Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Eight

  Darla watched her three men playing ball with Nathan. It had been over a week and a half. It was the weekend, and her men were keeping her confined to the house. None of them were touching her at all. She’d not been invited to anyone’s bed and she was certain they were taking turns in staying up throughout the night. Sipping at her glass of water, she kept her gaze on the back yard. The love they all had for her son couldn’t be denied. Throughout the week, after she’d taken Nathan to nursery, she’d talked with her doctor, Jeremy Norris. He was going to run some tests to make sure everything was fine.

  She’d have to tell her men soon. Something was going on between them. Growing up with Ryan and being around Jon and Luke gave her good insight to how the men worked. They were banded together instead of arguing.

  Tapping the rim of her glass, she wondered what it was. David, the guy working with Daniel and the Sheriff, had brought some guys to install a new security unit. Every door and window in the house was locked every day. A code needed to be typed in by the door within a minute of entering to stop the alarm bells from being raised. She’d also noticed Daniel lurking around their home.

  At least when she visited her mother, she wasn’t surrounded by protective males. They still allowed her the freedom to go and do most things.

  Ryan was coming toward the house. He removed his shirt as he did. The sweat marks should gross her out, but all she felt was heat between her thighs. No man should be irresistible. Jon, Luke, and Ryan were all irresistible to her. Whenever she got the chance to see Tate, the other woman would ask constant questions about them in bed. She really wished she could tell her friend something.

  What could she say? She’d gone from sharing a bed to being forced into her own room every night. It was laughable. Darla expected one of them to produce a frilly nightgown that covered her whole body.

  “You’re in deep thought,” Ryan said, landing a kiss to her cheek before grabbing a bottle of water.

  “I’ve got a lot to think about.”

  She really shouldn’t be thinking about anything. The more she thought about what was happening, the angrier she became. It wasn’t right or fair of any of them to treat her like this if something wasn’t wrong.

  “Like what? Are you still thinking about what course to take online?” He leaned against the sink with his back to the window.

  “If I were to get naked right now, what would you do?” she asked, stepping in front of him. The longer they took to touch her, to make love to her, the harder it was going to become. Before they knew it, she’d have a large stomach in front of her with her hormones making it hard for them to understand her.

  Damn, it could be her hormones working against her now. She was wet all the time, her arousal so powerful she found it hard to concentrate on anything she was doing. Last night, she’d been cooking dinner but thinking about sucking Luke’s cock—he was at the table looking through some paperwork—and all she wanted to do was ravish him. The food got burned and they had no choice but to order takeout.

  Ryan looked nervous. He tried to look out of the window, but she stopped him. Grabbing his face, she forced him to look at her.

  “Answer me, Ryan. I can’t take much more of this.”

  “Don’t take your clothes off. I couldn’t say no.”


  He fidgeted on the spot but kept his mouth shut.

  “Fine, don’t talk to me, but know once Nathan’s in bed tonight, I’m getting my answers.” She took a step back, giving him the space he needed to escape. “Well, go on and tell your brothers I’m on a rampage. I need to know what’s going on.”

  “Nothing is going on.”

  She took a step closer, invading his personal space once again. “Nothing is going on?”


  “Then why haven’t you tried to touch me? Kiss me? Make love to me? On the night you got hit, we did a lot of things, Ryan Willis, and now we’re doing nothing.”

  “And you’re horny,” Luke said.

  Darla spun around to find the oldest Willis brother leaning against the doorframe.

  “Yeah, you know what? I am. I’ve got Tate nagging me for details and usually I don’t like giving details, but I’ve got three men. Not many women have three hot, hard, and handsome men, but I have, and not one of you is taking the chance to even touch me up.” She stopped, biting her lip.

  Her hormones were really getting the better of her. She needed to find a filter between her brain and mouth.

  Luke stepped into the room. “Then we’ll talk about your fears tonight.”

  She shrugged, feeling tears fill her eyes. “Is it me? Am I not attractive to you anymore?” she asked. Old insecurities started to rear their ugly head.

  Within seconds, Luke was in front of her. His hands sank into her hair, tilting her head back as he slammed his lips down on hers. She gasped, opening her lips, and he sank his tongue inside. He took possession of her mouth, turning her insides to mush as he ravished her lips.

  There was nothing gentle about his kiss. There was aggression, passion, and a hint of love in the way he made love to her mouth. He released her, keeping his hands in her hair and pressing his forehead to hers.

  “There is nothing I’d like more than to bend you over this table.”

  “Then why don’t you?” she asked. Her pussy contracted at the image he painted.

  “Because Nathan is outside and I don’t want to scare him with what I want to do to you. What we all want to do to you.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with me?”

  “No, there’s nothing wrong with you.”

  He kissed her lips once again.

  “I can get Tate to babysit him for the night. He’s not seen his Aunt Tate in a while.” She never liked getting other people to watch her boy, but for tonight, she’d make the exception.

  “Then make the arrangements. I’ll be more than happy to show you what we need.” He let her go, turned and left.

  Ryan winked at her. “I guess we’re on for tonight.”

  She couldn’t wait to feel all three of them, naked and against her.

