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All the Little Truths: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers High School Romance (English Prep Book 3)

Page 25

by S. J. Sylvis

  Eric’s eyebrow hitched as his pupils dilated. I began tracing my finger around the lacy cup of my bra as he watched my every move. “Truth or dare, Eric?”

  He kept watching me. “Truth.”

  “Is it true you want to watch?”

  He blinked slowly, his mouth opening just slightly. “Yes.”

  My nipples hardened instantly, my finger moving dangerously close to the edge of my jeans.

  “Truth or dare?” Eric whispered, leaning back onto the couch cushion, giving me more space to explore.


  He clenched his jaw, his hand fisting on his jeans. “I dare you to unbutton your jeans.”


  My finger shook slightly as I pushed the metal button through the slit and again as I unzipped them. The only sounds were the zipper and the shifting of Eric and me on the couch every few seconds. We were both basically foaming at the mouth, ready to strip each other bare, but if I knew anything about Eric, it was that he was stubborn. He truly wouldn’t touch me until I asked for it. Maybe he was trying to be respectful, especially since he knew what had happened to me, or maybe he just wanted to win the game.

  “Truth or dare, Eric?”

  Eric kept watching my fingers as they fiddled with the top of my panties, dipping down for a moment and then back up.

  “Dare.” The single word felt like a brick falling to the floor.

  “I dare you to touch yourself, too.”

  He groaned, throwing his head back, the cords of muscles popping back and forth. He unbuttoned his jeans, all while staring at me intently, and bundled his dick in his hand. It was hard for me to see, because he was working inside his boxers, but the look of relief on his face when he touched himself made me even wetter.

  “So, who's going to break first?” I asked when his eyes flew to mine. “Is this going to end with me begging for you or you begging for me?”

  “Oh, I’ll absolutely be touching you, Madeline,” he said through his teeth as he lifted his lap up and shimmied his boxers down past his thighs. He threw his head back again when he gripped himself hard.


  “But I promise you I’m more stubborn than you are.” His white teeth gripped his bottom lip as he watched my hand disappear into my panties. “You’ll be the one begging.”

  I didn’t recognize my voice when I said, “We’ll see, Eric.”

  But I knew, deep down, I’d be the one to succumb. It seemed I had absolutely no self-control when it came to Eric.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Oh, fuck me. Madeline. Madeline. Madeline.

  But for real. Fuck me.

  I couldn’t stop staring or pumping myself. I wanted to go slow so I could outlast her, but Jesus fucking Christ. I dare you to touch yourself, too. I swore I would never let this girl have the upper hand when it came to us, even if she was invading my brain every second of every day, but I was ready to bow down at her feet and beg for her to let me worship every part of her body.

  There was a tiny freckle on her toned stomach, just above her right hip bone. I kept trying to focus on it instead of her hungry moans and lithe hand inside her panties, but it was no use. I could have been a blind man, and I’d still fucking come all over the place at the sound of her, let alone the sight.

  Madeline’s hips bucked upward as she pulled her jeans down to her ankles. I stopped beating myself off long enough to rip the denim the rest of the way before my hand was back on my dick.

  I squeezed and pumped, watching her finger disappear inside her panties again, and I was flying with jealousy. I want to touch you.

  Feeling myself tighten in all the right spots, I clenched my eyes. “Does it feel good, Maddie?” I asked, trying my hardest to get her to lose this stupid fucking game we had going.

  “Mmhm,” she muttered, barely making the sounds audible.

  “It’d be better if I were in you,” I whispered, forcing myself to slow my pumps. My hips wanted to inch forward. I wanted to fuck her so bad I couldn’t see straight.

  “Does it feel good for you, too?” she asked as her hand stopped for a second.

  “Too good,” I grumbled, pumping faster.

  I glanced at her face, and she was watching me work myself with droopy eyes and wet, glistening lips that begged for me to fuck them. She was begging me to fuck them without saying a single word.

