack Russia after the EMP blasts.”

  “Only they don’t know they will have their balls cut off at the same instant.”

  “How many more containers have already been produced?”

  “There is no way to tell at this time. We know of 10 containers that can launch one missile each. There could be 4-5 more and they could be in position to launch at any time.”

  “Thanks and get your teams out of there to safety. When we get permission to destroy them, it will be scorched earth.”

  “They are ready. Mori, shouldn’t you get your family to a safe location? Mine live in the USA.”

  “Davi, great minds think alike. I can’t say more.”

  “Cover your assets!”


  “We have proof that 10 containers have been fitted with nuclear tipped missiles that can travel 350 miles. It would only take 5-6 such EMP bombs to blast the USA and Western Europe back to the 1850s. There would be no electricity, planes, cars would not move, and people would starve. The question is what targets the other bombs are for?”

  “We must assume we are also targeted.”

  “One air blast would take out all non-shielded electronics and our grid.”

  “I must call the US President and warn the USA. Have any of our people tipped off the CIA or NSA about this development?”


  “Should we warn the Russians?”

  “Hell no!”


  “But Mr. President, if we don’t strike now both of our countries could be destroyed.”

  “Mr. Prime Minister, do not do anything rash. I have the utmost assurance from the Iranian Supreme Leader, Said El Khamenei that there is no plot to attack the USA or any other western power.”

  “And you believe our mutual enemy and not your friend Israel.”

  “Mr. Prime Minister, I believe that your intelligence is wrong. Do not attack Iran or its assets or you will face the consequences.”

  “Mr. President, we have sent the data to the NSA and CIA and they should concur with our assessment. Please listen to them, even if you don’t listen to us.”

  “So you went around my back.”

  The phone went dead.


  “I must report I have failed to convince the US President about the impending attack. I feel we must warn Great Britain and Germany immediately. I don’t trust France or the rest of Europe with the intelligence.”

  “I will call my contacts in their intelligence groups while you call the Prime Minister of Great Britain and the President of Germany.”

  “Our intelligence suggests that we have 5-10 days before the attack. We must prepare our military and evacuate key people to a safe location. I fear that our enemies won’t settle for eliminating our grid. They will rain fire down on our country to kill us all. Plan to initiate Dragon Fire if we are attacked.”

  “Mori, I couldn’t convince that bitch Winton this is a serious threat. She must be sleeping with that fucking Muslim Supreme Leader to ignore this plot against the western world.”

  “I will implement Plan B when I receive word that Dragon Fire has been executed.”



  Chapter 2


  West Coast, USA

  There was a sound in the room that I couldn’t identify and the smell of stale perfume was in the air. I could hear the traffic out on the road and some woman yelling at the top of her voice, but I couldn’t understand what she was saying. My head was pounding, my mouth was dry and I had to piss so bad, it hurt. My head hurt so bad I didn’t want to open my eyes. I tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but something heavy was on my arm. I opened one eye and peered at the thing weighing me down. It had red hair and all I could see was the back of her head. “What the hell is she doing in my bed; I thought I gave up whoring around,” was all I could think.

  Now that I was awake, my arm was calling to me. It was saying it was dying and I felt like a thousand pins were attacking it. I gently tried to pull my arm out from under the lady, but it was stuck. I glanced over the back of her head and saw her face in the mirror. Well at least she wasn’t coyote ugly and my arm could be saved. Now how could I get her off my arm without waking her?

  Shit, this is my room. I can’t sneak off in the night like a thief. Damn that face looks familiar. She was the desk clerk on second shift at the hotel where I was staying. I had promised myself that I wouldn’t bring strangers to my room ever again after being rolled a month ago. Alcohol must have been involved again. I’ve been drinking too much since the divorce and waking up with strange women way too often. I had gone from a devoted husband and doting father to a drunken whore monger.

  She woke with a start. I pretended to be asleep as she slowly got out of bed.

