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Buried Secrets: A dark Romantic Suspense (The Buried Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Vella Day

  Jenna pulled up a chair and studied the attached tubes and beeping monitors. She wasn’t going to wake him because he needed to sleep. Lifting his cold hand, she squeezed his palm, wanting to let him know she was here for him.

  He coughed and his eyelids fluttered open. She leaned closer. “Daddy?” She hadn’t called him that in twenty years.

  “Jenna.” His eyes opened. “I messed up real good this time, didn’t I?” He winced and her insides turned to mush. Stupid emotions.

  No way would she discuss what happened in the shoot out. Getting nailed in the back meant he was losing it. Her dad would become defensive, pushing his blood pressure to the limits. He’d blame Marlon for not having his back. For that, she’d agree.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll be at your desk in no time.” What was one more lie?

  He shook his head. “I’m dying. I’ve been shot before. I can tell the energy is seeping out of me fast.” He coughed again and grabbed his stomach.

  “The doctor said you’d be fine.” Please let it be true.

  “Not this time.” He squeezed her hand. “I love you, Jenna. I know I’ve never told you before, but I do.”

  She nearly choked. A tear dribbled down her cheek, and her eyes flooded with water. Dammit. Now wasn’t the time to break down. Staying angry helped keep the emotions locked up tight.

  She glared at him. Just like her old man to croak before she could ask the one question that had been ruling her life. “Why did you cheat on Mom?” Christ. She hadn’t meant to speak those words.

  He flinched. “She cheated on me first.”

  She slapped the bed. “That’s bullshit.” Though why would he lie now?

  After licking his lips, he squeezed his eyes shut. “I deserved it. I was never home. She needed someone, so she took a lover and I found out. I’m not proud of how I reacted, but I slept with someone to get back at her.”

  “Mom really cheated first ?” Impossible.

  “Yes, but I promised her I’d never say anything.”

  If what he said was true, retaliation wasn’t the answer, but that was just like her dad to pay Mom back for hurting him. “Then why did Mom kill herself after I told on you.” See if you can answer that one.

  “She was dying.” He held up a hand, knowing she was about to call his bluff. “She had stage four cancer and knew she didn’t have long to live. Dr. Pullman was her oncologist. You can get the records if you don’t believe me.”

  The air deflated from her lungs. Her head swam with denial. “Why didn’t she get treatment?” Why did she have to leave me?

  “She didn’t want to put you through the torture of seeing her become sicker and sicker. There was no cure.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me before?” His silence was a bigger betrayal than when he’d cheated on Mom.

  He turned his head to the side. “You hated me enough. I was in shock after your mom’s death. Keeping quiet seemed best for both of us.”

  “I always thought you believed it was my fault Mom killed herself.”

  He grabbed her hand. “No. Never. I loved you more than life.”

  He never showed it. “You wanted a boy.” Now why did she bring up that sore subject? For closure perhaps?

  “A boy? You’re wrong.”

  “You never bought me dresses or dolls. Instead we went to the gun range and the police station and the morgue.”

  Her dad glanced away. “Oh, honey. I didn’t know how to raise a girl. I wanted to teach you what I knew and loved.” His breath grew ragged, and she tensed. “You turned out a tad strong-willed, but that’s a good thing for a cop. Don’t ever change. Be proud of who you are.” Her father’s words turned her life upside down. He reached out and took her hand. “I was hard on you to make you stronger.”

  Strong? She needed a lot more strength than she possessed right now. “Daddy?” She let the silly name slip out again.

  Her dad’s snores ended the conversation. She watched his chest rise and fall. When she was convinced he’d be okay, she slipped out of his room. Her emotions clashed with every step. Her whole life had been a lie. Talk about a shock. Dad had completely trashed her belief system. Now, she didn’t know what to believe.

  Instead of returning home and facing Sam, she punched the hospital elevator button for the second floor, wanting to see how Carla was doing from her stabbing. Jenna needed to stop the falsehoods and misunderstandings in her life, but it wasn’t the right time to confront Sam with the truth. Maybe Carla could help her get her thoughts in order.