  “Are you going to let me make you feel good, Maddie?” I asked, trying my hardest to tease her without actually touching her. “Don’t you want my hands on your body? Roaming. Touching. Caressing.”

  My hand started to move faster as she continued to gulp up all my dirty words. She liked it. She liked it so much she couldn’t even focus on herself. “Why did you stop?” I asked, going slower now. Precum glistened on the tip of my dick, and when I looked back at her, she was licking her lips.

  Her eyes flung to mine so quickly I froze. My hand froze too.

  “Fuck me.”

  Did she—?

  “Fuck me right now, Eric, or I swear to God, I’ll get off on my own in three seconds.” Her hand dipped back down into her panties, but before she could get too far, I gripped her hips and crushed my mouth onto hers. She cried out, straddling my lap with her warm, wet panties. My throbbing dick pushed up onto her sex with a single thread of cotton separating us. Madeline threw her head back, thrusting her covered tits in my face.

  I unclasped her bra and threw it behind me before burying my face in her chest, licking and sucking on the soft skin. She lifted her ass up, and I skimmed the pink panties down her thighs and past her ankles, dropping them to the floor. “Are you sure you want this, Maddie?” I asked, hoping she didn’t deny me.

  My hands gripped her bare ass, and if my dick didn’t push into her warm folds soon, I’d fucking die. Madeline consumed every single part of me.

  “I do,” she whispered, pulling back slightly to peer down at me.

  Unspoken words passed between us, something that only she and I were a part of. Broken pieces from the past were mending; hushed truths were coming to light.

  “Good,” I whispered, grabbing a condom and sliding it on quickly. “Remember this conversation when you go back to pushing me away in the morning. Remember this moment.” I began pushing into her tight pussy, my chest constricting. “Right. Here.” Cupping the back of her head, I pulled her face to mine and kissed her breathlessly. Our mouths were molded, warm and slow kisses shared between us. Her skin began getting slick to the touch, our bodies moving gracefully at first and then rougher toward the end. For once in my life, I wasn’t driven by lust, but instead by something different.

  Madeline tore her mouth from mine, throwing her head back as she rocked back and forth. I kissed her neck and her chest, thrusting upward to meet her steady rhythm.

  “Eric,” she moaned, her pussy climbing with a tightness that told me I’d be doomed for the rest of my life.

  “I’ve got you,” I whispered along her skin. “I’ve got you for as long as you need.” I snuck my hand around to where our bodies met and brushed my finger over her clit, breaking her into tiny little pieces all around me.

  Her hands gripped my head as she rode out her orgasm, and I gripped her even tighter as I rode mine.

  We both crumbled back onto the couch, evening our breathing as I pulled out of her. Madeline never let go of me, her legs wrapped up in mine, and her head buried into the crook of my neck.

  My mom texted at some point a little while later, telling me my father had left and I could come home.

  But there was no way I was going home.

  Not right now.

  Staying in this recluse spot with Madeline was the only place I wanted to be.

  Even if I knew she’d be pushing me away come morning.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  Not a single word was shared between Eric and me this morning. Nothing was said except for, last night, at one point when he’d carried me upstairs in t
he cabin, and laid me on the bed, and asked if I was still having nightmares at night.

  I was sleepy, groggily answering him with nothing but the truth. “I only have nightmares when I’m not with you.” He pulled me into his body and wrapped my leg around his. His head nodded against mine, brushing along my hair. He kissed my forehead, and then we woke up this morning when his alarm sounded, and we both got dressed with nothing but our breathing shared.

  My stomach was in knots the entire drive to our houses. Eric’s hand rested on my thigh, and it only made things worse. The sun was beginning to rise when I pulled into the driveway, and I kind of hated that because then he could see me clearly now. He could probably see all the uncertainties going on in my head.

  Eric kept a hold of my leg for a minute as we stared at each other. I think he was waiting for me to say something, to break the ice that had thawed the night before only to freeze back up by morning, but I didn’t know what to say.

