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Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  His cock stood out in front of him, long and thick. The foreskin was pulled back, showing the red, mushroomed tip. Taking a deep breath, she stared at the hard flesh, feeling her pussy respond to the sight.

  “Open your legs.”

  Arguing was useless. This is what they both wanted and she was desperate to feel him. She spread her thighs wide, showing him everything he wanted to see.

  “Do you like?” she asked.

  “You’re a beautiful woman. I can see your cream from here. You’re turned on, aren’t you, baby?”

  “Is it wrong for us to be feeling like this after what just happened?” she asked.

  The smile on his face fell.

  “I’d rather be feeling this than panicking about what’s going to happen in the morning. Trevor will probably be here with all of his people, checking the place over for prints and anything else he can find. Tomorrow, for a few hours, this place won’t feel like our own.” His cock was losing some of its hardness.

  Running her hand down her body, Darla decided to shut up about the break-in and focus on Ryan. He clearly didn’t need reminding of what happened. Nothing happened to her at all and she needed to focus on the now, rather than the ifs of earlier.

  “I’m wet because you make me wet.” Tapping the bed, she moved over, making more room for him. “Come on, Ryan.”

  The man before her was so much more than a potential lover. He was her best friend and he meant the world to her. She couldn’t bear it if something were to happen to him.

  Ryan settled down on the bed, reaching out for her. She closed the distance she’d given him and pressed a hand to his chest.

  “Before anything else can happen, I’m going to make you feel good,” she said, kissing his cheek. She forced him to lie down as she straddled his waist, kissing his lips.

  “This is not about me.”

  “I don’t care what you were planning. I want to have some fun of my own.” Slamming her lips down on his, she tried to be gentle with him, but the arousal was bursting inside, waiting to get out.

  His hands gripped her waist, then went down to cup her ass. She moaned, rubbing her body against him. Her pussy was begging for some attention. Forcing her own feelings and desires aside, she focused on Ryan.

  Kissing down from his lips, she spent some time at his neck, sucking and nibbling on the flesh. Darla didn’t stay in one place. She loved every inch of his body, relishing each gasp or moan she drew from his lips.

  She paid careful attention to his nipples, sucking the small buds into her mouth and biting down. All the time, she didn’t once touch his cock. His hands touched her all over, apart from her center, where she needed him most. Licking her lips, she began her descent down to his shaft.

  Darla gripped the base of his cock with her hand and pulled back the foreskin to reveal the jewel of his pre-cum leaking out the tip. She licked the pre-cum before taking his cock into her mouth.

  “Fuck!” Ryan growled the word up to the ceiling as she sank her mouth over his hot flesh. His cock felt red-hot to her, swollen and in need. He had copious amounts of pre-cum waiting to be sucked and she swallowed it down, enjoying the taste of him on her tongue.

  His fingers sank into her hair, pushing her down hard onto his erection.

  Keeping her fingers wrapped around the base, she steadied his harsh rhythm to something she could manage without fear of choking. He got the hint, easing off his grip and giving her some space to move.

  With her other hand, she cupped his balls, caressing then between her fingers. Every touch elicited a new response from him. In the process of pleasuring him, Darla found her own pleasure building.

  “You feel so good. Your mouth is fucking beautiful.” He thrust his hips up when his touch no longer worked.

  She kept up with sucking the tip, swallowing down his pre-cum as it leaked into her mouth.

  “I’m not going to last if you keep doing this,” he said.

  Darla didn’t say a word. She listened to him talk, but concentrated on giving him pure pleasure.

  “I can’t hold it, Darla. If you don’t want my cum in your mouth, then stop.”

  He excited her with how blunt he could be. In those few blissful moments, she felt powerful, like a Goddess.

  Ryan growled, tensing his whole body as wave upon wave of cum shot into her mouth. She swallowed him down, loving the way he let go.

  When there was no more to milk from him, she settled back, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “I fucking love you,” he said, grabbing her.