  I heard her say, “Damn, I promised to never sleep with a customer again. I have to get my ass out of here without waking him. Damn, we must have been drunk because I don’t remember having sex.”

  She slipped her clothes on and said, “Goodbye Zack Johnson, whoever the hell you are. You can stop pretending to be asleep. I’m gone. What the fuck, stop by the desk tonight after I get off and I’ll meet you for drinks.”

  I continued to pretend I was asleep and she closed the door and was gone. I could breathe again. I rubbed my arm until it came back to life and ran to the bathroom. I peed for about an hour and then searched my travel bag for some aspirin, took two and made some of that hotel coffee. My head was still fuzzy, but I remembered I was on vacation and had driven a rented Ford Escape from Smyrna, Tennessee to Green Land, Oregon. It took a week since I stopped at all of the sights along the way. I was impressed with the geyser and Cody, Wyoming and saw a bunch of mountains, streams and redwood trees once I got to northern California.

  The hotel was a luxury since I was a backpacker from way back. I hiked to the top of Mount Ashland, visited Table Rock and wandered through the redwoods in California.

  I heard my cell phone playing “Brown Eyed Girl” and knew that my daughter was calling me. Where the hell was my phone? I searched the room and found it had fallen behind the desk. I hit recent calls and dialed her number.

  “Dad, why didn’t you answer my call and where are you?”

  “Callie, I’m in Oregon on vacation. Remember I tried to get your Mom to let you go, but she wouldn’t.”

  “I know Dad and I really wanted to go with you. Mom wants to know if I can come down to Smyrna and stay with you for a month this summer. She and Todd want to travel.”

  “So I get to be your babysitter. You know I want you anytime she will let you come down. We’ll go hiking and backpacking.”

  “That would be great. Can we shoot your guns? Dad, I need a new bicycle. Mine’s a bit small for me; I’ve grown three inches since last summer.”

  “Your 16th birthday is a month off. Happy Birthday! I’ll drive up to Anderson and perhaps we can drive over to Murphy to that fancy bike shop and find you a bike.”

  “Thanks Dad. Have you been to Crater Lake yet? Send more pictures.”

  “I’m going there after lunch and I’ll send them to you and post a bunch on Facebook.”

  “Dad, Mom wants to talk with you. Goodbye.”

  “Goodbye……….. Joan, what do you want?”

  “Look Zack, don’t be a butthole. C
an’t we be civilized? I want to make sure you are alright with Callie spending the summer with you.”

  “So you and Todd can have a honeymoon?”

  “You know that we are getting married. Married people do have honeymoons.”

  “They do, but you are taking our neighbor on your honeymoon. Has he even divorced Alice yet? You screw our neighbor, divorce me and expect me to be civilized.”

  “Yes, get over it. Our marriage was stale and you know it.”

  “So just like day old bread, you just toss it aside.”

  “Why do you care? I hear you are screwing every woman that you meet. I hope you get a STD.”

  “I probably got it from you and Todd.”

  “Oh and before I forget, your best friend Mike and I will never speak to each other again after the stunt he pulled.”

  “What did your brother do to make me proud?”

  “He took a dump in Todd’s convertible. He is a moron.”

  “He’s your brother.”

  He cut off the call and pitched the phone on the bed. Time for a shower.

  I needed to call Mike and thank him for crapping in that bastard’s car. He also needs to check on my farm over east of Owensville, Ky. The farm belonged to my Great Uncle Arlo and Aunt Betty and I spent many a summer roaming around the farm and surrounding area. That’s where I met Mike and Joan Norman. We were best friends and I married Joan right after high school. My aunt and uncle didn’t have any kids and my dad traveled a lot and took my mom with him when he could, so I got to stay with Uncle Arlo and Aunt Betty. The farm was 120 acres of farm land with a five acre lake and about 30 acres of dense woods with a stream flowing through it year round. I loved the time I spent there.


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