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Sweet Heart (The Hearts of Sawyers Bend Book 2)

Page 16

by Ivy Layne

  “Ironic that after so many years treating Hope as no more than an assistant, she's the only one left to help you and Griffen run Sawyer Enterprises.”

  “She's smart as a whip, too. Which I think they always knew, but they shoved her aside anyway. I hope she stays on, at least part-time, after the baby comes.”

  Royal looked more comfortable talking about business than the will, but I wasn't ready to let it go. “You think Hope and Griffen aren't allowed to spend a night apart.” Another puzzle piece clicked into place. “And Griffen was supposed to come out here tonight. Not you.”

  We both looked over at the trapdoor, and from there to where we'd stood by the window, kissing. “The bed would have blocked his view. He would have seen your back, but he could have missed me. He wouldn't have been able to see your face without coming all the way up the stairs.”

  I leaned back in my chair, staring up at the dark beams of the ceiling. Every inch of this place was gorgeous. Nice, considering we were stuck here. “Griffen and Hope went upstairs before we left. I bet they don't come down until morning. Bryce won't know he trapped the wrong Sawyer until tomorrow.”

  “Was J.T. serious about waiting up for you? Is he going to worry when you don't come home by ten?”

  I loved that Royal thought to ask about J.T. My lips curved up at the thought of J.T.'s reaction when I didn't come home. “He'll be thrilled. And everyone else will just assume you swept me off somewhere private to have your way with me. No one's going to miss us until tomorrow.”

  Royal's eyes were steady on my face, a spark lit deep within the vibrant blue. “Well, they're not wrong. I did sweep you off to have my way with you.”

  “Hmm.” The hum in my throat vibrated through my entire body. Here we were, all alone, with that big, empty bed. “So, when you said you were prepared for all sorts of things…”

  Royal reached in his pocket and slapped something down on the table between us. Red foil glinted in the glow of the oil lamp. Two condoms. I picked them up and tapped the edges on the table as if considering what to do with them.

  “Two condoms? Ambitious.”

  Royal laughed, a deep, genuine laugh I felt all the way to my toes. Plucking the condoms from my hand, he said, “Not hardly. With you? Two will barely get me started.” He lay the two foil squares on the table the same way he might have laid out a hand of poker. “And I wasn't ambitious so much as hopeful. I've been trying to wait, Daisy. And it's been a hell of a lot harder than I expected. But I don't want to use those unless you're sure. I know I have a repu—”

  I cut off the rest of Royal’s words. “I'm sure.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Just because we're trapped here doesn't mean—”

  “I'm sure,” I repeated. I had no doubt Royal wanted me. He'd made that clear. And I'd stopped worrying about his reputation. He'd worked hard to make sure I understood this was different. That I was different. Either I trusted he meant what he said, or I might as well forget about this whole thing.

  Royal's mouth opened again, and I was done. I knew exactly how to change the subject. I pushed back my chair and stood. His deep blue eyes widened, the flame buried there burning brighter. It was easy to toe-off my borrowed sneakers. Even easier to grab the hem of my dress and whip it over my head.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I stood before him in lace lingerie the exact tawny shade of my skin, my breasts already swelling, nipples drawing tight just at the heat of his eyes on me. His throat worked as he swallowed hard. Before he could move, I straddled his lap, facing him, and went to work on his tie.

  Color hit his cheeks. He swallowed hard again. He lifted one hand, and I caught it in mine. Getting up, I stepped behind him, pulling one of his arms behind the chair, then the other. Using his tie, I secured his hands to the chair before I moved back in front of him.

  Power surged through me, fueled by lust and the hungry look in Royal's eyes. It wasn't just his eyes—his whole body was wound tight. Propping my hands on my hips, thrusting my modest breasts closer to his face, I shot out one hip and gave it to him straight.

  “Here's the deal. It's been a long time for me. And it means a lot that you wanted to wait. More than I know how to tell you. But I can show you.”

