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All the Little Truths: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers High School Romance (English Prep Book 3)

Page 20

by S. J. Sylvis

  Chapter Thirty


  “Those aren’t pjs.” My mom pouted as she came into the kitchen.

  I glanced down at my gray sweatpants and t-shirt. “This is what I sleep in.”

  “You do not.” She pushed me out of the way, taking over the popcorn. “You sleep in boxers.”

  I raised my eyebrows as I pulled out my phone to check to see if Madeline had texted. She hadn’t. Though there were a few missed texts from my father that I hastily deleted.

  “Well, it’d be a little weird if Madeline showed up and I was watching a movie with my mommy in my underwear, wouldn’t it?”

  My mom swung her gaze to me and laughed. “Yes, you’re right.” She turned away. “I need to tell you something.”

  My heart slowed, and my hand dropped to the counter as I placed my phone down. “Let me guess, you’re divorcing Dad?”

  I knew this talk was coming. I’d been waiting. And God, I fucking hoped that was what she was about to say. It’d been a couple weeks since I’d heard her crying in her room, and it was so relieving, except for the fact that I’d replaced my worry for my mom with worry for Madeline. But at least one female I cared about was smiling again.

  I paused. When had I started caring about Madeline—or at least admitting it?

  “Did your dad say that?”

  “Huh?” I shook myself internally. “Oh. No. I don’t talk to him, remember?”

  Her eyes softened around the edges before pouring popcorn into three bowls. The smell of butter had my hand reaching out to snag some. “You can’t hate him forever.”

  “But you can?” I questioned before throwing the popped kernels into my mouth.

  “I don’t hate your father, Eric. I’m angry. A little mortified. But I don’t hate him. I can’t hate the man I created a life with. That’s not fair to you.”

  I scoffed, grabbing my phone. “What’s not fair to me is hearing you cry in your bedroom when you think I’m asleep.” Her almond eyes widened. “I hate him for hurting you, and I think you deserve better. If you’re hesitating with the divorce for any reason at all other than your true happiness, then that’s what won’t be fair to me.”

  “Sweetie—” There was a soft knock on the door, and I silently thanked God that Madeline didn’t make things difficult and act as if I really wouldn’t come get her. Because I would have.

  “Dad is a selfish asshole, but if staying with him makes you happy, then whatever. Fine. But I don’t know that I can ever look him in the eye and not get the urge to spit right in his face. Not after what I saw.”

  Her eyes welled up, but she nodded, understanding my anger. Before I got all the way to the door, she said, “I’m sorry you saw it. And I’m sorry you heard me crying.”

  “You’re not the one who should be apologizing, Mom.”

  Her cheeks barely lifted before turning back around to the counter.

  My chest grew tight, and my shoulders tensed, but somehow, it all disappeared when I opened the door and saw Madeline standing there in the cutest fucking get-up I’d ever seen.

  I couldn’t help my lips splitting. She peered up at me from those beautiful blue eyes, her cheeks pink and full of life.

  “What?” She crossed her arms over her chest and glanced away. “You better not make fun of me. I had to pull these out of the back of my bottom drawer because I’d never ever worn them in my life.”

  I held back a laugh and scoured my gaze over her. Her hair, the color of the sun, was in waves falling over her slender shoulders. Her skin was free of makeup but still so incredibly gorgeous. The light-pink thermal pjs were snug on her frame, outlining the two mounds on her chest and sliding over the curve of her hips. My mouth watered. How could someone be so cute but so fucking hot at the same time?

  “Eric!” She stomped her foot. “Is this part of your game? Did you only invite me over here, in my dumb pjs, to make fun of me? Are you going to snap pictures and post them all over social media or something? Because let me save you the trouble; people will make fun of me regardless. You can’t embarrass me further.”

  I rolled my eyes before grasping her wrist and pulling her into my house. The door slammed shut behind her as I caged her in. “Oh, we’re playing a game, alright. But it’s not what you think.”