  * * * *

  “What are we going to do?” Ryan asked, following his brother outside.

  “We’re going to see if she can get Nathan looked after and then we’re going to spend the rest of the night giving her what she needs.” Luke picked up the ball that had been kicked toward him.

  “Don’t you think we should tell her what’s going on?”

  “No. We do that and we risk putting her life at risk. I’m not going to do that. She’s not going to worry or panic. We’re going to handle this without her panicking at every creak in the house.”

  Ryan bit his lip. Pointing out that they were all panicking at every creak in the house wouldn’t help them in this situation.

  “Look, David is checking out Derek and Mom to see where they are, but so far, it’s not looking bad. It could just be a freak attack and we’re blowing it out of proportion,” Luke said.

  “Yeah, it’s that bad that our two dads are making their way to Stone Valley. They’ll be arriving in a matter of days and you think this will all blow over?” Ryan felt his anger starting to stir.

  “Well, we can dwell on the fact you were attacked by someone we don’t know who clearly has an issue with us, or we can see it as something that was random. Until I’m told to worry, I’m not going to. You shouldn’t, either.”

  If only he could live like that. “I’m going out for a while,” Ryan said, moving away from the yard.

  “Where and you can’t go too far.”

  “I’m going to check out the bar. Plenty of people there and it’s daylight.” At the weekend, the bar opened at lunchtime to give the locals somewhere to go to let loose.

  “You shouldn’t be alone,” Luke said, calling across the yard.

  Turning around, he lifted his hands in the air. “There’s nothing to worry about. I’m going to take a leaf out of your book, b
rother. We’re good and I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

  Before anything more could be said, he jogged toward the truck. He was inside and away from their home, heading toward the Dancin’ Donkey. If he stayed inside that house another minute, he’d go stir crazy. Now Luke was burying his head away from the potential troubles, and it was pissing him off.

  Parking outside of the bar, he climbed out and walked inside. Tate was on the phone when he walked in. She glared at him, hanging up as he took a seat at the bar.

  “We’re not friends,” Tate said. “I put up with you because you’re my friend’s guy.”


  “So, when I get calls from Darla asking me to look after Nathan, I’m all for it. If she’s going to get some action tonight that’s going to curl her toes, then I’m happy to take her son. You, coming to the bar, looking like you’re going to drink…yeah, that’s not happening.” She clicked her fingers, gaining the room’s attention. “Anyone serves this man anything other than a soda and I’ll castrate you with a blunt knife.”

  Some of the men winced, grabbing their junk in the process.

  Rolling his eyes, Ryan turned his attention back to the woman in front of him. “You’re a bitch, you know that, right?”

  “Blame the two carpenters. I’m not getting any action at all.” She dropped a soda in front of him.

  “You’re way too blunt as well.”

  “I’m a blunt bitch and proud of it.”

  He sipped the soda, thankful it wasn’t a vodka or anything that could stop him from touching Darla tonight. “Who was on the phone when I walked in?” he asked.

  “Your brothers. Darla phoned five minutes ago and I agreed to watch her son. Luke and Jon are worried about you.”

  “There’s nothing to be worried about.”

  “Really? Is that why Trevor looks like he’s going to piss himself every time I see him?” Tate asked.

  He stared at her. Tate really didn’t have a filter at all. “I don’t know how to talk to you.”

  “So, do I look like I care?”

  Laughing, Ryan sipped at his soda. “There’s something going down, but Luke’s pretending there’s nothing to worry about. I needed to get away from all the fake happy.”

  “It better not be fake happy with Darla.” Tate warned, pointing a bottle of beer at him.

  “It’s not. I love Darla. I’ve loved her my whole life. The best thing that has ever happened to me is her coming to live with us. She’s our woman.”

  Tate’s lips softened. “Good, then tell me about your other worries.”

  Ryan told her everything, not leaving a thing out. It was nice talking to someone who didn’t think he was going crazy. She served other customers, but made sure they gave him a wide berth.

  “It’s freaky, the way you say it, but I don’t think you’re going crazy. Trevor looks scared and the other double-Ds are always talking or whispering,” Tate said.

  “How do you know all this?” Ryan asked.

  “I live in town. I see all of them on a daily basis. I see things.” She smiled at him.

  He chuckled.

  “You can’t spend all day here. Get back home and give your woman some lovin’. I’ll be by to pick Nathan up in a couple of hours. Get your head in the game, otherwise you’ll be dealing with me.”

  Ryan finished off his soda, feeling happier than he had all week. “See you around.”

  “Yes, you will.”

  Tate waved him off. Climbing back into his truck was a relief. He fired up the engine and went back home to where the woman of his dreams was waiting for him.

  She stood on the front porch as he pulled up. Her arms were folded underneath her breasts.

  He got out of the truck and ran up the stairs.

  “Tate called to let me know you were on your way home. I was worried about you.” She took a step back, leaning against the door.

  “I’ve been an asshole, but it’s not your fault.” Tilting her head back with a finger under her chin, he stared into her eyes. “I’m going to make up for that, I promise.” Leaning down, he brushed his lips against her. “I can’t wait for tonight. I’m going to kiss every inch of your body and show you everything I’ve been imagining.”