  She crashed onto his body, moaning as his hand settled between her thighs.

  “Straddle my hips. I can’t return the favor tonight and lick your pussy, but I can give you an orgasm.”

  Smiling, she kissed his lips quickly. “It wasn’t a favor, Ryan. I wanted to give you pleasure.”

  “Now I want to give you something a little more.”

  His fingers eased open her slit and he glided a finger into her core at the same time he was pressing his thumb against her clit.

  “I know how to do this,” he said, adding a second finger into her cunt.

  Tightening around the sudden invasion, Darla stared into his eyes as he wreaked havoc with her body.

  “Give me one of your tits.”

  She pushed her chest out, offering him one of her breasts for him to lick and suck. He took her nipple into his mouth, sucking on the flesh.

  Closing her eyes, she wrapped her hands around his neck and held on as he worked her body better than she anticipated.

  “That’s right, baby, give me your orgasm,” he said.

  Riding his fingers, Darla worked herself into a frenzy through his touch. Not a part of her was left untouched while she was in his arms. It was like he knew which buttons to press to draw out her pleasure.

  Crying out, she gripped his shoulders tightly, not wanting to let go. He thrust three fingers into her pussy and circled her clit.

  The pleasure was too much and yet not enough. She couldn’t help but think about Luke and Jon joining them. Their hands all over her body, bringing her to orgasm with their touch. Three men, six hands, and Darla couldn’t wait to get started in exploring it.

  Her orgasm shook her to the core. The intense sensation was so unexpected that she felt like she was spinning.

  All the time, Ryan held her tightly, riding her body through her orgasm. When she could no longer stand his touch, being too sensitive, he withdrew his hand.

  She moaned as she watched him sucking on his fingers.

  “You do things to surprise me,” she said.

  “No, I do things I like. You taste so good.”

  Ryan kissed her lips and together they settled on the bed. He looked a little pale and had obviously done too much, too soon.

  Settling against his chest, Darla listened to him breathing. There was no need to talk, but her thoughts were driving her crazy.

  They were all waiting for sex, but why were they? Because she felt nervous about being with the men she loved.

  Nothing made any sense to her anymore. On the one hand, she was nervous about being with all three men. She was pregnant from Luke, twice, and yet Jon and Ryan both wanted her. In a normal world, she’d have been kicked to the curb by now for her feelings for three men.

  Living in Stone Valley had its benefits. No one cared about her dating three men. It was stranger to see Nathan without a father.

  Snuggling against Ryan, she finally made up her mind. In the morning, she’d get a pregnancy test and stop holding off living her life. She was only on the planet once and she didn’t want to have to look back in years to come to see nothing but regret.

  * * * *

  It would only be a matter of time before they found the disk. Derek laughed, slamming shut the hotel door. The room needed a serious cleaning. There was some blood spatter on the walls, and the bed sheets held his and Peaches’ evidence of doing something more than sleeping.

  Luke, Jon, a
nd Ryan were going to get what was coming to them. He’d leave Darla alone. The young woman was probably going to get fucked in the head as he was going to end the Willis line, which meant her son was on his list.

  Jackson and Byron were on their way back to Stone Valley, or at least they would be when their sons’ deaths reach them. He was tired of having to deal with filth, and the Willises were nothing but pure, disgusting filth. The whole town of Stone Valley was corrupt with their sharing. He hated them all and couldn’t wait to see them all dead.

  Tonight had turned him on. Feeling his bat connect with Ryan’s skull had given him pleasure. He’d not hit the fucker hard. If he hit him hard then it would have taken the other man out of the game, and he was all for playing a game.

  Rubbing his hands together, he opened the door to the bathroom. He’d put up several pictures, along with the notes of his plans for all three brothers and the little boy he was going to hurt. Byron and Jackson would be easy to kill.

  The pleasure came from knowing he was about to hurt the sons.

  All he needed to wait for was the Sheriff, fucking useless man, to find the disk he’d left behind. Once that was done, the next stage in his plan was complete.