  The television glowed in her friend’s darkened room, but the sound was muted. Carla’s eyelids were closed, but her hands were weaving a web.


  Her eyelids popped open, and she smiled. “Company! I’m so bored. Come sit down.”

  She patted the bed, but Jenna opted for the chair. “You sound so much better.”

  “I am. Drugs help too.”

  “It’s past visiting hours, I know, but I came to see my dad and thought I’d visit while I was here.” Jenna told Carla about her father being shot.

  “Oh, Jenna.” Carla grabbed her hand and squeezed. “I’m so sorry.” Carla raised the electric bed so they’d be eye-to-eye. “I didn’t know he was a cop.”

  “No one did.” Given how the truth seemed to set her free with her dad, she figured she’d dip her toe into the truth waters once again. “As a matter of fact, so am I.” She held her breath awaiting the censure.

  “I know.”

  Jenna couldn’t have been more surprised. “You do? Did you tell Sam?”

  “No. I figured that was your job.”

  Jenna squeezed Carla’s hand. “You’re right. I’m going to tell him. Tonight.” She gave Carla the Reader’s Digest condensed version of her undercover assignment.

  “I know you wanted to protect Sam from the truth, but trust me, lies only end in tragedy. Chance convinced me to tell my folks about Daphne and about the pregnancy. I thought they’d fall apart, but they didn’t. In fact, they were relieved to have closure. As for the rape, they didn’t blame me or anything. I never would have guessed they’d react so favorably. I’m betting Sam will take the news better than you think.”

  “I hope so.” Jenna didn’t want to talk about it anymore. The emotional vibes in the room nearly choked her. “When did the doctors say you could go home?”

  “Hopefully, by Monday.”

  “That’s great.”

  Sam would be thrilled to have Carla back at work as soon as possible. He mentioned his new intern, Lara, was rather handy with the computer, but he considered Carla the queen.

  Not wanting to tire Carla, Jenna said her goodbyes. Once in the lobby, she called Sam, hoping he hadn’t gone to bed. Her stomach refused to calm, awaiting the impending confession. “Can you pick me up?”

  “Of course.”

  “I’ll wait in the lobby until I see you drive up, okay?”

  “Be there in about ten minutes.”

  When he arrived, he acted so caring about her father’s shooting that Jenna’s courage began to fail. He’d turn on her for sure when he learned the truth.

  They pulled into her driveway and Sam turned to her. “I want you to stay here for a moment.”

  “Why?” The smirk on his face told her he had something fun in mind.

  “Trust me.”

  While Sam dashed inside, she sat in the car, practicing the words for when she told him the truth. Her hands wouldn’t stop shaking, which wasn’t a good sign.

  Five minutes later, he dashed out of the house, a half-grin on his face. His skin looked refreshed, as though he’d put the tragedies of yesterday behind him. The tension in her neck disappeared, and she focused only on how her body would melt in his arms, and her heart would turn to mush the moment he kissed her—if he ever kissed her again.

  He opened her passenger door and held out his hand. “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “You’ll see.”

  He lightly tugged on her ha
nd for her to follow him inside. “Oh my God.” The lights were off, but in its place were about ten small battery driven candles scattered throughout the kitchen and the living room. Cinnamon and jasmine wove a scent so sensual, and her knees weakened. She snuggled up against Sam. “This is incredible!” The flickering light gave the drab house a cozy glow.

  All the times she’d tried to seduce him, he’d not responded to her sexually like she’d wanted. Now, he’d flipped the tables by creating an amazing environment, and her mind boggled at the thought of him wanting her.

  “I’m glad you like it.” His smoldering eyes and sexy smirk told her he knew he’d wowed her.

  “I’d say so.”

  This might be the last and only time he’d want to be near her. Once he found out about her lie, he’d split for good. She swallowed her concern and followed him into the bedroom, putting off the admission one more day.