  I leaned in and unbuttoned his shirt, my knuckles grazing his chest. “If you'd tried to take me to bed before this I probably would have run scared or lost interest. But you didn't. You waited until I was sure. And now, I think—Lift up.”

  His fascinated gaze locked to my face, Royal lifted his hips from the chair. I slid his pants down over that perfect ass and pulled them from his legs.

  Standing back, I took a good long look.


  Royal Sawyer, on full display for my pleasure, was the most fascinating, gorgeous, sexy thing I'd ever seen. He was already hard, his cock straining for attention. I wasn't going to make him wait.

  I stepped between his legs and stroked one hand up that deliciously thick, very hard cock. “I think,” I continued, “that this first time, I'm going to seduce you. That way you can be absolutely sure I want you just as much as you want me.” I gave the head of his cock a squeeze, then released him and stepped back as if something had occurred to me.

  “Unless you want me to stop.” I glanced back over my shoulder at one of the trunks Royal had opened. “I think I saw a book back there. We could read.”

  Royal's growl had my pussy clenching with impatience. I was having fun playing with him, but my body was ready to get to the main event.

  “So, no to stopping?”

  Royal's eyes were pure blue flame, his breath coming faster, but he didn't strain against the tie binding him to the chair. So much need and so much patience. It was a heady combination. Irresistible.

  “I never guessed you'd be a tease.” His voice was a growl, his eyes hungry as they absorbed my body.

  “We have a lot to learn about each other,” I said, wishing I still wore my heels as I sauntered closer.

  Standing between his legs again, I leaned down to press my lips to his. Royal took control of the kiss before my first breath. All that restrained need burst free, his mouth claiming mine. I was caught, tempted to drop into his lap and keep kissing him forever.

  No. I had a plan.

  Somehow, I tore myself away and dropped to my knees, trading an up-close view of his mouth for one of his cock. He was as gorgeous here as he was everywhere else. Thick, hard, a bead of moisture already gathering at the tip.

  It had been a while, but I have a good imagination. And motivation. I couldn't remember ever wanting to get to know a cock quite like I did this one. I started slow, swiping up that bead of moisture with a fingertip before popping my finger in my mouth. I sucked him from my skin, my eyes on his. Salty, musky. My pussy flooded at the taste.

  Royal groaned. “Daisy—”

  He didn't get another word out. I leaned in and licked slowly, tasting every inch from the base of that gorgeous cock, all the way to the tip. Then back down and back up again. Royal was silent except for his harsh, quick breaths.

  When I closed my mouth on the head of his cock and gave a hard suck, he moaned my name again as if it was dragged from him by the pull of my mouth. He was a lot for me to handle, but I didn't stop.

  I dropped one hand between my legs, sliding my fingers inside my panties. Wet. I was so wet and I'd barely touched him. Gathering as much of my own moisture as I could, I slipped my hand back out and wrapped it around the base of his cock, giving an experimental swirl of my grip. Royal's head tipped back, chest vibrating with his moan.

  My mouth covered what my hand didn't and between the two I enveloped his cock, sucking and squeezing and stroking, teasing until he was shaking.

  “Daisy, God, Daisy, oh, God, you have to stop or I'm gonna—Daisy, Daisy.”

  That was pretty much all he could
say. Good. I didn't want him thinking, I wanted him to feel. Now, I was at a crossroads. I could stay right where I was and suck his beautiful cock until he came in my mouth. I wanted that, which was a bit of a surprise, but more, I wanted to see his face when he came. Wanted him to see mine.

  Slowly, I pulled my mouth up, leaving him with one last lick. I stood, snagging one of the condoms off the table. Reaching behind me, I flicked open my bra with two fingers, shaking it down my arms and tossing it to the floor. That done, I hooked my thumbs in my lace panties and shimmied them down to join my bra.

  One step closer and I straddled him, keeping my eyes on his aroused face as I dealt with the condom. I hadn't opened one of these babies in a while, and I did not want to tear it. We only had two. Once I had it out and ready to roll on, I looked up to see him watching me intently, flags of red on his cheeks, his eyes pure blue flame.