  I wanted him. I wanted it all with him. The status. Calling him my boyfriend. Going on dates. Cuddling. Holding hands at school. I wanted the real deal, but how could that even be possible?

  Just yesterday, Eric was ready to lay his father flat on his ass for something he did with my mother. There were too many questions and uncertainties when it came to us. I was hesitating on letting myself fall too hard for him because of the past.

  So, for the entire day at school, I kept my head down. During class, I ignored the prickling along my neck that told me Eric was watching me. During lunch, I stared at my plaid skirt while I picked at my salad in fear that I’d catch his eye and see the disappointment he had there.

  I had messed with his heart when we were barely teenagers, and here I was, doing it again—even if for the right reason.

  My phone vibrated as I kept my back to my bedroom window, knowing Eric was likely standing there.

  Eric- Avoidance. Always a great tactic.

  Eric- I have to say, I’m enjoying the view.

  My heart raced as I clutched my phone in my hand, unable to type anything back. The only thing I kept repeating in my head were his words from last night: Remember this feeling when you go back to pushing me away in the morning.

  As if I could forget.

  Eric- I’m going to the cabin for a party. It’s Piper’s birthday.

  Something cold washed over me.

  Eric- Plus my mom is working, and I need to let off some steam before we talk in the morning about what she and my dad discussed last night.

  That was when I decided to text back.

  Me- Let me know if you need anything after you two talk. I’m sure everything will be okay.

  Eric- Why won’t you turn around?

  My stomach felt funny, like I was on a rollercoaster I didn’t want to be on.

  Eric- Is it because you know you’ll feel something when you look at me? … We wouldn’t want that, would we? You might beg me to fuck you again.

  I sensed some anger in his text, but I wasn’t sure. Maybe that was better? Maybe making him mad at me was a good reason for him to stay away.

  Eric- You’re not fooling anyone, Maddie. Not even yourself. I’ll see you tomorrow.

  My brow crinkled.

  Me- What’s tomorrow?

  He texted back quickly.

  Eric- You said you have nightmares when I’m not sleeping beside you. So, I’ll see you tomorrow night. Sorry I can’t stay tonight…you could always come to the cabin with me.

  I wanted to. I wanted to go with him so badly my eyes began to water. But I shook my head and threw my phone on my bed, hoping he didn’t notice how annoyed and frustrated I was.

  It wasn’t his fault.

  It was mine.

  He texted one more time before I heard his car start up in the driveway.

  Eric- Don’t forget to lock your door, Maddie.

  Part of me wanted to keep it unlocked in case he decided to come home early. But I knew it was unlikely, so I trudged over to it and locked it before I decided to follow him to the cabin to make a fool out of myself in front of everyone who hated me.

  Chapter Forty


  I’d rather be anywhere else than where I was at the moment. The cabin was swarming with my friends, all intoxicated off cheap beer and even some weed lingering in the air. I was sitting in the same spot that I had fucked Madeline in last night, and the only thing I could do was watch Christian lean back onto the spot beside me, knowing she had lay there and fingered herself less than twenty-four hours ago.

  My face felt hot, and the beer coating my tongue did absolutely nothing for me. I wanted to be with Madeline, tucked away somewhere with the lights down low, with her mouth on mine. Or fuck, maybe even cuddling. I didn’t care. I just wanted to be with her, and I wanted to make sure she was okay.

  “Christian, knock it off,” Hayley bemused beside me as Christian nuzzled her neck. Ollie was in the kitchen, cutting the cake—that was, quite possibly, the ugliest cake I’d ever seen—that he’d made Piper, handing out pieces to whomever wanted one—which was really just anyone with the munchies.

  “No,” Christian murmured.

  Resentment started to fill my head. Did he know how lucky he was to be sitting with Hayley, touching her in public? When would Madeline let me do that? Would she ever let me do that?

  I thought I’d broken her last night. I thought I’d gotten it into her head that I didn’t give a fuck what people thought, even more so what my father thought. Yeah, okay, our families were involved in some fucked-up drama that belonged on a soap opera, but it didn’t really affect us any longer.