  The anticipation of what was in store made her wet between the legs. She couldn’t believe she’d finally make love to him. When he pushed open her bedroom door, she halted. The piles of clothes on the floor were gone. “What have you done?”

  “It’s called cleaning.”

  She laughed and her ribs protested, but at the moment, no amount of pain would dampen her excitement. Three more candles sat on the floor surrounding the bed.

  She leaned over, touched something pink on the spread and held up one leaf. “Rose petals?”

  “I figured you’d had a really crappy few days. It’s the least I could do for you.”

  She couldn’t figure out if this presentation was a pity gift or if the whole set up was meant as a romantic gesture. Hell. She’d go with the romantic gesture any day.

  “I can think of a few things you could do to help make my pain go away.”

  The wind picked up outside the windows and rapped on the panes. She shivered.

  “Come here,” he said, sounding like a lion in wait.

  She slinked toward him, excited to be his prey.


  Words failed Sam as he peeled off Jenna’s top. Her perky breasts begged to be suckled, but he wanted to wait until every inch of her delicious body was under him before he partook in the carnal pleasures.

  “Hurry, Sam.”

  “No way. I want this to last a long time.” He grunted as he slipped off her flowing skirt and gently coaxed her to the bed. “You’re amazing.”

  She closed her eyes. Perfect. He gathered her clothing and placed them neatly on the corner chair before he strode over to the bed. “Want to help me?” Her lids sprang open and he hooked his thumbs in his pants.

  She sat up. “Undress you?”

  He laughed. Here she’d tried to seduce him the moment she met him. Surely, she wasn’t chickening out now. “Yes.”

  In a flash, her deft fingers undid his belt and unzipped his pants. Her assertiveness must not have been an act after all. With a tug, his trousers fell to the floor. He stepped out of them and scooped up the mess.

  Jenna’s hands flew to her face. “You’re going to fold them, aren’t you?”

  “I’d planned on it.”

  She laughed. “I give up. Go. Hurry. Do your thing.”

  She leaned forward and watched his every move. He whipped off his shirt, placed it on top of her clothes and eased back over to her. Standing in front of her, his erection strained against his boxers, and he willed her to take them off.

  To his delight, she did just that. It was when she ran a finger down the length of him and squeezed his shaft that lust grabbed him so hard he failed to breathe for a moment. “Jen-na, why don’t you lay back on the bed?” His breath quickened.

  He didn’t want to admit his willpower had disappeared. He wanted her, needed her, desired her—now. She deserved better than some rutting male, but his patience had been tested too many times to count, and at the moment, it had flown the coup.

  When Jenna scooted back onto the bed, he plied open her thighs. His chest on the cool, clean sheets, his tongue did a dance over her swollen, enticing clit.

  “Oh my God.” She sucked in a loud breath.

  Her hands flew to his shoulders as her hips vibrated up and down. The light from the flickering candles played across her features. Open mouth, eyes closed, back arched, Jenna moaned and groaned with every thrust and parry of his tongue.

  “I can’t take it anymore,” she panted. “Please, I have to have you.”

  Sam grinned. Her eagerness turned him on big time. To half satisfy her, he slipped a finger into her.

  “That’s wonderful.” She seemed satisfied, oohing and aahing until her hips quieted. “You have anything...bigger?”

  He worried her ribs might not take the pressure of him on top of her, so he pressed up on his arms and hovered over her. His erection brushed her stomach.

  “Wait,” he said, as he reached over to the nightstand.

  “If you pull any kind of stopping shit on me, I’ll have to kill you.” Her lips pressed together, but the corners wobbled as if she were trying not to smile.

  He laughed and held up a condom. “You want to do the honors.”

  Jenna dropped her head back and howled. “Yes.”

  Her fingers worked like a race driver—fast and quick—slipping the protection on in seconds. Jenna grabbed his cock and guided him into her sweet sex. As he slid inside, cinnamon and spice filled the air. Their lips met, and then their tongues parried. The rhythm of their frenzied thrusts grew. Blood pounded in his ears as the lovemaking reached a crescendo.