  I rolled the condom down slowly, teasing again just because I could. Looking down, judging the distance between his cock and my very needy pussy, I slowly lowered myself, gasping as the head brushed my entrance.

  Even through the condom, he was hot. I was so wet he slid inside easily. I dropped onto him by degrees, the awkward position almost knocking me off my balance and sending us both tumbling to the floor, chair and all.

  Full. I was so full of Royal. I rocked my hips, my clit scraping the rough hair at the base of his cock, sending shards of bliss up my spine and down to my toes.

  “Fuck, Daisy. Fuck me, Daisy. Please.”

  It was the please that got me. Oh, who the hell was I kidding? It was everything. Royal inside me, feeling so fucking good. The desperate desire in his eyes, mirroring everything I felt inside.

  I ground my hips in a circle and took his mouth with mine, kissing him frantically, everything inside me pouring into him. How much I wanted him, how good he felt, how fucking perfect this was.

  Royal surged up, shoulders twisting, and with a shattering crack of wood, he tore his arms free of the tie, his hands coming around to close over the curve of my ass, lifting and dropping me on his cock.

  That was all it took to send me flying straight over the edge, the orgasm igniting inside me, turning me to fire. I gasped and cried out his name over and over, “Royal, Royal, Royal.”

  My orgasm must have been too much for the ancient chair. With a spectacular symphony of cracking wood, the chair crumbled beneath us, sending our bodies crashing to the floor.

  Royal's hands on my ass tightened as we fell. He rolled, coming down on his back, protecting me from the splinters of the chair.

  “Fuck, are you okay?” Royal's dazed eyes searched mine.

  “Uh-huh. You okay?” I could barely string two words together, my body still pulsing from coming so hard.

  “I will be,” Royal muttered, rolling away from the remains of the chair, taking me to my back and thrusting hard. His mouth settled beside my ear, his breath hot, coming in hard, fast pants.

  “Daisy, God, Daisy.” Inexplicably, impossibly, I was climbing to another orgasm after only a few hard thrusts. I gripped Royal's hard shoulders in my fingers, his cock filling me so perfectly. With a roar, Royal buried himself even deeper inside me, his body going stiff, the orgasm washing through him until he was limp and gasping for breath.

  He rolled again, holding me on top of him, still connected, still caught halfway to a second orgasm. Fingers trailed down my spine to slide over my ass, giving one cheek a squeeze before skimming back up to tangle in my hair. We lay there for a long minute, just breathing, our hearts thundering in rhythm.

  Royal moved first, executing an impressive ab crunch that took both of us to a sitting position. Rolling to his feet, he carried me to the bed. “Don't move.”

  I let my head fall to the side and watched him disappear into the small bathroom. He came out after a minute without the condom, a damp cloth in his hand. Climbing on the bed beside me, he nudged my legs wider and pressed the cloth between them. When I moved to take it, he pushed my hand away.

  “Let me.” Royal stretched out by my side, his long, hard body hot, his eyes sleepy and sated. His touch gentle, he cleaned me with the cloth and tossed it on the floor. Rolling me into him, he pulled me close, my back to his front, his arm tight around my waist, his lips at my ear.

  “You were going to come again, weren't you?”

  “Hmm,” I let out a little humming breath as I considered that. “History would suggest there's no way, but yeah, I think I was. But it's—”

  A squeeze of his arms and I knew he had that wicked grin on his face, even though I couldn't see him. It was in his voice, sending a tingle through me when he spoke. “My apologies. I broke. You came and you were so tight and wet—I couldn't hold out. I'll make it up to you.”

  A hitching laugh shook me. “Any more and you might give me a heart attack.”

  “You're young,” he said philosophically. “You'll survive.”

  Just as I was getting used to his heat at my back, Royal's arm lifted and he was gone, rolling to the other side of the bed. His feet hit the floor for a bare second and he was back, hooking his hands under my arms and hauling me up the bed.