  My father fucked up.

  So did her mother.

  No one had to tell her monster of a father what went on. I knew I wasn’t going to tell him. In fact, I hoped I never had to come face to face with him ever.

  Taking another drink of beer, letting it burn the back of my throat, I glanced at my phone, only to see no missed texts.

  I wonder what she’s doing.

  I scanned the room, ignoring the girls who were batting their eyelashes at me, asking for a quick fuck without actually asking.

  Then, it hit me.

  My fingers flew over my phone quickly, a smirk dancing on my lips.

  Me- How’s it going? Mom bring anyone home? Specifically, someone in a red Porsche?

  Her mom hadn’t been home much since Madeline’s father had left, but she hadn’t brought anyone home, either.

  Madeline texted back quickly.

  Madeline- I’m fine. No. She hasn’t come home yet.

  Me- Nice. I was just checking in. I gotta go, though. Missy keeps trying to steal my attention.

  I chuckled, clicking my phone off. I was playing a hand out of Christian’s handbook. The number of times he used another girl to make Hayley jealous, sometimes even using Madeline, was almost cruel, but it worked in the end.

  “Hey, Hayley?” I nudged her with my elbow. She turned around from Christian’s lap and peered down at me.


  “On a scale of one to ten, how fucking livid were you when Christian would dangle other girls in front of your face to make you jealous? You know, before you two came to your senses?”

  Hayley pouted as she thought back to the past. “A solid ten. In fact”—she let out a little growl and hit Christian on the arm—“I think I’m still mad.”

  He scowled before grinning. “That’s not fair. I was just trying to get you to see that you had the hots for me even when you said you didn’t.” His lips curved. “Now look at us.”

  Hayley rolled her eyes. “Of course I denied having the hots for you. You told me you hated me.” Then, a small smile appeared on her face as she glanced back at me. “Why are you asking?”

  I leaned back and held my phone, waiting for the text to come through. “No reason.”

  Missy caught my eye from across the room, and I gave her a tip of my chin. She gave me a look, throwing her wavy locks back. “Me?” she mouthed.

  I nodded, pulling open my phone.

  Madeline- Missy Rhodes?

  Me- Yeah.

  “Hey, Eric.” Missy’s voice was squeaky like a mouse, and I thought my eardrums had exploded at the sound.

  “Hey.” I glanced up at her. “Want to do me a favor?”

  She bit her lip in an attempt at being sexy. Sorry, Missy. Been there, done that. Twice. “Like what?”

  “Sit on my lap for a few, snap a pic, post it.”

  Her dainty shoulders dropped, her crop top hiding the sliver of bare of skin below her belly button. “That's it?”

  “Mmhm,” I answered, shoving my phone back in my pocket.

  “What’s in it for me?” she asked, crossing her arms defiantly.

  I lazily swung my gaze around the room. “Free beer, good weed, popularity points by sitting on my lap for a few.”

  “I’m already popular.”

  My gaze darkened. “For now.”

  Christian snickered, and Hayley buried her face in her hands. Missy shot them a wary look before changing her attitude. “Okay, sure.”

  I winked. “Thanks.”

  Then, she sat on my lap, snapped a picture, posted it, and stood up. “Sure that’s all you need?” Hope gleamed in her eyes before I nodded.

  “Yep, thanks.” I winked again, and her cheeks flushed before she turned around and went back to her friends, looking back at me every few seconds.

  “Trying to make Madeline jealous?” Hayley asked, holding back a laugh.

  “Something like that.” More like making her come to her senses.

  Christian’s head popped forward. “Are you sure you wanna make her jealous? She seems like the kind to bash your headlights in when angry.”

  I scoffed. “She wouldn’t dare.” I sobered up for a moment. “You don’t know her like I do.”

  He shrugged, pulling Hayley back into his neck and kissing her on the side of the head.


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