  Her moans rang out as she clawed his back. With each thrust his climax threatened.

  “Yes! Yes!” she shouted.

  Jenna screamed, and Sam came a second later. Their breaths had turned ragged as if they’d run a marathon. Once they caught their breaths, Sam rolled to the side and gathered her in his arms.

  “That was amazing,” he said.

  “See what you’ve been missing this whole time?”

  Sam kissed her again, not satisfied with the few kisses she’d bestowed on him. “I’ll guess I’ll have to make up for lost time and do this again.”

  Jenna and Sam huddled over the computer screen in the technician’s lab. When she ran a hand over Sam’s cute butt, he swatted it away, but she didn’t mind. Jenna could tell by the turn of his lips he was trying not to laugh at her less than subtle seduction. Thank goodness, Edwardo Lopez, the video technician wasn’t able see them play lovebird behind his back.

  The tech leaned forward and manipulated an image on the screen. He pointed to an enlarged version of the fake cop’s neck as he strode down the hospital corridor toward the AV room. “Your cop killer was wearing a latex mask.”

  Sam moved in closer. “You’re kidding. So we have no idea what he looks like?”

  “He wore a blond wig.”


  “But look here.” Edwardo pointed the mouse to a spot near the man’s collar. “Underneath, his hair is curly and dark.”

  “That’s good.” Sam tapped the screen. “Hey, is that a tattoo on his arm?” The man’s long-sleeved shirt was unbuttoned at the wrist, exposing the partial image.

  Edwardo zoomed in closer. “Half of one.”

  “Can you tell what it is?”

  After a series of filters, the image cleared. “A spotted tail of some kind wrapped around a spike. The tail might belong to a snake.”

  “Can you print a couple of copies for me? And how about an overall shot of the guy?”

  “Sure.” Edwardo’s fingers clacked away.

  “Run the film one more time for me, will you?” Sam said once the tech hit the print key.

  Jenna leaned into Sam. “What are you hoping to find?”

  “I want to check out his gait and also compare his height to the objects on the wall for a more precise measurement on the guy.”

  As they viewed the film, acid burned in her stomach. “He looks familiar.”

  Sam faced her and placed his hands on the side of her shoulders. “How s

  “I’ve seen him before. Only I don’t know where. Here maybe, or at the store. I wish I could be more sure.”

  “I’d vote for here. Think about it. The guy seems to know all of our employees. He burned down my house, stabbed Carla, and blew up Chance. A guy off the street wouldn’t pick three employees of HOPEFAL for no reason.”

  “I wouldn’t consider Chance a target.”

  “I know.” His voice lowered to a whisper.

  “In some way, I’m the common denominator. The cauldron, or at least a cauldron, is associated with Botanica. I worked there. It was my car that was blown up. The killer might have seen me with you and Carla and is sending me a message.”

  Sam gathered her into his arms and squeezed tight. “Then why send cryptic notes to me and Carla and not you?”

  “I don’t have an answer for that one yet.”

  “Every time I think of what could have happened to you, it makes me sick.”

  Jenna leaned her head on his shoulder and breathed in his spicy scent. Sam was worming his way under her skin, something she knew was about to end in heartbreak.

  Four color images spit out of the printer. Sam rushed over to grab them. “Let’s go.” He grabbed her hand.

  “Where to?”

  “First off, I want Phil to ask the head of Human Resources to go through all of our employees here at the lab to see if anyone matches the man’s gate, his height, and his coloring.”

  “Don’t forget his tattoo.”

  He smiled down at her. “I doubt tattoos or body piercings are on the application. The head of each department might be able to identify the man’s markings, unless he never rolled up his sleeves.”

  “Don’t all employees here get background checks?”

  “Sure, but all that means is that the person hasn’t been caught.”

  “Scary.” Once Sam thanked Edwardo, he and Jenna delivered the information about the latex mask to Phil, who promised to find out about the employees and their markings. They left Phil to track down evidence. They headed to the elevator. “What’s your next move?” she asked.


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