  He was a lot faster and smoother than me. Before I realized what he was up to, my arms were above my head, his silk tie wrapped firmly around my wrists, anchoring them to the bed frame. With any other man, I would have panicked.

  Bondage wasn't my thing. Usually. Or ever before. I'd had a boyfriend suggest it, but I hadn't been able to relax, too freaked out by not being able to move.

  Not with Royal. For one thing, I'd started this by tying him to the chair, and look how that had turned out. I couldn't wait to see what Royal had in mind for his turn.

  And for another, I trusted him.

  I'd never thought I'd reach a point in my life where I trusted any man other than J.T. But here we were, and I wasn't going to waste time lying to myself. I trusted Royal, so much that even after I let him tie me to the bed I felt no fear, only rising anticipation, the tingle of that nascent orgasm sparking back to life.

  Royal knelt over me, settling his hands on the sides of my ankles and sliding them up, the tips of his fingers exploring, feeling everything. His hands moved over my legs, my hips, dipping into my waist, his thumbs sliding in to meet over my belly button before cruising up again to graze the outside of my breasts. When he was done, I tingled all over. Then he slid those gentle hands back down and up again, just touching, stroking, setting me on fire with his gentle worship of my body.

  Cherished. I'd never felt cherished before. He didn't go for my breasts or my pussy. Not yet. Instead, he kissed the tip of one elbow, my belly button, the side of my hip, touching me with so much focus tears sprang to my eyes.

  He had me all mixed up, my heart so full, my body teased almost to the edge of another orgasm. I wanted to beg him to get out that second condom, to ease the growing tension. I kept my mouth shut. Almost as much as I wanted to come, I wanted to see what came next.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Do your arms hurt?” Royal breathed into my ear.

  I shook my head. “Uh-uh. Not my arms.”

  “Mmm, then what? Here?” He ran a light finger over my ribs and I flinched at the tickling sensation. I shook my head again.

  “Here?” Another stroke, this time over my hip bone.

  Another shake of my head followed by a squirm. Teasing bastard. But he'd been so patient when I'd tied him to the chair. I could hold out a little longer. Maybe. I hoped I could. He settled himself between my legs, his upper body weighing me down, his face inches from my breasts.

  “What about here?”

  It took him a fucking eternity, but finally, his fingertip lightly grazed my tight nipple. I jolted as if touched by a live wire.

  “Mmm. I'd better see what I can do about that.” Royal leaned his dark head over my breast, closed
his mouth over my nipple, and sucked. Hard.

  Lightning shot straight from my nipple to my clit. I let out a moan, the primal, needy sound nothing I'd ever heard from my own body.

  “I bet this one hurts, too.”

  Before I could get my brain together to answer, his mouth was on my other breast. He sucked, trading one side for the other, ignoring my moans as he pulled me closer and closer to detonation. Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, he lifted his head, his blue eyes pure flame.

  “I could do that all day, but there's something else I want before you come again.” Rocking from side to side, he eased himself down the bed, using his mouth on me as he went, licking the underside of my breast, tasting my belly button, and finally burying his face between my legs.

  My eyes squeezed shut. I practically came off the bed when his mouth closed over my clit. Oh, my God. He sucked, then licked, then sucked again, the pleasure so strong I couldn't move, couldn't breathe. He shifted again and a finger touched my opening, pressing in.

  That was all it took. His mouth on my clit, his finger inside me, and I went off again, my back arching so hard I wondered if I'd break the bed. This time I didn't call his name. This time I'm pretty sure I screamed.

  He was still down there when I came back to myself, a smug smile on his gorgeous face. With a wink, he slid back up my body to end up exactly where he'd been before, his face even with my breasts.

  “Your arms still okay? Not numb or hurting?”

  I shook my head automatically.

  “You sure?”

  Words wouldn't form. I nodded instead.

  “Good. I want to try that again.”

  “Again?” I croaked.

  “Unless you want me to stop. I could go get that book you mentioned.”

  I managed a weak smile and shook my head one more time. “If you really want to try again, I won't talk you out of it.”


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