  Chapter Seven

  Jon found Luke and Ryan eating breakfast in the kitchen. Tape was all around where the Sheriff wanted to investigate.

  “I can’t believe our house has turned into a crime scene,” he said.

  Both brothers glared at him, pointing to the little guy sat at the counter, eating toast. Nathan’s eyes were wide.

  “We’re playing a game with each other, Jon,” Luke said. “It’s time to see where the baseball bat went and why it is missing.”

  The little boy lost interest and went back to eating his cereal and flicking through a catalogue.

  He glanced around the kitchen wondering when Darla was going to pop up. Grabbing the cereal box away from Ryan, he poured himself some breakfast as Darla charged into the kitchen.

  “I’m sorry that took so long.” She was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a white shirt. “Tate’s stopping by to pick me up. I’ll drop Nathan in school, deal with this advisor thing in the library and meet you at the diner for lunch?”

  “Sure,” Ryan said.

  Jon watched as she kissed Ryan, then Luke before heading toward him.

  “Did I miss something?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “Not really. I got a call from a career advisor this morning. They’ve got a spot for me so we can discuss my options for study. I’m going to take your advice and pick up studying again.” She kissed his cheek then grabbed Nathan.

  “I didn’t finish breakfast.”

  “Mommy’s got toast in her bag,” Darla said.

  He watched her leave with her son in tow.

  “Okay, I feel like I’ve woken up on another planet. What the hell is going on?” Jon asked.

  “She’s working hard to give us all what we want. I thought you’d be happy with that,” Ryan said, taking the box and pouring himself more cereal.

  “The Sheriff called. He’s coming up with a forensic team and David Coulter to talk about our security,” Luke said.

  Jon turned his attention to his older brother. “When will they be here?”

  “In half an hour. We’ve got to run through what happened last night. I think this murder he talked about last night was serious,” Ryan said.

  “Could one of you just talk to me instead of you both jumping in and saying your piece? It’s a little distracting.” Jon pointed his spoon at each of them in turn. “And why wouldn’t murder be serious?”

  “Stone Valley is getting a lot of action. Trevor’s struggling under the pressure. Also, Daniel and David, the two new guys in town, are proving to be quite a force to reckon with,” Ryan said.

  “How do you go from murder to gossip within a sentence?” Jon asked, looking at his younger brother. “Does this have something to do with your head wound?”

  “No, I’m just keeping you up to date, seeing as you were late in bed.”

  Luke chuckled.

  “I was tired last night,” Jon said. “It was a great date. Admittedly, it ended worse than I imagined. I was hoping to convince her to join me in bed, but you got there first.” Dipping his spoon into his cereal, Jon took a bite. It was too sweet. He hated cereal.

  “I did have a head injury.”

  “Should have gone to the hospital,” Jon said.

  “You boys are acting like surly teenagers. We’re all in love with Darla. She knows we’re here,” Luke said, folding up the newspaper. “Nothing in there on a murder or a missing person, which is good news.”

  “I brought her to orgasm last night.”

  Silence fell on the room. Jon stared at Ryan, wishing he could have seen their woman lost in pleasure. Stepping forward, he placed his bowl on the counter and took a seat. “What was it like?”

  “She was absolutely beautiful. Darla opens up and she gives a part of herself to you.” Ryan smiled. “Something changed last night. I don’t know what, but something did. She seems more herself from the old days, rather than the scared woman she appeared to be a few days ago.”

  Jon knew what he meant. There were times he didn’t understand Darla at all. He loved her so completely, but when it came to telling her, he always found it difficult.

  “Well, regardless of what happens, I still want to have a date night with her,” Jon said. Glancing at his two brothers, he wondered if he should tell them about the deal he made with Fabio, or if it would be best to keep that information to himself.

  “I phoned our dads this morning,” Ryan said.

  “What did they say?” Jon decided on a later date to tell them about the deal he had with Fabio.