  I grinned, and a switch of desire flicked on as I watched her pupils dilate. Her hooded eyes became glassy. “I invited you over because I was going absolutely fucking insane knowing you were just a few yards away, stuck in a house that is the furthest thing from a home. It’s not safe there. It is here. Thus, why I invited you.”

  Madeline barely flinched, but I could see the wheels turning. “I didn’t realize you cared so much about my safety.”

  I halted, slowly dropping my arm as I heard my mom coming through the foyer. I took a step away from her and all her natural beauty she liked to hide at school with makeup. “I didn’t either.”

  “I know! He’s my favorite too. I want to know more. I hope next season they give us some more background on him.”

  My mom nodded. “I bet they will! That was a good cliffhanger. I’m going to look up how many seasons there are. We might need to make this a weekly thing!”

  Madeline sat up and crisscrossed her legs with excitement. Her pink thermal pants rubbed along my thigh, and every single nerve ending in my body fired to attention. “Good idea!”

  Rubbing a hand down my face, I glanced away from the two of them. They were lost in their conversation about whatever show we were watching on Netflix. I had no fucking idea what the show was called or what it was about because, the entire time, I was too concerned with the way Madeline’s leg kept touching mine, and how she’d gasp at a twist in the storyline, or how her features would soften when the main character would kiss the girl. She was mesmerizing. It was one of the first times I’d let myself loose, allowing myself to truly take her in, but now, I couldn’t seem to stop.

  “Hello?” I turned my attention to my mom as she answered her phone. “Oh hey, Cammie. What’s up?” Her face dropped as she glanced to Madeline and me. She waited a few beats before saying, “Sure. That’s not a problem. I’ll be in.”

  My mom hung up the phone and gave us a sad smile. “Sorry, guys. I have to cut this short. They need someone at the hospital. Apparently, a few nurses caught food poisoning from the night before when they ordered takeout.” She made a worrisome face as she stood up and began folding the blanket. “But do not let me put a damper on the night. Keep watching.” She turned to Madeline with a bright face. “You can fill me in next weekend, and we’ll pick up where you left off. Deal?”

  I stopped existing all together when Madeline showed off her perfect, white teeth. Her smile was breathtaking. I was suddenly taken back to middle school when she’d shown up on my doorstep with homemade cookies, welcoming us to the neighborhood.


  My mom smiled one more time before walking off to throw her scrubs on. Her leaving changed the charge in the air almost instantaneously. Madeline shifted uncomfortably, tucking her legs underneath her. It was like she was trying her hardest not to touch me.

  Her lips rolled together as she let out a shaky laugh. She appeared…nervous?

  Well, shit. Was she afraid to be alone with me?

  A hidden chuckle left my throat, just barely, but it was enough for her to whip her head in my direction.

  “What?” she snapped, angry lines crowding her eyes. “Why are you laughing?”

  I started up again, this time throwing my head back as it rumbled out of my chest. “I just…” I tried to regain my seriousness before meeting her eye. The smallest smile was gracing her mouth as she watched me. “I’ve just never seen you nervous. Ever. Not like this.”

  I’d seen her scared…and worried. But nervous? Over being alone with me? No way. She was as tough as nails. The leader of the pack. Pulling guys by a leash instead of the other way around.

  “I’m not nervous.” She shifted again, pushing her
self even farther away from me. If she went any farther, she’d likely flip off the side of the couch.

  I grew serious, wiping the smile off my face. “Are you…are you nervous to be alone with me after last night?” Fuck. I hoped not.

  She rolled her eyes, glancing at the TV. “Why would I be nervous? I’m not nervous.”

  I tsked my tongue, sitting further back onto the couch. “Are you embarrassed, then?”

  She shot me a glare. “Embarrassed that you heard my father beating up on my mom? Um, yeah. It is embarrassing.”

  I shook my head. “That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it.”

  Her face turned fifty different shades of red, her gaze dipping to my mouth and then back up to my eyes. “No.” Her dark lashes fluttered. “I don’t know what you’re even talking about.”

  My eyes grew wide, and I laughed again. Was she really going to pretend? Was she out of her mind? I leaned in close, our legs brushing again. My dick started to move, her scent filling my senses and fucking them all up. “I’m talking about when you fucked my hand and came so hard you collapsed afterwards.”