  “You’re going to drive me crazy with your talk,” she said, gripping his arms.

  “I’m getting you ready for tonight.” He kissed her lips. “Is Nathan with my brothers?”


  “Good. Go and pamper yourself for tonight. You’ll feel much better.”

  * * * *

  Luke sat in the sitting room, listening to Darla hand Nathan over. Tate was laughing with his son, tickling him. Hearing the two together helped to ease his mind. He was worried, in case Nathan didn’t want to go, but he could tell, even from his seat, that the two were close.

  “Are you sure you’re happy to go?” Darla asked.

  “Yes!” The squeal of excitement couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than that.

  He heard Darla chuckle. “Okay then. If there is anything you’re concerned about, give us a call and we’ll come running.”

  “I get it. I’m not stupid, Darla. Have a lot of fun. I know I’m not getting any, so take notes. I need details, woman.”

  Ryan smirked. All three of them sat in the sitting room, waiting, anticipating their freedom to do whatever the hell they wanted. His cock was rock-hard and made it impossible for him to move in the tight confines of his jeans. He’d not found release in a long time. Using his hand was a waste of time. It was easier to just work out rather than try to ease the pulsing need in his pants.

  The front door closed, the lock slid into place. He heard the beep as she typed in the code. Ryan, Jon, and himself had gone around the house and locked the doors and the windows. He refused to worry tonight. Nothing could happen to them. They were all together in this.

  He heard her walking down the hall, getting closer. She rounded the corner, resting her head against the doorframe. “We’re alone.”

  “Tate and Nathan are close,” Jon said.

  “Yeah, they’ve got a strong bond and love sitting and watching animated movies together.”

  Luke wouldn’t have pegged Tate as the kiddy film type. It just went to show you don’t always know something about a person. Staring down the line of Darla’s body, he licked his lips.

  “Take your clothes off,” he said, touching his aching cock. He needed inside her. Tonight was going to be a long night. There was no chance he was backing away from her.

  Darla was going to get everything without holding back. She was going to know how desperately he ached to be inside her.


  “Take your clothes off.” Luke repeated himself, taking his hand off his dick in the process.

  “I’d listen to him if I were you. He’s not the kind of man who likes to be questioned,” Jon said.

  He nodded at his brother. Ryan said the same, and all their gazes were on her, waiting.

  “What are you three going to do?” she asked, standing straight.

  “We’re going to watch you get naked. I want you to go slow,” Luke said. “Ryan and Jon will tell you what they want as you undress. Remember, slow.”

  She fingered the button of her white, buttoned shirt. Slowly, she eased each button open, taking her careful time. When she pushed the shirt off her shoulders, he was met with the white lace bra she wore. Through the lace, he saw the dark red tips of her nipples. Shifting his cock, Luke tried to ease the pressure, but watching Darla undress was a sweet torture that he’d have to endure.

  “Am I doing this right?” she asked.

  “Better than you imagine.” Ryan grunted the words. Luke knew his brother was gritting his teeth. Out of all three of them, Ryan was the least patient.

  Her smile was sweet. The clasp to the bra was behind her back. She turned, hiding her body from view. Luke didn’t say anything to make her stop. He merely watched the show. With every passing second, she w
as getting more into it. Her body was starting to sway to some tune that only she could hear. He didn’t care, as long as she got naked in the process.

  The bra fell to the floor and she turned. Her arms were crossed over her chest, obstructing their view of her tits.

  Luke growled, Ryan cursed, and Jon looked ready to take over.

  She swung her hips from side to side. He watched her lick her lips.

  “Who’s being the tease now?” Luke asked.

  “You’ve been teasing me long enough. I think it’s time I had my own fun.”

  Chuckling, Luke leaned back, resting his head in his hand. “Give me a show, baby.”

  Her hands fell and she pushed her breasts out.

  Groans echoed around the room as they witnessed their woman turn into a seductress.

  “You’re not playing fair,” Ryan said, moaning.

  Her hands went to her jeans. His mouth watered. Anticipation seemed to be the topic of the evening and it was killing him.

  You started this.

  Now he’d have to wait until Darla finished it.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked, wriggling the jeans down her thighs.

  “You know the answer, Darla,” Jon said.

  She giggled. The sound lightened his mood.

  “I know, but you wanted a show. I’m giving you all a show.”

  Where had this woman come from? Her stomach was nicely rounded and her thighs thick. Luke remembered what they felt like surrounding him with their warmth and strength. Grabbing his cock, he groaned, wishing he were sinking into her tight, hot cunt.

  Fuck, he was losing his mind with need for her.

  She kicked the jeans away and stood in nothing but a pair of white lace panties.

  “Turn around and bend over when you remove them,” Jon said.

  Jon had always been an ass man. He loved a good piece of ass to grab onto and Darla had all the curves they needed to keep them satisfied. Luke loved a good pair of thighs and hips. He liked to know his woman could take the pounding he was going to give her. Staring at Darla, he knew she could. Ryan was a tit man. Between all three of them, Darla had every part of her body covered with attention from them.


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