  “The usual. They’re wanting us to install some top-of-the-range equipment. They don’t like the thought of any of us being vulnerable.” Ryan started to talk about his conversation and Jon zoned out. Their two fathers could be worrisome at times.

  “How are you feeling?” Jon asked, once Ryan stopped talking.

  “I’m feeling fine. The guy mustn’t have clipped me hard.”

  “Do you think it was a guy?” Luke asked.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t get a look at them at all. It could be anyone.” Ryan shook his head. “What I hate the most is how vulnerable Nathan could have been.”

  “I know you guys don’t want to hear this,” Luke said, taking his “alpha stance,” as Jon called it, “but I think we should cancel date night until we know what’s happening for certain.”

  Glaring at his brother, Jon shook his head. “What if this was some kind of fluke? We’re going to change our whole lives on something that might not even need it?” He’d really enjoyed last night. Without date night, he’d be competing with his brothers in order to win her heart. It wasn’t going to happen. He couldn’t bring himself to tell Luke and Ryan about his insecurities.

  He’d never been the kind of guy who complained and wasn’t about to start now.

  “Think about it. We were alone last night. It may be a fluke, and if it is, then I’ll forfeit all date nights for a month,” Luke said, holding up his hands.

  Frowning, Jon stared at his older brother. It sucked being the middle child, but if Luke was willing to lose date night then he had a hunch about something.

  “Fine. No date night, and we’ll all stick together. How are we going to deal with the bar and leaving Darla alone?” Jon asked.

  Luke tapped on the counter “We’ll hire temporary staff and train them throughout the day.”

  Ryan and Jon scoffed at the idea.

  “Come on, what more do you want? I’m looking out for our family. Give me some credit.”

  The banging on the door interrupted their conversation.

  “We’ll decide something with Darla present. She’ll probably have a better idea,” Ryan said.

  * * * *

  “Why are we standing outside of a pharmacy really early in the morning?” Ta
te asked. The other woman stood beside her. Glancing toward her, Darla smiled.

  “I think I’m pregnant. I don’t know if I’m pregnant, but I think I am.”


  “So, I’ve been putting off a pregnancy test in case it’s positive.”

  “Which Willis boy was it this time?” Tate asked.

  She chuckled. This is what she loved about Tate. The other woman didn’t argue or judge. Tate was one of the best friends she could have, even with the four-year age difference.

  “It’s Luke again. We were arguing, and then we were…” She spun her hands in a circle, trying to find the right, delicate word to use in the situation.


  “Tate.” Darla snapped the other woman’s name, looking up and down the street.

  “Honey, this is the most gossipy town you’re ever going to get the pleasure of living in. We all know each other’s business. Shit, people even know about that murder that took place and the body found just inside the border sign.” Tate’s hands were on her hips and a pair of sunglasses rested on her head.

  Darla shivered at the reminder of last night. Glancing at the time on the wall inside the pharmacy, she knew the Sheriff would be at home, probably doing his stuff and writing in his notebook. Nathan was at nursery and she’d gotten him signed up for school the following September. Life, apart from the glitch last night, was looking up for her.

  “You’ve got that faraway look in your eye. Are you thinking about your men, you little slut?” Tate teased her, laughing.

  Hearing stuff like that coming from Tate didn’t have any malicious value at all.

  “You’re relentless.”

  “I’m not getting any at all,” Tate said.

  “What happened to Neil and Tyler?” Darla asked.

  “Absolutely nothing. They didn’t give me one good reason to waste my day off standing outside of a pharmacy.”

  Turning to her friend, Darla caught her hand. “I could be pregnant and I need to know the answer, because I don’t want to spend my life worrying about what could have been. Last night with Ryan getting hurt reminded me how fast life can go.” Biting her lip, Darla tried her best to fight the tears. “My mom isn’t going to last much longer. She’s deteriorating faster than the doctors expected. I don’t want to live a life with regrets and I know my mom has one regret.”


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