  Madeline sucked in air, stealing oxygen right out of my mouth. Her chest pushed out as she bit down on her lip. “Oh. That.”

  “Yeah,” I answered. “That.”

  “Okay, you two!” My mom bounced down into the living room, her chestnut hair tied in a bun on the top of her head. She was wearing her navy scrubs with her ID tag dangling off the front. “Have fun. Lock the door behind me. I’ll be home in the morning sometime.”

  I slowly backed away from Madeline as she grabbed the remote to press play on the TV. “Alright, Mom. Love you. Bye.”

  Madeline cleared her throat. “Bye, Heather.”

  As soon as the front door latched, my dick hardened.

  Madeline and me all alone in my big, empty house.

  Whatever will we do?

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Get your shit together! Letting out small puffs of air, I continued reprimanding myself in my head, desperately trying to calm myself. Eric was so close to me I could smell his clean, spicy scent. His body heat wafted over me, making me sweat in places that didn’t even exist.

  Every single time our legs brushed accidentally—or maybe on purpose—my thigh would tingle.

  He was all cool, calm, and collected over there, leaning back on the couch with his legs propped up on the coffee table, unknowingly being super fucking hot. His dark hair was ruffled on top, effortlessly disheveled in a sexy way that he likely didn’t even mean to do. His sharp cheekbones begged for me to touch them. His lips were unmoving, so plump and inviting.

  I was pretty sure he was toying with me, saying things to make me feel uncomfortable on purpose. He was killing me slowly and painfully with sex appeal, making me so turned on I’d have to beg him to touch me so he could put me out of my misery. He said we were playing a game, and maybe we were, but I had no idea what the rules were. Was he making me fall for him so he could break my heart in the end? Was he pretending to care about me so I’d feel safe, and then he’d leave me to the wolves when he knew I was hooked? Or was he truly trying to kill me with sexual tension?

  I froze, my thoughts scattering like lost marbles, when Eric’s hand clamped down on my ankle. He swung my legs up and over, landing on his thighs as my head softly hit the couch arm behind me. “What are you doing?” I asked, sitting up, all out of breath. Now he was touching me?!

  “You won’t stop squirming, clenching your legs together. You’re restless. Just lay your legs here and watch your show.”

  I didn’t want to watch the show anymore. I couldn’t focus on the show. His mom had left for work, and we were just sitting here, alone, in the dimly lit living room with colors from the TV dancing all around us.

  Maybe I should have gone back home.

  I glanced to the window, wondering if my mom and dad were back yet. A part of me was worried that she’d make a wrong move or glance at a waiter for too long, causing my dad to get angry. But I had to remind myself that my mom was a grown woman, and she knew how to play her cards right—most of the time, at least.

  “So, what did you tell your parents about tonight?” Eric asked, his hand still resting on my ankle.

  I cleared my throat so my voice wouldn’t sound as desperate and frazzled as I truly felt. “I told them I was going out with friends and that they should have a date night.” I kept my eyes on the TV, but I wasn’t really watching it. “I wanted to sell it to my dad that my mom missed him so maybe he’d forget that she was on a date with another man the night before.”

  I felt the couch move as he nodded. His thumb started to skim the bare skin of my ankle, back and forth, back and forth. Something began swirling deep inside my stomach, but I was enjoying it too much to make myself get up and move.

  I continued watching the show, gazing at the colorful screen, but I couldn’t register a single second of what was happening. As every minute passed and Eric’s hand crept higher up my leg, running his fingers back and forth, I was wound so tightly I couldn’t help my outburst. I flung myself up, the couch swallowing my body. “What are you doing?!”

  Even my voice was tight, the words almost choking me as they came out.

  Eric slowly turned his stormy gaze and latched onto me so hard I almost grabbed his hand and shoved it between my legs.

  “I’m enjoying the show.”

  I was huffing, my chest rising and collapsing at an increasingly fast pace. “Well, I’m glad one of us can pay attention to it! You’re driving me crazy!”

  His grin was dark and sexy, the edge of his jaw becoming sharper. “No. I mean this show.” He pointed his chin to me, his eyebrows raising to show off his dark eyelashes.

  I gulped. “Wha—what?” His finger was still toying over my ankle, rising up to my knee and back. Even through my pjs, the friction was causing goosebumps.

  I wanted more.

  “I’m enjoying the show you’re putting on, Madeline.”

  “What show?” I was panting, and it was so embarrassing, but I couldn’t make myself get up and leave. I didn’t want to. His touch made the room sway and rock in the most delicious of ways.


  I felt myself scooting down farther, my legs enveloping his. My face was hot. It was like slipping into a hot tub, feeling the warmth of the water flush my skin.

  “You enjoying my touch.” He licked his bottom lip, his tongue darting out quickly before disappearing. I pouted when he pulled it back into his mouth. “You squirming…unable to stay still because the chemistry between us is at an all-time high.” He turned away, his finger creeping higher. “Thanks to last night.”

  “Why are you doing this? Is it part of the plan to ruin me? Destroy me like I destroyed you?”

  He smirked. “You didn’t destroy me. You only made me mad. You made me hate you.” His hand stopped moving, and my hopes came crashing down.

  No. Please don’t stop.

  I shivered.

  “But…” My eyes widened as his eyes tore through me like an unstoppable tornado. “I don’t think I hate you anymore.”

  I felt brave with his eyes on me. I felt the girl buried inside sparking to life with his hopeful words. I knew, outside of this house and back in our normal reality of our fucked-up, high-school-deemed hierarchy, we were nothing. I was the school leper. His friends loathed me, and even the teachers wanted to watch me crash and burn. I was damaged beyond reach, shoving away the trauma only for it to haunt me in my sleep. But here? Tucked away inside thick walls, all alone with nothing but worthless words separating us? I didn’t care if I was worse off afterwards. I didn’t care if I had the bitter taste of love left behind when we went our separate ways.

  I wanted the boy next door, even if he did hate me in the end.

  The leg his hand was burning opened farther, dropping to the side like a sacrificed invitation. “Hate or not…” I reached for his hand, crept it up past my knee
, and placed it at the waistband of my pants. “I’d still beg you to touch me.”

  Eric’s eyes were hooded, his nostrils flared. My middle was throbbing, my nipples hardening with the single thought of our bodies colliding.

  All I could think about as Eric peered down at me with his soul-sucking eyes and kissable mouth was, mine, mine, mine.

  He was the furthest thing from mine, but right now, I could pretend.

  His hands grasped my hips, and he pulled me down even further onto the couch. My head hit the cushion softly as he ripped my thin shirt up and over my head. I arched my back when his warm breath hit my chest, right in between the lace of my bra. He inhaled like he couldn’t get enough. “Same thing applies,” he whispered. “Tell me if you need me to stop.” Then, he whipped himself forward and sealed a kiss on my mouth. His tongue swept in, swirling around with an urgency that we both felt. I spread my legs wide, pushing up on his hardness, wanting to rock away the ache that had only intensified.

  “So fucking hot,” he mumbled against my lips, biting and pulling, making me whimper with need.

  I was so incredibly desperate; it was downright mortifying how obsessed I was with his touch. It was wild. This was wild. Eric and I were completely unstoppable.

  When he took his mouth off mine, inhaling a lungful of oxygen, he ripped his own shirt off and threw it across the room. The lights on the TV danced along his rippling muscles, his chest bare of any flaws, only mounds and valleys of toned bulges, begging to be licked. He pulled himself back down, trailing his nose over the curve of my heavy breasts, both spilling out of my bra. When I felt the slickness of his tongue lick a line from my chest down past my belly button, I almost passed out.

  “Eric, don’t make me beg for it.”

  I felt him smile along my skin. “Begging sounds nice. Tell me how bad you want it, baby.”

  No, he did not just ask me to beg.

  My hips jerked upward, and his hands grabbed them, pushing me down from rubbing myself on him. I traveled my fingers over my bra, needing some type of stimulation to keep me from crying out, but then his fingers found mine, and he intertwined them.


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